Play time: 36:26 minutes. Recorded in Sabatia, Kenya, May 13, 2014.

Vulwani Vwa Kevala

Herman Asava

Kuli inze ndakivala hanyuma yaha, ndai mulala ku vandu valwanila kivala kinu na ndayiga mu mang'ana manyinge mu kivala kinu. Nyasaye yali halala ninze kunzigitsa manyinge. Na hambeye hano ndavanga mundu wa kwali nangaye inyinga yaveye ya Matiba, mundu Timothy Jnoya wali musalisi witu wa kwagenda nangaye ku vunyinge; ayanze yanange kwikale naye kuli vasalisi va Kenya, komolome mang'ana gaveye munu. Setani yaingila munu na kwanyola ku mundu unayala kuvika vandu vene vala hala avavovele viganili vwoni vwewne vula dave. Mundu atovolwanga muno mu tsikura muno ma mundu oyo atsia wene yila ma atsia kuva iye nyasaye ma ava iye president, ava iye kindu chosi. Ningenda muno mbera sana, ndolanga kali naveye MP vandu venya vatsie kumulola security iveye koye inenene sana unyala kuduka koye dave. Isimu ni umukubila agimila dave, ni wenya kutsia kuduka hango hehe kumulola, umulola dave. Kali ku vandu vali vi inyuma yava councilor yava kandi vatsi ni mima jiene jila milala miele ndio; unyala kuduka koye dave. PC wala muno wene oyo kali kidogo yali afadhali unyala kutsia kumulola. Lwa kwakonyola kindu gavana na masneta na president na MP na vandu yava vosi tsindeve sita yitsi, vitsi ni vulwaye vonene sana muno, ma raia vatigaye inyuma vaveye na havatsila dave. Na kindu yiki chatanga hanyuma hala, vandu va ndali navo vanyinge vayitwa vakutsa. Ndakavola kuli Ronald Ngala si kwamanya kuli ya kutsa dave. Yal;i mundu mulala ku vandu vitu muno vali vanyala kokonya kivala chitu muno. Yakutsa aveye mu kirindwa. JM Kariuki wali mulala ku mundu wali musuvilifu; yakutsa watula muno. Mulala kuli Matiba yava ave mundu mulahi, yamanyi nanyagwa vwami vwene vula, aveyo ni kindu chosi dave; yagwa tsa kindi kindu kalunu ahulika dave. Koveye n tsihiri 42 mu Kenya muno. Kunyala kovola koveye havundu kovola ndi vagikuyu na vadamanu. Na onyola valala vatovola muno tsikura ma vandu veve vala vandu vasuvila na vandu valahi kumbe na vandu vadamanu vatsia kwita vandi. Kuli JM Kariuki wamwita si yali mujaluo dave, yali mulusha dave, mukamba dave, vali vagikuyu vene vita. Kariuki Njiru uyu wa likutsa lilie si yali Mulusha yamwita dave, muhindi dave, ni vakikuyu vene vita. Koveye mu ni tsihiri tsyitu tsia koveye nangatsio yitsi, sia mundu anyoleka tsa mu tsihiri tsane yitsi ya kanyola ku vonene yenya vandu vandi dave. Kindu kiveye mu Kenya muno kilala cha siasa yiki. Lwa olola vavola kalunu corruption asoya mu Kenya muno, vandu valeti muno corruption inyinge ni vanasiasa yava. Vanasiasa yava vanyolanga tsindeve ku vuveshi kjira corruptiion. Ma vanyola endeve yene yila na endeve ni yeye dave. Navutsa yakugula vala kuli va IEBC vasingiliyi tsikura yava, vandu vene yava vagulangwa vatangatse vuyu lyita. Inze kuli ndi nangwa ndavita muno tsikura hali kanyinge vangaya utasingira dave nakokohe igasi yindi kwenya vuyu, kwenya vuyu, na kwenya vuyu. Si manyi cha valola ku inze vavola vakola gene gala dave. Ma kandi venya kunzita kandi; si vanyenya dave. Ku mukenya muno ni oveye mundu wa giligale, ovola giligale, noveye mundu wa mamendeleo, Kenya yinu vakwenya dave. Nyenya vandu va Kenya yava, vatsie mu kigulu kuli cha Mt. Kenya yiki, vatsie ku mu vindi yivi vatsie kusala nyasaye, vandu vaveye mu vadamanu, valeti muno likutsa yili vatuli mu vindu viene yivi. Vindu vitsi mu Kenya muno kwita muno vandu yivi, via kovola malwa yaga, si gaveye malwa gamala vandu muno dave, midoga jimala vandu yiji. Vandu vagenda vudiku kali vaduka midoga kali ni tsibomu yitsi. Kali lwa kovola vasomali vene yava, vandu vene vasomali vanyoreka ndi nangwa ni vindu vineneyivi na kuyi serekali kove nangayo. Nutsia mu polisi mula onyola tsa kandi yimwo mwu vuchafu voveye ku vunyinge vwene. Vandi vaveye ku asoya, valitsanga asoya, kalunu gakwingila mu midoga jia kunina mu yiji dave. Mudoga goveye kuho guvula kuhana asoya dave, ku mudoga gwosi goveye ku ho guvula kuhana asoya dave. Mudoga gwosi guvita niva niveye nissan, ibasi ihana asoya ku ivita. Mang'ana gene ga kovola muno ga 2007/2008, lwa muvola mwenye mulete mirembe muno, mang'ana gene gala president aveye kondeve na kijira ki mang'ana gene ha gatula presdent si anyala kulanga vandu vene vala vosi security neveye muno eteve vandu vala vosi vakutsa ndi mu kanisa ya Eldoret yila. Vandu vaveye mu mahema vala mirimi jiavo ni tsinyumba tsiavo vialekelwa vwaha; vwaha ya vatulitsa mu. Kwenya kovole ndi, na vagikuyu veng'ine vamala vandu yava, vakalenjin veng'ine vamala vandu yava. Kindiki kiveye mu mang'ana yaga. Ku nogenda kalunu unyala konyola nuwenya munu ikura, ni vakumanya oveye mundu wa giligale, ohona dave; ulakutsa. Kijira venya mundu musuvilifu atsie imbili dave, alatsia kuvula mang'ana gitu. Nuva munu kandi mang'ana gene yaga gakingilamu makanisa. Makanisa vilwatsi vabara vakwingila mu venyanga vahevwe asoya, vahevwe kndiki vatsie kusalisa ku mang'ana gu vuveshi. Vandu vasalwanga munova vavola vatsie klusala ku vwamihi vwene yivu, vatsitsa kusala ku vandu vakola vulahi anoho vatsitsa kusala ku vandu vita muno vandu. Ma ulola vandu vitu va makanisa vatsitsa kusala ku vandu vene vala vavasala vugasu ni mirembe. Kina chatsia ICC kila, niva corruption si iveye mu kivala kinu dave, kijira ki kina kila si chavula kuvita. Vandu vononyia tsikura tsia 2007/2008 vatangatsa vandi vandu, kijira ki vandu vene vala si vanyala kugimilwa vayalwa. Kalunu nutsia nohenza kalunu vina viveyo vandu vayalana, vagavana vayalwa; corruption iveye mu. Kalunu vandu vavola ma gavana yagagatumikila tsisendi vulahi dave na iyo serekali ya kutegemea. Ku kalunu niva vonyonyia tsisendi tsiene tsila, mundu watsa wamihi kivala kinu ni vwaha. Na lwa president ahula vindu viene vandu vene va kola gene gala, kijira kisa anyala kulanga ma gavana gene yaga avateve tsisendi yitsi tsioneka kijira, na kunyi vandu vene va kwanyangana mu kivala kinu, kijira ki kuhula munu tsibilioni ni tsibilioni na kunyi vandu va kwalwanila kivala kinu koveye kuli na isimoni dave, koveye ni kindu chosi dave; kuganaganywanga ku dave. Na onyola gava yahevwa tsisirinji tsiosi, vandu va MCA vayala vagavana vavola vatumikila tsisendi vulahi dave, vaseneta vavola vatumukila tsisendi vulahi dave. Nutsia ku vaseneta vene vala mundu aveho okovola na seneta atumikila tsitsie vulahi. Mp naye atumikila vulahi. Na kivala kinu niva kungayo iyi yali inyala kuva ikatiba indahi. Lakini vandu vitu vakwononyia ikatiba yene iyi iveye indahi dave. Na kijira ki kalunu ni va kuli kwa mfano, Uhuru Kenyatta oveye kondeve uyu nende Wiliiam Ruto, niva valola serekali vagihula, kiijira ki si vanyala kuvunaga serekali iyi kwilane muvuchagutsi vandu vatovole vandu valahi vanyala kutsia kulinda wene yila, vatitsa kindiki kuvunaga serekali iyi. Katiba iyi niva makosa gaveye mu vavititsa ndi vavola ni indahi ma kalunu vavola ni indahi dave. Koveye na malago gavola ndi nangwa, ni muveye na MP na vandu vinyu, liloleka si vakola vulahi dave, elders noho mba cultural vikale hala kuli vameru vamanya vikala hala, ma kunyi kovole, vuyu atuli yo. Va navatuli yo konyole serekali indahi ma kali kutula mu gene gala kali koteva kandi makanisa, mutsie kandi muhenze mu vilwatsi vinyu yava. Niva vilwatsi si vaveye valahi dave, yivo vajiranga kali vasala ku vindu vidamanu vila vimedeka muno, vandu vene vala vatuli ku vu pastor vwene vula valekele vandu valahi. Vali vachifu na ass. chifu nu vwivi vwi tsing'ombe muno, vandu vene yava vavimanyi vindu viene yivi. Kijira nukubila ass. chifu isimu agumila dave, nukubila mupolisi agumila dave. Nutsia kalunu mu mang'ana gi tsikoti kalunu, keveye ku ni chu unyala kuhila ku mukoti mula ma uguti dave, ove ni tsisendi muya, utsie kohonga judge ku china kila ahuli, kali chava kiveye kilahi, nutaveye ni tsisendi dave, amanyaaisuva china chene kilaavola huna ushaidi. Inze mwene omoloma uyu ndali na ushaidi vulahi vandu vangola vudamanu mmbunyinge lakini mukoti vambola ndakuba ku chavula, ndatsia mu polisi vambola serekali ivola. Ndatsia mu vandu vitu vene yava kali ndatsitsa ku vandu vambola Moi iye ukutumi, na Moi iye president. Ndahandikila Moi tsibarua hali kanyinge, ndanyola ku majibu dave, Moi yayiyama vudamanu vwa yangola dave. Ndahandikila Mwai Kibaki ibarua ninze ngu wa katsa ku vupresident kalunu, henzelitsa mang'ana gali gange yaga, kutange nive igasi vulahi samu. Moi yavola Musa Mudavadi mundu oyo ni mulahi dave, atanyola indeve dave. Kali lwa ndali nisingiyi muno kondeve yu vubunge, Musa Mudavadi nakutsi, Moi yatuma mundeve natsia kolola PC Kakamega. PC ni yatsa vangimila hano ninzia Kakamega, vavolanga ndi President avola oleke Musalia Mudavadi atsie naye alakuganagana. Kweli cha Moi yamanya yakola kwatsia nangwa Ambwere, Lawrence Isigi, yamanya nalanga Ambwere natsia yo, nahevwa sirinji tsimilioni 13 na inze vandeka ichova na vambolanga nasingili muno vatsa vambe igasi muno. Moi yali mundu wali shimbe ninze; iye mulala ku vandu vatumanga Musa Mudavadi tsia mumale mundu ula mumutulitse ho. Ma inze nyenyanga kove nanga Moi kali tsibarua tsiveye mu ovisi lwa Moi yali naveye kugasi nakili ku ritaya, ndamuhandikila ibarua nimbola, nutsitsa kusosa ndi, nyenya kumalane nive; kwatulana kuliha kutamana nive. Na hambili hala kwalange inze, Moi, Masinde Muliro; va kwagenda nu kugunza hala. Undi mundu yali ho vamulanga Reuben Chesire na Paul Bomet. Kwikala tsa kindu kila kuli avana va mundu mula. Chesire yalange mu KFA (Kenya Farmers Association). Ku vandu va kwali nangavo vulina inyinga yene yila kumbe kwagenda nangavo na venyelitsa mang'ana gu undi mundu vamunyole vudamanu. Ku inze ndakavita muno tsikura shimbe hali kavaga anoho kanne ni vagaya vanyenya dave. Na vudamanu vwange vambola dave. Kandi si ndashilwa ku mukoti vambole vudamanu vwa ndakola muno vatsie kunzala dave. Nitali vatuma tsa vandu ku inze vatse kunzita. Ndakavita munu tsikura ma vatsia vutsa vavola ndi nangwa inze mburi kutsia mu council anoho parliament dave; vavugula undi vashila wene yila. ma inze ndava tsa hano ndi nangwa ndagotwa vudamanu vwa ndakola mu kivala kinu. Ku ninganagana kuli katiba ya kwaleta munu ya kwatulitsa Lancaster House yila, inze ninze wali mulala ku vashauri vanene na Mbiu Koinange naveye ivulaya, nakonya mashauri yila nainze yinu. Ma Mbiu Koinange yamanya nanyola munu indeve, inze ndanyola ku muno kindu chosi dave. Shikuku yakanyola ku endeve kandi lwa ya kaduka mu parliament alagilung'ana hali kavili; agwa ku lovega lwa Moi, kwa kava nanga Matiba hala, agilung'ana atsia wa Moi yila atsia konyola yo mang'ana gandi yo. Mino ga olola ga kulika yaga, Shikuku iye yakula gene gala, yatumwa yatse kunzita. Vatsa koveye mufungamano house Nairobi vanduya mino yaga koveyo ni livugana nanga Matiba nimbeye advisor wa Matiba nende Wang'uhu Ng'ang'a - kandi yatengwa kuli inze ndatengwa ndio. Kivala chitu kinu kiveye ni vodedekere kijira kalunu vandu vatigaye vasuvilifu muno ni shimbe one quarter lakini vatigaye three quarter vonechi beyi; vakutsia mu corruption, mang'ana gu kwenya kwita vandu. Nuutsa kuli mang'ana gene midoga jigwitsa kunzila yiji, nohenza ku vandu vanyala kuyalwa anoho vapolisi vayalwe midoga jiaginga vandu vanyinge na munyi mutsiyi hayi? Igasi yinyu kindiki. Nutsia mu tsikoti; china kinyala kuva mu koti kimala mu shimbe mihiga jitano sita vayala dave; chasingila. Matiba yenya vandu vanyala kumukonya vave vashauri veve. Yali inze, Shikuku yavetsanga mukarani witu anoho uli organizing secretary, Charles Rubia nava hala ninze ma Wanguhu Ng'ang'a kuva naye na vandu vandi kivala beyi. Kolendekana na mashauri ga ndahetsanga Matiba malahi galoleka Matiba atsitsanga kuguta serekali. Lwa galoleka inze mbeye shimbe ku Matiba, yilwo lwa venya kunzita kase Matiba alavugula serekali. Lwa kwamanya kuduka ku vuchagutsi, yamanya navita dave; vakola vujanja kuye navula kuvita na iye wali wamihi serekali iyi. Kali Matiba alamiha, ngani kwava nu vugasu munu vunyinge. Matiba ni mugikuyu na yali mundu mulahi mundu wi kivune kabisa. Kalunu Matiba imali yeye yosi yafwa kabisa, vamunula imali yali yeye yosi ku mang'ana ga magovi. Ma Matiba avetsa mwere kalunu anyangana sia nze nyangana ndi. Kindu chene cha ndevanga vandu vitu va Kenya vano, niva vandu vaveye ku tsindeve yava, kalunu koveye ninde Akaranga. Ninze wakashugulika nende Akaranga ku vunyinge munu. Kalunu koveye shimbe naye dave, avetsa ku vwivwe. Hanga Khaniri yaha, ninze wali mwene Nichodemus Khaniri, ninze mwene Smason Mmaitsi. Idiriji yila ndakakola yo igasi idukani sana, koveye ku ni mundu aveye shimbe na inze dave. Ma vandu yava vosi konyola tsa mundu yakamala konyola ikura ma afunga muliango gwene gula kase kulava nangaye hala kumbole mang'ana manyinge. Ku Kenya yinu chandeva ku kindu kenene inze ndakamoloma ku mang'ana ge mima, vandu vatsitsanga kusala vandu vavita vatsitsanga mu tsikura yava, vata kumanya mundu wa vatsitsa kusala mwene uyu ni mundu lugano ki, aviti tsikura kuli ndi nangwa. Na nyola tsikura tsiene yitsi ni kindiki cha yakola ku munu vandu ku yenye tsikura tsiene yitsi. Gataveye ndio dave, Kenya ku yafunya vudamanu. Vindu via valevi vikoleka muno vinyinge vandu vakutsa yava, nyasaye iye umala vandu vene yava kijira vwoni voveye muno, liveshi liveye muno. Kalunu vandu vitu vaveye mu parliament vaveye mu serekali yava kuli ndakavola yaha three quarters yavo si vaveye vasuvilifu dave. Vandu vakutigala mu tsa kali lwa kutsia kuduka muhiga gwa 2015 anoho 2016 ulanyola vabdu vaveye mu vabunge yava, vaseneta yava na vandu yava vosi aveye ku mundu yatsa anyoleke na veye mulahi dave. Kijira vatanji limina mina ku vandu kalunu, lwene yilu vavoye vagana komi na mbili gadukana gahenzelitswe ku gatumikila tsisendi vudamanu. Lelo ga magavana gaveye muno 47, kalunu gakili 35 gandi gaveye ku kandi gahenzelitswanga kandi, na kove munu na vagana mugamba dave. Vandu vene vakovola seneta yava kandi vagavana valavilana vavalonde kandi mang'ana gandi lugano, vabunge va olola yava kandi vatsitsa kuva nu vulwani kandi na vandi. Kivala kinu si kitsitsa kuva kilahi dave. Kuduchi ku vudinyu vudamanu sana. Kuli inze ku mundu walwanila vuhuru vwe kivala kinu, mbenda mwoyo sana si mbula vulahi dave kijira mang'ana ga ndamoloma mu inyinga yene yila kuduka na kalunu ndi gaveye ku ni vokonyi dave. Ndakahandika munu vitabu nitzigitsa mang'ana manyinge. Kali vabunge vala lwa vasoma tsa kitabu change vanyola kandi mbola mu mang'ana kandi kuli ga vabunge vene vala, vabunge vala valomba vitabu viange kalunu nyala kuhandika vinde kandi zaidi dave. Vangada valangonya tsiswendi, valangola kindiki; aveye ku ni mubunge mulala unyala kokoha gene gala dave. Kuvandu vene va ololanga vakukutsa munu vanyinge yava, vabunge vakutsa vanyinge yava kuli Shikuku yali mulahi mu litanga lakini lwa yamanya niyingila nalia kavili, alia iyi ni iyi; wa Moi na Matiba; itabu nimunyola. Kalunu yatsia ndio nangwa. Iye mundu mulala yali unyala kuva mwaminifu iye wa kwala naye. Kali lwa mang'ana gala muno, mundu Oginga Odinga kutsa kunyenya hano yalange Shikuku, mundu wa Mboya yatumanga kutsa konyenyahabno yalange Shikuku. Ma Shikuku yatumikanga muno natsia kwenyelitsa vandu vaveye ni kivune; ma yamenya niyatsa konyenya ma kutsia nangaye, ma iye yatsa kumbugula kutsia naye ku Matiba kandi nagilung'ana nagwa musigu wange. Muyayi Peter Kibisu inze mulala ndamukonya vulahi ma kolekana. Kani Kibisu aduka hala agulwa kandi yatse anzite. Tsibarua nohenza muno tsiandahandikila serekali ni tsinyinge tsia ndalalamika na ndanyola ku majibu dave. Mundu wa valanga Ole Ntimama uyu wa ndavikiywi chairman wa mashujaa, niumuhandikila ibarua nimbola iye naveye chairman wa utamaduni munu, nimbola kwikale nive hala kole kivala kinu kigase samu; kive mu inzila iveye indahi. Na tsibarua tsiange tsiene tsila Ole Ntimama ngoyu yatula mwene mula mbeye ku na majibu ga yanjiba ku dave. Ma kalunu kandi Kibaki yava naveye mundu mulahi lakini kijira livita lia Kibaki tsikura lula, umanye noveye mundu mulahi na waduka hala utsiyi mu mang'ana gandi ga asoya gala wagula endeve yene yila ku vujanja, nyasaye amanya atula mu yive akoleka. Vindu via umanya okola viosi si vivetsa vilahi dave. Kibaki yali mundu unyala kuva mulahi samu kabisa, lakini vajanja vandi vanga Kivuitu vamulomba natsia mu tsikura tsiu vujanja yicho cha ololanga vandu vageha koye. Na Kibani mwene uyu lwa yali lwe imbili lula, ni yatsitsa musiasa na inze nimbeye mu. Oginga yali mundu musuvilifu mulahi sana navola Kenyatta ni nyasaye wa kavili ma namukonya kabisa. Kuduka hambiri hala vandi valola Kenyatta agwi mudamanu Ogonga nahenza nalola yaga nyala dave, naleka igasi yene yila. Yilwo lwa mwana weve yakutsa kuvugula igasi yene iyi, mwana ushuguliki muno. Yaveye ne heshima indahi, yaikayanji tsa na mundu wosi na moloma nangaye, kali iye wakaveye president we kivala kinu, yali ku ni kutsia kovola uyu ni mundu mukere si gadukana security yali koye dave. Yali tsa mundu mulavu mugenda nangaye mumoloma nangaye sasa aveye kondeve dave, aveye ichova. Na lwa Raila yakutsia ndi ichova, isale vulahi sana venyelitse ndi atsiyi ichova kijira ki, na amenyi yo kijira ki, aveye ni mirembe nu munwa? Kalunu vatanji livola munu venya vamwite. Ku vavuguyi amwavo Oburu vamuvichi shimbe ku Raila amulindi. Raila haveye yaha aveye nu vudinyu, vavola mu magazeti ndio. Ku ni vita mundu kuli Raila uyu na yalwana ni kivala kinu, yanyangana ni kivala kinu, lelo yi vwaha yatsa unyangane ni kivala kinu. Ndakayanzi kali niva kuli lwa moloma ndi nangwa niva mundu anyala kuva namanya Wanguhu Ng'ang'a vamutevelitse yaluha yachiling'ana machili aveye mu vindu viene yivi dave, yaleka vindu via siasa yatsia mu livugana. Ku vindu via koveye nangavio mu kivala kinu, vanasiasa yava venyanga vandu vaveshi. Yivo vatsitsanga mu tsikoti, vatsia kuha vandu vi tsikoti tsisendi corruption, vatsia vagimilavapolisi vavaha tsisendi; vindu viosi munu vioneka kalunu vana siasa yivo vakola gene gala. Ku ndakavola vandu vitwa yinu vandu vavaga; mula Joel Ayiga, undi hala Musa Michael, undi mutende wa uyu Elikana Chesi. Vakutsa munu mu era yali Mudavadi. Mundu avola ku munu vandu yava vakutsa munu ni vwaha yavita dave, vakutsa ndi nagwa dave, inyinga yene ya Moi yakava naveye kondeve, kijira ki Moi vatavula kotevelitsa kumanya ndi nangwa vandu vakutsi yava vakutsi ndi. Na inze kuli Kibisu wa ndahila mukoti uyu, kijila ki vavula kuolanga Kibisu uyu vatsie kumuteva vwaha yakutuma kwita Mulinya uyu. Kalunu Kibisu amoloma dave, aveye vutsa hango hehe agona vutsa ndio nagwa. Inyinga ya ndali nimbeye mu siasa yene yila, kwali nimunya undi wali muvugusu ula yali minister wa Agirculure ula, Mwangale Elijah venya kumwita na yamanya niyitsa ninze ndavisa Elijah Mwangale nagona mmba mwange. Kibaki mwene umaliya vupresident lwa ndali nimbeye Embu nimbeye meneja ni koveye na vamula vandi kwali navo wene yila, Kibaki yatsa ninze wamuvisa member wala hene hala wa parliament nagona yengo wange na venya vamwite inyinga ya yali ya JM Kariuki yakutsila mu, nimulinda vulahi. Ku vandu vitu yava ku inze ngotangwa kindiki chekolekanga muno yiki kalunu, vandu venya kwita vandu vandi kijira mundu avola; kali Kibaki alava tsa mundu wa giligale kali naye yali avole ku mang'ana gekoleka ku kandi iyninga yali ya JM Kariuki. Nuvuguyi vwimili utsie kuhenza inyima iyi vindu vioneka ulungikitse samu vivuli kutsa kuli viali viu kutanga viene vila dave. Kali mwana oveye kondeve uyu adukana niva makosa gali ho ga baba weve yakola gala, mwana alange vandu akorecte makosa gene gala. Makosa gaveye ga Kibaki gala mwana acorecte makosa gala, makosa ge inyima ga Moi gala akorecte makosa gene gala. Kijila kunyi kovola kalunu ndi nangwa vang'ele vamihi ku, ku na vamihi ndi nangwa ni vavisa makosa ga vivuli vavo vakola gene gala. Baba wovo nakutsi nalechi ligovi yive umanya utunga ligovi liene lila. Si olekanga gagota ndio nangwa dave. Ku inze ndevananga ndi nangwa niva makosa gakoleka inyima yila na ngu avana kuli vanga Uhuru Kenyatta vatsi kondeve, Uhuru yenyelitse makosa gakoleka hanyuma hala akorecte kuve mu serekali iveye indahi. Kalunu avana vene va kutsitsa vene yava, ku niva mugamba gundi gula kalunu Otiende aveye yiyi amoloma dave, musakulu mihiga jia kumuvita na ninze waleta Otiende mu siasa muno, ku valiteva vwaha undi mang'ana. Niva vakaveye vali na mang'ana, vaveye vakulange ku inzenanga Otiende kulamoloma ku mang'ana gene gala hi kivala yiki chali. Ku valeka tsa vandu vene vala ni vakutsa na mang'ana gene gala. Mbeye ni kitabu kindi cha ndahandika kivolanga mukutsu muyanze. Yive ulindanga mundu yakakutsa ku ulatsie ku maliga gene gala ovola Alulu yali mulahi, yakulinda muno vulahi na Alulu naveye mwoyo waunza ku nangaye dave, waikala ku naye dave. Alulu inzala yaku mwita, vudaka vwa kumwita, wamuha kindu chosi dave. Ku kalunu Alulu ukutsi ku utsa ni tsierefu 50 oleta hene hala oleta muguli lisandugu; atsitsa kulia lisandugu lisandugu liene lila, viukulia via muleti mundu mwene uyu alalia ku. Vandu vaveye mwoyo yivo valitsa na ukutsi ula uliyi ku kindu chosi dave. Lwa ungula ndi inguvu ndi nangwa ni itai, mwigulu vavola utsitsa mwere, vindu viene yivio nanzie navio hayi? Inze yicho chajira nimbana kali mu mavugano gitu gambeye mu yaga, ni mba nimanya vilwatsi va koveye nangavo vala si venya vurungi dave, inze nyala kutsia kusingila mu nzilwatse dave. Madiku gaviti ge inyuma yaga valanganji vandu mu tsi conference tsia komoloma ni kwigitsa mu mang'ana vandu vakali kuli vadukana valindi tsinyumba tsiavo, kuli genyekana vakole kindiki; kalunu nzitsa mwene mula dave ndakolo amadiku gange gafweye, mundu unyenyi yatse ambole vurungi samu ma muvoole mang'ana ga nzitsa komoloma yaga mwatsa munduatanonda ku dave, moloma mang'ana gange gu vukulundu. Kwakamoloma hano mang'ana ge lihalika yaga. Mang'ana yaga vandu va kale vaharika vakali. Na lihalika yili liveye itama ndala yu vusiru. Mukali wa muveye nangaye yivula avana, na yive wenya uhariki. Mukali uyu ni mukali kuli undi na yive wenya kuharika. Mukali wa wenya uhariki wenyo afwani ndi nangwa, aveye na ki tofauti na wa uveye nangaye. Vakali vali va kale niva mukali ula si yivula dave, si aveye ku nu mwana dave, kali mukali mwene utivula ula iye mulala unyala kokokonya akovola, ngu hano hatigala hele na ndafunga nyala kwivula dave, henza mukali undi watsa ukwivuli avana hano, mukali mwene wali wu kutanga ula naloli si yivula dave, yakola gene gala. Na niva mukali mwene ula na aloli kandi mundu musatsa naye naloli yivula dave, kandi alakula mukali weve atsie ku vavwamvo veve yivuli koye avana vatigale hene hala, avana valinde mugitse gwene gula. Ku lihalika lia kalunu yili, vala vaharika ts amang'ana gandi lugano gataveye gi mima dave. Genyekana ni wenya kuharika kalunu ove numanya uhalika kijira ki? Oveye na vuritu ki vujira wenya kuhalika. Na lwa uhalika lwene lula na mukali wu kutanga sia aveye ku ni vudamanu nive dave, kalunu vakalola kolomba mukali wovo wu kutanga ula alete vudamanu vunyinge. Mukali wovo wu kutanga yivula avana, woleti wa kavili uyu yivuli avana, mukali wa kavaga yivuli avana, vakali vala vatetsanga tsimbemba mu avana vavo vala vosi na uduki mugamba nu taveho dave. Avana vala valalomba tsa lihe hango hene hala, mujiru guve mudamanu, ibarika ive indamanu onyole mugutsi si goveye mulahi dave kijira lihalika lilio. Kalunu mang'ana gakutsa muno kijira mang'ana gu vulwaye vwakutsa munu vunyinge. Vwakutsa vasungu yivo vakoletela muno. Vindu vila viveho lwa vakali vitu vali va kale vala si vavugula vindu via vavola viu kweyela, wakava ni mundu mukali akweye dave. Ma wamala tsa nangaye ma utsia ndio nangwa. Lelo va kalunu vakweya ndi na lidali lia vakweyela lila umanyi wa lituli dave. Niva liali mu ni vulwaye, liakweya mang'ana gandi, ma yive utula yo wakanyola vulwaye vwa valanganga AIDS. Ma utsia na yive utsia kuhambitsa mukere wovo. Kijira mukali ula akokoleye gene gala. Vindu vindi viveye muno via vavola kufunga lwivulu vila, mukali anyola ndi nangwa lwa yaveye natsitsa masaye, inda yila itsie kutivuka indamanu kijira kalunu vindu vila ni via vavola vifunga lwivulu, onyola mukali inda yakatanga kuva indamanu, lihelitsa liva lidinyu, kalunu mukali anyala kwivula mwana dave. Kandi inda yeye yoneka. Kindi kindu kiveye muno viukulia vindi via kulitsa via vasungu yivi. Ndaveye ndayanza kutumikila tomato sauce nimbikanga mu nzingutsa. Ku ndatumikiyi ninzia ninyola ngani kindu kindi kiveye mu, ndanyola munwa guvimba, makono gavimbanga. Ninzia isavatia na ligori lia kuvedeka vutsa. Vamba treatment nindula yo na mwoyo gombola tsa tomato sauce ya ndumikila iyi fwana iye eleti itabu iyi. Kutula nindeka ligoti liagasa, mbimba mmoni yimu dave. Koveye ni vindu kuli maduma ga kugula yaga, valeta muno lunyasi lwe tsisere, vatetsa mu. Na lunyasi lwene lula kumanyi ha lulombelwanga halutula dave; ma vatsia kuta mwene mula. Ma utsia onyola vindu viene vila vutsa lunyasi loleti itabu.

War of the world

The way I said before I was among those that fought for this world and I have kept many things in this world. God was with me by teaching me many things. And where I am today I am looking for the person that I was with during the era of Matiba, someone by the name Timothy Njoya was a man who prayed for us and we walked with him many times; he should accept we walk together as the intercessors of Kenya, we discuss about the things that are here. Devil has entered here and we have never had a person who can tell them about those things and also tell them to repent. A person who is elected here and then he go there and he is the god there and he becomes the president, he is everything. When he walks here I feel so sad, I see even if he is the MP people who want to see him he has a great security and you cannot see him. When you call him he does not pick the phone and when you go to his home to see him you cannot find him. Even the people behind him like councilor they have develop the same behaviors; you cannot reach him. At least you can see the PC. When we got the issue of governor, senator, the president and the MP all these people are six seats, they have come with a lot of disease and then the citizens remain like that and they do not know where to go. And this thing began sometimes back there, many people that I was with they have been killed and they have died the way I have said for Ronald Ngala we didn't know the way he died. He was among our people who could help this nation. He has died and he is the grave now. JM Kariuki was among the people who were trustworthy; he died and left. One of them like Matiba he could have been a good person and he was snatched that leadership, he does not have anything; he is something else and he is not even heard at all. We have 42 tribes in Kenya. We can be somewhere and we say that the Kikuyu are bad. And there others who are elected and their people believe they are good people instead they are people who are going to kill others. Like JM Kariuki the one who killed him was not a Luo or a Luhya, or a Kamba they were the Kikuyu who killed him. Kariuki Njiru his death was not done by the Luhya or the Hindu they are his Kikuyu people. We have our tribes, everyone belongs to these tribes when one has received leadership he does not want other people from other tribes. We have one thing in Kenya and this thing is politics. When you see corruption here in Kenya the people who brought the corruption are these politicians. These politicians are getting their positions because of corruption. And then they get that position which is not his. But he has brought it like the IEBC who are in charge of elections; these people are manipulated to announce the name of another person who has not won as the winner. Like for me I won many times but they prevented me and they said that they will give me another work instead they wanted another person, we want this and this one. I do not know what they saw on me and they decided to do that. They also wanted to kill me; they did not want me. So in this Kenya if you are a person of truth and you are doing development, they do not want you. I want these people of Kenya to go to a mountain like Mt. Kenya they go to other mountains and pray God, people who are in wrong and have brought these death they repent and leave these things. Things have come to Kenya to kill people, and then we say it is alcohol, it is not alcohol alone that is killing people, the vehicles are killing people. People are traveling at night and even getting in vehicles with bomb. Even when we say the Somali and how these are people getting these big things and we have the government. When you go to the police you find there is a lot of dirt there. Some are on corruption, they take corruption, and today it has grown to the vehicles that we drive in. There is no vehicle that is not giving a bribe, every vehicle that is driven be it a Nissan or a bus it has to give a bribe to the police. The things that we say of 2007/2008, when you say you want to bring peace the president cannot call all those people when the security is there and he finds out how those people died in a church at Eldoret. Those people in tents whom did they leave their land and property to; who chased them. Should we say that it is only the Kikuyu who finished these people, are they Kalenjins alone who finished these people? What is behind these issues? When you walk here today and you are looking for the votes, and they know you are a trustworthy person you won't survive they will kill you. They do not want a trustworthy person to move ahead, they think that he will go to reveal their secrets when you are here these things have gotten into the church. When the pastors want to get positions they think that they have to bribe, when they are bribed then they go and pray for the wrong thing. The people who pray are asked to go and pray for that leadership, they do not know if they are going to pray for the people who have done well or the people who have killed. And you see our church people are going to pray for those people they pray for peace. What went to ICC if it is corruption it is not in that nation, why has it not passed? People destroyed the elections of 2007/2008 the people who announced the wrong people why can't they be arrested and judged. Today when you see the people who are suing others there is corruption in it. Today the people are saying that governors are not using the money well and that is the government that we are relying on. If they are destroying the money the person who will rule the nation is who. And when the presidents hears that the governors are mismanaging the funds why can't he call them and know why they are doing that, we are the people who suffered in this nation, why are we hearing about billions and billions and yet we the people who suffered for this nation do not even have a cent, we do not have anything; we are not remembered. And you find the governor has been given all the money, the MCA people are suing the governors and saying that they are not using the money well, the senators are not using their money well and when you go to the senators there is someone who ask you if the senators are using their money well. Is the MP using his money well? And if we could have joined together and support this constitution it could have been a good constitution. But our people have destroyed this constitution it is not good. And why for example Uhuru Kenyatta who is on the seat together with William Ruto if they feel that the government has defeated them why can't they call for another election and we elect people who can go there and take care of things, why are they fearing to break the government. If the constitution has problems they passed it and they said that it was good and today they are saying that it is not good. We have another mistakes that our people are doing with the MP whereby they do not seat with the cultural elders the way they do in Meru, and then we ask one to leave there and we get a good government and then we go to the church, and look at your preachers. If the preachers are not there then they are the ones that pray and the bad things continue to happen, these people have left the pastor work to good people. For the chief and the assistant chief cow theft these people know these things because when you call the assistant chief he does not pick the call same to the police. When you go to court today there is nothing that you can take there and you succeed, you should have money to bribe the judge for him to listen to your case, even if it is good, if you do not have money you cannot win that case they say that you do not have evidence. I myself I am speaking I had good evidence that people did bad things to me and I explained it to the court but they didn't listen, I went to the police and they told me about what the government says. I used to go to our people and some used to say that Moi is the one who had sent me, and Moi was the president. I have written to Moi several times but I have not had any reply, Moi has not accepted the bad thing that he did to me. I wrote to Mwai Kibaki a letter the one who came to presidency recently asking him to consider my issues and I start a good work with him. Moi told Musa Mudavadi that I am not good and I should not get a political seat. Even when I stood for MP seat when Musa Mudavadi had died, Moi jumped on his seat and he went to see the PC at Kakamega. PC came and he arrested me and told me that the president was saying that I leave Musalia Mudavadi to take over the seat and he will consider me. Truly what Moi did I went with Ambwere, Lawrence Isigi, and he called Ambwere who went there, and he was given 13 million and they left me outside and they were telling me that when I stood for a seat they will give me work here. Moi was a person who was close to me; is among those that sent Musa Mudavadi to come and finish me. And I wanted to be with Moi the letters are even at the office when Moi had not retired, I wrote a letter to him that before he goes to rest I want to finish with him; what caused our differences. Initially it was I, Moi, Masinde Muliro; who were walking and relaxing together. We had another person called Reuben Chesire and Paul Bomet. We were seating together as children of one person (brothers). Chesire was in KFA (Kenya Farmers Association). The people that were my friends that time and we were walking together they were spying and they wanted to do bad things to others. I have won elections three or four times and they refused that they do not want me. And they are not telling me my mistakes. I was not taken to the court and told the bad things that I have done or they sue me. But they were sending people to come and kill me. When I have won the elections and then they say that I should not go to the council or the parliament; they take the other person there. And I have been at home and I do not understand the wrong that I did in this world. The way I have struggled for the constitution that we brought from Lancaster House there, I was among the great advisors while Mbiu Koinange was in America, he helped the advisors there and I did it over here. Mbiu Koinange got a position here and I didn't get anything. Shikuku got a political seat and when he went to the government he changed; he was on the side of Moi, I was with Matiba together, and he changes to the side of Moi he goes and gets things from there. The teeth that you are seeing missing in my mouth it were because of, Shikuku who removed them, he was sent to come and kill me. They came while we were at mufungamano house Nairobi they hit my teeth when I was there with Matiba in a union when I was the advisor to Matiba and Wang'uhu Ng'ang'a - he was isolated the way I was isolated. Our nation is weak because the people who have remained faithful are one quarter but the remaining three quarter are spoiled; they have engaged into corruption and desire to kill people and when you come to the road the vehicles are killing people, when you look for the people that you can report to like the police where were they when the accident occurred? What is their work and when you go to the court; a case can be in a court for five or six years and they are not ruling it; it has been stopped. Matiba wanted people who could help him and be his advisors. It was I, Shikuku was the organizing secretary, and Charles Rubia was together with me and Wanguhu Ng'ang'a, other many people. According to the good advice that I was giving Matiba he used to defeat the government. When it happened that I was close to Matiba that is when they wanted to kill me because Matiba could take over the government. When we got to the elections he didn't win they rigged and he could be the one who could have run the government. Even if Matiba could have run the government we could have had a lot of blessings. Matiba was a Kikuyu and he was a great person of value. Today his wealth has been finished he has spent it on debts. Matiba has nothing and he is suffering the way I am suffering. The issue that am asking the people of Kenya if the people that are on the seats today we have Akaranga. I am the one who was dealing with Akaranga in most cases. Today I am not close to him he is on his own. Khaniri it was I who was with Nichodemus Khaniri, I am the one who was with Samson Mmaitsi. At Tiriki I have done a very great work there, there is no one who is close to me. And these people when they have received their votes they close their doors thinking that every time we will be coming to them and telling them a lot of things. That is the great thing that I am asking Kenya I have spoken about the culture, people who are going to pray for the people that have won the election they should know first the type of that person, how he has won the elections. He wants this vote what has he done for the people that he is asking the votes from. If it is not like that Kenya has smelled bad things. The things that the drunken people are leaving for us God are killing these people because there is a lot of evil in this world, there is lie. Today our people that are in the parliament the way I have said the government three quarters of them are not faithful. People have remained there even when we get to 2015 or 2016 you will find the people that are in the parliament, these senators there is no one who will be found as a good person. Because they have started pressing people, today they have said that they are meeting twelve of them are they using the money well or are they destroying. Today we have 47 governors, they are still 35 the others are being inspected, we are hearing and they will not meet tomorrow. The people who were saying the senators are also turning to the governors to speak separate things about them, the MPs that you are seeing are going to have war with others. This nation is not going to be well. We have reached trouble. Like I the person who fought for the war of the world I am so worried I am not feeling well because the many words that I have spoken there have not brought any change. I have written books to teach things. When the MPs read my books they find that I have written words about them, the MPs have caused me not to write many more books. They cheated me that they will give me money and do things for me and there is not single MP who can do that for you. Among these many people that you are seeing them die, the many MPs that are dying like Shikuku was good but he ate twice, he was eating from both sides; from the side of Moi and Matiba; trouble found him. Today he has gone like that. He was one person who could be trustworthy and I was with him. Even when the issues were here, Oginga Odinga one who came to me was Shikuku, is the one that Mboya used to send to come and call me from here. Shikuku used to look for people of value and he came and took me and I went with him, to Matiba again he turned and became my enemy. A boy by the name Peter Kibisu I assisted him well and we parted. Kibisu was then bribed to come and kill me. When you see I have written many letters to the government and I have not found answers. The person called Ole Ntimama who is the chairman of heroes, I wrote to him while he was still the chairman of traditions, I asked to join him and we make this nation better. And all my letters Ole Ntimama has left the place and there are no answers that he has given me. Again today Kibaki he was a good person but because of the elections, you know when you are a good person and you reach there and you get to the things of corruption and bribe for that position is a tricky way, God leaves you. All the things that you do are not good. Kibaki could be a good person but because of the tricks of Kivuitu made he to get to the rigging and that is why you see he has few people. And Kibaki when he entered politics I was there. Oginga was a trustworthy person and he told Kenyatta that he was the second God and he assisted him. After that others felt that Kenyatta was bad Oginga felt that he could not manage that and he left that work. That is when you see the son came to take over his work and the son has worked hard all over the nation. He has great respect, he meets everyone and talks with him, he should be the president of this nation, and he doesn't say that since one is a lady she should not get the position of the security. He was a clean person and you could walk and talk with him now he is not on that position he is out. And when Raila went out they have not inquired how he went out, and why is he living there, does he have peace? Today they are claiming that they want to kill him. They have taken the brother Oburu close to Raila to take care of him. Whereby Raila is in trouble and they are saying that in the magazines. If they kill a person like Raila who fought for the nation, he struggled with this nation, who will struggle with this world. I will like even when I am speaking like this if there is a person who knows Wanguhu Ng'ang'a he kept quite and he is not in these things he is so quiet, he has left the politics and has gone to the church. Among the things that we have in this world, the politicians want a liar. That is the reason to why they re going to the courts and they bribe the people at the court, they bribe the police and they give them money; these things that are getting spoiled it is the politicians who are doing that the way I have said three people were killed here and one of them is Joel Ayiga, another one is Musa Michael, another one is the neighbor to this one Elikana Chesi. They died during the era of Mudavadi and no one is saying how they were killed and the way they were killed, the period when Moi was on the seat why didn't he have fulfilled and know how these people were killed and the Kibisu that I took to the court why wouldn't they inquire from him who sent him to kill this Mulinya. Today Kibisu is not speaking he is at his home sleeping like that. While I was in politics I was with another Bukusu man who was the minister for agriculture, Mwangale Elijah they wanted to kill him and he came and I protected him Elijah Mwangale slept in my house. Kibaki has finished his presidency while I was the manager at Embu with other people, Kibaki came with a member of parliament they wanted to kill him and he slept at my house and it was JM Kariuki who died and I took good care of him. Among our people I am wondering what is happening today, people want to kill others because they will reveal the truth even if Kibaki stood for the truth he could have said the issues about JM Kariuki. When you have taken over the leadership you should first rectify the previous things that were spoiled so that they do not remain the same. Even the child that is on the presidency if the mistakes were done by the father he should call people they correct those mistakes. The mistakes of Kibaki the child should correct them, the mistakes that Moi did he should correct today we are saying that the young people should lead, how they are going to lead with the mistakes that their parents did. When your father dies and he has left a debt behind you are the one who normally pay that debt. You do not leave them to get lost. I am asking if mistakes have been made in the past children like Uhuru Kenyatta should inquire from me, Uhuru should inquire the mistakes that were made in the past and correct them so that we are in a good government. Today Otiende is not speaking, he is old and I am the one who introduced Otiende to politics, whom will they inquire from. If they had issues they could have invited us and then I invite Otiende and we talk about the issues of this nation. They are leaving those people to die with those issues. I have a book that I wrote that is saying you love the dead. You wait when the person has died and then you go to that funeral and you say Alulu was good, he was taking good care of us while Alulu was alive you never visited him, you have not sat with him. Alulu has been finished by hunger, poverty has killed him, and you have never given him anything. Now Alulu has died you are bringing fifty thousand to buy a coffin; is he going to eat that coffin. The meal that you have brought is he going to eat them. The people that are alive are the ones who are eating and the one that has died is not eating. When you are buying for me cloth and the tie in heaven they are saying that you will go without anything, where will I go with those things? That is the reason to why I gave them to our churches that I am in, whenever I share with the pastors that I am with they do not want the truth, I cannot go and stand there and preach. Initially they were hosting conferences where we were teaching people the way women should take care of their families, the way they should do this thing; today I am no longer going there I did and my days were over, someone who needs me he/she should come and talk to me and then I tell him the words that I am talking now and please no one should follow me I am speaking the words of the elder. We have spoken about polygamy. People in the past used to have several wives. And there is polygamous habit that is of foolishness whereby your wife has children and you want to marry other women. This wife is the same as the other one and you want to do polygamy. The woman that you want to marry again does she look different from the one that you have or does she have something different from the one that you have. Women in the past who were barren and they didn't have children, the barren woman is the one who could have helped you by telling you that the home was empty and she was not giving birth, you look for another wife who will bear children for you, the first wife if she felt that she was not giving birth she used to do that. And if the man saw that he was not giving birth then he allows the wife to sleep with his brother and she gives birth to children that will remain there in that home, children who will take care of that homestead. Today's polygamy is not done in line with the cultural laws. You are supposed to know that you are doing polygamy why and you have which hurry to do that. And when you do polygamy and yet your first wife doesn't have an issue with you, today you will be making your first wife to cause problems. The first wife has given birth to children, you have married a second wife and she has given birth to children and the third wife has given birth to children, these women are inciting their children and tomorrow when you will not be there war will be in that home which is an abomination, which is bad, bad hatred and the homestead is not good because of your polygamy habit. Today a lot of issues have arisen because of the war. They have brought us that hatred. There are things that our wives in the past were not taking like wiping men, when you have slept with a woman she wipes you. You used to finish with her and you go like that. Today they are wiping you and the cloths that they are using you do not know where it is coming from. If it has disease, it has wiped other things, and then you leave there with the disease called AIDS. And you go and spread it to your wife because that woman did that to you. There are things that they call family planning, the woman when she is in periods and she get bad pregnancy these things are the ones that are stopping one from giving birth, you find a woman pregnancy is bad, giving birth is a problem, today the woman cannot give birth. The womb gets spoiled. There is another thing about the European meals that we are taking. I liked using tomato sauce by adding it to vegetables. I was using and I realized that there is something inside, my mouth was swelling, my hands were swelling. I went to the hospital and the neck had twisted. They gave me treatment and I left there and my heart told me that the tomato sauce that I am using is the one that has brought this problem. Since I stopped using it my neck is well and I am not swelling in my face. We have other things like the maize that we are buying, they have brought *preservative that they are keeping in. and we do not know where that *preservative is made from or where it is coming from; and then they go and keep it in there. And then you find those things and the *preservative has brought problems.

(*Preservative - a substance added to the maize to prevent the weevils from eating the maize)