Play time: 41:07 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, May 6, 2014.

Mukana Yavahira Ha Vatuga Vindu

Carolyne Chesi

Ku mita ni Carolyne Chesi kalunu ni goveye mweli 6/5/2014. Nzitsa kumuvolela ku mukana wavahilanga ha vandu vali vatuga vindu.

Kwali ho nu mukana undi yatula hango natsia Nairobi naleka lisoma. Lwa yaleka lisoma, yateva mama wevevnamuvolela nyenya nzie kuyinzila. Mama weve yamuvolela atsie koteva baba weve kijira amanye anduli. Mukana oyo baba weve si yali himbe dave; yali natsiyi muchayo. Lwa baba weve yatula mu chayo, yavugula ovosera nahila baba weve ha yali niyikaye mmusala. Baba weve oyo yamanya nanua ovosera vwivwe namala. Lwa yamala, mukana oyo yatsia naleta kisanda cha yali namuteleku ovosera. Lwa yavugula kisanda, yasingila ho ku lwa tsidagiga tsitano. Baba weve oyo yamuteva "usingiyi yaha ulindaki? Tsia wogitse vindu via kunywelanji ku ovosera." Mukana mwene oyo yavolela baba weve mbeye ni liteva nive. Bababweve oyo yamuvolela ateve. Mukana mwene oyo yateva baba wevev nyenya nzie kuyinzila. Baba weve yamuteva "utsitsa kuyinzila hayi?" Mukana oyo yamuvolela nzitsa kuyinzila Nairobi na baba weve kandi yamuteva "ustitsa kuyinzila vwaha?" Mukana oyo yamujiba namuvolela "nzitsa kuyinzila mutende witu utula havugika yaha." Baba weve oyo yamuvolela utsitsa kuyinzila si ulatsitsagilila nende lisoma dave." Mukana oyo yamuvolela si ndola cha soma dave kijira vuli lwosi ninze umalitsanga mukilasi. Baba weve oyo yamuvolela "na giligale mukilasi si okolamu vulahi dave, inze ndali nimbanji kushile utsie kwigila icherehani." Mukana oyo yamuvolela "kali ninzia kwiga kunana icherehani na si manyi kosoma dave, si ndava ninde changola yo dave." Baba weve oyo yamanya namuvolela katsie muhulitsane na mama wovo. Mukana mwene oyo yamanya natsia namoloma na mama weve namuvolela baba yakuvugila. Mama weve oyo yamanya natuma mwana mwene oyo wu mundu wa genyekana atsie naye atsie kumuyinzila. Mama weve namuvolela utsie nu mundu mwene oyo hano kuhulitsane naye. Mukana mwene oyo yamanya natsia kijita hali himbe ni vatsa ni mukaye mweneyo namuvolela hulitsani naye tsisenditsia genyekana utsie kuyinzila. Na kijira mukana oyo si yali yayinzila ku dave, yavolela mama weve yive moloma naye muhulilitsane tsisendi tsia genyekana nzie kuyinzila. Mukere oyo yamoloma nu mukaye wa genyekana mwana weve oyo atsie kuyinzilila. Vamanya vahulitsana ma namuvolela vugula tsinguvu kutsie. Mukana oyo yavugula tsinguvu tsitsie ni vatsia ninde mukaye wa yatsitsanga kuyinzila iwavo. Lwa vatsia, vatsia kogona yo vuchia mugamba vanina mudoga vatsia Nairobi. Lwa vaduka Nairobi, mutajiri weve yamanya namumanyia kuli anyala kuyinzila. Lwa vwaduka mu wikendi Jumamosi, yamuvolela hamba kutsie nive nzie kukumanyia ha manya ngulanga vindu. Vamanya ni vatula nu mutajiri weve ma natsia kummanyia ha amanya agula vindu. Lwa yamumanyia, kandi yamuvolela hamba nzie kukumanyia he isogoni iveye ha nu tsitsange kugula tsingutsa, tsinyanya nende vitunguru. Lwa vatula yo, vamanya ni vilana yengo. Lwa vilana ha vali ni vamenyi, vatumikila vindu viene yivio ni vifwa. Lwa viafwa mutajiri weve yamuvolela "si ndakumanyia ha kugulanga vindu." Mukana oyo yamujiba namuvolela yamanya ho. Mutajiri weve oyo yavugula tsisendi namuha namuvola katsie uguli vindu olete. Yagula vindu yivio ni yilana wa vali ni vamenyi. Vatumikila vindu yivio paga lwa viafwa. Na yavitumikila kuli mweli mulala kijira vandu vamenyi mu tauni yavo vagulanga vindu vitumikanga ku mweli mulala kijira vaveye ninde mwa vavikanga mu tsifriji. Vatumikila vindu yivio vifwa kandi. Lwa yamutuma kandi vindi yatsia nagula na lwa yagula yavita mwana muyayi nasingiyi haliduka. Lwa yali niyilananga wa yali namenyi, muyayi oyo yamolonda namuteva mirembe. Mukana mweneyo yamujiba mirembe ma namuteva omenyi hayi. Mukana mweneyo yamuvolela ndatsa ndumanyie. Mukana oyo yatsia na lwa yatsia mutajiri weve liaduka lidiku namuvolela uvuguli mwana uhile mu clinic. Mukana oyo yavugula mwana nahila mu clinic. Lwa muyayi oyo yamulola kandi yamuteva mirembe namuteva amuhereka wa atsitsa. Mukana oyo yamuvolela hamba kutsie. Vamanya vatsia vaduka ha clinic vabima mwanakandi ni vilana. Muyayi oyo si yaluha kumuteva wa yamenya dave. Yamuteva "wamenya hayi?" naye namujiba namuvolela "nyinzilanga mukaye undi handangu yaha." Naye yamuvolela "inze ndamenya inyuma wi liduka yili." Muyayi oyo kandi yamanya namuvolela "inze manya ngenya vutsa umanya utula hayi." Mukana oyo yamwivalila wa yamenya. Muyayi oyo yivalila mukana ha yamenya. Mukana yatsia wa yamenya na muyayi natsia wa yamenya. Kandi liaduka lidiku mwana nalwala vavolela muyinzili ahile mwana musivitali. Muyinzili yibanga nasinga mwana navugula namuhila musivitali. Kandi muyayi oyo yalola mwana mukana oyo kandi vatsia naye hasivitali. Yamuvolela leta mwana ngokonye kuginga. Mwana mukana oyo yamuha mwana namukonya ni vaginga natsia paga hasivitali. Vabima mwana ni vamuha tsinyasi ni vilana wa vali ni vatuli. Vaduka kunzila muyayi yatsitsagilila koteva mukana oyo mateva. Mukana oyo yamujiba. Muyayi yamuteva "oveye hiri ki?" Mukana namuvolela ihiri yeye. Ma mukana nateva muyayi na yive oveye hiri ki kandi muyayi namuvolela ihiri yeye. Lwa vavolanila tsihiri, vamanya ni vavukana. Lwa liaduka lidiku, mukana yatsia mwiduka, muyayi namulola namuvola "olombe lidiku utsi kumanya ha ndamenya." Mukana oyo yamuvolela "nyolanga off jumapili, ndakovola." Mukana oyo lwa yaduka jumapili yamanya natsia kumanya wu muyayi yamenya na muyayi yamulaga ha vaganila ku liduka. Lwa vagana vamanya ni vatsia hu muyayi yamenya. Mukana oyo yamanya nahonga yo niyilana ku gasi yeye hamugorova. Muyayi lwa yali namuherekanga yamuteva utula ivulogoli gutsia hayi? Mukana yamuvolela ndulanga wambale na muyayi namuvolela inze ndulanga isuka. Mukana oyo vamanya valomba vulina vagendanilanga vuli jumapili. Jumapili yindi lwa yaduka mukana oyo yatsia yo muyayi namuvolela "ndola sasa yive wakaduka mundu muhindila utayinzila vandu dave; wakuvita mu likula; kunyala kuhilana?" Mukana oyo yamuvola nyenya nzie koteva mutajiri wange. Muyayi yamujiba namuvola nutsia koteva mutajiri wenya kuvahira manyi kuli mutajiri wovo aveye dave, saa yindi amanya yambohe anoho akugaye utavahira dave. Muyayi oyo yamanya navolela mukana yive utsie kubanga tsinguvu tsitsio utsi. Mukana oyo yamanya natsia nabanga tsinguvu tsitsie natsia wu muyayi oyo. Mutajiri weve yamuhenza si yamulola dave. Vamanya vagana nu mutajiri weve lidiku lilala mutajiri namuteva naye namuvolela yive si oveye ni mundu wovo, kali inze ndaveye konyola wange. Vamanya ni vatanga limenya. Vamenya vamenya vamala mihiga shimbe jivaga si vanyola mwana dave. Vamanya ni vikala ni vatevana kunyala kokola ndi na kindiki chekoleka si konyola avana dave. Muyayi yamujiba namuvolela "manyi dave." Na nateva mukana anoho nive mudamanu. Mukana namuvolela "inze kutula ni nzivulwa si ndanyola ku mwana dave, ku si kunyala kumanya ni vwaha oveye mudamanu dave." Muyayi oyo yamanya namuvolela kolombe lidiku kutsie yengo kutsie kolola vivuli anoho vivuli lwa vahula kwahilana vamoloma, ku kutsieyengo vakututsili amate. Vamanya valomba lidiku ni vatsia yengo. Na kijira muyayi uyu yali yavolela vivuli veve yaleta mugogo, vivuli yavo lwa valola ni vatsanga vali ni vusangali vunene. Vavakaribisha mu inyumba ni vingila ni vavalombera amatsi ni visinga ni vavadekera ichai ni vanwa. Muyayi oyo vamanya ni vagona na lwa vwachia mugamba yatsia niyivalila vivuli veve naveye yengine. Lwa yivalila vivuli veve, vivuli yava kijira muyayi yali yamanya mang'ana gavetsanga hango havo na si yali yavolela mukana dave, vivuli yava vateva muyayi niva yavolela ku mukana muluka govetsanga hango havo. Muyayi yavavolela si ndamuvolela dave, ndalola nimmbola amanye yiluki. Vivuli yavo vamanya ni vavola muyayi vabanga kuli vene vanyala kokola, liaduka lidiku muyayi oyo nadola lubanga natanga litimula mu kiguti na baba weve. Na mukana si yamanya mupango gwa vali vabanji dave. Mukere yavolela mukana vugula endoho osombe amatsi ku ma kove na vageni. Mukana yamanya natanga lisomba amatsi na mukere nalanga vakana veve vavili navo ku lideka chukulia na vadeka viukulia vivetsa via vageni. Vadeka viabati, tsingoko, inyama, michele kali na mabwoni gi waru. Lwa vali vakamala kodeka, musakulu yatsia niyikala na chamugitsi na mukere yikala mu kivitu na vakana vu mukere oyo ni vikala muhiru. Na mukana munene wu mukere uyu yavugula maleso ni yala kutula mu chamugitsi paga mu chandangu. Lwa yala maleso yago vamanya vavugula viukulia vatsia kuvibanga muhiru. Lwa vabanga viukulia, vamanya vavola mukana hamba na amatsi gu kwisava makono. Mukana yavateva navavola maleso gaki ga mwala navo vamujiba vavola utateva dave umanya olole, vageni vitu vevya vatse kuvitila ku. Mukana oyo yagenyanga numanye ni vageni ki va valanga maleso. Valeta viukulia yivio ni vavibanga na vakavibanga mukana oyo yatsa na amatsi ni vamuvolela jimira amatsia vageni venya visave mu. Mukana oyo lwa yahangara navateva vageni tsana vaveye hayi, navo vamuvolela okole cha kokovoleye na utadegera dave. Mukana oyo yasingila na amatsi, lwa yasingila; yalola tsinzoka tsitulanga mu chandangu tsivili vatsivichimadongoro mwing'oti. Mukana oyo yadegera makono navo vamugondekera vamuvolela nusundula ku vageni vitu yava amatsi oveye ku vudinyu. Yamanya niyikasa najimila amatsi yago vageni vavo vene yavo vatsanga vakomba mmatsi llimi, vakomba mu viukulia. Ndala yakomba mmatsi nekomba ku chukulia nitsia kutula mu chamugitsi kiandi ya kavili ndio. Vamanya vavola mukana oyo vene yavo nivo vageni vitu va kokovoleyange. Sasa kwa kamututsila amate kutula kalunu mulatsia konyola avana. Vamanya vavola mukana oyo wikale kulie viukulia kijira mukana oyo yali ni kihenda mwoyo si yikala dave. Yavavolela muleke inze ngole ninzitsagila kosomba amatsi chukulia manya ndie kale. na yavo kindu cha vafuma hamoni, si vamanya mukana uyu amanye yiluki dave. Yavo vatsitsagilila kulia viukulia yivio na mukana oyo nasomba amatsi. Lwa vamala kulia mukana oyo yavugula vindu natanga kwogitsa. Lwa yamala, yamanya nalomela musakulu weve amatsi ni yisinga. Vwamanya vuduka vudiku muyayi oyo yali munwi wa malwa. Lwa yatsia kunwa, yaleka mukaye weve nagona. Lwa mukaye weve yamanya uyu yakutsia mmalwa, yiva tsinguvu tsitsie natsia kuvisa ku lugaga. Muyayi oyo lwa yilana, mukere weve yavugula chukulia namuha nalia, si yavamanyia yenya kwiluka dave. Vamanya vatsia kogona na kijira mulevi agonanga vwangu, muyayi oyo yagona mukana uyu nahakikisha tsindoro tsiakumuhila. Yasila koye si yajala ku ni vudiku dave. Yatula natsia kuvugula tsinguvu tsitsie ha yali navsi ku lugaga natula. Yegendanga garaha nahulitsa kivala. Lwa muyayi yashutuka nanyola mukaye weve si aveye mu vogono dave, ykutsila nalola anoho ya kutsia ichova kwekonya. Yagunza namulindila si yilana dave. Muyayi oyo yamanya natsia kwigulihitsa vivuli veve navateva "mukere wange aveye muno?" Vivuli veve vamuvolela aveye muno dave. Naye yavavolela "mbuki nenyola aveye mu dave, ku inze suviyange yakutsia ichova kwekonya na si ndola yilana dave, ku ndolanji haundi yakutsa kogona muno kolondekana ku vindu via yali naloli anoho yali nende uvuti. Vivuli veve vamanya ni vamuvolela tsia ohenze koku mu cho anoho yakutsia kwivisa mu. Muyayi oyo yahenza mu cho. mwibafu, na mulika ichova wosi na siyalola mukaye weve dave. Muyayi oyo yamanya natsia navukitsa varina veve navavola mukere wange atuli ichova na simulola dave, simanyi wa atsiyi dave, nziyi wa mama aveyo dave, mbenzi mu cho ni mwibafu na si munyola dave. Valina veve yavo vamanya vamuvolela tsia ohenze niva tsinguvu tsiveyemu. Muyayi oyo yatsa nahenza tsinguvu tsiu mukaye weve na si yatsinyola dave. Yashutuka navola yakwiluka na atsiyi hayi vudiku yivu kijira si amanyikani na vatende muno dave kwaitsi lidiku liave akili komoloma nu mutende wosi dave. Vavugula tsitochi vatanga kolondela mukana mweneyo na si vamulola dave. Naye ni yalolanga tsitochi yingilanga mu kisaka atsia kwivisa mu na lwa yivisa mu vatsanga vavita. Vakatsia ku ihale kidogo ma atanga kuvalonda inyuma. Ni vamulikanga tsitochi inyima yivisa. Lwa vaduka kumbalabala mukana oyo yalola ni vilana yengo, yatsia kwivisa inyima wi liduka nalinda ni vakavita natanga logendo lwu kutsia yengo. yagenda ni virenge kutula Ileo paga wammbale kijira yali naloli vudinyu si yadegera ku kindu kimanya kengose kunzila anoho wa nzitsanga ni ihale dave, kijira nololi vudinyu si ovetsa nende kehenda mwoyo dave. Mukana oyo yaduka wavo ni vuchietsa. Yatsia niyigulihitsa vivuli veve, vigula muliango na vegosa. Na kijira yingilanga mu visaka tsinguvu tsiali tsitanduchi. Vivuli veve valila vamuteva "kindiki kidamanu." Naye navajiba navavolela mulindi sose ndamuvola gandalola. Vamanya vamuha amatsia vamuvolela tanga wisinge. Yisinga vamuha chukulia si yalia dave. Mukana oyo vamanya vamwala vogono natsia kogona. Lwa vwachia subui mukana oyo valomba ichai nanwa ma ni vamutevelitsa mu garaha ga aduchi ku na kijira ki atsiyi yengo vudiku na tsinguvu tsitanduchi kijira ki. Mukana oyo yatanga kuvivala, navavola mama lwa ndatula hano ndamusava munwa ni muvolela nzitsa mu liyinzila. Lwa ndatsia yo ndamanya ni nzagana nu mwana muyayi nambolela kuhilane naye. Kwamala naye mihiga jivaga kutanyola mwana dave. Yamanya nambola kutsie wavo vivuli vatsie vakututsili mate ku konyole mwana. Lwa ndaduka yo vamanya ni vambola vaveye na vageni, valomba viukulia. Ndamanya nindola tsinzoka tsitsanga, ndali nende lidegera linene. Vivuli veve vamanya vamuvolela kwakovola kukuhile utsie kwigila icherehani si wenya dave. Mukana oyo yamanya navasavamusamaha navavola si ndamanyanga cha ndakola dave. Mukana oyo yamanya ni yisuha navola kutula kalunu si ndatsia logogo dave kolondekana ku ndalola. Na kalunu ndi mukana oyo yasamula, yagula mulimi gwigwe yayumbaka hango hehe yamenya ho.

Lwa ndatsila yinu gwali muhiga gwa 1992 na ndanyola yinu tsinyumba ni tsiveye ihale ni ihale. Kali mutende si yali ahimbe mba na vurimu vwali vwayumba muno na vwalange vurimu vwe lisaswa. Kali mundu niyatsanga si wamulola dave. Witsukanilanga vutsa yakuduka ha oveye. Liduka ninde lugina kwatsitsanga Wavosa. Mundu yasietsanga vusie vwivwe vwa yamanyanga vulamala lisitsa kandi vindu viu kutumikila muchikoni kuli ijumbi isukari yagulanga kandi via amanyi vilamala madiku gene yago. Isivitali si yalange himbe dave. Mundu ni yalwalanga yatsitsanga Kaimosi anoho Wambale wa vandu vene yava vali ni vatula. Isukulu vatsitsanga Ichitu anoho Imusunji. Vandu vali ni vahamiyi yinu vilananga kovola "kali wa kwatula yali indahi, vakoleta ki yinu." Navutswa kijira valetwa na serekali vavugula liekutsila. Na vikutsila paga lwa vulavu vwatanga konyoleka yinu. Vene vatimula visaka viali ni viayumba yinu ni vatanga kwumbaka tsinyumba tsiavo, vatsitsagila kwumbaka paga lwa vamanya ni vahamila yinu vosi. Lwa vali ni vakatsa vosi, yamanya nifwana ku wa vandu vamenya. Vandu vamanya nivikala ni vatevana kuli vanyala konyola mundu mulala yamanya niyitulitsa ni yumbaka ichoski na undi yamanya nalomba lugina. Kwamnaya ni kumanya va ka kwimbihitsila ku logendo kandi kwamanya ni kumanya kwakatula mu kisundi. Vasakulu vitu vamanya ni vikala ni vatevana kuli vanyala konyola isukulu. Vamanya ni vavolelana kutsia kolola mubunge na mubunge witu yalange Khaniri. Vamanya ni vatsia ni vahila malilio gavo yamanya na vavolela tsi ndakuhula mang'ana ga muvola ndamujiba. Yamanya navola ndatanga kwumbaka isivitali Ichitu. Lwa yumbaka namala yamanya niyatsa kohenza ha Jidereri niva hadukananga isukulu. Yamanya nabanga kandi lidiku ni yatsa ni vabanga kuli vanyala kwumbaka isukulu vamanya ni vatanga ni nursery. Vatsitsagilila ndio ni yatsanga aleka cha yalange nacho navo vatsitsagilila kwumbaka isukulu. Vatsitsagilila kwumbaka isukulu yeyo paga lwa yaduka ha iveye yaho na vakonywa ninde mubunge witu Khaniri. Yamanya ni yilana kandi navalekela cha vali nacho, vatsitsagilila kwumbaka paga va yumbachi ninde tsichoo. Vasakulu vitu vamusanditsa, kali kunyi vandu va kwahamila yinu kwamusanditsa ku igasi ya yakokolela.

Vandu vu kutuma ichova

Mundu utuma ichova avetsanga ni yatuga engo. Mundu mweneyo lwa atsitsanga kutuma ichova atsitsanga vudiku. Lwa atsitsanga avolelanga mukere weve usiene ku lihiga na ulasiena ku lihiga paga lwa nzitsa. Lwa musakulu oyo atsitsanga ichova mukere weve asienanga ku lihiga paga lwa musakulu oyo yilananga mmba. Na mundu mwene utumanga ichova oyo avugulanga luguchi arasa ku mabati, anoho ni wavoha muogoye akutanga ku. Noveye muti unyala kwiluka mmba. Mukere oyo natulitsi kerenge ku lihiga ma musakulu oyo agumilwi ichova, lwa yatsanga akubanga mukere weve vudamanu, amuteva "ndakovola usienange ku lihiga paga lwa nzitsanga, utlitsi kerenge ku lihiga kijira ki?" Naye lwa agimilwanga ichova yeyo, akubangwa kandi naye vudamanu. Na mundu mwene oyo naveye na avana veve vayayi na kijira avana vayayi valala vahulila baba wavo muno, avugulanga ku vindu viene yivio agavila ku vayayi veve. Na niva mukana weve yatsia havundu na si anyolanga mwana natavugula ku vindu viene vila dave, yilanga iwavo vatsia vamuha. Na lwa vamuhetsanga vamuvikilanga mu inyingu agingila mwene yimwo. Na natsitsa navio hango ha yatsia navo kandi vave ni vatuga, si alatsia ho navio ni vavula kutuga vindu viene vila dave. Lwa avugula vindu viene vila natsia navio, amanya atanga konyola avana. Lwa anyolanga avana vandu vamanya vandu yava na valoji na hango ha yatsia yaha kandi navo ni vandu vu kutuma ichova.

A girl who has been married in a witch home

My name is Carolyne Chesi today is on 6/5/2014. I am going to tell you about a girl who was married in a home where people were keeping animals for witching.

We had a girl who left home and went to Nairobi she stopped education. When she stopped school she asked her mother that she wanted to go and work. The mother asked her to go and ask the father to know that she was leaving. That girl the father was nto near; he had gone for grazing. When the father left the grazing place she took porridge and gave him where he was seating under a tree. The father took the porridge. When he had finished that girl went to take that gourd that he was using for porridge. When she took the gourd, she stood there for five minutes. The father asked her "you are standing here you want what? Go and wash the things that we were drinking porridge from." The girl told the father that she had a question for him. The father told her to ask the question. The girl told the father that she wanted to go and work. The father asked her "where are you going to work?" that girl told her that she was going to work from Nairobi the father asked her again "you are going to work for who?" that girl answered him, "I am going to work for our neighbor." The father told her, "You are going to work, you wont continue with school." The girl told her that she was not seeing what she was reading because she was always the last student in the class. The father told her "it is true that in class you are not doing well, I had plaaned to take you to go and learn tailoring school." The girl told him "even if I go to learn tailoring and I do not know how to read, I will be doing nothing." The father asked her to go and agree with her mother. The girl went and told the mother that the father had agreed. The mother sent her to the person that she was supposed to go and work for her. The mother told her to go and bring that person they agree with her. That gilr went there because she was staying near she came with her and asked the mother to agree with her on the money that she was going to work for. Because the girl had not worked before she asked the mother to agree with her on the amount of money that she was going to work for. The mother spoke with the woman that the girl was going to work for. They agreed and she asked her to take her clothes they go. The girl took her clothes and she went with the woman that she was going to work for. When they went, they went to spend at the rural home of the woman and the following morning they took a vehicle to Nairobi. When they reached in Nairobi, the employer showed her how she was to work. During the weekend on Saturday, she asked her to go with her they go and see where she normaly buys groceries. She went with her employer who went to show her where she normaly buys things. When she showed her, again she asked her to follow her she go and show her where the market is and where she will be buying vegetables, tomatoes and onions. When they left there they returned home. When they got to where they were staying, they used all of those things and they got finished. When they got finished the employer told her that she had shown her where they normaly buy things. That girl answered her and told her that she knows that place. The employer took money and gave her to go and buy things and bring them. She bought those things and brought to where they normaly live. They used those things until they got finished. They used for one month because people in town buy things and they use them for one month because they have a place where they keep in a fridge. They used those things and they got finished. When she sent her more she went and bought and she passed a boy who was standing at a shop. When she was entering the place where they were staying that boy followed her and he greeted her. The girl greeted her and she asked him where he was staying. The girl told him that she will come he show her. The girl came and there was a day that the employer asked her to take the baby to the clinic. The girl took the baby to the clinic. When the boy saw her he greeted her and asked her if he could take her to where she was going. The girl aksed him to come they go together. They got to the clinic and they tested the baby and they came back. The boy didn't hesitate to aks her where she was staying. He asked her "where are you staying?" and she answered and told her "I am working for another woman down there." And he told her "I am staying behind this shop." He added, "I normaly wonder where you are coming from." That girl explained to him where she was staying. The boy explained to the girl where he stays. The girl went to where she stays and the boy went to where he stays. Again there was a day when the baby was sick and they asked the girl to take her to the hospital. The employee prepared herself she washed the baby and took her to the hospital. That boy saw the girl and they went together to the hospital. He asked her to give him the baby he assists her to carry. The girl gave her the baby he carried her and they went and arrived at the hospital. They checked the baby and gave her medicine and they returned where they were coming from. While on the road the boy continued to ask the girl questions. The girl answered him. The boy asked her "you are from which tribe?" the girl told him her tribe. The girl also asked the boy that he was from which tribe and the boyt old her. When they told each other about their tribe they went away separately. There was a day the girl went to the shop, the boy saw her and told her "you prepare a day and come to see where I stay." The gilr told him "I get a break on Saturday I will tell you." On sundaythe girl went to know where the boy stays and the boy had invited her and told her where they will meet. Hen they met they went where the boy stays. The girl stayed there and she went back to her work in the evening. When the boy was escorting her back he asked him from which part of maragoli was she coming from? The girl told him that she comes from Mbale and the boy told her that he was coming from Isukha. They became friends and they were visiting each other on Sunday. There was a Sunday the girl went there and the boy told her "I can see you have become an adult, do not work for people, we can get married?" the gilr told him that she was going to ask her employer. The boy told the girl that if she goes to ask the employer that she wants to get married she doesn't know how her employer is; she may take me to jail or stop you from marrying me. The boy asked the girl to go and pack her clothes and come. The girl went and packed her clothes and then she came to where the boy was staying. The employer waited for her but she didn't see her. She met with her employer and the employer inquired from her where she had gone and she she replied that the employer had her husband, and she had found her's. They began life. They stayed for three years without getting a baby. They sat and shared ideas on how they could get baby and why were they not getting a baby. The boy told the girl that he doesn't know and he asked her if she was the one causing the problem. The girl told him that since she was born she has never received a baby, and they cannot know who has the problem. The boy told her that they organize for a day they go to up country and visit their parents maybe when the parents heard that they were married they spoke something hence they go and the parents spit on them. They organized for a day and they went home. And because this boy had informed the parents that he had married when the parents saw them they were very happy. They welcomed them in the house, they prepared water for them to bath and then they gave them tea and they took it. They spent one night there and the following morning the boy went to his parents and explained to them about the issue personaly. When he explained to his parents, the boy knew the things that they do at their home but he had not told his wife, the parents asked the boy if he had told the girl about the ritual that is done at their home. The boy told them that he had not told her; he felt that if he told her she would run away. The parents told the boy and they discussed how they could do it, there was a day the boy took a cutting tool and he began to run on the field with his father. The girl didn't know the plan that they had planned. The mther in law asked the girl to take a bucket and fetch water they will have visitors. The girl began fetching water and the mother in law called her daughters to cook food they prepared meals for the visitors. They prepared chapati, chicken, meat, rice and Irish potatoes. When they had finished cooking the father in law went and sat at "chamugitsi" and the mother in law at "kivitu" and the girls and that wife sat at "muhiru." And the elder daughter of this mother in law took leso and kept down from "chamugitsi to chandangu." When she did that they took food and went to put in "muhiru." When they arranged the food there they asked the wife to come with water for washing hands. The wife asked them why they were spreading the leso down and they told her not to ask instead she will see it, our visitors are going to walk on them. The wife was wondering who the isitors were. They brought those meals and they arranged them and the wife came with water and they asked her to hold it for the visitors to wash their hands. The wife argued and wanted to know where the visiotrs were and they told her follow what they tell her to do and she should not be afraid. That wife stood with the water, while she was standing; she saw two snakes coming from the back door of the house with necklaces on their necks. That gilr was terrified and they yelled at er and told her that if she poour water on their visitors she will be in trouble. She tried and holds the water and the visitors came and sipped the water, they sipped the food. One of the snakes sipped water and the food and then it went out through the front door, the other snake did the same. They told that girl that was their visitor that they were telling her. They told her that since the snakes have spitted at them from that day they were going to get children. They asked that girl to sit down they eat the food because that girl was afraid she didn't sit down. She asked them to allow her to continue fetching water; she will take the food later. Something binded their eyes they didn't know that this girl will run away. They continued eating those meals and the girl continued fetching water. When they finished eating that girl took the utensils and she began cleaning them. When she finished she prepared for her husband water and he went to bath. It was at night and that boy was an alcoholic. When he went to take alcohol he left the wife sleeping. When she knew that the husband had gone to take alcohol she stole her clothes and hid them on the fence. When the boy came back, the wife took the food and gave him to eat; they had not known that she wanted to run away. They went to sleep and because and alcoholic person sleeps fast, that boy slept and the wife ensured that he was aleep. She jumped over him and she didn't bother to know if it was dark at night. She went and took her clothes where she had kept on the fence and she left. She walked slowly as she listened. When the boy woke up he found that the wife was not on the bed, he was patient and he thought maybe the wife had out for a short call. He waited for her but she didn't come back. The boy went to his parent's door and knocked then he asked if the wife was inside there the parents told him that she was not there. He told them that he woke up and found out that she was not there he thought that she had gone to the toilet but she didn't come back, he thought that she had come to sleep there because of what she had seen and the fear that she had. The parents asked him to go and look for her maybe she is in the toilet. The boy looked at the toilet, bathroom, he looked everywhere but he didn't see her. The boy went and woke up his friends and told them that his wife had gone outside but he was not seeing her, and he didn't know where she had gone to, he had gone to her mothers place and she was not there, he had checked in the toilet and the bathroom and he was not seeing her. The friends asked him to go and look if the clothes were there. The boy went and looked for the clothes of his wife but he didn't see them. He was astonished and he said that she had ran away and he wondered where she had gone that because she didn't know neighbors they just came recently and she had not spoken to a neighbor yet. They took touches and started following that girl but they didn't find her. And when she saw the touches she hid in the bushes and then they come and pass. When they went far away for a short distance and then she follows them. When they lit the torches back she used to hide. When they got on the road the girl saw them going back home, she went and hid behind the shop and waited for them to go away then she began going home. She walked o foot from Ileo up to Mbale because she had seen a problem and she didn't care if something will terrify her on the road or the journey was long, because if you have seen trouble you do not have fear. That girl arrived home in the morning. She went and woke her parents, they opened the door and they were shocked. And because she had gone to the bush the clothes were torn. The parents cried and asked her, "What is the problem?" She asked them to wait for her to rest she will tell them what she had seen. They gave her water to go and bath first. She bathed, they gave her food but she didn't eat. That girl they gave her a place where to sleep. In the morning they gave tea and then they begged her to tell them what made her to come back home that night with the clothes torned. That gilr began to explain and she told her mother that when she left she said that she was going to work. When she got there she met a boy who asked her to marry him. They finished three years without getting a baby. He asked her to go to his up country for his parents to spit on them for them to have a baby. When they got there they told her that they had visitors, She saw snakes coming and she was very terrified. They made food. The parents told her that they asked her to go and learn tailoring. The girl asked for forgiveness from them she told them that she didn't know what she was doing. The girl told them that from that day she wont get married because of what she had seen. Today that girl is working; she has bought her land and builds her home she is staying there.

When I came here it was the year 1992 and I found the houses were scarcly populated. There was no neighbor near and the grass had overgrow. Even when someone used to come you could not see him. You used to be surprised thathe has already reached where you were. A shop and posho mill was at Avosa. Someone used to grind her flour that she knew would last for a week and aslo the things to us in the kitchen like the salt she used to buy the ones that she knew will last for those day. The hospital was not near. Whenever someone was sick he was taken to Kaimosi or Mbale where these people came from. The school was in Ichitu or Imusunji. People who had migrated to this place they used to say "even where we came from was good, they brought us here to do what." But because the government brought them they were patient. They perservired until the light was brought here. They removed the bushes that were here and they began to build their houses, they continued to build until they all migrated to this place. When they had migrated here it looked like a place where people are staying. The people sat down and they discussed and they found one person who started a posho mill and another one started a shop. We knew that they had reduced for us the walking distance and we also knew that we had come out of darkness. Our men sat together and they plaaned how they could get a school. They agreed to go and visit our MP who was Khaniri. They went and presented their plea and then he told them that they go back he has heard their plea. He said that he would begin by building a hospital in Shiru. When he builds and finished he came to check if a school could fit in Jidereri. He organized for a day and he came to plan how they can start a school and they began with a nursery. He used to come and leave what he had and they continue to build the school. They continued building that school up to where it is and our MP Khaniri assisted them. He came back and gave them what he had; they continued to build it until they built the toilets. Our elder men appreciated him, we also appreciated him for the good work that he did for us.


A person who jumps out at night is the one who has a cheetar. When that person goes outside to jump at nigh he goes to jump there at night. When he goes out he asks the wife to step on a cooking stone until he comes back. When the husband goes out to run the wife steps on that stone until the husband comes back in the house. And that person who is jumping outside at night he takes soil and throws it on top of people's iron sheets, or if you have a rope for drying clothes he stretches it. If you are coward you can run away from the house. When the wife removes the foot from the stone the husband will be caught, when he comes back he beats the wife very bad, and tells her "I asked you to step on this stone until I come back, why did you remove your foot?" and fro him when he is caught outside there he is beaten thoroughly. And if that person has boys because the boys listen to the father he takes some of those things and gives them. And if his daughter has been married somewhere and she is not giving birth and she had not taken those things, she goes back home they give her those things. And when they give her they keep them in a pot for her to carry them from it. and when she goes with them to the home where she was married they should also have those things, she cannot go with them there if they have not kept those things. When she takes those tings and goes with them there she will start to receive children. When she gets a child people know that they are witch and they are also people who jump out at night.