Play time: 36:17 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, May 6, 2014.

Kuli Nyasaye Yalomba Kivala

Henry Nyareso

Vulwani vwa valogoli na Vafumbwa/Vanandi

Lwa valogoli vingila mu Kenya ye Imadioli valomba vomenyo vwavo ivulogoli wa vaveye kuduka na lelo. Valala ku vali vasigu vavo vahongera kulwana navo vali vandu valangwa Vafumbwa anoho Vanandi. Vandu vahumbwa yava vasetanga valogoli ma mu tsinyinga tsiu vudiku ma valanya mitugu jiavo nu kwiluka najio. Yaga gagira valogoli ni vikala ni vava nu vulwani vavahumbwa hali kanyinge. Vulala ku vulwani yivu vwali himbe ku kigulu chu Muhinga. Vafumbwa vaseta valogoli vudiku ma ni vita mulogoli walangwa Nunga. Lwa mulogoli undi yanyola Nunga niyitiywi, yahuga nu mwoyo munene navola "oh, Mufumbwa nava niyiti Nunga atita undi mba." Valogoli vamanya ni vatula mu tsinyumba nu muriviti munene. Na lwa Vafumbwa vali ni vivisi mu kiguru wu muhinga, valinduruka mu tsimbiru kwiruka ma valogoli ni vayaya vosi beyi. Vulwani vundi vwali mu vigulu vie Nametsa. Nu vulwani vundi valogoli vaganila na Vahumbwa halangangwa kalunu Ilunza. Vafumbwa vitila valogoli vanyinge halwunza mu vudiku hagati. Mulogoli walangwa Kilambi yanina ku musala gwu lwunza ma nakuba ling'alala lilie kuvukitsa vali ni vagonanga. Valogoli valangilitsana ni vatevana mufumbwa ki. mufumbwa ligina noho? Vamanya nivatulila avafumbwa ma ni vavigalila ku mugera gwe itsava. Vafumbwa vanyinge vitilwa ku mugera gwe itsava na vatigara ni viruka igihali ni vatsia lovega lwe kiguru che Gure kiveye ikisa.

Mikinu mu Kivala che Ivulogoli

Mikinu jia valogoli vayanza kukina kutula kale ni livina tsisugudi, inangoli, ilidienyi nu vukana vundi vwe tsingano tsinyinge. Valogoli vali ni vayanza kandi vukinu vwe indumba kulwana nu kutulana minyika. Vukinu kuli yivu vwakolangwa mu tsinyinga tsia hamugorova. Isii nekoli muheso anoho ibura negoni muheso. Mu mihiga jiali hagati 1930 na 1940 vukinu vwu kukuba mpira kandi vwali ni vokolekanga ivulogoli mmbunyinge. Mu muhiga gwa kutanga mu 1930, kekombe chu mpira chalngangwa Remington chali nikikubilangwa hagati ha locations ninde districts tsiosi mu Kenya. Mu muhiga 1933 munubi Amuyunzu naveye chief we ivulogoli ye isavalu itimu yu mpira ye ivulogoli ye isavalu yaguta tsitimu tsindi mu Kenya ma nenyola gekombe cha Remmington tsana. Mu likuba mpira gwa kumalilika itimu ye ivulogoli yakuba nu kuguta i team ya Vicille kutula Mombasa. Vakubila Nairobi iyi yali inyinga yu kutanga ku itimu yu lugano lwosi mu North Nyanza District ye inyinga tsana konyola kekombe cha Remmington. N. Nyanza districts tsivaga tsia Kakamega, Bungoma na Busia tsialombanga Western Province. Vali vakini mu itimu yanyola kekombe cha Remmington tsana muhiga gwa 1933 vali Mailo Sayo, Javan Nyakeva, Paul Nyanyi, Fanuel Livwege Injini, Sammy Abukira, Esau Mwanga, Elisha Munubi, William Serenge Munubi, Abubakar Aluda, Jotham Amadenge ninde Otieno Nyambala.

Valusha ni lichelitsana lie mirembe

Valusha vosi na vandu vayanzanga kuva ni mirembe havamenyi. Lwa mulusha wa kale yagananga nu undi iliteva lilie ku undi lialange "mirembe yo?" Mirembe jiveye wa utulanga yeyo? Avavolaki yo? Anoho "avaloma ki wa utulanga eyo?" mativuli ku mateva kuli yaga ni "yee, ni mirembe." "Mang'ana gaveyo mba, ni mirembe vutswa." Amateva gu watevangwa mirembe yava niyaleka mirembe nijitave wa yakutulanga yamanya ativula "awa, ma avola kindu chalange ni kekolechi niva vulwaye, likutsa anoho ling'ana lindi liosiniiva liali yo. Lichelitsana yili liayimbihitswa mang'ana gandi gatula ku ma liatigala vutswa "mirembe." Lichelitsana lie mirembe yili liveye kilala ku mang'ana gavili ga hambanyia valusha mu mima jiavo jivili jiu kuva nu lushia nu kuchelitsana ne ling'ana lie mirembe. Mu liva kuli yili valusha kutula kale si vali vandu vayanzanga kutindira mundu undi kali ave mugeni dave ku vo mba. Si vayanzanga kutanga avandi vutindi anoho vusolo mba; vayanzanga vutswa komenya ni mirembe. Yiki ni kijira ni koveye ni livola ndi valusha na vandu ve mirembe. Navutswa mulusha vatangangwa vosoro anoho vutindi vaveye nu muruviriri vwe likubana anoho lilwana lie kwikinga na kandi linyala kudukitsa avatangitsi vo vosoro tsana ku mageli ga vavetsanga ni venyanji anoho ku keheli chavo.

Ivulogoli ye Isavalu anoho South Maragoli ni tsisoma tsia yo

Uvwamihi vwe kekoloni ni vukuri kutangitswa mu Kenya, vatalika ku va mu vwamishi mu tsinyinga tsana vali Mufwogo wa Ayuya na Ayuya wa Amutsitsi. Kutangila mu vwamihi vwe kekoloni, vakola ku miyinzi jiu vuchifu lovega lwe ivulogoli ye Isavalu vali Munubi Amuyunzu ku mihiga himbe 32 kutanga 1907 kuduka 1939. Paul Agoi ku mihiga ahimbe 11 kutanga muhiga kwa 1940 kuduka 1951. William Serenge Munubi na Meshack Agoi valonda mu tsinyinga tsia vwamishi vwa vamwamu vali Reuben Demesi, Fanuel Kaiga na kuduka mu muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye chifu ni Timona Isinga. Meshack Agoi yatovolwa kuva senior chief muhiga gwa 1985. Kukonya avachifu vandi ne tsinganagani tsiu kugenditsa miyinzi jiu vwamishi mu tsilocation tsiavo. Mu muhiga gwa 1985, lilungikitsa liali ni liatwekitswa liu kugavulanyia location ye ivulogoli ye Isavalu mu location tsivili. Ndala kutsio yahevwa lyita lie ivulogoli ya hagati (Central Maragoli) ni tsisoma tsia yo sita tsiali Chango, Ikumba, Kegoye, Kidundu, Maguyi na Mmbihi. Office yali havihiga. Location yatigala ni lyita lia vulogoli ye Isavalu (South Maragoli) yatigala kandi ni tsisoma sita tsie Chagenda, Lusiola, Mahanga, Masana, Madzuu ne Ivuguru. Office ya chief we location iyi yavikwa hamugomati.

Losoma lwa Chagenda

Tsisukulu tsivili tsiali ni tsiamanyikana mu losoma yilu ni Gilwatsi primary school yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1940 ninde Nyanza primary school yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1944. Amaknisa ga friends mu losoma yili ni Gilwatsi likanisa liatangitswa muhiga gwa 1918, Kigadahi 1926, Chandugunyi 1941, Inyanza 1942, liganisa lia Madzugi liatangitswa 1943, Muguva livugana yili liatangitswa 1946, Liavugulu 1948, Kisieli 1958, Lumusi 1970, Chagenda divine church yatangitswa muhiga gwa1967, Ikitu kenene mu losoma yilu ni cha Gilwatsi. Vali ku vayinzili mu losoma yilu kuli Ass. Chief ni Thomas Mahanga mu mihiga jia losoma lulala lwali ni lwahambanywa halala ni Chagenda, Lusiola na Ikumba. Samuel Lubinu Rabimu yali ku Ass. Chief we losoma lwe Chagenda lweng'ine na kuduka muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye Ass. Chief we Chagenda yali Alfred Lunalo.


Makanisa ga friends ganne gatangitswa mu losoma yilu gali Chango muhiga gwa 1919, Matsigulu 1921, Kihilila 1948 na Liambogo 1958. Makanisa ga Pentecoastal Assmblies of God gavili Chavugami 1927, Chanderema 1968. Makanisa ga Catholic gatangitswa ne Itengi muhigwa gwa 1946 ma ne Manyatta. African Divine Church yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1950 na likanisa lilala lia Jeshi la Wokovu ni Wadumu. Likanisa lia Islam liatangitswa ha Manyatta muhiga gwa 1913. Tsisikulu tsivaga mu losoma yilu ni Changi primary yatangitswa muhigwa gwa 1937, Matsigulu yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1941, Chavugami primary school yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1951. Vayinzili vayinzila ku mu losoma kuli Ass. Chief ni Yakobo Nyauke na Timona Isinga na kuduka muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye Ass. Chief wo losoma yali Girishom Ndeda Ambagwa. Ivtu vio losoma viatangitswa kuli ndi: manyatta muhiga gwa 1951, ne Matsigulu muhiga gwa 1952.


Likanisa liu kutanga ivulogoli wosi liatangitswa ha Vihiga na vamission va friends vatangitsa likanisa yili mu muhiga gwa 1905. Na vamission va Anglican vingila ho mu muhiga gwa 1902 ni vatulangi ho kutsia Maseno Emma Rees na Yohana Amugune vatanga limenya ho Vihiga mu muhiga gwa 1906. Yava nivo vatanga kwigitsa ha vihiga amegitsu ge idini ya friends african mission (FAM) halala ne lisoma ne lihandika. Lidala lie vihiga lianyola lyita lia lio kutula ku magina gavaga manene gaveye havihiga nago gene galietigika kuli mahiga gavaga gatigikwa kodekela ku. Havihiga niho he likanisa liu kutanga ivulogoli liumbakwa. Liumbakilwa madafari nu kuvimbila mabati. Madafari ge likanisa yili gatanga lilongwa muhigwa gwa 1909. Na liumbaka liatanga muhiga gwa 1910 kuduka 1914 likanisa yili liali ni liumbakwa ni liafwa vandu ni vavuganilanga mu. Isikulu yu kutanga ivulogoli yatangila kandi havihiga mu muhiga gwa 1906 na yamanyikana kuli primary school. Ma muhiga gwa 1918, secondary school yatangitswa havihiga mu muhigwa gwa 1969. Makanisa gandi ga friends mu losoma gatangitswa kuli ndi: Kidinyi muhigwa gwa 1918, Imanda 1936, Ikumba 1942, Imagaka 1946 mu Januari, Kilindilu 1946, Kegendilova 1955 halala ne likanisa lia Navuhi. Makanisa ga Pentecoastal Assemblies of God gatangitswa kuli ndi: Imagaka muhiga gwa 1939, Keveye muhigwa gwa 1941, Wangumbi muhigwa gwa 1946, wa Kigunyi muhigwa gwa 1959, Idumbu muhigwa gwa 1972. Makanisa ga Jeshi la Wokovu gatangitswa kuli ndi: Lwanda muhigwa gwa 1938, Mugavagavo muhiga gwa 1945, Kengelo muhigwa gwa 1954. Likanisa lilala lia African Divine Church ni Chavumba. Wa Sindi Holyspirit Church liatangitswa Januari 4 1954. Na likanisa liu Mulovolo mu 1969. Vakola ku miyinzi jia Ass. Chief mu losoma yilu lwa Ikumba ni Lumadede Kisala na Musa Keya Livwege. Kuduka muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye ass. chief wo losoma yilu yali naveye Abdul Rahma Logonze Oveyi. Kitu kenene mu losoma ni Majengo halangwa kandi Keveye. Kandi yiki keveye kilala ku vitu vinene ivulogoli office ya District Officer Vihiga Division na office ya Chief we Ivulogoli ye Isavalu tsiveye mu losoma yilu ha Vihiga.

Losoma lwa Kegoye

Makanisa ga friends gatangitswa mu losoma yilu gali Chamibiti friends church muhiga gwa 1913. Nu mwegitsi wu kutanga mu sukulu yatangitswa ho yali Thomas Chukunzila. Kegoye Friends Church yatangitswa 1923 anoho 1924 na mwegitsi wu kutanga yali Paul Mmbwanga. Makanisa gandi ni Luduvuyu 1960, Lilavo, Mufuru ni Chanda. Makanisa ga Pentecoastal Assemblies of God ni Bumale, Lwang'ele, Chafudula. Makanisa ga divine ni Wandaye, Wakigunyi, Ikitulu ne Kegondi. makanisa ga jeshi la wokovu ni Wakigunyi ni Chanda. Likanisa lilala lia Catholic ni Hambale. Yaha isukulu ya vakana yatangitsa iyo yo vogeli vwa secondary ni miyinzi jia vakana kwiga ilitaipa. Vakola ku vuyinzili vu vwamishi Ass. chief mu losoma yilu vali Simon Jumba mu tsinyinga tsia kale na inyima John Atinga. Ma kudukila muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye ass. chief wo losoma yali Hezron Jahava Nandi.


Lwatangitswa muhiga gwa 1971 na ass. chief wa lwo wu kutanga yali Elam Ogola. Makanisa gae friends gatangitswa kuli ndi mu losoma yilu: Kidundu friends church muhigwa gwa 1922, Wumuraru 1925, ne Imululu muhigwa 1969. Makanisa ga P.A.G. ni Ivona yatangitswa muhigwa gwa 1943 ni Chanziluka muhiga gwa 1964. Makanisa ga jeshi la wokovu ni Ivinditsi muhiga gwa 1940, Igakala muhiga gwa 1941, Eloyeke 1946 ni Wasambu muhiga gwa 1950. Gimasi holyspirit church yatangitswa muhigwa gwa 1959. Mululu African Divine Church yatangitswa muhigwa gwa 1968. Primary school tsivili mu losoma ni Wumuraru ni Kidundu. Aineah Burimu yayinzila ku mu losoma yilu kuli ass. chief lukihambani ni Chango kuduka muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye ass. chief wo losoma yali Solomon Egadwa. Mu losoma yilu nimwo mwe likanisa linene lia vafriends liumbakwa. Liumbakwa lie likanisa yili liatangitswa muhigwa gwa 1926 na liafwa ni litanga kuvuganilwa mu muhiga gwa 1948. Yili ni likanisa linene kuvita makanisa gandi gosi ivulogoli. Likanisa l,ia friends lie Kidundu ni likanisa linene kuvita gandi.

Losoma lwa Lusiola

Makanisa ga friends gatangitswa mu losoma yilu ni Idereri, Gavaraji muhiga gwa 1929, Ligetse muhiga gwa 1942, Inzalu 1948, Lusavasavi 1948, Igago muhiga gwa 1949, Liamidi muhiga gwa 1951, ni Chanzoka. Makanisa ga jeshi la wokovu ni Vigetse liatangitsa muhiga gwa 1940, Inanga muhiga gwa 1946, Viyalo 1948 ni Liangudu muhiga gwa 1955. Makanisa ga divine church ni Muhanda liatangitswa muhiga gwa 1961, Inywelo muhiga gwa 1962, Ivugu 1968 ne Muhaya muhiga gwa 1970. Makanisa ga Holyspirit ni Kivagala liatangitswa muhiga gwa 1960, Igangu 1964, Isegera muhiga gwa 1970. Makanisa ga Pentecoastal Assemblies of God ni Chanzoka yatangitswa muhiga gwa 1956, Mugomati 1927. Makanisa gandi ni Vigetse jeshi la wokovu muhiga gwa 1968 ni Lodondo Israel church liatangitswa muhiga gwa 1948. Kitu cho losoma keveye Ilusiola. Tsisukulu tsie primary mu losoma ni Idereri, Gavalaji, Lusavasavi na Gago. Absolom Ganira Mmata yali ku ass. chief wu losoma na kuduka muhiga gwa 1985 wali naveye ass. chief wo losoma yali Jotham Avodonya Ulada.

The way God made the world

The war of Maragoli and Naandi

When the maragoli came to western they established themselves there and they are still there today.some of their enemies that they were fighting with were the Naandi. These Naandi were attacking the maragoli at night and then they run away with their cattle. This made the maragoli to ist down and they had war with the Naandi many times. One of the wars with the Naandi was near a hill called Muhinga. The Naandi attacked the maragoli at night and they killed someone called Nunga. Amulogoli passed by and was surprised and he said that if a Naandi has killed Nunga, he should not kill another one. The maragoli came out of the houses very fast. The Naandi that were hiding on the hill of Muhinga when they saw the maragoli they ran away and the maragoli blocked them. Another war was on the hills of Nametsa and another war the maragoli met with the Naandi at a place called Ilunza. The naandi killed many maragoli at Ilunza in the middle of the night. A maragoli by the name Kilambi climbed on the tree and blew his whistle to alert the Maragoli those were asleep. The maragoli woke up each other and they asked which Naandi. They blocked the naandi in the river of Itsava. Many naandi were killed at that river and the ones that remained ran away to the hill of Gure in Kisa.

Games in the land of maragoli

The games that the maragoli loved to play was shaking and dancing. It is a dance of different type. The maragoli also loved the game of fighting and putting others down. These games were done in the evening. The year 1930 and 1940 there was the game of football was played most. In the year 1930 the cup of football was called Remington it was played between the locations and all the districts in Kenya. In the year 1933 when Amuyunzu was the chief of Maraogoli south, a team from south maragoli defeated all the other teams in Kenya and it received the cup of Remmington. During the final match the team from maragoli defeated a Vicille team from Mombasa. They were playing from Nairobi it was the first season for a team from North Nyanza District to receive the cup of Remmington. North Nyanza districts three Kakamega, Bungoma and Busia are making western province. They were playing for the cup of Remmington in the year 1933 and they were Mailo Sayo, Javan Nyakeva, Paul Nyanyi, Fanuel Livwege Injini, Sammy Abukira, Esau Mwanga, Elisha Munubi, William Serenge Munubi, Abubakar Aluda, Jotham Amadenge ninde Otieno Nyambala.

The Luhya and the greetings of hands

All luhya are people who love to have peace where they are. When a luhya person was asking about the other one he used to ask if peace was there. Is there peace where we you are coming from? What are they saying? Or what are they doing where you are coming from? And they respond that they are well there is no issue there is peace. The questions that you were asked and then if something had happened he used to say the thing that has happened is this if it is sickness, death or any other thing that is there. This greeting has been reduced to greetings. These greeting is between the two things that unify the luhya people. Since long ago the luhya didn't like to disturb anyone who was a visitor to them. They didn't like to start quarrel with others, they liked staying in peace and this is the reason to why we say the luhya are people of peace but the luhya do not start quarrels and fights for protection and they cannot start war.

South maragoli and its districts

The colonial rein beans in Kenya and in those seasons were Mufwogo of Ayuya of Amutsitsi. Beginning with the government of the colony those that were serving as chiefs in the southern maragoli were Munubi Amuyunzu for 32 years from 1907 to 1939. Paul Agoi for almost 11 years, since the year 1940 to 1951. William Serenge Munubi and Meshack Agoi followed in the seasons of ruling the blacks and they were Reuben Demesi, Fanuel Kaiga and upto the year 1985 the one who was the chief was Timona Isinga. Meshack Agoi was appointed as the senior chief in the year 1985. A solution had been made to divide south maragoli into two locations. One of it was central maragoli and its sub-locations were Chango, Ikumba, Kegoye, Kidundu, Maguyi and Mmbihi. The office was in Vihiga the other location that remained with the name was south maragoli and it remained with six sub-locations that were Chagenda, Lusiola, Mahanga, Masana, Madzuu and Ivuguru. The office of the chief was in Mukogomati.

Chagenda location

Two schools were known from this location and they were Gilwatsi primary school, which was started in 1940, and Nyanza primary school that was started in 1944. The Friends churches were preaching in these regions. The first church was started in the year 1918. Kigadahi in 1926, Chandugunyi 1941, Inyanza 1942, the church of Madzugi was started in 1943, Muguva was started in 1946, Liavugulu 1948, Kisieli 1958, Lumusi 1970, Chagenda divine church was started in the year 1967. The biggest is Gilwatsi. Those that were assisting in this location were like Ass. Chief Thomas Mahanga. When the location was still together with Chagenda, Lusiola and Ikumba. Samuel Lubinu Rabimu was the assistant chief of Chagenda until 1985 the assistant chief of Chagenda was Alfred Lunalo.


The four Friends churches that were started in this location were Chango in the year 1919, Matsigulu 1921, Kihilila 1948 and Liambogo 1958. The Pentecoastal Assmblies of God were two; Chavugami 1927, Chanderema 1968. The catholic churches that were started were Itengi the year 1946 and Manyatta. African Divine Church was started in 1950 and the Salvation Army in Wadumu. The Islamic church was started in Manyatta in 1913. The three schools in this region are Changi primary that was started in the year 1937, Matsigulu was started in the year 1941, Chavugami primary school was started in 1951. The workers in the region were Ass. Chief ni Yakobo Nyauke and Timona Isinga up to 1985 the one who had been the Ass. Chief of this region was Girishom Ndeda Ambagwa. Manyatta was started in the year 1951 and Matsigulu in 1952.


The first church in maragoli was started at Vihiga and the missionaries of Friends are the one who started it in 1905. And the Anglican missionaries entered there in 1902 and they left to Maseno. Emma Rees and Yohana Amugune started staying in Vihiga in the year 1906. These are the ones who began teaching the religion of Friends African Mission (FAM) together with reading and writing. It got its name from three big stones that are in Vihiga. And they are positioned like the three stones that we are using for cooking. At vihiga is where the first church in maragoli was built. It was built using bricks and covered with iron sheets. The bricks for this church were made since 1909 and construction began in the year 1910 to 1914 when this church had been made and people gathered in to fellowship. The first school in maragoli started in vihiga in the year 1906 and it was known as a primary school. Then the year 1918, secondary school was started in vihiga in the year 1969. Other churchese were started in the region were like this; Kidinyi the year 1918, Imanda 1936, Ikumba 1942, Imagaka 1946 in January, Kilindilu 1946, Kegendilova 1955 together with the church of Navuhi. Pentecostal Assemblies of God churches were started like this; Imagaka in 1939, Keveye the year 1941, Wangumbi in the year 1946. Kigunyi 1959. Idumbu 1972. The Salvation Army churches were started as follows; Lwanda in the year 1938, Mugavagavo the year 1945, Kengelo the year 1954. One church of African Divine is Chavumba. Sindi Holyspirit Church was started in Januari 4 1954 and the church of Mulovolo was started in 1969. Those that did the work of assistant Chief in the sub-location of Ikumba were Lumadede Kisala and Musa Keya Livwege. Up to 1985 the one who was assistant chief was Abdul Rahma Logonze Oveyi. Kitu Kinene in the sub-location f Majengo. It was also called Keveye. The office of the District Officer Vihiga Division and the office of Chief of maragoli south were in this region of Vihiga.

Kegoye location

The Friends churches that were started in this region were Chamibiti Friends church in 1913. The first teacher of a school that was started there was called Thomas Chukunzila. Kegoye Friends Church was started in the year 1923 or 1924 and the first teacher was Paul Mmbwanga. Other churches are Luduvuyu 1960, Lilavo, Mufuru and Chanda other churches of Pentecoastal Assemblies of God are Bumale, Lwang'ele, Chafudula. Divine churches are Wandaye, Wakigunyi, Ikitulu and Kegondi. Salvation Army churches are Wakigunyi and Chanda. One of the catholic churches is Hambale. Here is where the girls' school was started, the skills of secondary and activities for girls to learn typing. Those that served as Assistant Chief in this region are Simon Jumba in the past periods and John Atinga. Up to 1985 the one who was assistant chief was Hezron Jahava Nandi.


It was started in the year 1971 and the first assistant chief was Elam Ogola. The Friends churches were started like this in this region; Kidundu friends church the year 1922, Wumuraru 1925, Imululu the year 1969, P.A.G. churches were Ivona that was started in the year 1943 and Chanziluka in the year 1964. Salvation army in Ivinditsi in the year 1940, Igakala in the year 1941, Eloyeke 1946 and Wasambu the year 1950, Gimasi holyspirit church was started the year 1959, Mululu African Divine Church was started in the year 1968. Primary schools in the region are Wumuraru and Kidundu. Aineah Burimu entered this region, as assistant chief while it was still together with Chango up to the year 1985 the one who was assistant chief was Solomon Egadwa. In this region is where the biggest Friends church was built. The construction of this church began in the year 1926 and it ended and people began worshipin from it in 1948. This is the largest church compared to all the churches in maragoli. The Friends church in Kidundu is the largest than other churches.

Location of Lusiola

Friends churches that were started in this region are; Idereri, Gavaraji the year 1929, Ligetse the year 1942, Inzalu 1948, Lusavasavi 1948, Igago the year 1949, Liamidi the year 1951, and Chanzoka. Salvation army churches are Vigetse that was started in 1940, Inanga in the year 1946, Viyalo 1948 and Liangudu in the year 1955. Divine churches are Muhanda that was started in 1961, Inywelo the year 1962, Ivugu 1968 and Muhaya the year 1970, Holyspirit churches are Kivagala that was started in the year 1960, Igangu 1964, Isegera the year 1970. Pentecoastal Assemblies of God churches are Chanzoka that was started in the year 1956, Mugomati 1927 other churches are Salvation Army in Vigetse in 1968. Lodondo Israel church was started in 1948. The primary schools in this region are Idereri, Gavalaji, Lusavasavi and Gago. Absolom Ganira Mmata was the assistant chief up to the year 1985 the one who was assistant chief was Jotham Avodonya Ulada.