Play time: 31:20 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, May 6, 2014.

Kuli Nyasaye Yalomba Kivala

Henry Nyareso

Inze ni Henry Nyareso Munangwe na koveye ha Jidereri hano na nyenya molome ku kuli kivala chatsa ku cha komenyi ku kinu anoho kuli nyasaye yalomba kivala. How the world came to be. Kiveye che ivulogoli koveye komolomela mmang'ana gi vulogoli kwa jumla liveye liteva ku namba 2 (a).

Kivala chi ivulogoli anoho cha valogoli kuli kivala chanyoleka kolondekana ni tsingangani tsia vaguga vitu va kale, kolondekana kuli kivala chanyoleka. Vandu va kale vavolelanga avana vavo na visukulu vavo vasoleli kuli kivala chali kandi kuli kiveye, ma kandi kuli avana yava venyekana vamenye mu kivala yiki. Ma kandi kuli vanyala kwilinda mu kivala cha mang'ana manyinge ni mitego minyinge yiki. Vaguga vavo vavolanga kale miritu jialaho minene muno. Kandi tsinyanza tsialange ho tsinene na amatsi manyinge muno. Mu miritu yimu, vilombe viamenyanga mu vialangwa manani nende ving'ang'a vinenene ma na manyonyi. Tsinyama tsiamenyanga mu miritu yiji tsialeng'anywa ku tsinzogu nende tsimbongo ne vifwaru ni tsitwiga. Miyoka jialange mu miritu yiji kandi kali jinyala kumila kali imburi. Tsinyama tsiamenyanga mmatsi anoho mu tsinyanza tsiafwananywa vonene vwa tsio nende inguvu, tsinguva anoho ingwena. ma ninde tsisutse tsineneene tsianyala kumila mundu vutswa vugala anoho magarangatani. Ku avaguga vitu vavolanga ndi kereremo chali ho ihale nende muritu ni inyanza iyi. Ku vandu vamenyanga yo mu kereremo yiki. Otogera twali yo twaletanga amatsi mu tsinyanza yitsi. Manani nende tsinyama tsiamenyanga mmuritu yigu tsialondanga togera yitu ma tsiruha tsiduka wa vandu vamenyanga. Vandu yava vitangwa ni tsinyama yitsi mu litanga sana. Vuli inyinga ni vitwa ni tsinyama yitsi, navutswa vamanya vikale ma ni vaganagana kokola ndi tsinyama na manani yaga ni vaveye vasigu vitu. Ku vamanya ni vanyola ndi ni vafwani mulilu mu vudiku tsinyama yitsi tsiatitsanga ma tsivaa vutswa ihale. na tsinyinga tsia mmbasu, vasakulu vaganagana ni vaduka ku litula viugi; matimu, mivano jie tsingano nende jie tsingonono nende milungi; vamanya valombe uvuta nende imivano jiene ma vunyinge na matimu manyinge. Ma kandi vahenzelitsa vanyola enzoka ni yatemanga mundu si yamanyanga ahona dave. Ku vahenzelitsa vanyola tsinzoka tsiveye nende isumu imbivivi. Ku vakola vogeli ni vita enzoka ni vavikanga havundu ma vavika mu imivano jiavo jiu vuta anoho matimu gu kuhitsila tsinyama tsiu vurimu nende mu miritu. Lwa varasilanga tsinyama yitsi, tsiamanyanga tsikutsa. Ku vakolanga ndio mu limenya liavo liosi. Ku vaguga yava vavola nyasaye wa vasala ku yakola go kogenyia mi tsinyama yitsi ni tsigeha kandi amatsi mu tsinyanza ni gageha. Kandi miritu lwa vandu valombanga magenga vuli vudiku miritu kandi jiageha kuli lwa jiveye ho ndi. Na vandu kolondekana nu kusala nyasaye, tsingavi tsia lwivulu vamanya ni vamedeka mu vunyinge ma va isalila mu kivala nu kwumbaka mu kuli vaveye mu ndi. Vaguga vitu vadinyilitsa kusala asubui muyaganju ku nyasaye na ni vahenzi ivugwi; lidiku live liu vugasu nyasaye avaganagane. Kandi vadinyilitsa kusala hamugorova ku vwile ku nyasaye agasitse vudiku na vadinyilitsa ku mugorova vasale ni vahenzi imadioli.

Kivala chi Ivulogoli kuli keveye

Ivulogoli ni kivala kekee vutswa. Vatende vacho ni vanyore ku lovega lwe Imadioli, vavo ko lovega lwe Isavalu, Vatiriki ko lovega lwe Ivugwe, na vidako ku lovega lwe Ivale. Ku chitu che Kilingili, vakisam vanyore na vidako vahambanila ku na valogoli. Tsimbalabala nene tsiavita ivulogoli ni indala itulanga Kisumu kutsia Kakamega, imbalabala yindi itulanga Kapsabet kuduka Chavakali na yindi itulanga Majengo, Keveye kutsia kuduka Maseno na Lwanda. Tsimbalabala tsivili tsitulanga Chavakali ndala itsitsa Kilingili na yindi itsia Eregi. Yindi itulanga Majengo ivita Munzatsi kutsia Hamisi. Itsitsanga Hamisi isiavukilanga Gisambai itsia ivita Kivagala, Kisangula, Kigama kuduka Mudete. Imbalabala yindi itulanga Mago, ivita Ivusweta kutsia Busali Union Secondary School, kutsia Mululu na yindi itula Mudete ivitila Wangulu, Bugina kutsia kuduka Mululu. Tsimbalabala tsivili tsitulanga Mbale ndala itsia Imbihi paga Imagada Bunyore na yindi ivita Kegoye kutsia Matsigulu paga Gisambai, yindiitulanga Vuguga kutsia Imagada kutsia Bunyore, yindi itulanga Vihiga, ivitila Gavalaji, itsia Lusiola. Imbalabala yindi itulanga Mahanga kutsia Ichavavo ni Kerongo. Kivala che Ivulogoli kiveye mu ni vigulu vinyinge na magina ku lovega lwe Isavalu. Vigulu yivi viveye ivulogoli yi Isavalu mu tsisoma tsie vigulu. Chagenda Lusiola ni Ikumba; yivi viatangila Changutsi kuduka Ichandolo, Liamagale nende Vinditsi, ni Wangumbi lovega lwe Ivulogoli yi Ivale. Tuguru toveye ku ha Kisangula kwambuka Idiriji Igavilembo. Migera jie ivulogoli si jiveye minene ligali mba. Mugera munene gwavita ivulogoli ni gulangangwa Itsava. Mu mugera gwe itsava, migera mikee minyinge jiahila kusundulamu amatsi ga jio. Mu tsisoma tsinde tsie ivulogoli migera milala minene jiagilung'anyianga mita ga jio kolondekana ne tsisoma tsia jivita mu. Mita ge migera mikee milala ni Wagikuyu, Lusala, Luveyi, Ehedwe, Walunyu, Wamondo na jinde kivala che ivulogoli kiveye ni jinde. Kivala che ivulogoli keveye ku mu kandi ne tsinyunguluku ne vivanda na ne vireremo vikee vutswa. Imbula ikuba ivulogoli hali kanyinge itulanga lovega lwe ivugwe mu vigulu vie inandi. Tsinyinga tsindi inala kutulila ko lovega lwe isavalu kutulana na inyanza Victoria uveye Kisumu. Umuhiga gwe lilima lie ivulogoli guveye mu ne tsinyinga tsivili. Inyinga indambi anoho inene niyo ye lilima linene. Lilima lie gudu lio kwetegekela imbula nene ni inyinga iyi. Lilangangwa lilima lia gudu. Lilima yili litanganga mu Novemba aoho Desemba, ma litsitsagila paga kuduka Februari ya muhiga gundi. Imbura ya gudu imelitsanga vitagwa itanganga likuba mu mweli gwa Februari anoho March ma itsitsagilila kuduka Juni anoho Julai. Inyinga inyimbe ye lilima likee lie kwetegekela imbura itavetsanga inyinge ilangangwa inyinga ye chuvwe. Lilima livetsanga mu mieli jie ligesa, kuli mu Juni, Julai, na Agasti. Vitagwa vie chuvwe vivugulanga inyinga inyimbe vutswa ma vilava kuli maganda kandi mavere gatemwa vikolo gagesangwa mu chuvwe. Ligesa lia gudu livetsanga linene kuvita lie chuvwe. Mu lilima linene vitagwa vie ivulogoli vilombanga viukulia vinene nu voro na mavere kutula kale. Maduma gaduka mu tsinyinga tsia vasungu vatsila mu. Vitagwa vinde na maganda, miogo, mabwoni, tsimbande, tsinjugu, ne tsingano ne vinde. Vilala ku yivi ni vie tsinyinga tsie chuvwe kandi hango ha vuli mulogoli wa kale halange nu lokeyo lwa magomia. Tsingutsa tsia valogoli ni likuvi, livogoi, tsisaga, mutere, mito, magalaba ne tsimboga. Igikura anoho kilimiro chu mulogoli wa kale chavatsangwa ku musala mudinyu gwu muhaya. Vitagwa vigeni ivulogoli ni kahawa, na majani vitangitswa mu mihiga jia hagati ha 1950 na 1980 na vasungu; vamisheni vatsa mu kivala muno vareta vaafrika vatange litaga viukulia viene yivi. Kutula kale mitugu jiu mulogoli jiali eng'ombe, imburi, ne ligondi halala ne engoko. Lyivika liu mulogoli wa kale ,viatulanga ku visero vie mitugu jijie anoho vie tsinyama tsia vurimu tsia hitsanga ma yita ku. Mitugu jijie nijio jiu mulogoli wa kale yanyolanga ku inyama yu kulia na maveere gu kunwa. Mulogoli wa kale yali mulimi mulahi kandi mutuji wi mitugo. Kutula kale mulogoli yatumikiranga kandi viukulia vinde via yanyolanga mu tsinzila ,lugano lugano. Vilala ku vyo ni vwova tsingano tsiosi, vwova vwa mulogoli atumikilanga ku kulia nu vunamatsi, vunasina, vunamori, vugusuma, vugutswe ni chamegere. Viukulia vinde vio mulogoli ni tsiswa tsia mulogoli yatunda na ayoya kutumikila ku chukulia ne tsisisi, tsinduta, amafwendete, amaamuki na madele. Amavuri yago na gulila vutswa mu kiguti. Valogoli vayanza kandi kotega nu kuhamba nu kutuga tsisundu. Isindu ni chukulia kenolu kiu mulogoli. Kandi valogoli va kale vali vayanza kotega nu kugumira anoho kuhamba manyonyi gandi gu mmburimu galitsangwa kuli makanga na manyonyi gandi. Itsisutse tsie tsingano tsinyinge ni chukulia chu mulogoli kandi. Valogoli va kale vatumikilanga videra, tsindede ne tsinyingu kutera mu uvuswage vwavo. Kuginga vuswage ne vindi vatumikilanga vihinda, ne tsinyingu ne tsingungi. Kandi vimuga vateranga mu vindu kuli vugutsa vwe tsingutsa. Tsinavodo tsiatumikanga kubima anoho kogeranyia vindu. Vihinda viatumikilangwa kandi kwirura anoho kosogusa vuswage kutulitsa mu mukutsi. Ludiji nalwo anoho luderu lwa tumikanga kandi koseretsa kutulitsa mukutsi mmbuswage anoho kutulitsa indagala mu vugutsa. Viukulia via kale viali viu kulila ku iviali kederu, ikituva, ikinu, ikiivu nu lubagu. Ihati yeyo yatumikanga kotera mu kandi kokerera mu kandi kunwera mu amaveere. Lwiga lwatunmikanga kunwa maveere na vasakulu vahindila anoho vaaralange ne miruka. Visanda viatumikanga kunwa amatsi no vosera. Kinu chatumikanga kuduyyilamu viukulia vidinyu kuli miogo. Kusia vuswage vatumikilanga lugina lwa lombwa kutula ku ligina. Tsindala ku tsinyingu tsio kodekera mu tsiali inyaguluga yu kuluga uvuchima. Inyanguluga yu kudekera mu tsingutsa, iyangoko anoho inyambeva yali inyingu yu kodekera mu engoko. Luvindi yali inyingo yo kodekera mu isutse ya ngege anoho kivambala anoho kenolu. Inyingu ye kibanji ni yo kodekerakanga mu maganda anoho maengere. Kandi kotera mu mvindu anoho kutsuka mu amatsi manyinge. Isiongo ni inyingu yu kutsia kuginga amatsi kutula mu kidaho. Isika yali inyingu enene ligali yo kotela mu vuswage vunyinge. Vimuga viatumikanga kovohitsila mu nu kuvikia amavere gu kunwa. Vosera vwa valogoli vali ni vayanza kunwa kale vwali vwiniki anoho vubage nu vwe kirungu. Viuma anoho virwanilu anoho viugi via valogoli va kale vatumikilanga mu mahe kulwanila kulwana avasigu vavo ni lihima tsinyama tsia vurimu. Viali amatimu, vuta anoho vuhingu, tsingurume, tsinguva anoho tsikuti tsiu kwikinga. Ku mihiga minyinge kivala che valogoli chali ni chagavulanywa mu vivala vivili; ivulogoli ye isavalu ni tsisoma tsia yo kumi na mbili ni ivulogoli ye ivale na tsisoma tsia yo kumi na sita. Inyima ivulogoli ye ivale yagavulanywa kandi mu vivala vivili; ivulogoli ye ima,dioli ne tsisoma tsia yo saba ne ivulogili ye ivale ne tsisoma tsia yo tisa. Valogoli vaveye valala ku vandu va Kenya ve livulana liavo liveye linyinge kuvita tsihiri tsinde tsinyinge mu Kenya. Ma liva yili valogoli vamedekanga vwangu kandi mmbunyinge ma amalova ge kivala chavo ni gageha ku vo. Valala vamanya ni vatanga lieyenyela vomenyo mu vivala vinde ma vatsia kugula yo milimi anoho malova ma ni vang'anya kutula ivulgoli ni kwidikila mu vivala tsana. Valala vatsia Tiriki, Nyang'ori ni Inandi. Na vandi vatsia Isuka na Kabaras, vandi Kisii, South Nyanza, Bware, Migori yila kali na Tanzania. Kali vandi vatsia ku Kigumba mu Uganda vandi vanyolelwa mirimi mu tsi scheme tsia vwamishi vwatangitsa avandi vahandikwa miyinzi jia vakolanga mu madala nu mu vuyinzili vundi vwosi mu Kenya. Likola ndi lianguhitsa ku hake vutswa vudinyu mu kivala cha valogoli.

The way God made the world

I am Henry Nyareso Munangwe and we are staying here in Jidereri and I want to talk on how God made the world. How the world came to be. We are speaking from Maragoli and in general the question is number two. How the world came into existence and the thoughts of our grandfathers. They used to tell their children and grandchildren. The way the world was and the way it is. The way these children were to live and the way they were to take care of themselves in this world of many things and traps. Their grandfathers used to tell them that there were many forests that were big and also many lakes. In these forests there were ogres and many birds. Animals were staying in this forest and were compared to elephants and gazelles, rhinos and giraffes. There were big snakes that were in these forests that could swallow a goat. The animals that were staying in water or in lakes were compared to the size of a crocodile and big sharks that can swallow a person very fast. Our grandfather used to say there were swamps, forests and lakes. People were staying along this swamp. There were small rivers that were flowing into these lakes and the ogres and other animals were moving along those rivers until they get to where people are staying. These people were killed by these animals at first. Every time they were killed by these animals but they sat down and thought of what they could do, since these ogres and animals were their enemies.

They discovered that when they light up fire at night these animals were staying away. And during the day the old men thought until they came up with sharp objects, spears, knives. They made bows and the spears and arrows in large quantity. They also realized that when a snake bites someone that person was not healing. They discovered that the snakes had a bad poison. They were killing a snake and then they put in their arrows and spears for hunting animals in the forest. Whenever they pierced these animals they were dying. They were doing that in their life. They were doing that in their whole life. These grandfathers used to say that their God whom they were praying to was doing wonders these animals reduced and the water in the lakes reduced. When people were lighting up fire the forests were reducing the way they are reduced. And people because of praying to God the blessings of giving birth, they added and they prayed in the world and they build in it the way they are. Our grandfathers emphasized praying in the morning while looking at the east and if it a day of blessing God to remember them. They were also praying in the evening so that God protects them at night and they were praying while facing in the west.

The way the land of Maragoli is:

The land of Maragoli is small and the neighbors in the west are the Nyore. The Luos are on the southern side. Tiriki on the east side and the Idakho on the north side. Ours is Kilingili. Bakisami, Nyore and Idakho are joining together with the Maragoli. Long roads are passing through Maragoli, one is coming from Kisumu to Kakamega. One road is coming from Kapsabet to Chavakali. Another one is coming from Majengo, Keveye to Lwanda. Two roads are from Chavakali, one is heading to Kilingili and the other one to Eregi. Another one is from Majengo to Munzatsi and Hamisi. The one for Hamisi is breaking at Gisambai to Kivagala. Kisangula, Kigama to Mudete. Another road is from Mago, through Ivusweta to Busali Union Secondary School, to Mululu. Another one from Mudete through Wangulu, Bugina to Mululu. Two rads are from Mbale, one is going to Imbihi to Imagada Bunyore and another one goes to Kegoye to Matsigulu to Gisambai, another one from Vuguga to Imagada to Bunyore, another one from Vihiga, it goes to Gavalaji, to Lusiola. Another road is from Mahanga to Ichavavo and Kerongo. The land of Maragoli has many hills and rocks on the southern side. These hills are in the southern part of maragoli.

It has moved to Lusiola and started from Changuzi to Ichandolo. It moved from Liamagale and Vinditsi. Wangumbi of the northern side. There are hills at Kisangula towards Tiriki Igavilembo. The rivers in maragoli are not big. The biggest river that goes through maragoli is Itsava. The other rivers in maragoli were flowing to other parts of maragoli and they were changing their names according to where they were flowing to. Some of the smallest rivers in maragoli are Wagikuyu, Lusala, Luveyi, Ehedwe, Walunyu, Wamondo. There are others that the land of maragoli has. It also has forests and swamps and the rain that is raining in maragoli is from Nandi hills in east. Sometimes it can come from southern part from Lake Victoria in Kisumu. The year of planting in maragoli has two seasons. One season is for digging in preparation for the rain. It is called the digging of Gudu. The second digging begins in November or December. It extends to February of the other year. The rain that makes crops to grow begins in February to march then it moves to June or July. They take a short while then they are ready like beans and millet. The harvest of Gudu is more than that of Chuvwe. In planting at maragoli millet and wheat does well since long time ago. The maize came in when the white men stopped here other crops like beans, cassava, potatoes groundnuts, flour and others. Some if these are from the season of Chuvwe. At the home of Mulogoli there were bananas. The vegetables of Mulogoli are likuvi, livogoi, tsisaga, mutere, mito, magalaba and tsimboga. New crops in maragoli are coffee and tea. The white men started them between 1950 and 1980. They were missionaries who brought them to Africa and asked them to start planting.

Since long time ago the cattle of Mulogoli were cows, a goat together with sheep. The dressing of Mulogoli; he began putting on the cow skin. They were from his cattle or wild animals that he was hunting. From his cattle is where he was getting meat to eat and milk too drink. A maragoli of the past was a good farmer and he was using other food that he was getting by other means that were different. Some of it was mushroom of all types. The mushroom that the mulogoli was eating was "Vunamatsi, vunasina, vunamori, vugusuma, vugutswe and chamegere." Other food was ants, he was scooping them to use as food. The maragolis love hunting and keeping quails. A quail is a good meal to a mulogoli. The maragoli of the past liked hunting other birds that they were eaten. Different sorts of fish are a diet of Mulogoli. Maragoli of the past used pots to keep in their cereals. Gourds were used to carry in vegetables.

Baskets were used for winnowing the cereals to remove chaff. An open basket was also used for winnowing the seeds. The food of the past was kederu, ikituva, ikinu, ikiivu nu lubagu. Ihati was used for milking and drinking milk. Horn was used for drinking milk. Old men had their rituals. Gourds were used for drinking water or porridge. Kinu was used for grinding cassava. Grinding flour was done on a mill that was made of stone. There were pots for cooking and one of them was used for cooking baked maize flour. There was another pot for cooking in vegetables. There was a pot for cooking hen. There was a pot for cooking in fish or sweet food. The big pot was used for cooking in beans or for pouring in more water. The pot was also used for fetching water. Isika was a big pot for storing in cereals. Gourds were used for fermenting milk for drinking. The porridge that the maragoli loved taking was the fermented porridge. Sharp objetcs for maragoli were used in war to fight enemies. They were hunting animals in the forest using the arrows, spears and they had shield for protecting themselves. For many years the land of maragoli had been divided into two. The southern maragoli with the 12 locations and the northern maragoli with 16 locations, behind the northern maragoli it was divided into two the western with it's seven locations and the eastern that had nine locations.

Maragoli are among the Kenyans with high population rate than other tribes in Kenya. In this state they are adding and their land is less to them. Some went to buy land from other areas and they left Maragoli and went to stay there in those places. Some went to Tiriki, Nyang'ori and Naandi. And some went to Isukha, Kabras and some to Kisii, South Nyanza, Bware, Migori and Tanzania and some have gone to Kigumba in Uganda. Others were found land in schemes and they started work that they do in the villages in Kenya. Doing this reduced problems in the land of Maragoli.