Play time: 44:46 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, May 6, 2014.

Vukristayo Part 4

Benjamin Egadwa

Inze ni Mr. Benjamin Egadwa Okodi. Molomanga amang'ana kolondekana ninde amakuva ga nyasaye. About Connection with God: continuation.

Paulo yadinyilitsa nasingila vudinyu kutura ku megitsu gu lugano lundi (Vakorinzo 2:8). Tsingano tsie miri; vitagwa viosi viveye ni miri, misala jioasi jiveye ni miri, vurimu vwosi voveye ni miri, vindu yivi viosi vitanga kuhira miri musi mmalova imbiri wi liviluka ku nangwa viduki kudinya.

Vokonyi vwe miri

Kung'usa chukulia kutura mmalova, kugumira kitagwa kivuli kugwa, kwama vindi, miri jia Paolo ya volanga jiali miri jiu vukristayo. Inyinga yu konyora miri tsana lwa vabadisangwa mu lisanga lia kristo (Vakolosai 2:12). Viganilanga nu kusamifwa, amashioro gosi (Vakolosai 2:13) na anoho miri jimeranga vamari kuvugula yesu kristo kuva mwami wavo (Vakorinzo 2:6) kuri vitagwa vinyorekanga miri mmalova nindio vakristayo vanyorekanga mu livugana, yavo avamali kuvugula kristo vamenyanga mu lisuvila, vidinyilitsananga katsotso, vikutsilanga, vamanga amakuyu gu koreta vandi mu lulusha (Vakolosai 1:21-23) vagenda ni vaviruka mu ye. Vadidikana ni tsinguru ku miyinzi jia kristo (Vakolosai 2:5-7) Na ni tsinguru ku miyinzi jia kristo (Vakolosai 2:5-7) vafwana kuli mabwoni ga vasungu mmalova kugotitsanga ndi na miri jiu vukristayo mu kwinye, ligotitsa lie mirii jiu vukristayo, ligadwa na makuva madoto ligotitsanga mirii jyitu (Vakolosai 2 kuduka 4; 2 kuduka 8) yavo avamaliyi kugadwa na makuva madoto vaveye nu vutima, ni livihililwa, vasigamilangwa misambwa, ni kifwavi, ni likayilwa lidamanu, voveshi, ni vindu viu luyayi, na manyego, embodoka, lihililana (Vakolosai 3:5-9). Vakolela nyasaye kehenyehenye yava vaganagana vindu via hasi, miri jiveye ku vulavu vanyala kugwa hasi.

Limanyia lie mirii jiu vukristayo

Yavo vaveyey ni mirii jiu vukristayo vamanyianga tsimbavasi, likola lilahi, liegehitsa, liekutsila, vohoma, lisamehana avene na vene, vuyanzi, ligelihitsana avene na avene, lisala katsotso (Vakorinzo 3:12-17; 4:2) Vi inyumba ndala kumanyia, vakali kumanyia liegehitsa ku vasatsa vavo, vasatsa kuyanza vakali vavo, vana kuhulila vivuli vavo mu vindu viosi, vatugwa vahulile nu kwigitsana nu kwegeitsa ku vami vavo (Vakorinzo 3:18-25; 4:5-6). vaveye ni mirii jiu vukristayo vaganaganyia vindu viveye igulu ha kristo aveye, yavo nivo vagumila mirii musi mmalova valalangaminywa mu vukumi halala ni vukristayo. Lidukitsa vutumwa vwa mwami (Vakolosayo 4:17) Mirii jiu vukristayo gadukana kutsia musii ligali, lisingila lyitu vudinyu litulana kuli kwahila miiri musi. Musala gutahilanga mirii musi ,si gunyala kusimikwa ahimbe ni inyumba mba; kulagwa nu kuvunanyia inyumba. Ligehitswa lie mirii jyitu litulananga kulinda viukulia via vageni mu livugana, mitugo jyitu, linyola lyitu, livula konyola avana, livula konyola ifaida mu viasara, livula kogesa vulahi, likutsa nu vulwaye, vudaka, mativuli gitu ku vandi, livula kogenihitswa. Uyu oveye ni mirii kwigulu si anyala kulinda viukulia via avegeni ni livugana, kohevwa avageni ni livugana, kutula aviha mu keselelo, kogelwa mutugu, kugumila amakuva kulinda miandujie livugana kijira ki avandu vavola vamutovola vagwa mu amatsi anoho vali ni vagona tsindoro kijira inyinga ligelitswa lidukanga ku ye yanguha kugwa. Vutumwa vwitu kuvike ku mioyo jiosi, kuvike ku vuyanzi, kuvike ku vuguru, kuvike ku litsulitsana, kuduki ku litsuvana kijira kumanya kulanyola amadanyi ku mwami (Vakorinzo 3:23-24; 1 Vakolosai 15:58). Mulavamanyia ku makuyu gavo (Matayo 7:16) Yesu mwene yavola amakuva yaga ku valondi veve. Gavolwa kuvo inyinga ya vaduka lugano nu lugano vali ni vegitsanga amegitso ga tali ku lugano lwilwe. Yesu yenyanga valondi veve vahenze kutanga ku vikolwa viavo. Inyinga ndala vasikali ve lihe vanyala kwivika tsinguru kuli vasigu vavo ku nangwa vavagumire (Matayo 7:15). Likola lidamanu lia yavo vivichi tsinguru tsia kristo. Katsotso avolanga koveye vere kutula kindu, yimanga avana vu mutende viukulia anoho avamegeranga mmukono nu mwoyo muritu, mu tsimbaka tsitsie avolanga sindolanga amakosa ku uyu ma avarekela kandi vindu viu mutende anyara koleka vigerere; si aveye ni tsimbavasi ku yavo avaminikanga (Yakobo 2:14-17). Aveye mu yee ni lihelelitsa avandu (Yakobo 2:14) Amedanga amatsi mu maveere inyinga ye likela. Aletelanga avandi uvuchima ni tsingutsa na kinolu areka. Makuyu gu lugano yilu gatulanga mu mwoyo mudamanu. Mukristayo mulahi si alanyala kutulitsa amakuyu kuli yaga. Kuve avahani (Tsingano 122:9) kove ni tsimbavasi, lisuvila lyitu livikwe mu likola (Yakobo 2:17-24) kuduki kulangwa valina va nyasaye (Yakobo 2:23; Yohana 15:14) Komenye ni kohenzangwa. Muviri gwange ni inyumba ya nyasaye (Vakorinzo 13:16-17). Henza ku yaga olole vandu vumbakanga tsinyumba tsiavo ni misala nu kuvimba nu vunyasi nu kuhoma vulahi. Vandu vosi valindanga tsinyumba tsiavo vulahi, vandu vayanzanga kogona nu komenya mu inyumba inifu kandi amanyonyi gayanzanga kwumbakila tsinyumba tsiavo tsindahi nu kumenya mu tsio. Valogoli vanala kugavula tsinyumba mu vidonye vivaga, inyumba ya nyasaye soma Vikolwa 17:24-25 nyasaye yumbakanga inyumba yeye ni vigumba ni inyama na masaye. Inyumba ya nyasaye iveye indagatifu. Nyasaye amitsanga vugutsa munyumba yeye lwu mwana agikiri munda mwa mama weve. Inyumba ya nyasaye iveye ni vidonye vivaga: muviri, mwoyo lwimbo namba 8 kuli nyala kulinda inyumba ya nyasaye. Gadukananga inze kulilihitsa muviri chukulia kilahi, viukulia via kase kandi mwoyo gwange gwenyanga chukulia chagwa amakuva ga nyasaye. Mwoyo kandi navwo vwenya kulilitswa ovogeli nimaliyi kulihitsa muviri gwange mu vidonye viosi vivaga vulahi, nu kwilinda vulahi mu yesu kristo. Yingilamu nu komenya halala na inze (Yohana 14:23) chukulia cha roho. Mwoyo gwange gualviluka vulahi ni ngulihitsa viukulia via gwo. Lisoma makuva ge kitabu, lisala katsotso, lihulilitsa amilwatso kutula ku vandi, livugana halala na vandi mu vugono vwa kristo. Kukuba tsimbaka tsinungi na vandi mu lisoma navo, lisoma kitabu vindi viegitsanga amakuva ga nyasaye. Lwimbu namba 40. Kuli nzononyianga inyumba ya nyasaye kijira nyasaye amenyi mu inze lwa gubanga kivi, kijira nyasaye amenyi mu inze kolondekana mu likubana, amenyi mu inze lwa suhananga mu kusava uvusamihi, amenyi mu inze lwa ngoranga embodoka, mukolanga kuva we embodoka, kijira nyasaye amenyi mu inze lwa mbambikanga mukolanga muhambichi, kijira nyasaye amenyi mu inze lwa namanga mukolanga mulami, amenyi mu inze lwa ngolanga uvuheyi, mukolanga muheyi, amenyi mu inze lwa mbolanga mbeye mudaka mukolanga mudaka, kijira nyasaye amenyi mu inze lwa nzivanga mukolanga umwivi, ningola vindu yivi viononyianga muviri gwange goveye inyumba ya nyasaye. Soma 1 VAkorinzo 3:16-17 tsimbavasi tsia nyasaye halala ni likingwa lilie viveye halala ni kwinye kwosi mu muhiga muhia yigu. Lisala yaga galakonya yive kuli osoma kitabu kitakatifu. Nyasaye naveye ihale ku yive soma Zaburi 13:139; lwa ovelelanga soma Yohana 14, Zaburi 46; lwa vandu vakogotitsanga soma Zaburi 27; lwa umaliyi kokola uvwoni soma Zaburi 51, Yohana 1; lwa ohendanga umwoyo soma Matayo 6:19-34, Zaburi 43; lwa oveye m,ulwaye soma Zaburi 41; lwa oveye mu vihimwa soma Zaburi 91; lwa oveye weng'ine nu vuti, soma Zaburi 23; lwa wivilanga vugasu vwivwe ku yive soma Zaburi 103; lwa wenyanga vuluviriri soma Joshua 1;1-9; lwa wenyanga vososi ni mirembe soma Matayo 25:30; lwa wenyanga ku va na giligale, soma Vakolosai 3; lwa utulanga hango kutsia logendo soma Zaburi 121; lwa uganagananga kijira amabesa soma Mariko 10:17-31; lwa wenyanga vokonyi soma Zaburi 90; lwa wenyanga malago ge mima milahi soma Warumi 8; ganagana ku mang'ana yaga. Yesu yahonyia avagere likomi. Mulala yeng'ine kwilana kukuminya nyasaye. Yive wilananga kukuminya nyasaye halala navo va wabadiswa navo (Luka 17:11-19), niva uburukira no lovega lwa manyonyi kuli gajilanga iswa lwa elechi kolonda ku luvuli kuduka mundivo. Lugano lwu vukristayo lufwee.

Lugano lwu limenya liu mundu waleta vakali saba na avana vavo halala na vamulanganga Amuliodo Keseko. Mr. Amuliodo Keseko yali mundu mutajiri sana. Na lwa yali mutajiri yamanya nalola aveye na mali manyinge kuli tsing'ombe, amagondi, tsimburi, tsinguruve, tsingoko, ma lwa yalola ndio yibiima nalola mukali mulala si aladukila kulinda tsimali tsitsie yitsi dave. Yamanya nateva ku valina veve vi likula, "nyala kulinda ndi tsimali tsiange yitsi nu mukali mulala?" Vamanya ni vamuvolela "umanye mukali mulala ni imono yafuduka ku musatsa." Uyu Mr. Amuliodo yamanya nalola "ha imali yange ilagota." Na kijira yali ni mulimi munyinge kuli tsieka 300 yamanya nalola ni vulahi amede koleta vakali vandi. Isafari ndala yamanya alete vakali sita vosi ni wu kutanga vaduka saba. Na vuli mukali yamanya ahevwe mulimi gwigwe gumuduchi halala ninde limenya lilie. Natanga livumbakila mu tsinyumba; vuli mundu ni inyumba yeye. Na wu kutanga ula kijira yali ni inyumba yeye, yamde tsinyumba sita tsiduka saba. Ma kandi navagavula mulimi gwigwe gula vuloi mundi gwigwe. Ku Amuliodo yamanya naganagana nalola ningoli ndio tsimali tsilagenda vulahi. Ma lwa yumbaka tsinyumba tsiene tsila yamanya nagavula ku tsimali tsitsie kijira yali ni mitugo minyinge. Ku vuli mukali yanyolanga tsing'ombe tsivaga, tsimburi tsitano, magondi gatano, tsingurume tsiviri. Ma nalola sasa vwami vwange vustirila vulahi. Na siyamanyanga ku na gasi wa ayinzila yila ilafwa dave. Kali navagava ni tsingoko navaha. Ma vagogo vala vatanga vamenya mu tsinyumba tsiene tsila tsiayavumbakila tsila. Mr. Amuliodo yavaha i-warning ndi kijira mukali wosi utsi mmugitsi gwanbge amanyange aveye hasi hehe. Na vosi ndi kuduka vamuhuli. Na kandi vayanzane mu limenya liavo. Ku kali kweli kuli mu limenya liavo ku kweli kuli mwamanya vutswa kali okole mundu mukali vulahi yenya kumanya ku mba, mpaga atula na gege anoho limanya linyinge, kuduka alete ku mu gege ga amanyi. Ku lwa yago vakali yava vumbakilwa vuli inyumba ihale kutula ku wache valala ku vo vayanzana navutswa vandi dave. Ku mukali wu kutanga mmugitse niye wali kuli Assistant manager weve kivune musatsa yamuha vunyali, anoho madaraka gu kulinda avandi yava. Ma kandi mukali mukeeyamanya navugula mukali mukee kandi namuyanza zaidi kijira vali ni mima milahi nu mukali munene. Vosi vamanya vatanga linyola avana. Vuli mukali na avana vatano, vayayi vavili vakana vavaga, vakana vavaga vayayi vavili; ma nava ni itotal ya avana vanyinge; kuli 35. Ma nomeda ku ifamili yosi ya vakere saba vanduka vandu 43. Ifamili ya vandu 43 kumusatsa uyu, hagasi hayakolanga yamanya nafudwa kigafla yilana kandi yengo ku vakere veve. Mukere munene yamanya namwingilitsa vulahi nayanza namuvolela "ni kindu mba ku igasi umali koleka, kunyi koveye ni imali kulamenya tsa vulahi." Misigo jindi jia mwene waleta jiu mugati yiji nolole sa numulindi. Na vandi vakali vala vakola kuli kehenyehenye "lelo na kolole, wa amanya ashilanga vindu vakalia." Na mukali munene agenya ashila vindu hayi mboo musatsa yakugavula vuli mundu imali vosi, ku vala valinda tsiao vulahi dave, vatsitumikila mu inzila indamanu, vaguylitsa tsing'ombe tsindala mu isiri, na magondi ga vali vahevwa gala. Na avana vali vakingila mmasomo. Ni galoleka ndi nangwa sasa ni vudinyu avana kosoma, ifisi konyoleka ni vidinyu. Lakini vu mukaye munene ula veve vali vatsia imbili, yavo vali vulahi. Ku galoleka ndi nangwa vakaye va hagati yava kali paga ni kuduka ku muke si vali ni linyola vulahi dave. Ku yamanya nanyangana mu tsinganagani sana. Paga yilana kweteva "ndakola ki yiki? Ndava tsa nu mukali wange mulala uyu, anoho ndameda ku tsa wa kavili vwali vuve vulahi. Lakini kikosi cha ndaleta yiki vaduka saba ku sasa vudinyu vonyoye, ndalolekanga mundu mutajiri sasa nzitsa kuva maskini." Kijira Amuliodo uyu si yavika ku tsisendi da; yalila tsa ku munwa nu kugavula vandu na vakali veve yava, ni pride inyinge kovola kulamenya vulahi kijira inze ni musatsa winyu. Ma kweli vamanya vameye lakini yamenhya mu lyikutsila. Ni kuli mang'ana gali mu ibaibo gavola vakana vali likomi; vageli vatano na vasiru vatano. Ku vakaye veve valala vali vageli valinda imali yu musatsa, na vali vasiru vononyia tsa vavola tsinde na tsitse. Ku vamanya vava nu vudinyu sana mmaisha gavo, vamanya vamenye vulahi da. Ma vatanga miyalo, kuytalana ni kulembanila, ni kukubanila; tsikesi tsilana kandi ku vasakulu vi mitaa, kokola tsikesi ni musatsa uyu; oo yayanza lovega lulala na lundi yatsa da, viukulia ahan lovega lulala na lundi ahana da. Avola "si mwamanya ndaleka igasi. Na ndaha vuli mundi mulimi gwigweni tsi-share tsitsie ku kandi muteva kindiki?" Vami vahenza valola kweli giligale vakali vali vakosefu. Ku yamanya nalola ni vulahi vamenye, si alavakunga dave. Mwene alapambana na maisha gege, na avana veve na vakaye veve. Ma vuva ni vudinyu kabisa. AMuliodo yamanya amenye na vagogo yavo saba ma galoleka ndi nangwa maisha gavo gaveye madinyu. Lakini yikutsila ku go kijira yamala kuvaleta, yavumbakila madara gege, sasa igasi yeye ni kulinda vandu yava. Ku vwali vudinyu sana kuva na avana 35 na uvula tsifisi dave vwali vuritu. Yamanya anyole vudinyu sana. Ku Mr. Amuliodo yitsominya avakali veve vali no vogeli kuva vagelitsa sana kulinda imali yeye ya yagavula ku vuli mukali kugivika vulahi vujira vudinyu vwosi na vali vasiru yava kali avene valola tsisoni kwononyia tsimali tsiu musatsa wavo naveye Mr. Amuliodo. Ku avandu va kale varetanga vakali vanyinge na kuva kandi vavalindanga mu inzila idukani kuvita va madiku ga kalunu vagelitsa navutsa vanyalitsa dave, ku gadukananga kwigi kumanya kuvuli kwingila mmagoso dave. Vandu valeta vakali vanyinge dave kivune limenya lia maisha ni lidinyu kuli siu unyala kulinda vandu vene yava kuduka kwige sia kunyala komenya na vandu va nyasaye yakuha yava halala na vana vitu kuvahe masomo gadukani ili ovomenyo vwavo vulahi imbili wa atsitsanga. Ni kutakola ndio dave kulanyola vudinyu nomba tsitabu tsinyinge ma vulwaye vulakugumila kijira tsinganagani kijira kutamiywi kuli sia kunyala kuvalinda mu limenya liavo na kuvula kuganagana mu tsinganagani ku lwa yago kutamanya kwalonda imbutsa ya vutswa kutulana na vandu dave. Vuli mundu alonde gege vujira ligoyana liosi dave. Gakudukilanga kugelitse kogelihe mu limenya lyitu vujira mundu wosi kukutuma sia unyala komenya. Si olola vali na Mr. Amuliodo vamugemela naluha naleta vakali vanyinge vujira tsinganagani sia anyala komenya. Gene giligale imali yeye yila yamuruma naluha nalola kweli nimbeye na vakali saba kandi atajiriki mu vandu halala na vagogo veve, si olola varina vamanya vamuseka ku makuva ga yakola gatayanzitsa limenya lia vandu vu mu kivala muno. Mang'ana yaga gakwikitsa Mr. Amuliodo yagota inzila yu komenya. Kutula ku mufwano gwene yigu komenye sia komenya katsotso.

Christianity part 4

I am Mr. Benjamin Egadwa Okodi. I am speaking about the things of God. About Connection with God: continuation.

Paul was courageous and he stood for teachings of other type (Corinthians 2:8). The proverbs about roots; all that is planted has roots, all the trees have roots. All the grass has roots. All the things that are planted begin taking their roots deep first before they begin to grow for them to be strong.

The importance of roots:

Getting food from the soil. Producing more. The root that Paul was referring to was a Christian root. The time of receiving those roots is when they are baptized in Christian fellowship (Colossians 2:12) they were repenting and forgiven all of their sins. (Colossians 2:13) the roots were growing after they have finished accepting God as their savior. (Corinthians 2:6) the way the plants are found on a root that is how Christians are found in church. Those that have finished taking God as their savior are living by faith. They are trying daily and persevering. They are producing fruits of bringing others in open. (Colossians 1:21-23) they are walking as they grow in him. They are struggling in the activities of Christ (Colossians 2:5-7) with strength in Christ (Colossians 2:5-7). They are like Irish potatoes, roots that disappear and yet we are Christians. Small things trick the loss of Christian roots. (Colossians 2 up to 4; 2 up to 8) those that have been cheated by small things are in anger. They are bowing to gods and having bad behaviors and youthful desires. They are abusive, jealous, complaining. They ridiculed God are those of the world. The roots that are in open cannot fall down.

Example of the Christian roots

They have Christian roots those that show mercy, good action, humbling, persevering, forgiving each other, joyful, respecting each other, praying always (Corinthians 3:12-17; 4:2) wife to submit to their husbands and husbands to love their wives. Children listen from their parents and humble before leaders (Corinthians 3:18-25; 4:5-6). They have Christian roots those that think about the things that are above where Christ are. Those are the ones that are holding the roots below they will be with Christ. Fulfilling the servant hood to the leaders (Colossians 4:17) the roots of Christians are supposed to go deep. Our stand depends on how our roots have gone far.

A tree that does not have roots cannot be planted near a house because it will fall and break the house. Our roots are reduced depending on the way we keep the food for the visitors in church, our cattle, and our income, lack of children, lack of profit in business, poor harvest, death due to sickness, poverty, our answers to others, and lack of invitation. One who has roots on top of the house cannot take care of the food for the visitors. Being given visitors from church or welcoming visitors in a wedding. Being shown the cattle or given the responsibility to take care of the church property because the people who are choosing him have fallen in the water or they are asleep. Because when he is tempted he falls easily, we should be dedicated to our servant ship. We be happy, handwork and remind each other. We are quarrelling because we have been influenced by the leadership (Corinthians 3:23-24; 1 Colossians 15:58) you shall know them by their fruits. (Mathew 7:16) Jesus taught his disciples these things at the time when they were being taught other different things the ones that are not his. Jesus wants his disciples to watch their actions; sometime the policemen of war can put on clothes as their enemies so that they catch them. (Mathew 7:15) Bad actions; they should put on Christians clothes.

Often he says that we are empty, we do not give anything. He denies his neighbors children food or he gives them little at hand with bad heart. In his jokes he says that he does not see any mistakes, he leaves them with things that the neighbor can leave to be brought back. He doesn't have mercy to those that are sick (Job 2:14-17). He adds water to the milk at the time of milking. He serves others with vegetables and he leaves the sweet meal. The fruit of this type comes out with bad heart. A good Christian cannot produce such fruits. We should be givers (Proverbs 122:9) we should have mercy, our faith should be seen through actions (Job 2:17-24) we should be called the friends of God. (Job 2:23; John 15:14) we should live and be watched body is the temple of Christ (Corinthians 13:16-17). Look at those that are building their houses with sticks and covering them with grass and covering it well.

All the people are taking good care of their houses. People like building and sleeping in their house well and the birds also like making their houses well and staying in them. The maragoli like dividing the houses into three; the house of God read Acts 17:24-25 God made his house from bones, flesh and blood. The house of God is holy; God sows while the child is still in her mother's womb. The house of God has three parts; body, soul and song number 8 the way I can take care of the house of God. I should listen to my body, give it food and it needs the food which is the word of God. The heart also wants to be heard and get the wisdom after listening to the three parts and taking good care of you in Jesus Christ. He gets in and stays together with me (John 14:23) the food of the spirit.

My soul has grown well while I am feeding it with the food. Reading the words of the bible and praying always, listening to preaching from others and fellowship together with others in Christ. Joking with others and reading other books that are teaching about God. Song number 40, destroying the body of God because God is with me when I am in trouble, according to my fight, he is with me when I am confessing and asking for forgiveness. He is with me when I am jealous; I make him to be jealous. Because God is in me when I take alcohol hence I make him that, he in me when I curse hence I make him a curser. He is with me when I do adultery hence I make him adulterous. He is in me when I say I am poor hence I make him poor. Because God is in me when I steal hence I make him a thief. When I do these things I destroy my body, which is the house of God. I read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 his mercies and protection is with us through this New Year.

Praying and these will help you the way you read the holy book. When God is far from you read the book of Psalm 13:139 When you are sad read John 14, Psalm 46 when people are taking you to the wrong direction read Psalm 27; when you have finished doing sin read Psalm 51, John 1 when you are afraid read Mathew 6:19-34, Psalm 43 when you are sick read Psalm 41 when you are in despair read Psalm 91 when you are alone in fear Psalm 23. When you forget his blessings upon you read Psalm 103 when you need courage read Joshua 1; 1-9 when you need healing and peace read Mathew 25:30 when you want the truth read Colossians 3 when you leave home to go out and walk read Psalm 121 when you are thinking about money read Mark 10:17-31 when you need help read Psalm 90 when you want laws about good behaviors read Romans 8 think about these things. Jesus healed ten leapers only one came to thank, do you return to thank God together with the baptized (Luke 17:11-19) if you are flying from the side of birds the story of Christianity is over.

It is a story about a man who married seven wives and they had children. He was called Mr. Amuliodo Keseko He was very rich and he saw he had many cattles. When he weighed himself he felt that one wife could not manage his wealth. He consulted his friends who were his age mates and asked them how he could manage his wealth with one wife. They told him that one wife is an eye that has broken and Mr. Amuliodo felt that his wealth would be lost. And because he had a big land close to 300 acres he married six wives at once when the first wife is added they were seven. Each wife was given land together with her things and he started building for them a house. The first wife had her house; he built for other wives and gave each of them a piece of land. He saw that when he does that the wealth would be well. And he thought what he could do since he had more wealth he gave each wife three cows, five goats, five sheep and two pigs. He know felt that his kingdom was running well and he didn't know that where he is working the work will end. He even gave them hens and he gave them a warning since they had come to his homestead they will have to submit to him and be under him. And they must listen to him. And the way you know even if you do a woman well she doesn't want to know. Until she brings in what she knows. For that reason those women were built houses far away from each other and there were some that were friendly to each other while others were not. The first wife was the assistant manager because the husband gave her the authority over the other women. The first wife was friendly with the last wife because they had good behaviors.

They started having children each wife had five; two boys and three girls, three girls and two boys. He had many children close to 35 and when he adds the wives he had a family of 43 on this man. At the job where he was working he was sucked and he returned home to his wives. The wife welcomed him well and told him that they have wealth they will just stay well and the baggage that he added to himself he would know how he would take care of it. Other women ridiculed him and they said that they want to see where he will be getting food. And the elder wife was wondering where he was taking things and yet he had divided wealth to each of them. And they were to take care of their wealth. They sold the cows and the sheep that they had in secret and the children had not joined school. And it appeared that it was difficult for the children to get to school because a school fee was difficult to find. But for the elder wife her children had gone to school earlier and they were better. The middle wives to the last wife didn't have good income. He had trouble and he regretted what he did and if he had his wife or add a second wife it would be better.

But the troop of the seven wives had brought problems, he was looking as a rich person and now he was going to be poor because he was not saving money. He was spending the money, distributing to people and his wives. With a lot of pride saying that they will do well because he is their husband. They stayed but in perseverance. It is like the story of the bible about ten women, five were clever and five were foolish. The five women took care of the husbands' wealth and the five foolish women destroyed it thinking that another wealth will come. They had problems in life and they were not staying well. They started cases and fights and having cases with the husband that he likes one side and he doesn't visit the other side. He was giving food to one side and the other side he was not giving food. And he was telling them that they were aware that he had stopped work and he had given each her piece of land, her shares and he asked them what they wanted. The leaders saw that the wives were wrong.

He felt that it was well for the wives to stay and he will struggle with his life together with their children and wives. And it was difficult. Amuliodo stayed with their seven wives and it happened that their life was difficult. But he persevered because he had already married them. He had finished building for them and his work was to take care of them. It was difficult to have 35 children without school fees. He had trouble and he thanked his wives for taking care of the wealth that he gave them and the ones that were foolish they destroyed the wealth and were ashamed of spoiling the wealth of their husband who was Mr. Amuliodo. Long time ago people were marrying many wives and they were taking good care of them unlike today they are trying but they are not managing. We should learn so that we do not get into mistakes. People are not marrying many wives because life is difficult and you cannot manage those wives. We should learn to stay with the people that God has given us together with children; we should give them education in order to have good life where they are heading. If we do not do that we will have problems we will have diseases because of stress because we have been defeated to take care of them and we should not follow the wind from people. Everyone should follow his without confusion. We should be wise in our lives without anyone directing us on how to live. You see those that were with Mr. Amuliodo directed him to have many wives without thinking on how he can live. His wealth cheated him and he felt that he should have seven wives and benefit from people and them. You see the friends laughed him for what he did that was not impressive to the life of people in this world. These words are teaching us that Mr. Amuliodo lacked a way of living and from this example we should live the way we are living always.