Play time: 42:32 minutes. Recorded in Sabatia, Kenya, April 8, 2014.


John Lubang'a

Guga yakutsa naveye ni mihiga kindu kuli 130. Baba wanzivula yakakutsa ni mihiga 76. Na mama yakakutsa naveye ni mihiga 87, mieli 6 na madiku 14 kijira baba yivulwa 1904 na nakutsa muhiga gwa 1980. Ku nyala kovola ndi kutulana ku vikevo mbere hene hala na kuli ngovole inze nu mwana mulala ku mwana wa va mulogoli na kuhusu mieli jilombanga muhiga madiku ga mulogoli, madiku gitu anoho mu lulogoli kolondekana nende kuli kwenyelitsa amang'ana kuhusu kwimila valogoli kolondekana ku mang'ana gu mwima koveye na vanyinge avana vitu vasoma vaveye vulahi vatsia ihale navutsa amang'ana gu mwima vamanyi dave. vavugula mang'ana vachivanyia; nivalomba kuva kindu. Na nikitsia kuhulika mu matuyi gu mundu wa kimanya galoleka kuli ni vuveshi. Na inze ngovola mang'ana ga va mulogoli giligale kolondekana nende history yitu ya mulogoli. Nyasaye yakokotovola ukili mwana mukutsutsu ulagenda ulavugana ni tsihistory ninde vasakulu vanyinge nende vandu vanyinge mfano; kuli valogoli vitu vatula munu vatsa kotema vugwi, valala vatema vugwi kuli ku kaimosi yiku, cheptul musasa yeyo, wa Hamisi; viali vivala via vanandi. Na valogoli vatsitsayo kotema vugwi hala vatsia nu vulwani na matimu ni mihitsu na vandu vala viruka visunda vavalekela malova. Na kalunu lelo matimu ga vatula nago ni vatsia kotema vugwi ni tsirubia. Vatsitsa ni tsirubia yaha ni vagulitsanga tsirubia kuli ku i acre tsisirinji tsia kalunu tsirefu mia anoho miambili na undi mia tatu. Mundu alola ndakonyola tsirubia ma yisunda, yicho kijira kalunu koveye vandu vitu vaveye mu Kapsabet town. Kaloi nutula mu Kapsabet town, Eldoret nutsia kwika handangu nukili kuduka ku daraja tsinyumba tsia olola hanu permanent tsiavetsanji tsivaga tsinne na tsinde on the right, hene hara; nuduka havundu hene hara Mr. Alulu ulanyola ho tsinyumba tsindahi; ni tsia vanandi dave, ni tsia avandu valogoli. Vagula yo vayumbaka ma vasunda vandi kali Onamo, mbunge wu kutanga Hamisi walonda mubunge wa kavili; James Onamo yalonda Agoselwa. Aveye nu mulimi munene hambili hala ni wakambuka idaraja nohenzi Lessos. Vandu vitu vayisunda imbili na vagirung'anyia lulogoli. Mang'ana vachabanyia lulogoli nu lunandi, nu ludiriji na kali nutsia mu vadiriji vene yavo ni vadiriji dave; three quarter vutsa na valogoli. Nohenza kali lovega lwe idiriji mundu wa valanganga Isiye; avolanga ndi inze niye mugali wa misituni. Munene wu mmulitu, nu mulogoli. Mwana wa mulogoli mmave, mwana mukogoti; inze ndamanya kijira inze iye watanga kwivulwa hango hitu ma ndamanya mwana ononda valanga Kitsungu. Olonda ku valanga Mukirima, olonda ku vamulanga Kavogoi; mwana mukana lakini vamutivula dave. vavola vutsa Mmave iye mukogoti mu avana vanne; na vivila mukana uyu. Mwana mukana Kavogoi iye wivula Anyolo; wa vagilung'anyia valanga Anyole na yivula ku mmbo; musudani. Ku lulogoli va yononyia. Nohenza ku mima jia mulogoli jiayononeka. Kuli mulogoli yavola mugusi; mugusi mwana witu, wa yononyia mima kijira eng'embe ivita ku mukana da. Eng'embe ivita ku vagasa. Yani mugasa ni mundu ukili kokevwa. Ku novola eng'embe iviti ku mukana wononyia. Ndio wa yononyia mima. Ma giligale mukisii kali yagilung'anyia lyita lilie kali alangwa mugusi; amwavo mulogoli. Na Mulaguli, oveye Mulogoli iye mwana wa Andimi mukogoti na yalagula. Ma mieli jijie kuli yatumikila chu muhiga mieli jialomba muhiga haa yiji:

Mweli gwa kulanganga mu luswahili Januari gulangangwa mweli gwi Kimeiyu. Mweli gwa Februari gulangwa lilima, mweli gwa kavaga gulangwa Ilimera, mweli ki kimeiyu kutanga mweli gwa januari gwa kulanga kimeiyu ni mweli govetsanga nu muvasu. Ma guva nu vukindu. Kihutsutsu ni kivita uhula kali tsinzalo tsivita especially niva unyala kuva kuli mu kuvala cha vanandi kivala cha ivugwe; si manya ngilanga kivala chi Isavalu cha kulanga mulogoli Isavalu. Vukindu vuhutsa yo vululu asubui kale. Kandi lwa vutsia kuduka hamugorova vukindu vururu sana. Tutsilu kabisa. Kimeiyu. Kijira mweli gwene gula mu vival vie ichova yila unyala kutaga kindu dave. Na mweli gwa Februari especially ngaruka ku mweli gwe kimeiyu nu mweli gwu kutimula, mweli gwi litimula kutimula nu kusamba ligali kali vivanda anoho maduku anoho mirimi ha jiali gwayumba nutaduka ho mu madiku gavetsanga gi imbura na lidiku lia kutsia ho watsitsa vasakulu va kale vatsitsanga nu muhitsu nu musala gwa kulanga mmbetero. Mmbetero yigu vatema ulwovo; musala mudinyu sana; ma avika mu vunyasi vula hasi natema na asunda vunyasi vula vogomagoma vutsia ndi kuvulanga ligeyi; naluguta ligeyi ma asunda yila. Mageyi gene gala agalomba gagwa kuli mitalo. Ga kuma ma asamba mweli gwe kimeiyu. Ya kasamba ma yetegeka ku lilima, yetegekera ku mweli wa Februari gwa kulanga lilima. Ni vakasamba mwa kamwamwa ma kujaga kulima mweli wa kavili. Ma kulima kabisa kuduka mweli gwe lilima yigu uvugula ereki ya mulogoli yatumikila vagilanga uluvivi. Yalomba ku lwuvu luvivi lula yatema ndi yalinda lukili luvisi ma lwamenya ku munyale mmba hu mwochi guvitila ma lwayuma lwadinya gagaga. Ma akuba mandu gala navungitsa na guma nasamba; gakili kwuma navagala gumi. Ni yakakuba ku lelo lilima yili sasa litse. Lidiku lie lilima ni mweli wa kavili. Ma kulima na kwa kalima ma kukuba nende iharo yitu yila ya kulanga luvivi ma gumwama ma kunga lilima nu kutaga. Kwa kalima kutaji, ma kulinda vindu vimera. Lwa vimeranga mweli wa kavaga ma vimera viakamera kulinda vimera ma kutsa ku mweli wa kanne. Mweli yigu yigwo gwa kulanganga Iliaga anoho lisembera. ma kosembera. Mweli gwa katano yigwo mweli gwa kulanga Tsingola. Tsingola kalunu vindu vituli kali tsimbale tsiakololeka, yigwo mweli gwa kulanganga tsingola. Mweli wa sita yigwo gwa kulanga kiyange. Kiyange mu lulogoli ni maua ga igulu ga kulanga vuyesi vutuli sasa kiyange. Kali gali gakuhagata maduma vundu vutuli, kiyange, madiku gene gala kali tsing'ombe ni tsiaya vubyasi vuveye vodoto sana nutahenzi tsinyarara; yigwo mweli gwi kiyange. Mweli gwa saba kugulanga mu lulogoli ligesula. Ligesula kuli valogoli mu kivala chitu nyasaye yakugasitsa sana kulima hali kavili. Kujaganga ligesa vindu via kwataga vila. Kogesa kutulitsa na ni kurima; kurimila tsa mwene mula. Kali nohenza mwa vandu vatema ni vadeka na gali ni gasambiliyi ni vatema vavika ko lotse anoho lwanyi anoho hamugutsi kwa mulogoli yasisulanga ho halava ma valeta isingu ma vahoma ma lutse lula lwuma. Anyala kuvagala ho voro vwumi vwagulukanji ho yeye vutsa na meyo na avika mu kiruvi. Amanya atsie kwirura nahila mu rugina nu kusia ni kulagila; magina gaveye mu dave. Ole yahoma isingu hakomera hagasa. Valeta viukulia ni vatsuka ko lotse hala vitange viumili ho na vatulitsi ho gakulanganga imu vatulitsa mu magodo gosi dave. Valavugula gatigale mu magodo. Vahambanyie gavaga anoho ganne ma valitsa magodo gala gakili mmbisi ma vatsia vasunga hu muyale guvitira ma guma. Ni gaturi ho ni kodondora gi imutwi kutulitsa ku na gi imadako kutulitsa ku ni gatigala ga hagati ga kulanga imu. Ku mweli gwa saba ligesula. August ni lilima. Mweli gwa munane kandi ni lilima. Navutsa avanguhila kijira mweli gwa kavaga gunu goveye mu na mang'ana gavili; koveye mu ni ling'ana makugutu ma koveye mu ni ling'ana limera. Vala vasimika mweli gwa kavili. Lwa valima vutsa na vindu vitula. Vandi vitula vutsa kijira kwavugula isingu ya eng'ombe kusiuva mulimi yaho ni yaho ma mulimi gwaduvuka, gwagasa lwa utaga tsa vindu vituli. August ni lilima kandi anoho lisembera. Nuutsa ku September ni Imbale. Na magalaba gavetsa gu kutanga gala kijila inzala iveye ku kandi vahe valagili. Mweli gwa kulanga October ni mweli gwa kulanga mu lulogoli makugutu. Makugutu kalunu viukulia via katula mu inzila idukana. Sasa viakamwama. Kivala chakamwama chakatsa green. Kitsi ligali samu nu mulola mulimi kali inzala ni muruma mmbola kulindilila hara; yaha koveye himbe kulia. Tsingutsa magalaba mulaha vutsa, valatitsila inyingu du, vogitse vulahi, mukere avike ku luderu hachova hala gumi akubi na avugula nakuba mu gavunguruka marova; ma atsie abange mu nyingo mura, nasolitsa ku munyu kadi ma magalaba gala gashie kali chukulia kivula avana valitsa magalaba gala vanwa amatsi vagona. Niva si yali mugeli wu kutela vuswage mu sika. Navutsa kuduka mulogoli yigitsa ling'ana vuswage, ovoro, mmbere, ingumba, uvuguli tsisika (inyingu enenene) tsivaga; indala uviki ovoro, yindi uviki mmbere na yindi uviki miogo. Na vulitulila ku kulagila wavugula ovoro na miogo na mmbere wasanyia ma wavika isika indala ma wavika mu kimuga kila ma wahomela. Yivio via ulitulila ku. Na musakulu iye yatsitsa kobomola pana mukere dave; iye utsitsa kohenza kindu chagenda ku yo anoho ndi; ma abomola avola mukere basi. Ku mukana wa muyayi yive waleta mukana wali wadinya tsimbere ula iyo wenya atsie ku lugina ni isio ku asie kabisa atitsili kiruvi kutula hasi kiri ndi amine ligali vusie vulahi asie vusie vwa kulagila ku lihonga anoho liwuchi anoho lisitsa. Musakulu wachiling'ana yila wayumbaka kayumba koko hala kadisi. Lwa utula vutsa yila ogela hara. Yivo ha muvuganila na visukulu. Vikulia vimanya vivuganila wene yila. Naveye musakulu waleta vakere vavili viukulia vivuganila yila, viu mukere munene ni via mukere mukutsutsu. Niva musakulu ula amanya lelo atsie kogona munyumba nene alatula hene hala atsie munyumba nge atsie kugunza wene yila nitsia kuduka hamugorova. AGunzi wene yila ahumahumili mmba mula, atale ku gayenya na kivala kitsia kuyengana ndi ma atuli mu atsitsa kogona munyumba nene; apana akoli yo kindu dave. Vandu vahuli namolomela munyumba nge. Lakini tsindoro wa tsivaa munyumba nene na ni yenya amanye atsie munyumba nge amanye atuli hala atsie munyumba nene. Atsie agondoke ku mu natala vindu nateva kindiki chala ndi vandu vahula msakulu aveye mmba mwimwe. Tsindolo tsitsie tsimanya tsive mu nyumba nge. Na vakali vene vala vamanya vamanye mang'ana gene gala. Na naveye mukere mulala agunza vutsa yila na avana atula yo anoho vavika chotelo hala mulengelo goveyeko. Mulengelo ni kumaanisha ndi imbura ya kukuba dave; igoni miheso. Ndakumoloma ku mweli wa likomi. Mweli wa komi na moja nu mweli wi kimuli. Vindu vilavitsi, maganda galavitsi ga kwuha, kimuli keloleka. Vagulanga Kimuli. Lyita yili lialange ni kivune, si lialange vutsa lyita dave. Liala mita ni kivune. Mweli gwi kimuli vindu vilavitsi; vilolechi. Kali ni wataga libwoni ulatsia kudukunya ku olole hafwana ndi avana vavuli kukutsa inzala. Yigo gali amita gitu ku ka katsa Januari nende vindu vindi yivi. Disemba ni mweli gwa kulanga Livuna, sasa vindu vitula mmulimi; kuduchi lidiku lie livuna. Vachereva valanvuna kali Januari na vanguhila sana valavuna kali mweli wa komi na moja navutsa mweli mulahi gwu kuvuna ni wa tisa. Ni gaveye kijira kalunu vandu vitu vanyagulagila livuna ni vivi. Vivi vayitsa kali maduma gakili kokomera vaveye mu vatema. Ma musakulu uluha ovola mukere leka korete tuniale mulwanyi yimu ma mutsia mutulitsa mmulimi ma muleta mu lwanyi. Na molomi mang'ana yaga kuhusu vikevo via Mulogoli na umanyanga mang'ana gosi dave. Yicho kijira koveye nende ling'ana Maragoli Council of the Elders. Vakurundu vahenzelizanga mwima gwa mulogoli. Uyu atulitse ku ling'ana, yive utulitse ku ling'ana ula atulitse ku ling'ana mu lilete halala liumbakwe ligwe ling'ana lilahi. NI wagotwa ondegebishe vutsa, ombole musakulu, yaha ovoye vulahi dave na inze ngovolanga amang'ana ga va mulogoli kolondekana na hango hitu sia hali. Lwa mulogoli yamanya nakutsa ma naleka avana veve yava na lwa yaleka avana veve yava, vaveye vulahi, vahulitsana. Ni vavugani kuli si olola kuvugani na amitu Herman Mulinya Asava. Uyu kwavugana naye nendola vutsa ni mulogoli naye nalola vutsa uyu ni mulogoli. Kwamanyana ku ni mwana wa vavu hango ha mulogoli naye yamanya ku inze ni mwana wa vavu hango ha va mulogoli dave. Ku lwa kuduka kwikala nu kukuba tsimbaka no koleng'anyia ku mang'ana gitu ga vamulogoli icho kijiri kutsa kumanyana mu vuvambalu. Kali ondeti muno kumanya kuhandike ling'ana limanya kokonye. Na yive wa nyasaye yakokoletela mwana yive Mr. Kevin Alulu nyasaye yakokola kindu kilala chi kivune. Si unyala kudukila valogoli vosi dave. Nyasaye ukumanyie kindu handi ni kuli engerosi wa nyasaye lwa yagenda naruta avandu yatsia wa abrahama. Yatsia yo kuli mundu, vandu ni valola uyu ni mundu. Avandu vatsia wa Abraham ma nateva Abraham lwa yavalola nanyagulaga. Abraham nateva vandiki vala, navalanga. Ma nivagovela. Navola "ai, mutsitsa ha, nu vudiku wa mutsitsa muduka dave, goni hano." Ma navola vayinzili veve "henzi kememe kilahi chi umburi sinzi; leti amatsi vandu yava visinge." Ku vakamala kwisinga vakamala kulia Abrahama naganagana avandu vala vatsie kogona ni vamugaya kunyi ni vana va vandu dave. Kunyi ni malaika kutumiywi kutsia kusamba lidala lia Sodoma na Gomora kijira vwoni vwakuduka imbili wa nyasaye. Abraham navola waa. Ma najaga litova vaveyo; mulasamba ni yava, kali yava; mia moja dave, hamusini dave, shirini dave, na likomi dave, na mulala dave kulatulitsa yo kutanga. Mwana witu Loti aveyo. Loti nanyola kutula kandi vatsia wa Luti vagwa vakana valahi vanifu. Vandu va Sodoma magu yava kwavalola ku dave. Kali vavetsa mwa Luti vakana vala ni valahi dave, yava vaviti kegelo. Kuvuguli yava. Luti navavola yava na vageni vange, gali ndi vandu vitu, mwayononyia paga mwenya muduki ku vageni vange? Haidhuru ka vuguli avana vange yava kali ndio vamanyi mang'ana ga vasatsa mba, vuguli avana yava tsi navo lechi vageni vange vave. Lwa vatsoma Luti kundulu yila yilwo lwa malaika mula yanyia vutsa mukono ichova mula navugula Luti, nanyweka vandu vala lokovi mmoni vavakula, navugula Luti vingila mmba ni vahana yila. Navola Luti kunyi ni avana va vandu mba; kunyi koveye malaika va nyasaye. Kwa hivyo kutsi kwononyia hano. Voha vindu vivyo na avana vovo nu mukere wovo tula vwangu vwangu. Luti nahula mwoyo gula mukere weve najaga lihenza ku miandu; tsing'ombe, magondi, tsimburi, tsingamia, viage ni vindu. Na Luti nahula mwoyo gula natula na mukere nachikivuka inyuma nagwa ligina lie imbula. Kwa lwa yago mwima gwitu gwa va mulogoli ndakagelitsi kovola handakavola yaho si manya nduchi hayi dave nitali okoli kindu kenene kuli malaika utumiywi na nyasaye utsi okokonye. Handi okolombere ku inzila, kuli mbuliyi musakulu Mulinya navola kwanyagwa hano vindu, mwanulwa vindu viosi. Vivilwa engoko mugamba na mugorova; kali inze ndio. Engoko ni yagyruka vutsa vave kunzivila inze tsingoko sita; tsinyavuli tsivili ni tsisoleli tsinne vanzivira. Ni omolome hayi, novole vwaha. Ligomia lia ndali ndakudinya ku; ndakusitsa mwana yatse na avuguli atsie kutumikila ku. Vatsi valatema, ndachiling'ana vutsa ndavola vudiku numanye vwaha utemi. Ku kunyagwa vindu mugamba na mugorova na handi nyasaye aveye ni kivune; ni kunyagwa hala na nyasaye akoletela mugadi gundi kutula wa Alulu aveye iyi ma kulia ma kwivila via kunyagiywi mugorova. Ku sande Kevin Alulu ku yaga ga ndakamoloma ku ndutaliyi ku mang'ana kijira vikevo, ma ngutaliyi mang'ana kijira mieli jia mulogoli, kuli yalanga. Na niva tsimbihi mu livola kandi amitu utsa Alungula kandi asunde hala na kijira kivala chitu cha Kenya koveye nu vudinyu sana ni kutava na vandu vasomi kuli yive na vasomi vane yava ove mugeli. Ubahatiki anoho gakuyanzika uvugane na vasakulu yava vakukunule ku tsimoni mu inzila yindi ogelitse kolola usimichi avana vandi kuli yive; ku ni ove musala gwa kulanga mu lulogoli Musangula. Musangula kali vateva kale gwaliga, gwaliga, gwaliga, gwaliga.. avana mukoli ndi makono. Ma utsia widuya ku hala onyola hadinya, hala onyola hadinya. Ma kwimba wumbakilanga musala ki, kwumbakila musangula. Ku uve musala gwa kwalanga musangula gwaliga. Uduyi ni tsinguru kali nogenda hosi utsia vavola Mr. Alulu you are welcome, karibu, oveye mulahi. Mundu avola mwami Alulu iye yajila singiri kuli singi ndi. Kuli inze mbola mwami Herman Mulinya Asava iye yajila valogoli vandi vuli koveye yaha na mang'ana gandi ga mulogoli. Navutsa avula kuva yee ndali ni mbeye vutsa yengo ivusali yila. Va ivusali veng'ine yivo vali vamanya. Navutsa kalunu ivulogoli wosi mu tsikona tsinne tsimanyi koveye muno nu mwana wa va mulogoli munene wamanya imima jia guga witu mulogoli. Na icho kijira mulogoli ndamutivula kuli guga witu ku Mr. Alulu sande, ohenze vulahi ugimili mang'ana gitu na mang'ana gitu yaga nagakoletele kuli kuli kunyala komenya kijira ndamanya nyasaye yangola ku mang'ana malahi lidiku lilala. Ndatula muno 1978 mweli wa saba ninzia mu kivala cha vamereka. Ndavugula endege ya kurtanga PanAmerican World Airways ni ikikili kulaswa na va Libya na vandu va Saudi Arabia. Nimbila nimbita West Africa. Nikwika Zaire, Lagos, Monrovia, Abidjan kandi Dakar. Niku krosa Atlantic Ocean nikukaraga ku inyanza neenene mwirova ya valanga Atlantic Ocean. Ninzia ninzika New York. Ni vambugula mu kiguti kishia cha New York. Helicopter ni limbugula yo limbila Delta. Nimbugula Delta endege yambila Atlanta Georgia. Ndali ku yo mieli jiange sita ni inusu. Kali ninzia kuyinzila ku igasi yu mukono mu warehouse. Mu ikambuni yu muyaudi mulala aveye ni ofisi yeye inenene Toulsa, Oklahama. Na ninyinzila ku madiku tisa vandunga ku tsisirijni tsia kenya tsierefu komi na tano. Ninyanza sana nendola kivala yiki ni kilahi aki ni vamba igasi ni vasula ni vagaya kunyala kukuha igasi dave kijira watsa muno kuli tourist; kolola kivala cha vamereka kuli kifwana. Ku ugaluki mu kivala chocho utsie warenje inzila yindi yu kutsa mu Amereka muno ninde work permit visa. Ku nendola ma naganyaliki lelo. Giligale ndatula yo nu vuveleli nendola avana vitu yava vatsa mu Africa mu Kenya ku vutsa vangu vu kuvavola yaha mvitila yaha, vitila yaha ma ava Kenya citizen. Ku kali mulala ndamukonya ku aveye Mombasa ku beach nende first plot. The first plot yutula mu nu wingila mu ocean kwerema; aveyo kali nakalunu. Nitali lwa yenya kungilung'anyia mu mang'ana gandi ni mugaya dave. Ni mmbola inze ndaleta mukali mbe naye na sindangwa ma Mombasa yinu dave, mbeye ni yengo wange. Nimbola tigala oveye ni ingavi wakonyola makao yikala yaho, ninziruka. Nisura; nu mundu mukali halala nu musakulu weve, naleka musakulu weve. Nimugaya dave siganyalika dave, inze mbeye ni mukaye, ndaleta mbeye na avana. Alafu ndeke avana vange nu mukali kali imbili wa nyasaye ka ndaiganira, ndatia nyasaye, nditsa nyasaye. Sinyala kugilung'anyia tsinganagani tsiange dave, am sorry. Thank you. Navola vindu viveye yaha vinyinge, kiwanja kwagula tsimilioni likomi ni inyumba mu. Nimbola am sorry I better die poor. Uhula mang'ana yago. Ma mbeye tsitsominya nyasaye. Icho kijira mbeye nu mwima gwa vamulogoli. Mwima gwa va mulogoli gwenya vukinu dave, nukinila ku wee na kufa hata sasa. Unyala kutsia omoloma kindu na wee naanguka chini. Ku yicho kijira kugelitsa kwendeletsa mang'ana gu mwima gwa mulogoli gove ndio. Na nyasaye yamanya nangilung'anyila igasi namba igasi yu vundereva. Apana igasi enene dave; kijira masomo gange ndasoma primary school yeng'ine na nengola kilasi cha Common Entrance (CE). Masomo makekeke gala gangnonya ndaitsi kuva mundereva, ni ndraiva ku ambassador of Venezuela, nimba ku mu embassy of Venezuela ku mihiga jinne, nindula mwene mula ninjaga kosomera ku igasi ya tour. KWS nimbugura ni kutsia kukora magela nimbita, mbeye Onthologist especially manyonyi gu mbwerefu yaga ni misala namanyonyi na maua iye igasi yange sana sana. Ndamanya Kenya vulahi sana. Linyonyi linyala kwimba ngovole linyonyi lila valilanga vuyu. Ni lituli Britain ngovole that is immigrant from Britain or Southern America or Poland or South Africa or Uganda, Tanzania. Manyonyi gatula Somalia iside yila gamenya mu vivala viu mulu ndagamnya na mita gosi pee. Manyonyi gaveye ichova yaga gosi ndamanya ni ganga mu Kenya. Koveye na manyonyi mu Kenya 1,800. Na manyonyi galolekanga Kakamega forest ganyala kololeka Nairobi dave, ganyala kololeka North Eastern dave.


Grandfather died when he was 130 years. The father who gave birth to me died when he was 76 years and mother died when she was 87 years 6 months and 14 days because father was born in 1904 and he died in 1980. I can say this according to the initiations I am there and I am one of the mulogoli child and about the months that were making up the years during the days of Mulogoli during ours days. According to our days following the leadership of mulogoli is in line with the culture. There are many of our children who have read and gone far but they do not know the culture of mulogoli. They take words and twist them as a thing. And when heard by someone who knows it happens that it is a false. And I am telling you the things of Mulogoli according to our history of maragoli. God has chosen you, you are still younger you will walk and take history from old men and many people for example. Some of the maragoli went to look for a place to live like in Kaimosi, Cheptul, Musasa and Hamisi was Nandi land. And the maragoli who were going there to take the shambas were going with spears and the people used to run away and they leave the land to them. These days the swords that they were using to go and snatch people the land has changed and its money that they use. When they go somewhere they sell to them for example and acre is 100,000, 200,000 or 300,000 Kenya shillings.

When someone sees that he has money he moves, that is why we have our maragoli people in Kapsabet. When you leave Kapsabet to Eldoret town before you reach the bridge the permanent houses that you see hey are four and the others are on the right; there Mr. Alulu you will find good house they do not belong to the Nandi they are for the Maragoli. They bought there and built houses there then they have pushed others. Even Onamo the first MP from Hamisi who was following the second MP; James Onamo followed Agoselwa. Has a big land there when you have crossed the bridge when you are heading to Lessos. Our people have moved ahead and they have changed maragoli. They mix their words with Nandi and Tiriki and when you go to Tiriki three quarters are Maragoli. Even when you go to tiriki and see Isiye who is calling him the head of the forest (circumcision) he is a maragoli mmave the younger child of Mulogoli. I know because I was born first and I know the child who follows me is Kitsungu. Then the one who follows is Mukirima followed by Kavogoi; a girl but they do not mention her. They say Mmave is the elder child among the four children that they stole from this girl. This girl Kavogoi is the one who gave birth to Anyolo whom they changed to Anyole and she gave birth with a Luo a Sudanese. They have spoiled Lulogoli when you see the culture of mulogoli has been spoiled the way you saw the Mulogoli telling Mugusii; Mugusii our child you have spoiled the culture a razor doesn't go through a girl. That way he spoiled the culture and he changed his name to Mugusi the brother to Mulogoli and Mulaguli is the child to Andimi the one who was leading. His months that were making up a year are these:

The month that we call in Swahili January is Kimeiyu and February is Lilima and March is Ilimera. The month of Kimeiyu is the beginning and it is the one that has sun. And then it has coldness when the wind blows you hear it especially if you are in the land of Nandi the land of east. Heavy wind blows there in the morning and also when it is getting dark in the evening. It very cold during that month you cannot plant anything outside.

The month of February is the month of moving. The month of burning where the land was bushy. The days of rain and long time ago old men used to go with the stick called mmbetero. They used to cut ulwovo; a very strong stick. He used to cut that grass and puts it aside we call it ligeyi he used to cut it and moves it aside. And he makes them like trenches. After it has dried then he burns it. After burning he now prepares to dig the farm and he was preparing on the month of February. After burning and it is dark we used to start digging the month of February. We used to dig using our traditional digging tool the n we begin planting. He used to make that stick and the he puts it on top of the sealing in the kitchen where there is soot. Then he dries the bushes and burns them. After burning that is when this digging comes in. digging was happening on the month of February and after digging and planting we used to wait for it to grow. It continued to grow through March then we move to April. April is the month we call Iliaga or weeding. Then we weed, the month of May is the one that we call Tsingola. The sixth month is called kiyange. In maragoli it means flowers. During these days the grass is soft and when taken by the cows they diarrhea. That is the month of June. July in maragoli is called ligesula. Like the maragoli in our land God has blessed us that we plant twice annually. We now begin harvesting on this month.

We harvest as we dig there. Even when you see where people were cutting and as they cook they put it outside where the maragoli was clearing then he puts cow dung there and mobs until it gets dry and he can put wheat there to dry. He gathers it together by sweeping and then he puts it in a basket. He will then go and winnow it and he takes it to the Posho mill ready to be consumed when baked. She used to remove the cow dung from the place and it looks nice. They used to bring the harvest there for it to dry then they remove the cobs. They used to take the harvest while it is still in cobs and they put it where there is smoke for it to dry.

We used to grind the front and the back part of the maize and then we leave the middle part that we call "imu" seed. That is July. In august there is also digging and the month of March has two words makugutu and limera some were planting on February when they dig as others plant. They were planting since we had thrown cow dung on the farm and when you plant things they grow well. On august is either digging or weeding. September is Imbale. The month of October in maragoli is "makugutu" on this month the food has grown in the right way they have darkened. The field is green when you look at the farm you even when you are hungry you just say we are waiting upon that we are near to eat. Then they take the bean plantation leaves and they cook from a pot when there are no food children used to eat the cooked bean leaves and they drink water and sleep. Mulogoli used to teach the term wheat. They used to take wheat, cassava and millet then they put in pot and they cover it with cow dung. That is what they will use and a man was the one who used to break it when there is hunger. He is the one who used to go and break it then he informs the woman. Then you the man who married a girl with standing boobs she is the one who will go and grind it. She will put the basket down and grind the flour then we bake and eat it for a day or a week. A man you were silent there in your small house. When you come from outside you get in there. That is where you meet with yur grandchildren. That is where the food was shared if you are a man who had two wives the food is shared there; food for the elder wife and younger wife.

If a man will go to spend the night in the house of the elder wife he will go to that house in the evening before dark and he stays there. He will stay, whistle and when evening comes he goes out to sleep in the house of the elder wife. Is not that he has done anything but people should hear him speak from the elder wife's house. He will go there and ask what was happening now people knew that the man is in his house. He will sleep in that house. There are some of the women who used to stay with the children from the other side. Dullness means that it has not rained. I have spoke about the month of October. November is the month of "kimuli" the things are becoming clear. The beans are clear. They used to call it "kimuli"

This name had a meaning this month of November things were clear. Even if you had planted sweet potatoes you will go there and see how the place looks like so that children will not starve. Those were the names then we came to January and other things. December is the month of harvest now we harvest those who late will harvest in January there are some who used to harvest on October but the best month to harvest is September. What is causing people to harvest early is because of theft. Then a husband tells the wife let the maize dry from outside we harvest them. Then they go and harvest it from the farm and they bring home. I have spoke about the initiation of maragoli. You do not know everything and that is why we have the maragoli council of elders. These are the elders that look after the culture of mulogoli, one brings a word another one brings another word then you put it together and builds a good thing. If I am wrong you correct me and I tell you the things of mulogoli how our home was. When mulogoli died he left his children well and they were in good terms with each other whenever they met the way we are with my brother Herman Mulinya Asava. We met and we just knew that we were the children of mulogoli we didn't bother about where one is coming from. Now when we were joking and laughing that is when we got to know each other in broadness. He has brought me here and we shall write a word that will help us. And you a child that god has brought us Mr. Kevin Alulu God has done something with a reason. You cannot reach all the maragoli is just the same way God was came through Abraham. The way people went to Abraham and he told them to sleep there and then he asked his servants to look for a good goat they slaughter it and then they bring water for these people to bath. When they had bathed and ate that is when Abraham thought about where they will sleep and they told him that they were not people they were angels sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because their sin had reached God. And Abraham was astonished. Then he started selecting the one that they will burn not a hundred, fifty, and twenty or ten because their son Lot was there. We have not seen the people of Sodom again.

Lot told them that they were his visitors. He asked them how comes they wanted to reach his visitors. He asked them to take his daughters and he told them that the daughters do not know things about men. When they pierced Lot on the side that is when one of the angels pulled Lot from outside he slapped those people and they became confused that is when he took Lot and they closed themselves from inside. He told Lot that they were not the children of Angels were of God. And they had come to destroy there. He asked him to pack his things and his children and wife they leave. Lot heard it and the wife began looking at the wealth; the cows, sheep, goats and camel and Lot heard the voice he left and the wife looked behind and became salt. I say you have done a great thing like an angel who has been sent by God to help us. The way you've heard Mulinya saying we were snatched things. You were snatched all the things they were stole chicken day and night same to me. When a hen has matured they are already on the road. Even me they stole six; two mature ones and four young ones. Where will you report? Whom will you tell? The banana that I had planned for the child to come and take they came and stole it. I kept quiet because at night you cannot know who cut it.

We were snatched things day and night maybe God had a reason why we were stolen from and God has brought us another bread from Alulu he is here and we eat and forget what they stole from us yesterday. Thank you Kelvin Alulu for what I have spoken; I have mentioned about circumcision and the months of Mulogoli the way he was naming them and if it is short my brother will help me. Our nation Kenya has a lot of problems if it doesn't have people who have learned like you and the other four you are clever. If you succeed or you become lucky you ensure that you have established other children like you. That is when you will be a tree that we call in maragoli Musangula. They used to ask long time ago Gwaliga! Gwaliga! Gwaliga! Gwaliga! And the children open their arms then you go and hit there and you find that it is hard and then we sing you are building using which tree? They reply we are building using Musangula. Now you are the tree that we were calling Musangula when you hit even wherever you go they say Mr. Alulu you are welcome. Welcome you are good.

Someone says that chief Alulu is the one who made me to stand like this the way I am saying Herman Mulinya Asava is the one who did. If it were not for him I could be at home in Busali. The people of Busali were the one who knew me but now the whole maragoli knows that they have a man who has kept and knows the culture of our grandfather. Mr. Alulu thank you and you should look into our words God helped me one time I came out of this land in 1978 the month of July, I went to America. I took a plane called Pan-American World Airways before it was terrorized by the people of Libya and Saudi Arabia it took me there we landed in Zaire, Lagos, Monrovia, Abidjan and Dakar. We crossed Atlantic Ocean one of the largest ways in the world. I landed in New York they came and picked me from the new place New York. A helicopter took me to Delta. A plane took me from Delta to Atlanta Georgia. I was there for six and a half months. I went to do work in a warehouse in a company of a Judean who has a big office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I worked for nine days and they paid me Ksh. 15000 I wished that they gave me work but they refused and told me that I came as a tourist to see how the American land looks like. They asked me to go back to my land and arrange to come with a work permit visa and I saw that it was impossible.

For real I came form there when I was sad our brothers come to Africa in Kenya easily and they go through here and there and they become Kenyan citizen. I have assisted one she is in Mombasa on the beach with the first plot that you go through the ocean to swim. She is still there even today but when she wanted to convince me for other things I refused. I told her that I have a wife and children I don't belong to Mombasa I have my home. She asked me to remain since I had helped her to find a place and I ran away. I refused. She is a woman who left her husband. I refused and told her that I have a wife with children. Then I leave my wife and children even before God I fear. I cannot change my mind am sorry. Thank you. She said there are many things. We have brought a land for ten million with a house. I told her am sorry I better die poor. Are you hearing these things?

I praise God and that is why I gave the culture of mulogoli. The culture of mulogoli doesn't entertain jokes when you joke with it you die immediately. You can go and speak something and you fall down immediately. That is the reason to why we are careful with the culture of mulogoli. God changed and gave me work of being a driver because I didn't have wide education I read primary school alone the Common Entrance class (CE).

The little education that I had helped me become a driver I drove the ambassador of Venezuela. I was in the embassy of Venezuela for four years. I left there and came to learn the work of tourism. KWS took me we went for an interview and I passed. I am an Anthologist especially the birds that have flowers that is mostly my work. I know Kenya well. A bird can sing and I tell you the name of that bird. If it is from Britain I tell you that is immigrant from Britain or Southern America or Poland or South Africa or Uganda, Tanzania. The birds that were coming from Somalia and the sides that they stay I know them well. The birds that are outside I know their number in Kenya. We have 1800 birds in Kenya. And the birds that are seen in Kakamega can never be seen in Nairobi. They cannot be seen in North Eastern.