Play time: 06:42 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, April 7, 2014.

Kwivulwa Vakana Vavaga

Carolyne Chesi

Kunyi kwivulwa nende vakana vavaga na inze iye ndali wu kutanga ma koveye ninde mukana ononda. Mukana mwene oyo yadinyilila ligali mu masomo gege nasoma paga form 4. Yamanya nava hango ku muda mundu mutende yamanya niyatsa kumwiva namushila mu lukali. Lwa yaduka mu lukali lwilwe mundu weve yamanya nakutsa. Lwa yakutsa vivuli va hango vene muyayi si vamuyanza ligali dave kijira musakulu yamulekela avana vavaga. Vali vamenya ni vamuvolela utsie winyu. Naye musakulu wa hango yali yamuyanza. Na avola mukana uyu si atula hango hange dave kijira aveye na avana niva mulamuvolela atsie amanya atsie hayi na avana yava. Mukana witu mwene oyo shetani yamanya namulwana. Lwa yamulwana mwana wa vali vamulekela muyayi yamanya nakutsa. Lwa yakutsa ni galoleka mukere mwene nayanza navola ndakanyola inzila kijira wa yali yadinyila ku hano amali kutula ho. Na lakini vayayi va hango hene yaho vamanya ni vadinya ni vavola mukana uyu si atula hano dave kijila kwavugula tsing'ombe tsyitu kwahila na niva alatsia alatsia na avana vatigaye vakana yava na si kulanyola ku kindu dave. Vamanya ni vikala vandu vu luvamba ni vavola mukana uyu si atsia dave aveye hano. Mukana mwene oyo yamanya navaho nanyola kandi mutende namuvolela atsie kumuyinzila nanyola livita kandi anyole kuli anyala kosominya avana veve. Mukana witu yamanya navugilila natsia kuyinzila mukere mwene oyo. Yayinzila mukere oyo na nasominya avana veve. Mwana wu kutanga yamanya nasoma nakola ligela lilie lia form 4 navita. Senge weve yamanya namulanga Nairobi namuhenzela kibarua. Na undi uyu yamanya natsitsagilila ni lisoma lilie nakola kilasi chiche cha munane navita. Vamanya ni vatsia kusava vokonyi mu serekali mwana mwene oyo ni vamuhila mu secondary. Mwana mwene oyo vamuhila musukuru yo komenya. Amwavo weve uyu yamanya niyitulitsa navola inze ndakonyana kosominya mwana witu. Yamanya natumanga tsisendi kusukulu na mwana wavo oyo nasoma. Lwa mwana wavo mwene oyo yamanyi nakola ligela lilie navita. Akili ho akili kutsia havundu dave. Na mukana wavo yali Nairobi uyu yamanya navola baba yali nakili kuklwumbakila inyumba dave ndumbakila mama inyumba indahi kajira kalunu vandu vakolanga vindu vilahi hango ni avana vakana na uvee ni wa musominya. Yamanya niyibanga nagula madafri nagula muyeke navika hango navola mama weve kijira ndakokonya kosominya mwana undi uyu amali isukulu kandi na yive tsisendi tsitsio tsia umanya onyole uviki na kuguli muyeke kwumbake inyumba indahi. Vamanya ni vakola ndio ni vavika tsisendi na lwa tsiamanya tsiduka vamanya valanga musakulu wu lavamba na atsia vayava musinji musakulu oyo navatela mju lidafari. Vamanya ni vatsitsagilila kwumbaka inyumba yavo. Inyumba yavo yeneyo yamanya nifwa. Lwa yafwa vamanya valanga vandu vi livugana halala ninde viko ni vavola vatsie kusalila inyumba yavo yeyo vingile mu. Vandu vu luvamba vamanya ni vatsia hala ni vandu vi liganisa vatsia kusalila inyumba yeneyo vakagisalila mukana witu oyo yamanya niyingila munyumba yeye na mukana weve niyilana ku kibarua wa avetsanga. Lwa yaduka yo yamanya namuvolela ndahenza tsisendi kandi nguguli ing'ombe ya mavere kalunu wikale hango uvuli kutsia kusamula kandi dave. Yamanya nahenza tsisendi natuma. Mukana witu navugula tsisendi yitsio naha musakulu wa hango namuvolela nyenya ustie kungula eng'ombe ya mavere. Musakulu yatula natsia musogoni kutsia kugula mukana witu eng'ombe namuletela hango ya mavere. Mwana weve yamanya namuvolela kalunu gi lisamula utuli ku, wikale hango. Kalunu nutsia hango hu mukana witu mwene oyo ni hango halahi kali nohenza ho unyala kovola musakulu aveye ho.

We were born three girls

We were born three girls and I was the firstborn then we have another girl who follows me. That girl strived hard in her education until she finished form four. She stayed home for some time then a neighbor came and stole her and then took her to a marriage. When she was in her marriage the husband died. When he died the parents of the husband didn't like her because the husband had left her with three children. They were staying and they asked her to go home. And the father of the husband loved her. He said that the woman will not leave the home because she has children and if she leaves where will she take the children. Our girl was fought by the devil the child that she was left with who was a boy died. The mother of the husband liked it since she had found a way of chasing her away. The boys in that homestead refused and said that the boy wont leave because they had paid dowry and she leaves they won't benefit anything.

The people of the clan sat together and said that the girl won't go she should stay. That girl was there and she found a neighbor who asked her to work for her to win the bread and find way of taking the children to school. Our girl accepted and went to work for that woman and she took her children to school. The first child did her form four and she passed. The aunt called her in Nairobi and looked a job for her. The other one resumed her education and finished standard eight. They went to seek assistance from the government and they took her to the secondary school. They took this child to a boarding school. The she remember and said that she will assist to educate their child. She used to send money to the school as the sister reads. When the sister did her exams she passed and she is there she has gone anywhere. And their girl who is in Nairobi said that the father had not build the house for her mother and she promised to build her a good house. Today people who do great things at home are girls if you gave them education.

She prepared and bought bricks and sand she kept it at home and she told her mother since she had assisted her to educate the sister who has finished school she should save the money they will buy sand and build a good house. They kept the money when they had met their target they called a man from the clan they dug the foundation and the man brought the brick and placed it there. They continued to build their house. They finished building that house. When it was finished they call the church members and members of the family to pray for their house as they enter inside. The people of the clan together with the church members went and prayed for that house. After prayers my sister entered the house and the daughter went back to where she works. When she arrived there she told her that she would look for money and buy her a cow for milk so that she doesn't have to go to work again.

She looked for money and sent and my sister took the money and gave the father in law to go and buy for her a cow for milking. The father in law went to the market and bought for her a cow for milk. The daughter told her, "Today the issue of work is over, you should stay at home" today if you go to my sister's home it is a good place you can think that the husband is there.