Play time: 45:35 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, April 7, 2014.

Musakulu Na Mukali Wa Kavili

Carolyne Chesi

Lyita liange ni Caroline Chesi na nzitsa komoloma kolondekana ku mundu uhilanga vakali vavili.

Kwali ninde mutende witu yengo yali niyahila vakali vavili. Kindu chu kutanga mundu uyu lwa yali nakikili kuhila mukali wa kavili yali ninde limenya lilahi muno. Mundu uyu yavikanga avana veve vulahi kandi chukulia yavahetsanga kuli genyekana kali masomo yasominyanga avana veve vulahi muno. Mukali weve wu kutanga uyu yali yamuyanza muno. Lwa yanyola mwana wu kutanga ya muyanza ligali. Na mukali mwene uyu yivulanga avana veve vuli ku muhiga. Mundu uyu mukere weve uyu musakulu weve uyu niyanyolanga tsisendi tsitsie yahetsanga ku mukerer weve amuvolela hilila ku mama wovo isukari kandi ugulili ku baba wovo lishadi umuhilile. Mundu uyu lwa vatsitsaglila kumenya nende mukere weve uyu avana veve vaduka vu kutsia musulu. Avana yavo yavahila munasari. Na kijira vali valondekani vatsila kulala. Avana veve yavo mundu mwene uyu yali yavayanza nu mwoyo gwigwe gwosi. Avana veve yavo ni vatsitsanga musukulu si vagendanga ku virenge dave. Yavugulanga ingida agingira ku avana veve nahira musukulu. Na avana veve vene yavo si yavakuba ku dave kijira yali yavayanza ligali na avana vene yavo vali avana vayayi vavili. Mundu mwene uyu mukere weve yamanya nameda avana vandi na avana vene yavo vali avalondekani kandi. Lwa mukere weve yameda avana, maisha ga mundu uyu gamanya ni gatanga kugilung'ana kijira si yali ninde kibarua vulahi dave. Mundu mwene uyu yavugula avana veve vavili yava ni vatsia mu primary. Avana vene yava vamanya ni vakola ligela liavo ni vavita vulahi. Lwa avana vene yava vavita ligela liavo yamanya navahila musukuru ya secondary. Lwa yavahila musukulu avana vene yavo vamanya nivatsitsagilila na lwa yaduka havundu yamanya nalegelelwa kutunga ifisi. Lwa yalegelelwa si yanyalitsa avana vene yavo vosi dave. Yamanya navolela mwana mulala aribite mu form 1 na undi uyu atsitsagilile na kihenza tsisendi navo ni vatsitsagilila na masomo gavo. Mwana mwene oyo yamanya navugilila kuribita na undi uyu yamanya natsitsagilila na masomo gege kandi. Mama oyo yamanya namuvolela avana vandi yava kijira nguyu na valondekani na sivenyanga kolekana dave, avana yava kuvahile musukulu yi inasari vatsitsagili kandi navo nu kusoma. Musakulu mwene oyo yavugula avana veve navahila munasari. Maisha gu musakulu oyo gamanya ni gava madinyu muno ku lwo kovera mukere weve si yali nende tsinguru mu muviri dave kijira kolondekanyia kwivula avana ku himbe. Musakulu mwene oyo yamanya nasominya avana veve vavili yavo. Lwa yasominya vavili yavo yava lwa vali nivakaduka vu kwingila mu kilasi chu kutanga yamanya navugula avana veve yava navahila musukulu ya primary. Vamanya nivatsitsagila na masomo gavo, avana vavili yavo vamanya ni vamala isukulu ni vakola ligela liavo lia form 4. Vikala hango na lwa vikala hango vaganagananga baba wavo alavahila kwiga kindu niva valavita ligela liavo. Navutswa baba wavo oyo yamanya nahila mukali undi. Lwa yahila mukali mwene oyo yamanya natanga limenya linde lishia na mukali mwene oyo. Yamanya natsia komenya ninde mukali mwene oyo ichova, yani Nairobi, mu itauni. Vatanga kwivula avana kandi vulahi na mukali mwene oyo. Musakulu mwene oyo si yamanya ni yikivuka yengo wa yatula dave, kali kumanya avana ndaleka yengo dave. kali nivamuhetsanga lisosa yani ilifu yu mweli si yatsitsanga yengo dave; yamalilanga ichova nu mukali weve. Yanyola nu mukali mwene oyo avana vavili vayayi. Yayanza avana vene yavo sana, yivilila aveye na avana vandi yengo. Yalinda avana vene yavo vulahi sana vu mukali mukekeke mwene oyo. Mukali mukekeke oyo yamanya yavolela musakulu weve unzigulili viasara ngore. Nu tanzigulila viasara si komenya nive dave. Na nunzigulila viasara kulamenya ni kokonyana kosominya avana vitu yava. Musakulu oyo yamanya nahulila gu mukere weve yamuvolela. Yamanya yamwigulila viasara via yenyanga. Mukere mwene oyo yamanya natsitsagila ni viasara vivie yivio lakini liamanya ni liduka lidiku lilala mukere wa yengo yavolela avana veve nyenyanga kutsia kumanya wa baba winyu yatsia kijira kunyala kwikala ndi na haundi yakutsa, kumanyi yakutsa anoho aveye mwoyo dave. Kijira ni kukuba yo isimu si agumiranga isimu dave naye sa akuba ku amanye avana vasoma anoho si vasoma dave anoho vaveye ni inzala. Mukere oyo yamanya nalomba logendo lwu kutsia wu musakulu weve yamenya kijira yali yamanya wa yamenya yatsia nadukayanyola muliango ni gufunji. Mukere mwene oyo yikala hamuliango paga lwa musakulu yatula ku igasi. Mukere mukekeke yali natsiyi musogoni mu viasara vivie. Musakulu oyo yanyola mukere weve ni yikaye hamuliango. Yamuteva "utsi ki?" Mukere oyo yavolela musakulu weve oyo yigula muliango kwingili mmba kusale ku nangwa undeve cha ndakutsa. Musakulu oyo yigula kiliango navutsa si yigula naveye nu mwoyo mulahi dave. Yali nu vuti mukere weve wa vamenya naye amanya anyole mu mukere uyu na si vamanye vahulitsane dave. Musakulu oyo yamanya nateva mukere weve "utsi hano ku madiku ganga?" Mukere oyo si yamujiba dave. Musakulu oyo yamanya namuvolela ulava hano ku madiku gavili ningehenza igarama wilane yengo kijira si ngulanji hano dave. Na kijira mukere wamenya yengo yali mukere mukristayo si yali ni vutindi dave, yamuvolela ndakuhula agovoye na galava ndio. Mukere oyo yamanya niyikutsila ndio navutsa lwa mukere wamenya nu musakulu uyu yatsa nanyola mukere uyu aveye mmba yamuteva "utsi ki mmba mwange?" kijira si yali yamulola ku mba. Mukere oyo yamanya namuvolela "nzitsi kolola musakulu wange na inze si mbeye ku ninde amang'ana ninde yive dave kijira musakulu uyu si alolekanga yengo dave, ni kukuba isimu si agimila ku dave kandi naye si akuba ku isimu yengo dave; ma mbeye ninde ligenya ku manyi nendola nzitse kolola musakulu mwene uyu aveye mwoyo anoho yakutsa." Na kijira mukali muke yali ninde imbarika, yali mudamanu sana. Yenyanga kukubana navutsa musakulu yamuvolela uyu yatsi vutsa kumanya niva mbeye ho anoho si mbura ho kandi yatsi vutsa hano kinalogeni yilananga yengo. Mukali oyo yamuvolela mukali wovo natilani yengo dave ndakwiluka kandi atagona mu inyumba yange iyi dave. Na kijira musakulu uyu yali yayanza mukali muke yahulila agayamuvolela. Yatsia namusavila mu vutende ha anyala kogona. Mukere mwene oyo yikutsila kuli musakulu yali namuvoleye. Musakulu oyo yamanya namuhila havotende ha yali namuteveye atsie kososela ku madiku gavili natsia nagona ho; yahila weneyo chukulia navolela mutende oyo "utavolela ku mukali mukee uyu mukali wange uyu aveye hano dave, amanya alindi nisamuyi amanye yatse kumukuba." Lwa musakulu yanyola tsisendi yamanya nabanga kuli mukere weve anyala kutsia yengo. Lidiku liaduka natsia yengo na musakulu weve oyo natigala nu mukere weve mukee Nairobi. Mukere munene oyo lwa yaduka yengo avana veve vavili vali nu vuyanzi muno kijira mama wavo yakutula Nairobi. Vamuvolela avahe mugadi gwa Nairobi. Mama wavo oyo yali ni vovereri kijira baba wavo si yamuha kindu dave nitaveye igarama yeng'ine yu kwilanila yengo. Yikutsila nadaka cha avolela avana veve. Mukere mwene oyo yali mwikutsili mu limenya lilye na avana veve yavo vavili. Avana vene yavo vamanya ni vatsitsagila ni isukulu yavo. Lwa vamala ligela liavo lia form 4 vamanya vatsia Nairobi kohenza vibarua. Lwa vaduka yo vamanya ni vafanikiwa konyola vibarua; vamanya vatanga kokonya mama wavo. Kali inyumba yavo yali ni yagwa. Avana vene yavo vamanya ni vumbakila mama wavo inyumba indahi muno. Yamanya niyivilila amang'ana gu musakulu weve. Mukere mwene oyo lwa avana veve vanyola vibarua yamanya niyitulila mu tsinganagani kijira lwa avana veve vamanya vanyola vibarua vamukonyanga. Vamukonyanga na nivasominya avana vandi vakekeke vali inyima wavo. Musakulu weve oyo yamanya nagotela Nairobi kabisa siyilana ku yengo weve dave. Yamenya nu mukali weve oyo mukee Nairobi nasominya avana vu mukali mwene oyo mu tsisukulu tsindahi. Tsisukulu tsiene yitsio tsiali tsiu komenya. Yasominya avana vene yavo mu tsiskulu tsie secondary tsio komenya. Avana vene yavo vamanya vakola magela gavo ga form 4 ni vavita. Avana vene yavo vamanya ni valangwa paga mu University. Vasoma mu tsi University tsiene yitsio ni vamala na lwa vamala vamanya ni vavaho vutsa. Vibarua viamanya nividinya ku avana vene yavo; si vanyola tsigasi dave. Igasi yu muyayi mulala yali kuginga misigo na undi yali ni yagotela vutswa mu linwa amalwa; si vafanikiwa mu vibarua dave. Vafwananga avana vavula kosoma ku dave; kali vandu vavagenyelanga avana yava ni vatsia mu University. Musakulu yo limenya lilie liamanya ni litanga kuva lidinyu muno halala nu mukere weve oyo. Mukere weve oyo viasara vivie viamanya ni vigua na musakulu igasi yeye yamanya nifwa. Musakulu oyo yamanya niikutsila mu limenya lilie yilio na yali nu vutii vwu kwilana yengo kijira si yakonyanga avana veve nu mukere weve yengo dave. Linyola kuvo ni liva lidinyu kali kutunga inyumba ninde lilia liavo liva lidinyu muno. Vamanya ni vatanga kudulana. Mukali mukee yavolela musakulu mukali wovo yaloga avana vange kijira ki veve vayinzilanga na vange vasoma paga mu University na vavula vibarua; kijira ki? Musakulu oyo yamanya natanga kuganagana kuli yatesa mukere weve munene ninde avana veve, yeteva mateva navutsa si yanyola majibu dave. Yamanya natsitsagilila kuganaganyia paga natanga kulwala. Mukere oyo na avana veve vavili yavo vavugula musakulu oyo ni vamuhila mu sivitali ma ni vamuleka mu. Musakulu oyo yalwalila musivitali nafwana wavula kwivula ku anoho oveye ku na amwavo weve dave, kandi nafwana wa vula kuhila ku mukali dave. Yamenya musivitali vujira mundu kutsia kumulola ku dave. Mundu wi tsimbavasi yavugula isimu yeye nahenza mu. Yamanya nakubila isimu yeneyo mundu wamanya nagigumila yali mulala ku vamwavo veve. Yamuteva "wamanya mundu wa valanganga John?" Yamuvolela "yee, ndammanya." Yamuvolela aveye mu sivitali kenyatta na aveye mu ward namba 7. Amwavo oyo yamanya anyaguli tsimbilu natsia kumulola. Yanyola naveye mulwaye sana. Yakubila ku avana veve mulala na muvolela baba wovo ni mulwaye muno. Mwana oyo yatanga navugula vutima navola "baba yakotesa, baba yakoleka kale sana, kubila avana veve vayahilanga mu tsi-University." Baba wa avana vene yavo mukee oyo yamanya namwikitsa mwoyo hasi namuvolela baba wovo ni baba wovo, tulitsa vilamo ku muvili. Na kijira mama wa avana yava yali mukristayo kandi yali ni yamanyia avana veve livigana. Mwana oyo yamanya ni yatsa wa baba weve mukee. Namuvolela hamba umbile nzie kolola baba tsana musivitali. Vamanya ni vatsia paga musivitali. Nivanyola baba weve agoni; amwavo weve uyu yamanya namuvukitsa. Namuvolela ninze mwana winyu. Musakulu oyo yavuka na lwa yavuka amwavo weve yamuvolela "mwana wovo haa uyu na yatsi kokolola ku." Musakulu oyo yagumila mwana weve namuchelitsa namuvolela "mwana wange, mbeli tsimbavasi. Namusominya navutsa si ndamuhila ku kutsia kwigila vujutsi vwosi vwa munyala konyolela mu tsigasi dave kandi ndamuleka ninde inzala. Ndamutesa madiku manyinge kandi ovolele mama wovo yambele tsimbavasi si ndamanya cha ndakola dave. Na munyi munyole tsingavi." Lwa yamala kovola ndio yalanga muyayi wavo namuvolela "niva ndakutsa nive umanye usingili ku maliga gange ma kandi umanye mbeye ninde avana vayayi vavili vu mukali mukee." Lwa yamala kovola ndio yamanya nafunga komoloma. Yamala madiku gavili ma nakutsa. Amwavo weve oyo yamanya nalanga vakere veve vavili ninde vamwavo ni vatanga kubanga mipango kuli vanyala kuhila muviri yengo. Vabanga ni vamala lwa lidiku liaduka liu kuhila muviri yengo mukali mukee yali ninde vutii kutsia yengo. Kolondekana ninde ga yali niyakola. Nalolanga ndi mukere munene na avana veve valamukuba. Vamuvolela vatsie yengo kijira niye yamenya nu musakulu, yivale ku kuli vamenya nu musakulu navutsa si yatsia mba. Vamwavo veve ninde mukere munene na avana veve vibanga ni vavugula muviri ni vatsia yengo. Navutsa mukere mukee yavugula mbotso weve ninde vasakulu vavili navavolela vahile avana veve mu maliga ga baba wavo navutsa vatagona yo mba. Na kolondekana ku mwima gwa mulogoli vamanya ni vavugula avana yavo ni vavahila yengo ni vavavolela avana yava vagone gu muviri gwa baba wavo kandi vagone magenga kandi valindi vavege masu nu kuhila mu livugana. Vasakulu yavo vahulila ni vavola gaveye ndio. Mwima gwa mulogoli govetsanga ndio. Lidiku liamanya ni liduka lia kutaa. Vamanya ni vata. Ni vakamala kuta, vwachia mugamba vuluvamba ni vikala ni vatevana kuli avana vavili yava vayayi kuli vanyala kuvaa kandi kuli vanyala konyola mulimi kijira vali vu mukere mukee. Vamanya ni vavolelana ni valanga vwami halala ninde luvamba. Lwa valangana na vami ninde vu luvamba vamanya ni vakaranyia mu mulimi hagati. Ni vaha yava gwavo na yava ni vatigala ni gwavo. Avana vavili yava vamanya nivatsia wa vali ni vamenyi Nairobi vatsia ninde vusangali kijira vali ni vakamanya havo. Vatsitsanga ni vamanyi hango hitu ni yaha kali ni kutula wa kwamenya kutsanga vujira vutii, kutsanga ni kumanyi kustitsanga mu kedonye chitu. Ni yago ga nyanzi kummbola ku.

Kuli ndalolanga hitu lwa ndavilukanga

Hango hitu guku wange yavugananga mu liauka yani mmusalaba na guga wange yavugananga mu Friends. Guku wange yatsitsanga mu livugana lilie jumamosi na yavo vene valilanganga sabato. Ni wagananga naye nu muteva utsitsa hayi yakovolanga nzitsa mu lisabato. Tsigasi tsiavo vakolanga mu lwa katano; kali kwaha tsingutsa vahanga mulwa katano. Igasi yindi yosi sivakolaku jumamosi dave kijira yavo vali vayamina lidiku liavo lie lisabato ni jumamosi. Guku wange mwene oyo yamanya navugula ku avana veve vavaga natsia navo mu livugana lia musalaba gwene yigu. Na guku wange mwene oyo si yenyanga mundu unwetsanga isigara dave kandi si yenyanga mundu wanwetsanga amalwa hango hehe dave. Kandi vosera vwa vandu vinikanga si yavwenyanga dave. Kunyi si kwinikanga ku hango hitu ovosera vururu dave. Kijira yee yaminanga ovosera vururu vufwanani ninde amalwa. Yali yagaya vindu viene yivio hango hehe. Na guga wange yamanya navugula muyayi weve munene; yamanya natsia naye mu friends. vavugananga nangaye mu friends. Na yamuvolela kutsitsa nive mu friends kijira mama wovo yanyola veve na yive si ombereka kogenda nive. Yamanya navugilila vatsia kuvugananga nangaye mu friends. Avana vene va guku yatsitsanga nangavo vamanya ni viga kilasi ni vabadiswa mu livugana liene lia vauchi lia musalaba. Vamanya vavirukila mu livugana liene yilio paga lwa vaduka avandu vahindila kuli baba wange si yamanya natula mu livugana liene yilio dave. Yatsitsagilila ni livugana lilie liene yilio paga likutsa lilie. Na undi walonda guga yatsitsagilila kandi naye ni livugana lilie paga likutsa lilie. Avana va vababa vitu yava vamanya ni vivula avene yavo si valonda amalago dave. Si vaveye vavugani kuli vali vababa vavo dave. Valala vagotela mu malwa, vanwetsa tsisigara, tsinasoli. Na vababa vitu yava vagelitsa kuvikalitsa ku vavavolela kunyi kwaviluka ndi si vahulila dave. Vavavolanga gala gali madiku ginyu na kunyi kandi koveye mu madiku gitu. Ku noveye ninde umwana genyekana umutangitse mu livugana na akikili mwana mukeke. na niva ulakola ndio mugitse gugwo gulava nu vugasu kijira yive ni wisava nutsia mwivugana avana kdni visavanga ni vakolonda. Na noleka avana vene yava vavuli kutsia mwivugana dave lwa vamanya vagotele mu malwa ninde vindu vie kivala yivi hango hoho si halagasa dave; hamanya havetsange hu vukubani ninde tsimbanga. Ni yago geng'ine.

A man with the second wife

My name is Caroline Chesi and I am going to speak about a person who marries two wives.

We had our neighbor who had married two wives. At first before this man married the second wife he had a good life. This man took good care of his children he also gave them food the way it is supposed. Even education he educated them well. He loved the first wife very much and when he got the first child he was very happy. His wife gave birth annually. This man when he received money he used to give to her wife to go and buy sugar for her mother and also buy a shirt to take to her father. This man as he was staying with the wife the children grew to go to school and he took them to a nursery. Since they were following each other they used to go together. These children this man loved them with all of his heart. When they were going to school they were not going by foot he used o carry them on a bicycle and takes them to school. He didn't beat them because he loved them and they were two boys. The wife added more children and they following each other.

When the wife added more children his life changed because he didn't have work. This man took his two children to primary school and they did their exams and they passed well. When they passed well he took them to secondary school. When he took them there they continued with the education and it reached a point where he was defeated to pay their school fees. He couldn't sustain all the children. He asked one of his children to repeat and the other one to continue while he was looking for money. The boy agreed to repeat and the other one continued with the education. He wife told him since the other children were following each other she suggested that they take them to a nursery school they continue with education. That man took his children to the nursery school. Life was tough to that man and it was sorrowful for the wife she didn't have energy since she had given birth to many children within near periods.

That man educated his two children and when the others were ready to go to class one he took them to a primary school. They continued with their education the two children did their fourth form examination. They stayed at home and they thought that their father would take them to do something when they pass their exams. The father married another wife. When he married another wife he started living another life. He went and stayed with the wife outside in Nairobi town. He started giving birth with the new wife to other children and the man didn't bother to know where he was coming from and even the children that he left at home. Even when he was granted a time to relax from work he was not coming home he was spending it with his wife. He got two children with the wife and they were boys. He loved those children very much and he forgot that he had other children at home. He took good care of those children from the second wife. The second wife asked him to start a business for him and if he doesn't she wont stay with him well. If he started the business they will assist each other to educate their children. He listened to what the wife told him and he opened for her a business. The wife continued with that business but there was a day when the wife whom he had left home told her children that she want to follow after and see where their father went they may be staying there while their father is dead.

They should know whether he is dead or alive. Because if they call he doesn't pick the phone and he doesn't call back to know whether the children are learning or starving that women began the journey because she knew where the husband was staying and when she got there she found the door closed. That woman stayed at the door until the husband came from work. The second wife had gone to the market to do her business and the husband found the first wife at the door and he asked her, "You've come for what?" the wife asked his husband to open the door they pray so that she tells her why she has come. The husband opened the door but he was tensing because he was afraid that if the second wife whom they are staying together finds this wife they wouldn't be in good terms. He asked the wife, "you have come here for how many days?" the wife didn't answer. He told her that she would stay there for two days as he carters for the expenses because he didn't ask her to come.

But because the wife who was staying at home was a Christian, she was not disturbing she said that she had listened and it will be like that. That woman persevered but when the wife who stays with the husband came she asked her, "You have come for what in my house?" she told her that she had come to see her husband and she doesn't have any issues with her because the husband doesn't come at home. Because when she rings he doesn't pick the phone and he doesn't call back home and he was wondering. She decided to come and check on him whether he was alive or dead. Since the second wife was quick to anger she wanted to fight her but the husband stopped her and told her that the first wife came to see whether he was alive or not and she came for a short while she will be going back home. She told her that if the wife doesn't go home she will run away from him and she should not spend the night in her house. Because the husband loved the second wife, he listened to what she told her. He went and looked for a place from the neighborhood where the first wife could sleep. The wife persevered the way the husband had asked her to do. He took her to the neighborhood to relax for two days. She went and slept there. He used to take food to the neighbor and tells that neighbor, "Do not tell my second wife that my wife is here, she will wait when I have gone to work and she comes and fight her" when the man got money he organized the way the wife could go back home. A day came she went home and the husband remained with his second wife in Nairobi. When the first wife arrived at home the children were very happy because their mother had returned back from Nairobi. They asked her to give them bread but she was disturbed because the husband didn't give her anything. She gave her the fare back home.

She persevered and lacked what to tell her children. That woman was persevering in her stay with her two children. Her two children continued with school and when they finished they went to look for work in Nairobi. When they got there they managed to secure jobs and they started to assist their mother. Even her house was going down they build her another good house and she forgot about the issues of her husband. That woman when the children got work she settled because the children were assisting her. They assisted her as they educate the younger children who were behind them. The husband got lost in Nairobi ha stayed with the wife and educated the children of that wife in good schools. Those schools were boarding he was educating his children from boarding secondary schools. Those children did their fourth form examinations and they passed and were called to universities. They went to university and finished and when they finished they were there. It was difficult for them to secure jobs. They were not getting jobs. They were like children who had not gone to universities and the people were wondering if the children had really gone to university. Life began being tough for that husband together with the wife. That man persevered in his life and he was afraid to return home because he wasn't assisting his children and the wife. It was difficult for them to earn something and house rent became a problem to pay. They started blaming each other. The second wife blamed the husband that the first wife had witched her children since her children were working. The second wife's children were not working and yet they had gone to university why? That man began thinking how he abused his wife and children but he was not finding solutions.

He got stressed up until he became sick. The second wife and the two children took him to the hospital and left him there. He was sick there and he looked like someone who had not given birth to children or had a brother. He looked like someone who had not married a lady. He stayed in the hospital without someone going to visit him. A good Samaritan checked through his phone contacts and called one of the people who knew him and it was one of brother who picked the phone. He asked him, "Do you know someone called John?" he said, "Yes I know him" he told him that he was in a hospital at Kenyatta ward number seven. The brother ran very fast to look for him. He found that he was very sick and he called one of the sons and told him that the father was very sick. The child was angry and he imagined how the father abused them. "Father abused us, he left us long time ago. Call his children that he took to the University"

The younger father to them told him that his father was still his father. He asked him to remove the curses from his life. Since the first wife was a Christian. She had shown them church. The child came to the younger father and asked him to take him to the hospital where the father was. They went to the hospital and they found that his father was asleep. The brother woke him up and told him that he was his brother and he also told him, "This is your child and he has come to see you" that man shake his sons hand and he told him, "My son have mercy on me I educated you but I didn't take you to a place where you can go to learn any skills, I also left you starving. I have mistreated you many days you also tell your mother that I didn't know what I was doing and you receive blessings." After saying that he called his brother and told him that if he dies he is the one that will represent him and he should know that he has two boys from the second wife. After saying that he stopped talking and after two days he died. The brother called his two wives and another brother and they started making plans how they can carry the body back home. After finishing the plans when it was time to take the body home the second wife was afraid of going home because of what she had done. She was afraid that the first wife and the children would beat her. They begged her to go home since she was staying with him she explains how they were staying but she refused she didn't go. The older brothers and the elder wife together with the children prepared and took the body back home. The second wife asked the brother and two old men to take the children to the funeral of their father but they should not sleep there. According to the culture of the Maragoli they took those children home and they told them to sleep there and watch after the body of their father and they wait they be shaved and taken to the church. Those old men listened to that and said that it is like that and the culture of Maragoli is usually like that.

The day of burial came and they buried. After burial the following day the people of the clan came and they asked themselves how the two children can be and how they can also get land since they belong to the second wife. They discussed and they called the administration together with the people of the clan. When they called the administration together with the people of the clan they partitioned the land in the middle. They gave one partition to he second wife and children and they remained with their partition. Those children went back where they were staying in Nairobi with happiness because they had known their home now. They knew that was home even when they come they are not afraid they are coming knowing that they are coming to their portion. That is all that I liked to tell you.

The way I was seeing our home while I was growing up.

At our home my grandmother was fellowshipping in a Cross church while my grandfather was fellowshipping in a Friends church. My grandmother used to go to church on Saturday while and they used to call it Sabato. When you met her and ask her where she was going she could tell you that she was going to Sabato. All the work they did it on Friday even picking vegetables they picked on Friday. They were not doing any other job on Saturday because they believed that their Sabbath day was on Saturday. My grandmother took some of her three children to that church of Cross. And my same grandmother didn't want someone who was smoking. She didn't want someone who was drinking alcohol in her home. Even the porridge that people were fermenting she didn't take it. We didn't ferment porridge at our home. Because she believed that the fermented porridge was like beer. She had refused such things in her home and my grandfather took his elder son to Friends church. They used to fellowship together and he told him that he was taking him to Friends church since the mother had found her followers and he wanted to walk with him. He accepted and they went to fellowship together in Friends church. The children that the grandmother went with learned that religion and they were baptized in that church of Cross. They fellowship in that church until they grew up like my father he didn't leave that church. He continued with that church until his death. And the other one who followed grandfather continued with that church until his death.

The children that our fathers gave birth to they didn't follow the laws. They are not religious like the fathers. Some are lost in drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, weed and our fathers tried to discuss with them and they explained to them the way they grew up but they didn't listen. They told them that those were their days and they also have their days. When you have a child you should introduce the child to the church while still young. And if you do that your village will also have blessings when you wash yourself in preparation to the church they also wash and follow you. And when you leave these children from going to church they will get lost in the alcohol and the things of the world and your home will not be good. It is a place of war and swords. It is only that.