Play time: 39:42 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, April 7, 2014.

Vekevo Na Mima

Henry Nyareso


Mu liganaganyia vutswa kekevo chu lloro anoho ulumire vakevwa hagati hu muhiga gwa 1880 nende 1890 anoho himbe ku mihiga yiji. Mu kekevo yiki, ovororo vwali mu kivala vunyinge. Ovororo yivu vwalumanga vandu halala na vakulu mu tsitumbi. Mu tsisoma tsindala tsia ivulogoli vagulika kekevo yiki ulumire. Manyonyi galangwa tsimire gali manyinge kandi imyinga tsana. Yiki nicho chajira tsisoma tsindala kuli ivusali ni vagulika kekevo yiki ulumire. Niva tsimire tsiali tsinyinge inyinga tsana handi tsiswa kandi ni tsiatulanga tsinyinge kijira tsimire tsiayanza kulia tsiswa. Kekevo yiki chagulikwa mita gavili; ulloro nu ulumire.


Kekevo kiganaganwanga kuva cha shirini na mbili. vakitsungu vengine nivo vakeva ma niva gulika ulubwoni. vacheleva kukevwa ulloro anoho ulumire mu tsisoma tsinde tsia ivulogoli vatsia okevelwa ivukitsungu mu kekevo yiki. Ve kekevo yiki na vali vakevwa kuli mafwogoye gu ulloro anoho ulumire. Navutswa kijira ve likula lia lubwoni vakevwa inyima we mihiga kuvita jitano ulloro anoho ulumire ni vamala kwaluka kekevo yiki chahevwa ovogono vwa cho mu vikevo via valogoli na lyita lia cho ulubwoni liadinyilitswa halala na mita ge vikevo vinde. Mu kekevo yiki amabwoni gali manyinge ivukitsungu na vakulu vu lubwoni valikililwa ku mabwoni tsana. Mu liganaganyia kandi ave likula lia lubwoni vakevwa ahimbe ku mihiga jiali hagatiha 1890 na 1895.

Kijedi Kenene

Kekevo cha shirini na tatu. Kekevo yiki chali ho mu muhiga gwa 1910. Vikevo komi na moja viatangila ku kijedi kenene kutsia imbili ku vikevo viana kuduka ku nyayo, induvatilu viamanyikana imihiga jia viali ho. Kijedi chali kekevo cha kumalilika kokolelwa mima jiosi jie vikevo via valogoli kuli jiali mu litanga lia vyo. Kekevo yiki chali ho nu vwami. Na vwamihi vwe kikoloni ni vwatangitsa kutungitsa avandu vusutu ma vakalilanga vijedi via kumanyila ku avandu vikula vagadukananga vatungi ekodi. Ling'ana liavolekanga mu kivala mbitilila liali ku kala kigedi. Yiki nicho chajira kekevo yiki kigulikwa kijedi. Vakulu vi lukula yili vali kekevo chu kutanga kwalikililwa uvuchima mu litanga mu vogono vwo ovosera kuli vikevo vihindila. Ku cho viakolelangwa. Vatanga lihevwa uvuchima na vakulu vamenyanga mu tsitumbi tsiali himbe mu madala ga vamisheni. Vali ni vatangitsa amigitsu gi tsidini tsimbya. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamala mu tsitumbi mieli jivili ma ni valuka. Ve likula lie kijedi nivo vali vu kumalilitsa mu vikevo via valogoli kuduyilwa imidigilu nu kokolelwa miruka jiosi mu chaluku. Mu lihenzelitsa lie ligulung'ana lie vindu mu tsinyinga tsia valogoli nu mu tsisoma tsinde mu Kenya. Kijedi nivo ave likula vie vindu vinyinge viagilung'anila ku ivulogoli ni mutsisoma tsinde ahimbe tsiosi mu Kenya. Valogoli ve likula lie kijedi ni vandu ve likula avivulwa mu mihiga jialia hagati ha 1880 na 1890 anoho mihiga jiali ahimbe ku yiji. Ave likula lie kijedi vaveye ni vogono vudukilu mu ligulung'ana lie litsia imbili lia valogoli. Musungu Bishop Willis wa Anglican yaduka ha vihiga mu muhiga gwa 1902 na vasungu va Friends vaduka Kaimsoi mu muhiga tsana gwa 1902. Mu livolelana ni luhulilitsana lia vamisheni yavo avene vavugilitsana Bishop Willis natula havihiga natsia Maseno na va Friends va Kaimosi ni vilana mu chanyi cha Bishop Willis ahimbe mu litwekitsa liu muhiga gwa 1905. Mmisheni mufriends M. Maurice yatanga limenya havihiga mu muhiga gwa 1906. Mu mihiga jie liduka lia vamisheni yiji avelikula lie kekevo chi kijedi vali ni vaveye vayayi anoho vakana ve mihiga jiavo vali hagati hi mihiga 15 na 25. Avi likula lie kijedi halala na vake kuve likula vu lloro nivo vali valogoli vu kutanga kung'uswa nu kutsia ha vamisheni vigitsilanga amigitsu gi tsidini tsimbya tsia vakristayo halala ni lyiga kosoma nu kuhandiga. Mu likula lie kijedi nimwo mwa vigitsi vu kutanga vatula vumbaka misinji jia valogoli vatangila ku ligilung'ana liu kutsia imbili mu lyiga uvugeri vushia vwe lwisoma nu kuhandika. Halal nu kwiga amigitsu ge tsidini tsimbya tsia kikristayo. Vi likula lie kijedi nivo valomba vianyi ni misinji jia makanisa manyinge gaveye ivulogoli kalunu. Makanisa ga vumbaka nigo gamanya nigava agukuvuganila mu kandi ku kwigitsila mu lisoma ni lihandika. Vi likula lie Imbalabala vali ku vahindila vanguha kwingila mu likula lie kijedi ma niva konyana mu ligenditsa amigitsu amashia gali ni gingiyi mu kivala kinu ni kiveye cha ivulogoli. Vi likula lie kijedi nivo vi ligilung'ana liakolekela ku; lio koleta mima milala jia valogoli va kale nu kutsia mu liva lishia nivo vatovola kutula ku mima jia vivuli vavo nu kutsia mu madala ge tsidini tsiatangitsa kwiga idini, ilihandika ni lisoma mu tsinyumba tsia vatulanga mu valala vaganaganwa kuva kuli avana voneka na vagota valala vavukanyilwa tsinyingo tsiu kulia mu tsinyumba mwavo kijila vatsia kusanga na vandu vageni anoho venga; vaveye vasungu.

Kijedi Kekee

Kekevo cha shirini na inne. Vi likula lie kijedi keke vakevwa muhiga gwa 1914. Yava ni vali vakevwe halala ni kijedi kenene; vakevwa mu muhiga gwa 1910 ma ni vachereva. Valogoli valala vaganagana kekevo yiki kinyala kulangwa imbalabala navutswa vandu vanyinge vayanza kukibaminya ku kijedi; vakevwa kijedi kenene ni keke vali vandu vi likula lilala. Mu tsinganagani tsinde vakevwa mu kekevo yiki ni vali vakevwe vafwogoye ge kijedi.


Kekevo yiki chali ho mu muhiga gwa 1920. Chali ho mu tsinyinga tsie tsimbalabala tsiali ni tsialimwa na tsinde ku ni tsilombangwa. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya mu tsitumbi navutswa sivakolelwa imima kuli jie vikevo vihindira ku cho viakolelangwa mba. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vahelwa viukulia vie tsingano tsiosi tsiali ho kutula mu litanga lie limenya liavo mu tsitumbi. Vakuru vamenya mu tsitumbi mieli jivili vutswa ma ni valuka. Ve likula ve kekevo yiki ni vandu vivulwa mu mihiga jiali ahimbe hagati ha 1900 na 1910. Migitsu ge tsidini tsimbya gali ni garandanga gatihitsa imia jie vikevo jiakolwa ku vikevo vihindila. Ni jivula kokolwa ku kekevo yiki. Kekevo chagulikwa imabalabala ivulogoli na ve likula lilala ni kekevo cha vagulikwa Maina Tiriki.


Ku mihiga komi na saba jiali hagati ha 1921 na 1937, kekevo kelohitse si chali ho ivulogoli mba. Migitsu ge tsidini ivulogoli gali nigatayanzilanga imima milala jia kale jia valogoli mba. Na vivuli vi likula yili nivo vali vimilili ve tsidini tsana. Tsisivitali tsiali ni tsiyinzilanga na vandu valala vahila vayayi vavo kutsia kokevela mu tsisivitali. Mu tsinyinga tsinde vagasa vakevwa mu tsinyinga tsitali tsindohitse ni tsindovole ku vandu vosi. Vikevo viali ho mu mihiga yiji si viagulikwa amita ga valogoli vosi vadinyilitsa nu kusanga ku mba. Likeva kuli yili liali ho mu mihiga jiali hagati ha 1927 na 1937. Navutswa si lialange lilohitse ku vandu vosi mba. Lwa valogoli vitsulitsa vitsukana vikevo vie tsinyinga yitsi ni viavula kolohitswa nilwo lwa vamanya ni vatanga kwetegekela kekevo cha shirini na saba cha gulikwa umwitsulitsi. Vali vamihi ivulogoli mu tsinyinga yitsi vali chief Munubi Amuyunzu lovega lwe Isavalu, chief Odanga Amuyunzu mu lovega lwe Ivale. Vandu va makula ge vikevo viavo viali hagati hu muhiga gwa 1927 na 1937 vitsukana vikevo via makula gavo ni viavita vujila kolohitswa na kugulikwa mita galovela. Vikevo vilala viagulikwa mita mu tsisoma tsindala navutswa mita tsana sigadinyilitswa mu tsisoma tsinde mba; malala ku mita tsana gali isige, endege, ifedha na gandi malala vavola vikevo yivi viosi halala vilangwe Umwitsukili. Kijira liva yili ave vikevo viavo viali hagati hu muhiga gwa 1927 na 1937 vahambanyinyilwa mu kikevo kilala chagulikwa amita manyinge mu livola yili ilyita linene ni mwitsukili. Lwe kekevo cha shirini na saba cha mwitsulitsi cha lungikitswa, ve likula lie mwitsukili vetegekitswa kwalukila mu chaluku che kekevo cha likula lia mwitsulitsi; chali ho mu muhiga gwa 1938.


Kekevo cha shirini na saba na chli ho mu muhiga gwa 1938. Vamihi va ivulogoli vali chief Munubi Amuyunzu lovega lwe Isavalu na chief Odanga Amuyunzu lovega lwe Ivale. Vikevo ivulogoli viali ni vivilika lwa vagasa vaduka vakevwa mu muhiga 1938, valogoli vitsulitsa ni valohitsana vulahi ni vavola ni vulahi kekevo kelohitswe ivulogoli kilagulikwe lyita liu kwitsulitsila ku vikevo via valogoli. Kutura ku lyenya yili valogoli valungikitsa kekevo cha 1938. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki halala na ve likula lie kekevo cha shirini na sita chu mwitsukili vavungitswa halala mu viduma vie tsisoma tsia vala vali mu ni vasalilwa nu kusaliswa.


Kekevo cha shirini na nane yiki chali ho mu muhiga gwa 1946. Yiki ni kekevo chalonda kekevo cha valogoli vitsulitsila ku vikevo viavo. Mu kekevo yiki, valogoli vegomba kandi kwelolela ku mima milala jie vikevo. Kekevo yiki chali ho nu vulwani vonene vwa kavili vwi lilova ni vwafweye mu muhiga gwa 1945. Vaise vana vakevwa mu kekevo yiki valala vali ni vagikiri kutula mu vulwani tsana kwilana mu tsingo tsiavo. Yaga ganiga vamama va avana valala kuhila avana vavo mu vikevo. Mu likola ndi vakali vali ahimbe kuduka ha vakevelanga lwa vahilanga vagasa yava vavolanga lelo inze mwene nzie kwelolela. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya mu tsitumbi mweli mulala. Mu chaluku vakuru va vungitswa mu viduma vie tsisoma lugano lugano, ni valia halala na ni vasalilwa nu kugulikwa lyita Nzelolele. Ma ni vasivulana. Mwimilili we ivulogoli wosi yali chief Paolo Agoi Nyadida. Vakonyeleli veve vali assistant chief Joel Abere lovega lwe Ivale na assistant chief William Serenge Munubi lovega lwe Isavalu.


Kekevo cha shirini na tisa. Muhiga gwa 1952 nigwo gwe kekevo yiki chali ho. Mu litanga chaganaganwa mu tsisoma tsindala kilava ho navutswa valogoli vosi si vavugililitsana vwangu ku tsinganagani tsana mba. Valogoli vahulila linayitsa lie kekevo yiki nu kwanguha ku livugula vatanga likeva avana vavo na vamihi ni vakikiri kuhana munwa ku vandu vosi gwu kuva ne kekevo. Vagasa vaserulwa ku vandi vakevwa mu mweli gwa July ma vamihi ni vatanga kugaitsa inyima wa madiku make vutswa vamihi vamanya ni vahana munwa vagasa vatigaye vakevwe. Kekevo chamanya ni kivaho mu mweli jia August na December. Mwimilili ivulogoli yali chief William Serenge Munubi. Vakonyeleli veve vali assistant chief Joel Abere lovega lwe Ivale na assistant chief Meshack Agoi lovega lwe Isavalu. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya vutswa mu tsingo tsiavo. Mu lienya lyita liu kugulika kekevo yiki valogoli vatovola kilangwe Serura kijira iliserura vagasa valala kutula ku vandi nu kuvakeva nu munwa ni gukiri kuhanwa ku vandu vosi. Mu chaluku vakuru valombelwa lilia mu viduma mu tsisoma lugano lugano ni vasalilwa ingavi indahi nu kugulikwa lyita lie kekevo chavo.


Kekevo chali cha salasini. Valogoli vi Isavalu vagulika kekevo yiki Ovoholole na valogoli va Ivale vagulika Ifomu. Kekevo yiki chali ho mu muhiga gwa 1960. Lyita ovoholole liatulana ku liva liali ho mu Kenya lia kwenya ni koteva vamwamu va Kenya vanyole ovoholole kutla mu vwamihi vwe kekoloni vwa vangeresa. Ling'ana liatalikanga mbitilila mu vulogoli va Isavalu liali Ovoholole. Na kandi mu Kenya yosi gali ndio. Ligilung'anyia lia muluswahili ni uhuru. Na ling'ana liavolekanga mbitilila mu valogoli ve Ivale liali Ifomu. Vandu vahindila vosi mu Kenya vali ni vahandikitsangwa kijira likuba lie tsikura tsia kutovola vabunge. Mu lihandikitswa yili, vuli mundu yenyekananga kuhandika lyita mu fomu kunangwa anyole ikadi yu kumunyalitsa kukuba ikura. Mang'ana ifomu ni ikadi na gatura ku mang'ana gu lusungu form nende card. Na ling'ana ifomu nilio liavolekanga mbitilila lovega lwe ivulogoli ye Ivale na yiki nicho chajira ni vagulika kekevo yiki ifomu. Vali ni vamihanga ivulogoli vali chief Meshack Agoi lovega lwa Isavalu na chief Mathayo Mwenesi lovega lwe Ivale. Mu lidinyilitsa kekevo yiki chagulikwa mita gavili; ovoholole ni ifomu. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya mu tsitumbi mweli mulala ma ni valuka. Mu chaluku vakuru vavungitswa mu tsisoma lugano lugano, kulia halala, kusalilwa ingavi indahi nu kusivulana.


Ve likula lie kekevo cha Imo vakevwa muhiga gwa 1968. Muhiga yigu gwali gwa valogoli vali ni ligesa lilahi kijira vataga mu milimi jiavo mamu malahi ga vatovola vulahi. Kandi vavika mu milimi jiavo isina ma vitagwa viavo ni vimera nu kuviluka vulahi, ligesa mu muhiga yigu liali lilahi ligali. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya vutswa ha tsingo tsiavo mu tsinyumba tsiatovolwa kutumika kuli tsitumbi. Vamenya mu tsitumbi yitsi mweli mulala vutswa ma ni valuka. Valogoli vamanyilitsa ndi vagesa iviukulia vinyinge kijira vatovola mamu malahi ga valaga. Kandi vavika mu mirimi jiavo tsana isina vulahi. Yiki nicho chajira ni vatovola kugulika kekevo yiki Imu. Mu chaluku vakuru vavungitswa mu viduma lugano lugano kusalilwa ni kusivulana. Vamishi ivulogoli vali chief Jamin Mwavali lovega lwa Ivale na chief Fanuel Kaiga lovega lwa Isavalu. Vana vake vayayi kuduka ku vandu vahindila vali vakuru ve kekevo yiki.


Kekevo cha salasini na mbili yiki chali ho muhiga gwa 1975. Vakuru vi inyinga iyi vamenya vutswa mu tsingo tsiavo. Inyinga iyi inzala yali mu vologoli. Si vabimilanga maduma na mavere mu madebe. Kibimu yiki chagehitswa vatanga kubimila maduma mu mukebe gwa vatulitsanga mu maguta go kodekela kalangwa kimbo. Mukebe yigu nigwo gwa gulikwa mugorogoro. Mugorogoro yigu gwabimangwa tsikilo tsivili. Navutswa na hanene ha ikilo yitsilanga isukari yali ni yagulikanga mu kibimo cha ikilogram ndala, anoho inusu ye ikologram kutsia hasi mpaka irobo. Kutsia iguru tsialange tsikilogram tsivili anoho tsinne. Ikilo ni vwimbe vwe kibimo cha ikilogram. Ku kekevo yiki chamanya kigulikwi umugero anoho ikilo. Kutumikanga kubima isukari ni vibimo vie vindu vinde.


Kekevo yiki chali ho muhiga gwa 1983. Vakuru ve kekevo yiki vamenya vutswa mu tsingo tsiavo. Inyinga iyi vakuru vali vanyinge kijira vandu vaveye ni vivulana mbitilila. Mwami Daniel Arap Moi yaveye yamiha Kenya kutula muhiga gwa 1978 lwa umwami Kenyatta yakutsa. Ku mwami Moi yamanya avole ndi vwamishi vwivwe alalondanga mu tsinduvatilu tsia Kenyatta yaleka. Ma na atulitsa ling'ana nyayo mu luswahili livola tsinduvatilu. Ku kekevo cha 1983 chamanya kigulikwi lyita Nyayo.

Kekevo kindi chaveye ho mwiga gwa 1998 na chagulikwa disi kijira disi yali niyatsi wambale yaha. Kekevo kindi chamanyi kivaho ku muhiga gwa 2011 kekevo yiki chamanyi kilangwa disi wa kavili mu vulogoli kijira disi yamanya yatsa ku kandi Isavatia.

Yago nigo ga ndakuganaganyia komoloma ku topic yeneyo hwo our people came to do what they do. Na hapo ndio kikomo.

Circumcision and culture


By figuring out, this initiation of Lloro or Ulumire was circumcised between the year 1880 and 1890 or near these years. During this initiation there were a lot of bedbugs. These bedbugs were biting the people together with the initiates in their huts. In some regions of Maragoli they named this initiation as Ulimire. The birds called Tsimire were many. That is the reason to why some locations like Busali named this initiation as Ulumire. If the tsimire were many during this time then the "tsiswaa" were many because those birds like eating them. This initiation was given two names; Ulloro and Ulumire.

Lubwoni - Potato

This initiation is thought to be the 22nd initiation. The Vakitsungu clan is the ones that initiated and named it as Ulubwoni. The ones that were late and missed to be circumcised during the ulloro or ulumire initiation they went to other locations of maragoli and were circumcised at Vakitsungu clan in this initiation (Lubwoni) the disabled (mafwogoyo *in this case it refers to those that were to be circumcised in the initiation of Ulloro but they delayed hence referred to us disabled) of ulloro or ulumire. But because the age group of Lubwoni was circumcised after five years or after ulloro or ulumire had finished this initiation was given its position in the maragoli initiations with the name ulubwoni and was emphasized by the names of other initiations. During this initiation there were many potatoes in Ivukitsungu and the initiates of this age group were feeding on the potatoes. The initiates of libwoni were circumcised between the year 1890 and 1895.

Kijedi Kenene

The 23rd initiation and it was there in the year 1910. The older initiations began with the elder one called Kijedi moving on to the younger ones to Nyayo, Induvatilu were known during the time that they were there. Kijedi was the last initiation to be done with all the cultures of initiation in maragoli the way they began. This initiation had leadership. And the colonial government began to tax people and they had measures of knowing the people that were not paying tax. That is the reason to why this initiation was called Kijedi. These initiates were the first ones to be given baked maize flour instead of porridge like the elder initiations were being done. The ones that were given baked maize flour are the initiates that were staying near missionary centers. They had begun teaching new religion. These initiates stayed in the hut for two months and they went out. The ones of the age group of Kijedi were the ones that were the last in the maragoli to be done all the cultural practices for initiation. The maragoli of the Kijedi are the ones that were born between the year 1880 and 1890 or near these years. A white man Bishop Willis of Anglican arrived in Vihiga in the year 1902 and the white people of Friends arrived at Kaimosi in the year 1902. In the agreement they got into same terms. Bishop Willis left Vihiga and went to Maseno and the Friends returned to the location of Bishop Willis in the year 1905. A missionary by the name M. MAURICE began staying in vihiga in the year 1906. In the years of the arrival of the missionaries the age group of this initiation were boys or girls between the age of 15 and 25. The ones of Kijedi age group together with the age group of lloro were the first maragoli to be brought to where the missionaries were offering teachings of new religion of Christianity together with learning and writing. The age group of Kijedi was the first one that the first teachers came out to build on the foundation in maragoli that they moved ahead to learn reading and writing. Together with learning the new religion of Christianity the Kijedi age group are the ones that made the foundation of many churches in maragoli today.

The churches that they built were the ones that they used for service and also teaching reading and writing. Imbalambala were old and they joined the Kijedi to spread the new teachings that had been brought to this land of maragoli. Kijedi age group are the ones that have brought the change by bringing in some of the maragoli cultures and changed to the new way of life and are the ones that left their culture and moved to locations where they started teaching the new religion, writing and reading. The songs that they were making they were thought to be bad children and the lost ones some were ate from separate pots at home because they had gone to share with the ripe ones (referring to the white people) or white men.

Kijedi Kekee

The 24th initiation and they were initiated in the year 1914. These were the ones that would have been circumcised together with the elder Kijedi that were initiated in the 1910 but they were late. Some of the maragoli thought that this initiation can be called imbalambala but many people suggested that it should be Kijedi because the ones that were circumcised in the elder kijedi were few and yet they were of the same age group. In other terms the ones that were circumcised during this initiation were the ones that would have been circumcised in the previous initiation but they were late.


This initiation was in the year 1920 when the roads were being made. The initiates were staying in their huts but they were not being done the cultural practices the way the older initiates above them were treated. The initiates of this age group were given all types of meals from beginning of their stay in the small huts. They stayed in the hut for two years and they went out. They were born between 1900 and 1910. The teachings of the new religion had spread and it was terrifying the initiation that took place after the older ones. It led to the birth of this initiation. The imbalambala initiation is the same age to the Maina in Tiriki.


The 17 years between the year 1921 and 1937 this intiation was not there in maragoli. The teachings of the new religion didn't like some of the maragoli culture. And the parents of this age group were the leaders of the religion. The hospitals were working and some of the parents took their children to be circumcised in hospitals. In some cases the uncircumcised were circumcised during the time that was inappropriate to all the rest. The initiations that were during this season were not named after the names that the maragoli had agreed to share. Such initiation was there between 1927 and 1937. But it was not agreeable to all the people. When the maragoli remembered that the initiations have not been named after that is when they prepared the 27th one and they named it umwitsulitsi.

Chief Munubi Amuyunzu of southern part and chief Odanga Amuyunzu of the northern part were the leaders during those years. The people of this initiation were between the year 1927 and 1937. They realized that their initiations have been done without giving the age group names. Some of the initiations were given names in some locations but people from other locations did not emphasize them. Some of the names were; isige, endege, ifedha and all the others were Umwitsukili. Because of such situation all their initiations between the year 1927 and 1937 they put them together and called them mwitsukili. When the 27th initiation was resolved the initiates went out or graduated together in the year 1938.


The 27th initiation was there in the year 1938. Chief Munubi Amuyunzu of southern part and chief Odanga Amuyunzu of the northern part were the leaders during those years. Initiation in maragoli had been forgotten until when the initiates got circumcised in 1938. That is when the maragoli came together and felt that it was well for a name to be given for remembering the initiations of maragoli. From this demand the maragoli made up the initiation of 1938. The initiates of this age group together with the ones of 26th initiation of mwitsukili were put together and they were prayed for and anointed.


This 28th initiation was there in the year 1946. This is the initiation that followed the initiation that the maragoli remembered that initiations. During this initiation the maragoli wished to remember some of their cultures for initiation. This initiation was there when the Second World War had just ended in the year 1945. Some of the fathers for these initiates were circumcised during this initiation that had not returned home due to the war. That caused some of the mothers to take their children for initiation. Up to that point the women that were taking their children for initiation when they were near the place of initiation they used to say, "today I will go to see it myself" the initiates of this age group stayed in the huts for one month. When they were graduating the initiates were classified into different groups. They ate together and they were prayed for and given the name Nzelolele then they separated. The leader who was reining the whole of maragoli was chief Paul Agoi Nyadida his assistant chief Joel Abere of the northern part and assistant chief William Serenge Munubi of the southern part.


The 29th initiation during the year 1952 in some locations they thought that it would be there bit some maragoli didn't come in fast agreement. Some of the maragoli heard about this initiation before the leaders had given permission to all the people to carry out initiation. The initiates were circumcised in July and the leaders gave permission after a few days that the remaining uncircumcised children to be initiated. The initiation was there in the month of August and December. The leader of maragoli was chief William Serenge Munubi. Assistant chief Joel Abere of northern part and assistant chief Meshack Agoi of the southern part was his assistant. The initiates of this initiation stayed in their homes. The maragoli suggested that it be named as Serura because of separating other initiates from others before given the permission to initiate them. On the day of graduation the initiates were prepared meals from different locations and they were prayed for blessings and given the name of their initiation.


The 30th initiation the southern maragoli named it as Ovoholole and the northern maragoli named it as Ifomu and this initiation was there in the year 1960. The name Ovoholole was found when the black people wanted to get the independence from the colonial government. The name that was among the maragoli of the south was Ovoholole. And in the whole of Kenya it was like that. In translation to Swahili it is Uhuru. And the name that was among the maragoli of the north was Ifomu. All the elder people in Kenya were submitting their names for election of Member of Parliament in Kenya. Everyone had to write his/her name on a form in order to receive a card that allows one to participate in election. The name form was the one that was heard in maragoli and that is why they named it as ifomu. The ones that were ruling in maragoli were chief Meshack Agoi of the south and chief Mathayo Mwenesi of the northen side. In emphasizing this initiation it was given two names; ovoholole and ifomu. The initiates stayed in the hut for one month and they graduated. During the initiation they were put in different groups and they ate together they were prayed for blessings and they dispersed.


The ones of this age group were circumcised in the year 1968. This was the year that the maragoli had good harvest because they harvested dry maize well. They kept fertilizer on their farms that is why they had good harvest. The harvest was good on this year. The initiates of this year were staying in their homes in the huts that they were given. They stayed in those huts for one month and they graduated. The maragoli had high harvest because they chose good seeds for planting. That is the reason to why they chose to call this initiation Imu. During the graduation the initiates were kept in groups and they were prayed for and they dispersed. The leaders in maragoli were chief Jamin Mwavali the northern part and chief Fanuel Kaiga the sourthern part. The younger boys to the elder boys were of this age group.


This 32nd initiation was in 1975 and the initiates were staying in their homes. During this season there was hunger in maragoli. They were not weighing maize and millet in dozens. The tin for weighing the maize was reduced and they were recycling a tin that was used for cooking oil called "kimbo" this tin is the one that was called mugorogoro this tin was holding two kilo grams. The sugar was being sold at 1 kg or half kg moving down to a quarter. Moving high it two or four kg. Kilo is the short name for kilogram. This initiation was called umugero or ikilo that was used in weighing sugar and other things.


This initiation was in the year 1983 and the initiates were staying in their homes. This time the initiates were many because people were giving birth at a high rate. President Daniel Arap Moi was the one ruling since 1978 when president Kenyatta died. He promised his people to follow the footsteps that Kenyatta had left. Then he came up with the term Nyayo meaning footsteps in Swahili. The initiation of 1983 was called Nyayo.

The other initiation was there in 1998 and it was named as DC because District Commissioner had come to Mbale (Mbale is a maragoli headquater town) another initiation was there in the year 2011 and it was called DC 2 in maragoli because DC was also brought to Sabatia (Another small town in Maragoli)

That is what I have thought of speaking about that topic; how people came to do what they do and that is the end.