Play time: 24:12 minutes. Recorded in Sabatia, Kenya, April 5, 2014.

Mang'ana Gave Mukenya

Herman Asava

Sande muno ku vandu vange vatsi muno, sanditsanga kijana Kevin Alulu utumiywi hano nende mulina witu Michel kutsa kuvugula mang'ana ga valogoli nu kuhula sa koveye mu Kenya muno. Sanditsanga mwami John Lidede Lubang'a wa ndalanji kutsa hano ave halala ni kunyi limoloma liu muyayi uyu ndaliyanza yamanya history yi kivala kinu vulahi, ya vamwamu kutula ni vatula Egebeti, anoho vakenya vatula Egebeti; mu livulana lia vandu vene yava vosi kutsa mu kivala kinu. John Lidede ni muyayi wa ndavugula yamanya kuli ndayinzila tsigasi tsiange kandi yamanya mima jiange ma yamanya hango hano vulahi na ndamuvugyi ave mulala ku vandu valogoli va kunyala kwigitsana nangaye avalogoli imima na sanditsa kandi vandu vananji muno kokonyane nangavo ku mima jia valogoli muyayi Alulu avuguli mima jiene yijio jiosi atsie kuvika mu kitabu anohomba havundu hadukana. Inze ndi kalunu mbeye ni mihiga thamanini na tano na ndagelitsa kokonya Kenya yinu vulahi kuli mwakahula bwana Lidede namoloma. Inze ni mundu uveye ni mima jia kitamaduni jia valogoli ma kandi mulala ku vandu valwanilanga vuhuru vwi kivala kinu ma witanga ni mbeye mu nimanya mang'ana gali mu gosi; ninze mulala wali ku himbe na Jomo Kenyatta nimanya mang'ana gege gosi kandi vandu vavikangwa mugati vala, vali vali nanga Jomo Kenyatta ndali navo halala, vanga Paul Ngei na vandi yava vosi. Nitali molome ku ling'ana lilala. Si ndamoloma ku valogoli dave ndamoloma ku mabng'ana ga Kenya kijira inze kandi ndakava Tanzania ku vutambi nimanya mang'ana gaveye mu Kenya kandi ni Tanzania. Kenya iveye ni vudinyu kalunu. Kwanyola vuhuru na vuhuru vwene yivu vuvula kivune dave. Raia vahaingaikanga; vandu vagelitsa konyola vuhuru mu kivara kinu vaveye ku ni chavahula kilahi mu kivala kinu dave. Vudamanu vuveye ku vudinyu, vasakulu vakuba kivi, vavisandu vanyangana muno, vakere vakuba kivi, kali llimi lwitu lwagota muno kalunu kuveye mu tsinimi tsindi lugano; mima jiagota mu kunyi koveye nangajio dave. Kenya yinu yakwoneka kabisa kijira mang'ana gi mima, na kunyi valogoli ni vandu vali vu kutanga kwenyekanga kumanyie vandu vitu muno mima vulahi samu lakini kwagwa inyuma kwa ilana inyuma mima jiankwoneka mu Kenya. Kijiranga kalunu nolola vandu vakutsa vanyinge ku tsimbalabala, mang'ana gi midoga, vandi vitano lugano; kwavunaga mima kijiranga nyasaye nasura kivala kinu. Na haundi galanyala kokoleka muno kuli gakoleka wa Nuhu yali navola yenya alete amatsi gamali kivala, kandi galoleka kivala kindi cha Sodom na Gomola chenya kisambwe kijira vandu vonoyie mima nyasaye amanya avasura. Kalunu kuveye muno ni inzala itulana nende mang'ana gi mima; kwadaka mima. Likutsa liakuveye nangalio linyinge yili litulana kijila mima. Kuveye ni viukulia muno vikukonya kijira mang'ana gi tsinyasi dave. Vulwaye vukwingili vanyinge kijira viukulia viakulitsa vilala siviveye viukulia viveye ku mima dave; kulitsa viukulia vitaveye vilahi dave. Viukulia ivyo vikumala muno yivi. Na mang'ana ga nyenya komoloma muno ni yaga ndi: Kenya muno mutovolanga vandu vatsia kuva vimili vi kivala kinu. Na si muhenza mima jiu mundu mwene ula dave. Ikatiba inyala kutsa kolomba ive indai, na ikatiba nidukana nohenza kalunu genya vandu valonde ikatiba yene yila vandu vasura vavola ni indahi dave venya vagilung'anyie kijila ilolanga vandu valala muno vakolanga vudamanu. Kwa mfani vandu vamihitswangwa mu kivala muno ni vandu aviti, avivi, vaveshi; yivo va vamihitsa muno. mang'ana gala gaveye mu makanisa gitu kalunu. Vakulanga va Pastor yava vanyinge vaveshi, viti, veheyi, vandi vi mima jindi lugano jitadukana dave. Na kuli inze mbeye mulala ku vandu vasakulu vaveye ni mima, kuveye ni miganda mu Kenya muno jiavalanga elders council anoho jia culture anoho jia kitamaduni. Vandu vene yava si vatumikilangwa dave. Kali wa vadukana vatsie vavola Alulu yive udukana uve mwimili dave, Asava yive udukana uve mwimili dave kijira waita vandu, kijira uvetsa mwivi, kijira uvetsa mbeshi. Koveye ni muganda gwa unyala kwigala vandu vene vala dave. Ndatovoleywe kuli chairman wa masujaa mu Kenya muno, lwa vandu vamanya tsa ndakotovolwa na mbeye ku musimamo kamili, vayenya kololane nangavo dave. Mundu wa kwala nangaye kuli Mwai Kibaki, umanyi mima jiange vulahi, yainanga ku kwikale nangaye halala dave, vandu kuli Ole Ntimama waveyange ni wa utamaduni; ndavolanga Ntimama kwenya kwikale nive koloitse mang'ana nive kivala kinu kigase utamaduni vuve munu ganyarika dave. Vameru ndayanzi mima jia vameru lakini kijira mang'ana gu vwivwi ni vuveshi, kalunu vaveye ni muganda gwavo gwa vameru gwa elders council; si vagutumikila ligali dave lakini vaveye ni muganda gulava gwi kivune gwali guve muno gwi kivune. Kuli mwami Lidede yakamoloma kuli vandu vivulana muno vandu vitu vanyala kolondela kumanya vandu vitu vaveye hayi muno dave. Kali va mulola mang'ana gitu manyinge gaveye ivuganda yila na Tanzania. Na Tanzania yivo vali vandu vagimila mima jiavo jiene milahi jia giligali. Mang'ana ga vakoleta ga kwavola muno nyumba kumi ndamoloma mang'ana gano ku vutambi muno, ni kulonda mang'ana gene ga utamaduni ga nyumba kumi yaga ulanyola Kenya ni igilung'ani. Ma kuve ku viukulia via kienyeji, tsinyasi tsia kienyeji. Kalunu vindu via kutumikila muno via vageni; via vandu vakoloni. Snaditsanga marehemu Tom Mboya wakutsa iye wandatuma natsiakomoloma na vamereka. Vamereka vavugilila vatsia komolma na vangeresa ku konyola iserekali iyi; mang'ana ga Tom Mboya. Kali haundi manya ngumanyie picha yene kuveye nanga Tom Mboya, inze ninze ndali mushauri mulahi washauria vandu wa vatsitsa Lancaster House vatsia komoloma wene yila; inze ninze ndali mushauri wa vandu vene vala. Ku ndakayanzi vandu vitu va Kenya valimanyilitse ndi nangwa avandu vali muno valwanila muno vuhuru; venya vuhuru lugano ki. Vuhuru vura lwa kwenyanga kwenya kove nu vuhuru vwo koleta vutamaduni vwitu muno vandu vamanye ndi nangwa Kenya yinu ni kivala chavo. Kuli Tanzania vuhuru vwa vaveye nangavwo vuveye ku mima jiosi milahi jia vandu vavo vene. Vuveshi vuveye Tanzania dave, vutajiri vuveye weneyo dave, Tanania vaheshimiwa vaveyo dave. Ku nya kuchura ku mangana ga valogoli gano na vandu vi vulusha vano kuli mwami Lidede yakavola. Lovega lwa ivuwanga yila wa Mumia ni vandu vitu. Kali mang'ana manyinge ga kwatsitsamu na vami vitu vatsitsamu vakolanga ibarasa wu Mumia yila ku vabnyola yo mang'ana valeta muno. Kali vakali vigitswanga mang'ana manyinge muno kuli vanyala koletana muno; vindu via kwa kwetsa muno, mang'ana gi imbago yatulanga wene yila.Mang'ana kijila igiriki yaga gatula wene yila kwigitsana ndi mwana muyayi iye ijirichi kwandi iye kigembe/imbago. Ni vanyoye mwana muyayi eveye vulahi samu ku vamulanga aveye ni imbago. Vanyoye aveye kitsili si anyala dave vavola aveye ni imbago dave, avula ligembe. Mang'ana gene gava muno gu kwigitsana malahi sana. Vandu viganga kutula wu Mumia yila na kunyi na vaganda na vana vu mundu mulala; nu Mumia wene ula. Iyo wu vwami vwitu vwa tula ni vwitsa yinu; iyo wa vanga Odanga vanyola vwami na vanga Shivachi. Kivala cha kuveye mu chene kinu nyasaye yavola avana visiraheli mutsitsa kanani na mushiranga mu kivala kiveye kilahi kiveye mu ni migela, viguru, vivanda vilahi samu ni milimi milahi. Kwaitsa muno kutumikila mang'ana gene gala dave, migera jiveye muno milahi, vigulu viali muno viosi vayononyia vateme miritu jiali mu jiosi vindu viali muno viosi vatulamu. Kalunu misala jiali muno jia tsinyasi tsia kienyeji vandu vaiya jivula muno. Nogenda hango hano nangumanyie misala minyinge ndasimika hano; milala jigala lihuru loa olola yaga jindi jigala magina ga olola yaga, jindi jigala mang'ana ga vivi, jindi jigala vandu vadamanu venya vatse mmugitsi gugwo. Kuduka kwala ni misala kuli jiene jila. Nutsia Tanzania jiveyo, nutsia wanga yila jiveyo. Nutsia ivuvugusu, vaveye ni vindu viene vila; lakini ivulogoli yini viveye yo dave. Vadiriji vitu yinu vali ni mima milahi sana lakini valogoli vitu vave vatsie idiriji vayononyia kandi vaveye ku utamaduni dave. Inze ndakayanzi vandu vitu muguling'ane mima jiene jila. Ivugusu vakili ni mima jiene jila; nutsia tsa kokola mang'ana ivugusu yila mang'ana ga tadukana dave ogona kavili dave, yive lwakufwa. Ni wali idiriji ni vaveye mu mang'ana ge kekvo ni utsia wene yila ni venya vakole kekevo chavo uveye ni vudinyu; unyala kutula yo dave. Vandu vitu kuli mwami Lidede yakavola, kokeva vandu vakali kwavukana na vakisi ni tsihiri tsiene tsira kijira kokeva mundu mukali. Lilago si liveye ho kukeva mundu mukali dave. Mundu musatsa iye akevangwa ku nangwa amanyikane ndi nangwa yakava musatsa kalunu. Ma kalunu kuveye ni kindu cha valanga vakutsu. Kuveye ni mima milahi ku mang'ana gavakutsu dave. Mukutsu kuvugulanga lisandugu lie tsirubia tsindambi ni kuvika mukutsu tsinguvu tsiosi kutsitsa kuvika mukutsu mwene mula ma kuvaka iranji kutaku isimidi. Navutsa mang'ana gi bibile gakovola ndatsa vutsa, ndatsa chahonyo nanzilana chahonyo. Kalunu kutsitsa ni vindu viene vila; mima midamanu. Na tsinyimbu kwimbanga vandu va makanisa vimbanga tsinyimbu tsindahi na sivalonda tsinyimbu tsiene yitsio sia tsivola dave ma kutigala sa vandu vele kovehela nyasaye. Kalunu kwakutigala vaveshi. Vandu vavikiywi kutsia kwilwatsa, vana valala vatadukana ni kwilwatsa dave, vatadukana kuvida ni kusalisa dave, yivo vavikiywi ku mang'ana gene gala. Mundu wali mwiti, wala muyayi ukili kuduka utaveye ni inyumba dave, mundu utaveye ni mukali dave; si avida dave. Ma vindu viene yivyo genyekanga ndi nagwa vandu vitu venye vamanye ndi nagwa niva ni wenyanga kwa mfano okole votovoli muno ku lovega lwu vwamishi muganda goveye ho kuli gwa koveye nanga gwo yigu vatsie kwinterviewer muyayi mwene wenya vwami uyu anoho yaita ku, aveye ni mukali, aveye ni inyumba; apana kutsia tsa konyola mwana utadukiyi utsitsa kumuha vwami dave. Nu mwana mwene oyo mmenyi nangaye mihiga jianga, mwamanya mwana uyu mima jijye kijira mutsa kumuha vwami. Mutovola kali vutsa vucouncillor, Mp na mundu uyu mima jijye jitadukana ni miyinzi jiene jila dave. Ku inze nu mulala ku vandu valogoli vaveye muno wa kahandika vitabu muno ku vuvambalu na ndadaka mundu ongonya kijira ni ovola wenya uhandike kitabu mundu akovola nyenya undungi kijira nyenya mbonge nive lidiku liosi. Ma inze ndagonya ku va MP vitu va muno vangonye ku navutsa vangoinya ku dave. Nitali lwa mbola ndi mima jiene jila ni mbika mbitabu vandu vitu venya dave vaviola vandi tagula ku dave kijila kivula mang'ana. kali va pastor vala vagula dave. Vandu vene vami vagula dave; ni vagula vatsia kohenza mu vanyola mang'ana gange gasula mima jiavo jiene jila vamanya vasula; si venya dave. Ku ndakayanzi kijana Alulu lwoveye ndi nangwa mwatsa oveye mwana lakini ku mima jijyo nu va mima uveye mwana dave; ulakokonya kali nze nzegomba nzie ku America; kijila Lidede yakamoloma yaha vamereka vali vainyanza sana, kandi vangeresa vainyanza sana ma inze ndakayanzi kali ganyalika kunyole ku vwiyangu kutsie ku America yila kali vitabu yivi na mang'ana yaga gatula gatse muno gave mu vuvambalu vandu vitu vagasome ku vamanye. Na vandu vaveye muno kwakahandikwa mita gene yaga vamanyikane yivo vakolomba mang'ana gene yaga. Kwenya kugilung'anyie mima jyitu jiosi kali ganyalika mu tsisemina tsiveye ho vakulange kutsia kwivala mu wi mima jyitu jiatula. Ndakayanzi kali president wi kivala kinu Uhuru Kenyatta ni mwana; lakini ni president witu; ni mwana genyeka yatse kwiga mang'ana kutura ku kwinye. Ganyalika akulange kumolome kuli kunyala kolomba Kenya yinu kisaye yiki kivuli kuva mu dave. Inze si nyenya kuva president dave, MP dave lakini kwenyanga kokonye kivala kinu hakitula ni choneka ni kitsia hadamanu hene yaha. Vudaka vwitsuyi muno ni inzala yitsuyi muno ni mang'ana gu vuveshi vandu vaveye ku tsundeve vala ni vandu vavehera vandu ma vahevwa tsikura vakatsia wene yila valeka vandu vala vakuba kivi. Kali kalunu ndi nangwa inze vutuji vwa ndali navwo vwali vwa Tanzania. Lakini lwa ndakava muno vakenya vakakora ijuhudi ineneene sana ili nduli mu kivala muno mbuli kwigitsa vandu mang'ana dave; kandi mbuli kumanyia mang'ana gu vulimi dave. Kali nuva ni mulimi kali ni guva nusu acre lakini numanyia mang'ana gu vulimi, gulakokonya. Nze ni mundu mulala ku vajira konyola milimi lugari yila. Mbe ku ni kindu chosi wene yila dave; ndahevwa ku mulimi gwosi dave. Inze mulala ku vandu valwana ni konyola vwamihi dave, ndanyola ku izawadi yosi dave, na inze vandu va ndali nangavo vanyinge vakutsa; Tom Mboya, Ronald Ngala na vandu vala muno vamoloma vulahi vitwa kijira mang'ana ga giligale. Muyayi wa valanga J.M. Kariuki yali mulina wange mualhi sana. Lwa yamoloma mang'ana gi giligale, vita. Kenya yinu kwenya ituli mu mang'ana gene gala vanyole mundu omoloma muno giligali uveye musuvilifu vamulindi vulahi vamuvikili security indahi inyala kumulinda avuli kukutsa dave. Ma inze ndakayanzi kali lwa Kenya iveye ndi nangwa kali niva na vagikuyu vala vosi vatse vavuguli ku mang'ana malala ku history yange kuli kwalwana muno, mang'ana ga Kenya muno. Lyita lia mau mau yili litsa muno vagikuyu yivo vagilung'anyia ling'ana yili nitali liali ho uma uma. Ling'ana yili livola vasungu vatuli muno ku vandu vafrika vamihi vandu vandi muno vudamanu navutsa inze ni mulala ku vandu va lwana. Lyita lia valanga Nairobi Bahati; kwali vandu likomi ninze wali mulala wahona mu. Vandu vahona wene yila yivo valangwa Bahati lakini kwali valala ku vandu va kunyala kukutsa wene yila. Ku ndakayanzi kenya ya kuveye mu yino kijira mwami Lidede umolomi mang'ana manyinge ku vuvambalu kabisa mang'ana gaveye ni kivune gadukananga Kenya yitu imanye. Mang'ana gi tsinyimbu tsia kitamaduni, tsingano kuduka kwimbi. ma kuli mboye mang'ana i viukulia via kienjeji kuduka kuve navio. Mundu wenya koleta mundu mukali utsie kutevelitsa mang'ana gu mukali mwene uyu; ni mukana gavira ki, atra hayi. Mwana mukakanni wenya kutsia lukali gadukana utevelitse musatsa wa nzitsa ku uyu ni musatsa lugano ki, ni hiri ki. Mwana mukana nonyola mundu wa wenya utsie ko ye ni mundu utavula kokevwa dave, utatsia ko ye dave; malago gasula mundu mwene ula. Na munyi vandu valusha anoho vandu vitu va Kenya muno, mundu utavula kokevwa dave atatsa kusingila ku mang'ana gi mima kumisingila dave; jienya nga mundu wavitila ku mima jia kitamaduni. Atatsa lusingila ku mang'ana ku kovola ndi yamihitsanga mwami natsia kusala ku dave. Mundu wa gadukananga konyole muno usingila mima jia kitamaduni ni mundu wenya atsie kwamihitsa mu ave na aveye councillor, yavitila mu mang'ana ki na anyola vwami vwene yivwo kijira nzila ki. Ku sanditsanga mwami Lidede, muyayi uyu ndakayanzi vandu vitu Alulu kumutumikili ku vunyinge lwa akili ndi nangwa kijira mang'ana nutsia kuduka ku mihiga flani; inzala niyitsa inyinge, vudaka nivutsa vunyinge, vulwaye nivutsa vunyinge, utanga livila mang'ana. Ndakayanzi ngutumikili gukili ndi nangwa kale mang'ana gitu manyinge gave gatumika mu. Mang'ana ga utamaduni gu mweli shirini na sita wammbale gaveye ku ni kivune chosi na kunyi kalunu mba. Kivune vana siasa yivo vatsa mu mwene mula vatsa vamolomela mu mang'ana ga siasa na mang'ana ga utamaduni gaveye ho da; vagehitsa. Nutsia kalunu hamukutsu vanasiasa vatsitsa komoloma mang'ana gi siasa hamukutsu. Mang'ana ga kwakola kale kutsia kuvugula licence ya kulanga livugana ma ulindi public rally umolomele wene yila kalunu gaveye ho gene gala dave vatsitsa hamukutsu. Na hene hala aveye hu nyala kotevela mwana siasa riteva liosi ku mang'ana gege anoho igasi yeye dave. Kalunu vatsitsa kwivisa hamukutsu kandi tsisendi tsiavanyola kalunu vatsitsa vashila hamukutsu. Mundu ni uveye ni inzala lwene yilu nangwa mujumbe wa kuveye nangaye akokonya ku lwene yilu dave lakini ni wa kakutsa ku navalete tsisendi tsiene tsila hamukutsu hene hala; ku na yive nulie ku tsisendi ni umali kukutsa? Vakonya ku mundu dave. Ku ndakayanzi vandu vitu yava kitabu chi bible kekola lwa ndali ni inzala wa mba ndalia, lwa ndali mulwaye watsa kondola, lwa ndali chahonyo wambika, lwa ndali mu luhambe watsa kondola. Kalunu vandu vitu yava mukonya kindiki? Kali va mavugana va mwilwatsa mutsi kumanya ndi mundu wa mwenya kumoloma ku mwene oyo mwatsa ku ho mutsa kumokonya ku kindiki. Kalunu vandu vahula vulahi ku mukutsu na vandu vilwatsi, lwa vatsitsa koteva tsisendi kijira vatsitsa komoloma vuveshi hene hala lakini kutsa kokonya gaveye ho dave. Aveye ku ho mundu utula mmaliga na faidiki mmaliga dave, mundu ufaidika mmaliga ni mundu umwilwatsi na mwanasiasa kijila utsi kovola vuveshi hene hala. Mwilwatsi ovolanga mundu uyu yali mundu mulahi, naye mundu wita vandu. yali mwivi, utali ni mima milahi dave; iye wa vatsitsa kulanga mulahi kijira uheleywe tsisendi. Ndakayanzi mima jiene yiji kijira tsisaa tsiakatsia kutsia vandu yava vamolome ku inze ninze ukaribishi vandu vene yava na mwami Alulu ugelitse kovola muyayi musungu ula akokonye vulahi vandu kwenya kokole muno igasi eneneene vulahi, ihuliki vulahi, vamereka kove nangavo samu. Kenya yino vulavu vutsi mu. Ku inze ninze mulala ku va kili muno avenyanga ngonye Kenya yinu itili mu kisundi cha iveye mu yiki. Sande muno ku va mulaiyi kuduka muno, sande muno ku mwami Lidede ku limoloma lia wa kamoloma lilahi liveye livambalu lila na livikwi mu vitabu vyitu vandu vitu navalivuguli navamanye Lidede atulanga ivusali havusali union hala ma kandi vandu vitu kovole mang'ana gandi bwana Alulu vandu vitu vaveye muno vitangwa na vandu vene yava vavola ku mundu uviti dave kali uviti ayalangwa dave. Kali mang'ana ga ICC gala tsikoti tsiveye muno tsindahi dave, tsikoti tsiayanza tsisendi, vapolisi vayanza tsisendi si vavola mang'ana ga giligali dave. Inze ndakayanzi kali inze mbola ku vukoragotia dave, mang'ana gaveye Hague gala gamolomeke yo kuhuli yo na kandi ndakayanzi lwa inze mbeye ndi nangwa ni ngikili mwoyo vandu vala vatse vandole ku vamanye mang'ana ga inze kijira venya kunzita. Hango hanga uyu vutende vita yo vandu vavaga. Kwamanya vandu vita vandu vene vala dave; vagimilwa ku dave. Na inze vandu venya venya kunzita muno valala vaveye mwoyo, vandenyanga serekali elole vandu vene vala eteve, wamutuma mutsi kunzita yi vwaha. Ndahandikila Moi tsibarua hali kanyinge ni nyenya kumanya ni Moi watuma vandu kijila vatumikila lyita lia Moi ndi iye ukutumi. Inze ndakola ki Moi ni yenya kunzita, ndakola ki Musa Mudavadi yenya kunzita. Na Moi lwa yive uveye ndi nangwa mwoyo, si unyala kolonda tsibarua tsiene tsila nende tsikoti atevelitse chajira vavisa mang'ana gange gene gala chali kijira ki. Sande ku ndakamoloma ku na nyasaye akugasitse.

The things that are in Kenya

Thanks a lot to my people who have come here. I thank you young boy Kelvin Alulu who has been sent here by our friend Michael to come and take our words in maragoli and hearing the way we are in Kenya. I thank chief John Lidede Lubang'a whom I invited to be here with us today. I like the way this man speaks; he knows the history of this place very well. The way people originated from Egypt. The birth and coming these people to this place. John Lidede is a man that I took because he knows my work and the way I worked. He is among the maragoli that I can teach together with the culture. I also thank the people that I invited them here we assist each other on the culture of the maragoli for Alulu to record and keep them in a book or a safe place. I have 85 years and I have tried to assist Kenya the way you've heard Mr. Lidede saying. I am a person who has the culture of Maragoli and also among those that fought for independence of this nation and I knew everything in this nation. I am one among those that were near to Jomo Kenyatta I was together with them. Paul Ngei and all the rest but let me speak one word.

I wont speak about the maragoli I will speak about Kenya. I have been to Tanzania too for a long time and I knew the things that are happening in Kenya and Tanzania. Kenya has problems today. We got independence and this independence has no value. The citizens are in trouble. The people who struggle for independence do not have anything good that they are enjoying. Bad things are there, trouble, old men are in trouble the orphans are suffering. Women are in trouble we've lost our language. The culture has been lost and we do not have them. Our Kenya has spoiled because of the culture. We the Maragoli were the first people that should have recognized our people in this nation. And our culture but we have failed. We've gone behind and the culture has been spoiled here in Kenya.

Because today you see many people dying on the road is caused by the vehicles. Others are killed. We have broken the culture and that is why the lord has refused this world. And it happens that another world of Sodom and Gomorrah needs to be burnt because people have broken the culture the lord has refused them. Today we have hunger that is brought by the issues of culture. We do not have foods that have medical benefit to us. Diseases have attacked many of us because the meals that we are taking are not cultural. We are taking meals that are not good. Those meals are the ones that are destroying us. And what I want to say is this; Kenya you elect people who will be leaders in this nation. But you do not look at the character of that person. People should follow the constitution but they are refusing and saying that it is not good. They want to change it because it monitors some people who are doing bad here. For example the people who are elected in this nation are killers, thieves, liars are the people who are elected here.

These things are happening in our churches today. Those that we are calling pastors many of them are liars others have behaviors that are unnecessary. I am among the old men that have the culture. We have movements here in Kenya known as Elders Council or the culture. These people are not being utilized even where they are supposed to go for example you will hear them saying; Alulu you are not supposed to be a leader. Asava you are not supposed to be a leader because you have killed people because you are a thief because you are a liar. We do not have a movement that can oppose these people. I was appointed as the chairman of the culture in Kenya. When people knew that I was appointed they didn't want to see me. The one whom I was with Mwai Kibaki, who knows my behavior, very well has never invited me to sit with him. People like Ole Ntimama who knows the culture; I told Ole Ntimama that I want to sit with him and discuss issues but it didn't happen.

Meru, I like the Meru but because of the issue of theft, cheating today they have their movement of elders council and they are not using it fully nut if they had a serious movement it would be of great value here. The way chief Lidede has explained about the origin of people here. Our people cannot follow up to now where those people are. That is the reason to why you are seeing most of our issues are in Uganda and Tanzania. Tanzanians were people who were holding the culture, which is rich and true. The issues that they have brought about the ten houses are issues that I spoke in length. We do not have traditional meals, and traditional medicine. Today the things that we are using are new and they belonged to the colonists. I thank the late Tom Mboya he is the one that I sent to go and speak with the Americans. The Americans accepted and he went and spoke with them and that is when we got the government is because of Tom Mboya. I will show you a picture when I was with Tom Mboya (*Need to borrow the photo and scan it then attach) I was a good advisor who advised people when they went to the Lancaster house when they went to speak there. I was their advisor.

I will like the Kenyans to recognize the people who fought for independence of this nation; they want which type of independence. That independence when we want we want it to promote our culture. So that people will know that Kenya is their country. Like the Tanzanians the independence that they have is on their good character of their people. There are no lies in Tanzania, there is no richness in Tanzania there are no honorable people (meaning that everyone is equal) on the side of Wanga where Mumia ruled they are our people. There were many things that we were going through and our leaders used to organize meetings at Mumia's place then they get information and bring here. Even the women were taught a lot of things on how they can get married, the things that we were paying for dowry the things about the imbago (means a traditional tool for digging) came from there. The things about the bulls came from there. We are taught that a boy is the bull.

If they got a baby boy it was good and they used to say that he has imbago. If they found that he was weak (Kisili - A small tool for digging) they used to say that he doesn't have imbago he doesn't have the tool for digging (Ligembe - A tool for digging) those were the things that were hear and we used to teach each other well. The Wanga people from Mumia's place and we the Baganda are the children of one person and it is that Mumia. That is where our leadership came from to this place. There is where Odanga and Shivachi got the leadership. The land that we are living in the lord said to the children of Israel that they are going to Canaan and he is taking them to a good land that has rivers, Hills, good valleys and farm. We have come here and we are not using those words, we have good rivers here. The hills that were here have been spoiled they are destroying forests by cutting down trees and all the things have escaped from the forest. Today the trees for traditional medicine, people have uprooted them and they are no longer there. When you walk around this home I will show you many trees that I have planted. Some are preventing the wind that you are seeing. Some are holding the stones that you are seeing. Some are preventing the thieves. Some prevent the bad people that want to come to your homestead. That is why we had to have such trees. When you go to Tanzania they are there. When you go to Wanga they are there. When you go to Bukusu they have those things. But here in Maragoli they are not there.

Our Tiriki have good characters but the Maragoli who have gone to Tiriki they have destroyed the place and they do not have the culture. I will like our people to change those behaviors. In Bukusu they have their culture when you go to do things that are not right in Bukusu you do not sleep twice you are finished. When you got to Tiriki when they are doing their initiation you find yourself in problems you cannot come out of it. Our people the way Lidede has said we are different from the Kisii and other tribes because we do not circumcise a woman. We do not have the law of circumcising a woman. A man is the one who is circumcised so that he is known that he is a man today. Today we have what we call the dead and we do not have good behaviors on the dead. We take expensive coffin and put in the dead. We take all the clothes and dress the dead then we paint and put on the cement but the words of the bible says that I came with nothing, I came naked and I am returning naked today we do not go with those things; bad manners.

We are singing songs and the people of the church sing good songs and they are not following the meaning of these songs and we remain empty people cheating God. Today we have remained as cheaters, people who have been chosen to preach some children who are not supposed to preach and lead in prayers are the ones who have kept on those things. Someone who was a killer, and has not married and doesn't have a wife. Those things our people should know that for example when you want to do appointment here on the side of leadership a board is there the way we are. They should go and interview that boy; is he a leader or he has killed, does he have a wife, does he have a house do not just go and choose a boy who is not competent and give him the leadership. And you have stayed with that boy for some years do you know his behavior when going to give him the leadership?

You just elect a councilor, and MP and this person behavior are not complying with his duties. I am among the Maragoli writers who wrote the book in wide range and I lacked someone to support me because when you write a book someone tells you that he wants you to pay him because of spending with you the whole day. I have visited our MPs to assist me but they are not assisting me. But the way I am saying when I put the culture in those books our people discourage others from buying them and they say that they do not have content. Even the pastors do not buy them. The leaders do not buy them; when they buy they find that my words are against their behaviors and they refuse and they do not want. I will like Alulu the way you are you are young but for your behaviors you are not young. You can assist as even me I wish to go to America because Lidede has said that the Americans loved me and the white people love me most. I would like to get a chance to go to America there even the books and the content should come back in wide for our people to read and know.

Even the people who are here who have written their names should be recognized that they are the ones who have made these things. We want to change our culture whenever there are seminars they can call us we go and talk about where our culture came from. I will like the president of this nation; he is young but he is our president and is young he should come and learn things from us. If he likes he invite us we discuss on how we can build our Kenya so that there will no blood poured. I do not want to be a president or MP but we need to assist this nation where is coming and heading towards the worse. Poverty and hunger is a lie the people who are on those seats are ones given the votes and when they have gone there they leave those people in trouble. Today the wealth that I have is from Tanzania but when I was here the Kenyans put a lot of efforts for me to go out of this nation so that I do not teach people things to prevent me from showing the skills about agriculture.

Even if you have half an acre of land and you use it to teach about agriculture, it will assist you. I am among those that caused people to get land in Lugari. I do not have anything there. I have not been given any land there. I am among those that fought to get the leadership but I have not been awarded and many people that I was with have died; Tom Mboya, Ronald Ngala and the people who speak well are killed because of the truth that they speak. The man known as J.M. Kariuki was my best friend.

When he spoke the truth he was killed. We want this Kenya to come out of those things. They get a person who can speak the truth, a person who is trustworthy they take good care of him and give him good security that can protect him from death. I will like the way Kenya is right now even if they are the Kikuyu they all come and take my history the way we were fighting here for the things of Kenya. The word MAU MAU came in as a result of Gikuyu changing it from UMA UMA this word means that the White man should leave this place from Africans they go and rule other people but I was among those that fought for independence. The word Nairobi I was lucky among the ten people I was the one who survived. People who survived there are the ones who were called Bahati. But we were among those that could be killed there. I will like our Kenya since chief Lidede has spoke many words in wide that Kenya should know. The things about the cultural songs we should sing stories and the way I said the things about the traditional food we need to have. Someone who wants to have a wife he should go and ask about the wife; she is from which tribe, where she is coming from. A girl who is getting married should ask the type of husband is he the one that has not been circumcised and one should not be married to such; the laws do not accept such person.

And you the luhya people; someone who has not been circumcised should not come to stand before you and lead you on culture. They require someone who has gone through the culture. He should not come to stand and say that he is electing a leader and praying for him. Someone that we are supposed to find leading the culture should be a councilor who has gone through it and how he is acquiring it. I thank Mr. Lidede I like this man; we need to use Alulu for long. At a certain age there is a lot hunger, there is poverty, there is sickness and you start to forget things. I will like to use you the way you are for our many words to be used. The issues of culture on 26th of December have no value to us these days.

The reason being that the politician come not to speak about the culture that is there, they reduce it. When you go to the funeral the politicians speaks there about politics. The things that we used to do long time ago, we go and take the license and call a rally where you can speak today it is not there they go where the dead is. There is no one there who can ask the politician any question about him or his work. They go and hide in funerals and the money that they get they take it there. When someone is hungry the politician does not support you at that time but when you die that is when he or she bring that money there. Now will you spend that money when you have finished to die? They are not assist people. The bible is saying that when I was hungry you gave me and I ate, when I was sick you came to see me, when I was naked you dressed me. When I was in despair you came to see me.

Today you our people what are you assisting? Even those from the church that are preaching how have you known the person that you want to speak about what do you come to help with? Today the people that feel good about the dead are the preachers. They go to ask for money because they are going to speak lies there but there is no assistance. There is no one who comes out of the funeral benefited. The one who benefit is the preacher and the politician because he has come to speak lies there. The preacher says that person was good and he is a person who killed, he was a thief, he didn't have good behaviors is the one praised to be good because they have been given money. I will like this culture because of time these people should speak. I have welcomed them and Alulu you should try and tell that White man to do us proud we want to do great work that will be heard. We have the Americans and in this Kenya light has come. I am among those that want to assist Kenya to come out of the darkness.

Thank you to all that managed to come here, thank you chief Lidede for the good talk that you have given that is wide and should be kept in our books for our people to take it and know it. Lidede is coming from Busali at Busali Union. Alulu our people here are killed and these people do not reveal the person who has killed and even the one who has killed them is not sued. Even the issues of ICC we do not have good courts here. The courts love money, the police love money. They do not speak the truth. I am saying that the issues at Hague should be discussed from there so that we hear. I will also like those people to come and see me the way I am and know me because people want to kill me. At my home next to me my neighbors homestead they killed three people there and we do not know the people who killed them. They have never been arrested and for me the people who wanted to kill me some are still alive. I wanted the government to see those people and ask who sent them to come and kill me. I wrote many letters to Moi asking him why those people that wanted to kill me came claiming that it was him who had sent them. I did what to Moi for him to try and kill me? I did what to Moses Mudavadi for him to try and kill me? And Moi the way you are alive you cannot follow those letters and the courts and ask why they hide my issues? Thank you for what I have spoken may God bless you.