Play time: 15:00 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, April 5, 2014.

Kwivula Mwana Muyayi

Alice Mugasia

Kale muno kwali ho nu musakulu nu mukere weve vamenya halala. Mukere yamanya nava nu musigo sasa musakulu naganagana tsa navola mukere wange uyu yanzivula mwana muyayi na nyanze sana. Ku yali tsa na matumaini mukere weve mwana wu kutanga alanyola mwana muyayi. Inda yeyo yamanya niduka na mukere weve yamanya nanyola avana vakana vavili malongo. Musakulu oyo navola "ae, inze ndaganagana nanyole mwana muyayi. Na twana yitwo tuva tulahi tuveye ni tsisura tsindahi na tutanga liviluka ni tuva twana tulahi ni tsitabiiha ni tsiva tsindahi. Vaviruka ni vaduka vakana vanene. Sasa vandu mu lidala vavatamana lakini avana vene yavo ndio wali unyala kutafautisha umanye uyu ni vwaha dave kijira vosi vali vafwanana; kali vivuli vavo kutafautisha vwali vudinyu. Ma nivaviruka tsa, wu kutanga vamuranga Waridi na wa kavili vamulanga Zawadi. Vamanya nivava nivamenya vakolanga tsa tsigasi tsia hango vulahi, vasombe amatsi, vakole tsigasi kandi vivuli vavo mama wavo yamanya navigitsa kuna vihinda ni tsingungi ni tsinderu. Ma vali vamanya vanava samu kali vandu vatsa vagula ku. Ma vavilika tsa vandu vatamana tsa avana yavo ndio. Lwa vamanya vaduka mu kiwango chu kuva vakali vandu vamanya vatanga kutsa kuvateva. Lwa vavateva na musakulu navugula sasa ebei nahana inyinge sasa uvukwi ku vakana vene yavo. Ku vandu vaduka ku tsa ae, vandu vatamwa nu vukwi vwene yivwo ndio. Ma vandu vatamwa sasa ma vatsia tsa, na vakana venavo sasa kali kuvahila kwavo vali vayanzana. Ku vagenya tsa kusasa kali ni kuvahila na kuvahili tsa shimbe na kurutanange ni kololana. Ma nivava tsa. Vandu vatsa tsa vatsa kuvateva musakulu avola ebei inyinge, avana yavo ndio nivava tsa mmba mwavo yimwo. Ku lelo linani linde valilanga Oguri lilali mmulitu liamanya lihula habari yeneyo ndio. Na sasa liamanya nilivola, "ae nyala kokola ndi nyole vakana vene yavo? Manya nzie ngeritse ku." Yamanya navugula mulina weve wa yayanza yilana kwibadilisha tsa nagwa tsa mundu musatsa tsa mulahi mutambi. Lwa yamanya niyatsa nivatsa sasa vandu vavili vanyola vakana yavo vavetsa hango havo vakola tsa tsigasi tsiavo. Zawadi lwa yalola mundu mwene oyo vamanya vayanzana tsa naye sasa natsia navola mukana wavo Waridi navuvole ndi "ololi ku musakulu witu yatsi?" Na mukana wavo namuteva "musakulu witu uliha?" Ma yamanya vatsie vingili mmba na Zawadi yali nashona loderu. Ni vatsia tsa nivingila murumu vandu yavo nivingila mmba nivavakaribisha. Lwa vavakaribisha ni vavamu sasa na vakana yavo vatsia vingila murumu. Lwa vingila murumu musakulu navita na lwa yavahenza tsa kutsimoni nalola "umm, avana vaa yava ndi vafwana vayanzitsiywi na vandu vatsi yaha yava." MUsakulu na avalanga navavola muchelitse ku vageni yava ndi. Vakana yavo vamanya vavachelitsa ma nivagaluka murumu yaho ndio. Musakulu oyo lwa yahenza namanya tsa avana yava vayanzitsiywi nu mundu uyu. Ma vageni yavo vamanya valombelwa ichai nivanywa. Oguri navola sasa yakwenya vakana yavo vosi. Musakulu oyo namuvolela imali ya yenya. Na kovela sasa mundu uyu yamanya nayanza ma nahana vukwi vwu musakulu yenya ma natsia. Lwa vakana yavo vahula ni vayanza tsa nivavola tsa "ae, kali genya lidiku lia harusi live tsa vwangu kunyi kutsie." Ma vatende lwa vamanya vahuli vamanya nivatsa vahenza vandu yavo ndio vavola sasa bvandu yavo vahulitsi idawari ya musakulu oyo yenya. Sasa vamanya vavalombele lidiku na lwa liaduka madiku baada ya ma,diku gavaga, vatende vamanya nivatsa vanyinge sasa vatsa kolola litsia lia avana vene yavo ndio. Na mundu oyo ndio yamanya niyatsa nu mulina weve visiahi samu. Lwa vali visiahi samu nivatsia. Lwa vamanya vatsie sasa mama wavo ni vakikili kutsia mama wavo yamanmya niyatsa naha avana veve gwaheri na avavola "avana vange, nguyu mutsitsa na mutsitsa ihale na sasa lilolana na kololanange mba na inze ndaveye ni mbanari mongonya ku igasi. Mutsie, kijira koveye ku ni si kunyala kuwasiliana ni munyi dave, mutsie no loderu yilu ndi ni muduchi ku mang'ana mukuba ku tsa movola

Lodelu kukubanga lwanga,

Su ukulangila mama witu

Kunyala kokola ndi kololane

Ma avana yavo nivatsia. Lwa vatsia wu mundu oyo vaduka vanyola tsa sasa aveye tsa ni lishamba tsa linene, vindu mu; vitagwa, imali iveye mu tsa. Vakana yavo vavola tsa ku kuduchi wa kwenya, koveye tsa sasa mu imali. Oguri yali sasa yakola tsa ishuguli yosi sasa alole tsa chukulia kiveye mmba, yali muguru ku likava. Yahenza tsa chukulia naleta vakana yavo nivalia. Madiku tsa kidogo vatanga kokomela. Baada yu mweli vameda tsa vulitu vakomela. Ni vaduka ho inyinga sasa musatsa wavo tsanangwa uyu ndi vudiku yatulanga sasa atsia yagona ku mmba dave. Ku vamuteva avola sasa inze nindanga tsa vusalama vwinyu, mbenzanga ilwanyi iyi nimbenza vindu. Ma lelo sasa mukana wavo wa valanga Zawadi uyu ndi natsia nahenzela mmuliango. Oguri oyo ndio yali tsa ni irumu yeye yavamushila tsa chukulia yalitsa ku na vakere veve dave; vashila tsa mmba yimwo vatsia vanyola tsa aliyi. Ku lelo ni livaho lidiku lwa yamanya ashile mukana ni vahenzela sasa Zawadi nahenzela mmuliango mung'eteli yu muliango nanyola sasa musatsa wavo nu gunani guveye ni tsimoni tsivili gwichenji. Nahenza gunyanya chukulia yicho ndio gwamila tsa ni tsidishi yitsio ndio. Zawadi nagenya niyatsa naleka tsa vuchia, ma nahonga tsa aveleli. Ma navola mukana wavo "Waridi, umanyi ku kwavahila ku linani." Nu mukana wavo namuvolela "tsia uyingili yila ndi, yivi ngololi kutula tsa kale ohonji tsa noveye tsa nu mwoyo mudamanu. Yive vwongo vwovo vwakusingila?" Naye namuvolela "dave, ngovola sasa musakulu witu uyu nu musatsa dave kumbe kwavahila ku linani. Inze mbenzele tsa yimwo ndi nendola sasa liveye ni minwa tsa jivili sasa limila tsa chukulia; leka vuchie mugamba kumanya kutsie." Ma nivalinda sasa niyatsa ma vashila chukulia kuli mu kawaida. Lwu mukana wavo uyu ndi ni vatsia kohenza murumu mwavo yimwo ndi; lwa vatsia kohenza murumu yu musakuru yeyo ndio vanyola mu makumbukumbu gu musakuru wavo. Na muvolela, "si ngovole kumbe kwavahila ku linani no kovola ni musatsa kumbe yalange linani." Ma mukana oyo lwa yaduka mu kweli nanyola mu mirenge yijio ndio. Zawadi yamanya nagwa hasi nakinda. Undi uyu ndi nagingila natulitsa mu. Yamanya niyilana nava vulahi ni vatula mu nivatsia murumu mwavo. Ni vava vavola ku nakokole ndi? Kubange kuli sa kutsia yengo na ni ngumu kunyala kutsia dave kijira sasa yengo ni ihale na kandi mbo amanya avole manani gandi ma vakukumbelitse tsa vakugimili ku kunyala kokolandi? Vudiku vuduka vaginga chukulia ni vamushila murumu mwimwe yimwo ndio; kandi vatsia kuhenzela mmuliango. Ni valola tsa sasa gumila tsa vindu yivow viosi ni tsibakuri tsia vashila mu. Vakana yavo sasa ni vagenya na lwa vwachia mugamba ni valinda atuli vamanya vavugula lodelu lwavo lwa mama wavo yavaha yilwo ndio. Ni vikala ku vatanga kwimba:

Mama ngubanga lwanga*2

Kuduki yaho

Lwa vali ni vikaye ku ludelu lwene yilwo ni lutanga tsa kweseda ni lutsia mwigulu lutsia ku musara. Linani lwa lyitsa nahenza navola kindiki cha kolola yiki ndi. Mundu oyo nanyagula nalonda ku lwa yali shi,be kuduka ku musala yikwo ndio agimili kandi lutanga kuburuka. Sasa lwa buruka tsa nu lutsia na linani yilio sasa lilonda ku spidi livola tsa waa ndayulitsa imali yange inyinge lelo ni gave ndi? Tsisendi tsiange yitsio tsiosi? Imali yange yange yosi? Lwa yalonda ku logendo lutambi, chayakola yanyagula tsa agwa hasi, anyagula tsa nagwa hasi nahenzahenza. Lwa yali naveye shimbe kuvadukila tsa sasa loderu yilwo ni luburuka tsa ni lutsia. Yanyagula tsa ahenzi mwigulu. Lwa yamanya anyaguli na kumbe mugera goveye ho, yamanya agwi mmatsi na amatsia yago ndio ni gamushila nagwa nakutsa. Sasa vakana yavo ndio vamanya vatsia vilana ku vivuli vavo. Vamanya ni vatsia nivamenya na vivuli vavo mu litanga ni vayanza ni vivala ku vivuli vavo kuli sa gali na vivuli vavo vavavola "vana vitu, mokoli samu muduchi hano kuyanzi." Ma vava tsa kandi vatanga maisha gavo ga kawaida sasa vatanga tsa kokola ishuguli yavo ni vakola vindu viavo ni vava tsa ku tsishuguli tsiavo. Sasa tsa nivatanga tsa kokola mang'ana gavo ni vavola tsa vindu kuli sasa

Baba wovo vamulanga vwaha

Wa Tonde

Tonde mang'ure

Wa mang'ure

Mang'ure ngwegwe

Wa Ngwegwe

Ngwegwe vayanza

Wa vayanza

Vayanza vagavo

Wa vagavo

Vagavo Ninga

Wa Ninga

Ninga atsatsa

Wa atsatsa

Atsatsa Mmbo

Wa mmbo

Mmbo kavili

Wa kavili

Kavili Nyambula

Wa Nyambula

Nyambula jibi masia ko vulala

Vana vange vasietsanga mavere ga ndeda

Sali ndeda sikuku siali ndeda

Ndatsia mukidaho ndanyola muduvuli aduvula amatsi


Ndahila ku nwi

Yandahila uvusinu


Nda daha otonono

Ndanwa gaba gaba gaba

Kandi gaba gaba gaba

Ndagenda genda

ndanyola kavuri ka mwahi kahila kulala

Ndakavolela tura yo mbiti


Nbakabama uba kandi uba

Mwai mwene yambolela

Kijira ki nukuba tsimburi tsiange


Ndula ivuyaya amatsi gi ivuyuya gasila nyanza

Giving birth to a baby boy

Long time ago we had a man who was staying with his wife together. The woman became pregnant and the husband said, "If my wife can bear me a baby boy I will be very happy" he had hopes that the first child that the wife will give birth to will be a baby boy. The period of giving birth came and the woman gave birth to two girls. The husband said that he thought he would get a boy. And those babies were good they were beautiful, they began growing up with good morals. They grew up and became adults. People used to admire them but they were twins and you could not differentiate. They grew up and the first one was called Waridi and the second one was Zawadi. They were staying and doing home duties well. They could fetch water and do work and their parents especially their mother taught them how to make baskets and mats. They knew how t make them well and people used to come and buy their products. They grew up and people used to admire them.

When they got to the stage of getting married people came and started asking for them. Their father raised the dowry price for them to get married, people used to approach them but when they got to the point of dowry they were astonished with the price. And then they leave and those girls loved each other. Now they were wondering even if they get married, they will get married to the nearest places and they will be meeting and talking. They just stayed like that. Whenever people came to ask for them the father used to give them a high dowry price. Those children were just staying in their house. Now another ogre called Oguri was in the forest and it heard about that, and it asked, "What can I do to get those girls? I will go and try" he took one of his friends and he dressed like a normal tall man. When he came, they were two and they found those girls at their home doing their work. When Zawadi saw him, she fell in love with him and went and told her sister Waridi, "have you seen our husband has come?" and her sister asked her, "which husband?" they got into the house and Zawadi was knitting a mat.

They went and got into the room and they were welcomed. When they were welcomed they stayed inside and the girls were in too. When they got into the room the father saw how they reacted and he guessed that the girl s were attracted to those men, their father called them and asked them to greet the visitors. Those girls greeted them they went back to their room. The father looked at them again and he knew that the two men pleased the girls. The visitors were prepared tea and they took it.

Oguri said that he wanted the two girls, and the father told him the amount of wealth that he expects as dowry, this person gave the dowry that the father wanted and he went. When the girls heard that they were happy and they said, "the wedding day should be near, we get married fast and go" when the neighbors heard that they came and saw that those people had agreed to the dowry that the husband wanted. They organized for their day and after three days many neighbors came to see the girls leaving. And the ogre came with his friend well prepared. Before they left their mother came and gave them a bye and she said, "my children, you are going far and we wont see each other for long, you have been assisting me with work, there is no way that we can use to communicate, you go with this mat and when you have issues, you hit on it and say"

Mat we are hitting you,

Call for us our mother

What can we do to see each other?

Those children went. When they went to that person, they found that he has a big land, that is equipped with things; plants and the wealth was there. The girls said that they had reached to the level that they wanted, "we are now in wealth" they said. Oguri used to do all the tasks and ensure that the food was available at the house. He was flexible at looking for it. He used to look for food and brings it as the girls eat. Within a short period they became fat. After a month they continued growing fat. It reached a point where their husband started leaving the house at night and was not sleeping inside. Whenever they asked him he used to say that he is keeping the safety and watching after the things outside. Zawadi peeped through the window; Oguri had his personal room that they used to serve from his food. He didn't take meals together with his wives. They used to take food there and they find that he has eaten the food. There was a day Zawadi looked through the door and she saw that their husband had turned to an ogre, with double eyes. And it was swallowing the food together with the dishes. Zawadi wondered and she left it for the whole night, and she spent the whole night sorrowful. And she told her sister, "Waridi do you know we are married to an ogre" and the sister told her, "go away, I have seen you for long having a bad mood, your brain is mad" and she told her, "no I am telling you that our husband is no longer a husband we are married to an ogre, I pepped through the door and I saw him having double mouth, it swallows the food. Let us wait for tomorrow we shall go" they waited for him to come and they took the food as usual. Now when they went to look at the room of their husband they found that he was an ogre and she told her, "I told you we are married to an ogre, we are saying that he is a husband and yet he is an ogre" when the girl entered she found those footsteps. When Zawadi saw that she fell down and fainted. The other one carried her and they returned and were okay, they left and went to their room. They stayed there and wondered what they could do.

"We plan how we can go back home. It is heard we cannot go because it is far, and he will tell other ogres then they stop and catch us, what can we do then?" they wondered. At night they took him the food and peeped through the window, and they saw him swallowing all of those things together with the bowels that he was served food from. Those girls wondered and in the morning they waited when he had left they took the mat that their mother gave them, they sat on it and began to sing:

Mother we are hitting the mat*2

We have reached there

While they were sited on the mat, it began moving up, and then it went on the tree. When the ogre came he wondered what he was seeing. Then he ran to catch the mat, while he was nearing there to catch it started flying. It flew away and the ogre followed it speedily and it imagined how it had paid a lot of dowry, and it wondered how things would be. "All my money? All my wealth?" the ogre imagined. It followed them through the long distance, he ran as he fell down and looked around. When he was almost catching them the mat flew up and went. He ran while looking up to the sky, while he was running there was a river ahead and he fell in, drowned and died. Now those girls returned to their parents. They went and stayed with their parents at first they explained to them how things were and the parents congratulated them and told them, "our children you have done great and arrived here. We are so happy" they stayed there and began doing their work as usual. They began doing their things and their activities, they were told things as they were.

Their father was called who


Tonde mang'ure

Wa mang'ure

Mang'ure ngwegwe

Wa Ngwegwe

Ngwegwe was loved

The one that was loed

Vayanza vagavo

Wa vagavo

Vagavo Ninga

Wa Ninga

Ninga atsatsa

Wa atsatsa

Atsatsa Mmbo

Wa mmbo

Mmbo kavili

Wa kavili

Kavili Nyambula

Wa Nyambula

Nyambula jibi masia ko vulala

My children are grinding the millet called ndeda

It was millet on the ceremonious day it was millet

I went to the river and found someone mixing the water

I told him

Fetch for me I drink

He fetched dirty water

I poured it

I fetched clean water

I drank it gaba gaba gaba

Again gaba gaba gaba

I walked

I found the goat and the cowboy

I told him to move away I pass

The goat hit me

I hit it and again I hit it

The cowboy asked me

Why did you hit my goats?

I told him

I am from "ivuyaya" and the water is so cold