Play time: 26:20 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, April 5, 2014.

Mukeere Na Mitugo Jije

Sarah Nyamera

Kale muno kwali ho nu mukere na yali na avana veve. Yali na avana vayayi vanyinge mukana yali mulala. Mukere mwene oyo ndio yali ni mitugo jijie. Avana veve vakulundu vatulanga vatsia mu chayo. Vatsitsa mu chayo vahonga yo na mukerec mwene uyu yali yayanza kodeka maganda. Yadekanga maganda gege vuli lidiku. Yadekela maganda gene yago munyingo; adekka vulahi maganda gavoleka vulahi. Sasa vana veve vaitsa yavo ni venya kutula avayoyerla maganda avavikila ku kindu vatsia nago wa vatsitsa kijira si vilana vwangu dave; vagunza yo paga wi liuva liayela ku vilane. Na mwana weve mukana wa yatigala naye hango mukere oyo siyamugana ku maganda dave. Mwana niyamuteva mama mbeku maganda, avolela mwana lindaga ndamanguhe na tsisa tsitsia. Mwana aruha ahonga ndio na maganda gaveye mu mama weve asuyi kumuha ku. Ku lidiku lilala mwana mwene oyo yatanga kulila; nalila mutende natulila yila niyatsa nateva mama mwana "kindiki chu mwana wovo amenyi narila?" Mukere oyo ndio natsia tsa mu mang'ana gege natanga kovola mwana uyu asumbura tsa ndi, kali nu muvolela yisundi yila yenya dave. Na ngani lwu mwana uyu yalilanga king'ang'a chali kiveye havundu chamuhulitsa tsa kuli yalilanga. Ku mukere mwene oyo yashugulika tsa ni tsigasi tsitsie na mwana aveye ku lusimbo alila; alila ma achiling;'ana ma atsia akengela mmba alole niva varamuha ku maganda. Mama weve siyamuhetsa mba; yavugula maganda gatigala ma asunga ku muswelekitsa igulu avuli kuduka yo. Ku mwana mwene oyo yikala tsa hachova avelela ho ma mutende oyo yatsa ambugula vatsia naye weve. Lwa yamuvugula vatsia nye weve galoleka weve adechi chukulia amuheku. Lwa yamuha na ngani king'ang'a chahulitsa tsa tu; kevola tsa uyu paga nanzie naye. Wavaleka tsa uyu nanzie nangaye. Ma mwana oyo natsia wu mukere oyo mukere oyo namuha chukulia kana yako kalia chukulia vulahi kiguta. Lwa kiguta kilana wavo ni katsa kikala ku lusimbo; si kenya kwingila mmba mwavo dave. Mama weve yava aveye mmba ashugulika ni tsigasi tsitsye. Lwa vayayi vavo vatula mu chayo ni vatsa, vingilitsa tsing'ombe vavoha, ku mukere nahenza nateva, "vaya, mwana yali yaha atsiyi hayi?" Galoleka mwana ngani king'ang'a kitsi garaha kimwivi kijira yali ichova na mama weve amugananji dave kandi yenyanji kumanya mang'ana gege mba. King'ang'a yicho chadora tsa mwana oyo garaha mu inzila ya garaha nikitsia naye mmulitu wa chamenya. Lwa chatsia naye ni vuchia asubui nateva vavayi vavo "lwa mutsitsa kwaya na mwana winyu aveye hano dave, ni manye atsiyi hayi; ni manye atsiyi wu mutende anoho kindiki kimuvuguye?" Vatsia wu mutende na mutende avagaya "inze wu mwana winyu yatsi hano mugorova mbuguyi chukulia nimuha nalia tsa vulahi ma nimuvolela utsi yengo isa nikikili kumwama uduki wingili mmba." Ma mwana kweli natula hano ni yatsa yengo, inze gu mwana kumalani naye mugorova, mwana aveye ku hano dave." Na king'ang'a yicho keveye tsa havundu kihulitsa mang'ana ga vandu yava. Ma mwana natsia tsa ndio nagota. Lwa yagota mukere oyo niyatsa natanga kumuvolela "ndakovolanga uhe mwana chukulia usdula kumuha, umulindi mmalago wenyada, sasa si olola, king'ang'a kimuvuguyi." King'ang'a che yicho lwa chahulila nacho nichitsa mmba wu mukere tsana mmuliango:

Mukere yadeka maganda inyingu du

Yima mwana weve mukogoti

King'ang'a kitsa kimuvolela

Okoli magoso manene madamanu

Mukere mwene oyo nahulitsaga king'ang'a kevola ki kandi ni kitsia. Ma kandi natanga koteva king'ang'a chimba lwimbu yiki nicho kivuguyi mwana noho. Mukere oyo natevelitsa, navolela vana veve lwa mwaitsa ndi muhenzekitsange. Muvuguli matimu mutsie nago mmulitu mwa mwaitsa yimwo kijira king'ang'a kifwana nicho kivuguyi mwana witu. Ma vana yavo vahula tsa vatsia kwaitsa tsing'ombe tsiavo na matimu. Lwa vatsia kwaitsa na matimu galoleka king'ang'a yicho nikitsa kivahenzela. Lwa chavahenzela chilana nikitsia wa chali kivisi mwana oyo nikihamila havundu handi. Kandi king'ang'a kihulitsaga ni chilana wu mukere oyo kandi kihulila mukere oyo alila tsa nasioma navola mwana weve mulala mukogoti avula; king'ang'a chaginga mwana na vamanyi wu mwana yatsia dave. Mukere oyo nalilanga vatende vatsa vamuvolela "aye, utalila sana dave kijira nive mwene magoso." Mukere navola "sindamanya dave; sindamanya king'ang'a nikivuguli mwana wange dave, galavetsa ndio ngani ndali mbetsange mwanange chukulia, mwana wange mulala wa ndayanza mukana wengi'ine ngotwa king'ang'a chahira hayi mwana wange." Ma vayayi yavo ni vatsia lwa vali nivaveye mu chayo lelo vavola tsa lidiku lia kalunu tsing'ombe kwenya kolekele mundu mulala na kunyi vijana vivaga yivi kwenya kogende tsa mmulitu yimu mwosi paga ha konyola king'ang'a yicho. Ma vayayi yavo vatanga kogenda na undi oyo ni yaitsa tsing'ombe tsiavo. Vagenda mmulitu gwosi vavodong'ana mu sivavola wi king'ang'a chene yicho keveye dave. Ngani king'ang'a yicho chali kegeli chali chayava vulina. Lwa chali chayava vulina ma chatsia chavisa mwana wavo mwene oyo ndio. Sasa yicho igasi yacho chatula tsa kihulitsa vavola ndi; valakatse kunyaga mwana uyu anoho ni kindiki. Ma king'ang'a chakola tsa nmdio kitsia kandi lidiku lilonda ku king'ang'a yicho chahenzela lwa chalola vayayi vafwana kuli vaduka wa keveye, chingila mwi lilina liene yilio na malova gikunika ni vava tsa mugati. Vayayi yava vagenda vavodong'ana valola ku kindu dave. Nivavola lidiku lia kalunu kogendi tsa here na iduchi saa komi na mbili. Vamanya vakoma tsing'ombe tsiavo vilana yengo. Nu mwana wavo siyakagonaga ichova lidiku lilala; lidiku lia kavili vamuhenzi ku vamulola dave. Lwa vilana yengo vavolela mama wavo, "mama kunyi kogendi mmulitu mwosi kololiku mwana dave, kali wi king'ang'a chene yicho kemenyi kololi ku dave; vindu via kolola mu tsa ni vindu vindi tsa via kutamanyi." Ma vana yavo nivilana, mama wavo navavola "sasa munyi chamukola vana vange lidiku lia mugamba kali niva ni mitugu jyitu yiji mutatsi najio mmulitu dave; mutsie mwenye mwana wange mulala weng'ine wandayanza king'ang'a chaitsa chagingila tsa ku lusimbo yilu nindamanya mba." Ma vana yavo vavolela mukere kuhulili na kulatsia kokohenzela. Vana yavo vatula kandi na lelo vatsia ni tsing'ombe tsiavo mba. Vatula na matimu, tsimbanga na vuli kindu vatsia. Lelo vavola kali magembe kulatsia nago ha kolola ku tsa malova kidudi igulu kulalima hene yaho. Ma vana ni vatula lidiku yilio ndio vivichi; ni vatsia vagenda. Vatangila mmulitu gwu kutanga, vavodong'ana mmulitu yigwo gwosi lidiku lifwa na sivalola ku kindu mba, vatula mu vatsia mu gwa kaviri kijira jiari militu jivaga. Vavodong'ana mmulitu yigwo ngani king'ang'a yicho chali chiluchi kitsiyi mmulitu gwa kavaga. Lelo vamanya vatsia mu kwa gavaga vavodong'ana vagenda vilanila lwa valola havundu malova gafwana gaginjiki higulu vatsia kolola hene yaho mundu yalima ho kindiki. Lwa vatsia ho valola masambu gaveye ku, nivavola "aye, havundu yaha ndi gamanyia niho hi king'ang'a yiki kivuguliyi mwana witu kutsie kuyavugula ho." Na sivali nivagendi ni vindu viavo, ma ni vatsia vatanga kuyavula malova gala ndio. Lwa vayavula malova galoleka ngani king'ang'a kila ndio kiveye mugati na kana kala ingawa kana kene yako kali ku vusalama king'ang'a yiki chononyia ku mwana mba kandi chamusalitsa ku dave. Ma nivilana yengo. Lwa vilana yengo vatsia vavola mama wavo "konyoye mwana navutsa lwa kumunyoye kutsi naye dave. Gamanyianga king'ang'a kila chayava malina mugati mula malina gatsia na chavisa mwana mu lilina linde ku genyekana mugamba kohenze ku vasakulu vadinyu vakumanyi vene yavo valanyala malova ghene yago kutsie kuyavuguli hala kutulitse mu mwana. Ma nivuchai lidiku lia kanne nivatula na vasakulu vene yavo na magembe nivatsia valima tsa vulahi vwene ni king'ang'a kila lwa chamanya tsa wa vaduchi kwwinze lelo yinze ni likutsa. Changola inze nzilukili handi. Lwa king'ng'a chamanya vana na vasakulu venya vatse kuchita, chatula tsa garaha mwilina mula tsa kivola mwana ula "yive sasa kushila ku havundu dave, yive utigale yahandi." Na kitulitsi mwana wene ula mwilina kimuvolela yive wikale tsa yahandi. Vandu vandi lwa venya kutsa yive utsie navo. Ku lwa vasakulu yava na vayayi vali vatuli ni vatsanga vagenda ni vimba tsinyimbu tsiavo garaha ni visunda, mulala nahenzela navola "aye, vakutsitsa yila ndio kindiki chikaye hala kila?" Na vayayi yava vali vamanyilots kana kavo, nivahenza nivavola "aye, afwana mwana witu tsana ula ndio agoni ichova madiku gavaga, magu kuli afwana. Nivatsia nivisunda ho vanyola mwana ni wavo, isura tsa ni yeneyo ntali mwana tsana inzala ya muvuhila mwatsana yang'aha kali komoloma amoloma vulahi dave. Ma vana vavo yavo na vasakulu vagwa ku mwana vavola, "sasa mwanitu wa kumunyoye kwilane yengo" Ma nivilana yengo vagenda tsa nu vuyanzi mu inzila vavola "aye, kali niva king'ang'a chali nikikuginji mwana witu na uveye mulamu ni vulahi sana, kwilane yengo mama atsie kukolola ku, mama kali agona dave, mama yagona tsa vudiku nalila, mmbasu gwosi nakuba tsikwili." Ma nivatsia yengo. Lwa vaduka hango na mama wavo ave tsa hango yimbila ho tsa nalila navola

Mwana wange

Mwana wange mulala


Mukogoti mulala

Yali niyimba tsa ndio nalola vandu viyina vatsa kandi atanga kwimba

Mwana wange

Mwana wange mulala


Mukogoti mulala

Ma alola vayayi veve vatuli na vasakulu ma vatsa hango hehe. Lwa yahenza alola mwana weve vamuginji; mwana weve yali nagoti amali ichova madiku ganne, ma mukere natsia nagwa ku mwana weve nasangala, nakuba vigalagala, nalanga valina na vatende navavola hambi mulole mwana wange yilani. Mwana wange wi king'ang'a chaginga ichova yilani. Vatende vamuvloela "hii, nive wali wa magoso; wu mwana wovo yilani genyekana umulombele ku ipati yeye kijira yali nakutsi na uveye na nyasaye kijira nyasaye alindi mwana na yali havundu hadinyu. King'ang'a kilava kivi ngani chiti mwana ngani uveye ku nu mwana dave. Ma mukere navola "gene yago sigaveye kivune kwinze. Niva ni mitugu mbeye nangajio minyinge, kuvuguli eng'ombe ndala yaha kusinzi kokole mwana witu ipati kusherekee ku mwana witu, kumuyanzitse, kumulombe ave nu vuyanzi kijira yali nagoti mu kunyi na kumunyoye." Ma mukere oyo navolela vayayi veve vahenze eng'ombe indala vasinzi na valange vandu mu lidala liosi vatse vasherekehe. Ma nivasinza eng'ombe yeyo, valomba ni vadeka ni valanga vatende vasherehekea valia vulahi nu vuyanzi ma mukere navugula mwana weve oyo ndio namusinga; lwa yamusinga navugula tsinguvu tsindahi namuvika, navugula ni vilato navbika mwana weve; navugula mwana weve natsia namuvika mu indeve indahi yi idhahabu mwana yikala mu galoleka sasa vandu lwa vatsa tsa vahenza ku mwana ni tsipicha ni tsigwa. Mukere naye nayanza. Mwana mwene oyo yamanya yaviluka na galoleka ngani yasulanga mwana alimukonya mu maisha gege. Mwana mwene oyo lwa yaviluka nagwa mundu muhindira nanyola madaraka; natsia engereka nanyola yo mundu musungu natanga kulinda mwana oyo vulahi namuha vindu navola mwana hango hinyu ndolanga limenya liveye ho ni lidinyu; baba winyu yakutsa kale; ku inze nyangonye ifamili yinyu mama wovo pamoja na vayayi vinyu. Mwana mwene oyo yamanya yatula mmba mula ni ingavi inene mukere oyo naduka havundu navola "wa, ndamanya kilambola, ndali ndasiuva mwana wange uyu wosi, enza mwana kuli aleti vulavu hango, mwana alombi vindu hango atuli atsiyi engereka musungu amuvuguyi enza mwana kuli aleti maendeleo hango. Vamanya vamenya maisha malahi hango hene yaho nu mwana na atsirila engereka eyo nu musubngu oyo ndio vava vandu vu vuyanzi, vu kukaribisha vandu. Kutula lidiku liene yilio ndio mukere mwene oyo yamanya yavola mu maisha gege sialikola ku magoso kuli gene yago; kutenga mwana na ngani avetsa mwana wa nysaye avichi mu tsingavi dave. Ma mwana mwene oyo yaviluka na va tsi wene eyo namenyanga yo paga madiku gege lwa gaduka niyatsa kogendela ku vivuli veve. Lwa yagendela vivuli veve galoleka kandi avola vivuli veve vahame vatsie komenya ivulaya. Galoleka maisha gavo sasa gali gi engereka; vamanya vatula mu kivala cha vali vatsia mu kivala kigeni kilahi vamenyanga weneyo maisha malahi, gi mirembe, gu vugasu.

Kwali ho nu mukana mulala vamenya na mama weve. Mukana mwene oyo ndio yali mugendagendi sana. Nya niyamuvolelanga "aye, mwana wange, ogende vulahi umanye kivala cha itsula vuhimwa." Mukana oyo yavolela mama weve "oveye ni chombola dave, nive unyala kumbimila maisha gange anoho limenya liange." Mama weve amenya namuvolela "aye, mwana wange, kivala yiki ni kidinyu, utsie garaha." Lidiku lilala liali ho mukere yali nakola igasi yeye yu mmba ma mukana oyo yali yayanza tsa kwikala vutsa, mukere nashugulika ni tsigasi tsitsye nakola miyinzi jijye jia hango, nadola ligembe lilye natsia mu mulimi naleka mukana weve mmba aveye ku tsishuguli tsitsie yenya atuli. Mukere natsia mmulimi natanga kulima, lwi isaa yaduka saa sita ma alanga ku yengo aye mundu ahulika mba. Yavola uuh, oyo mbo avetsa wa mang'ana manyinge handi atuli atsiyi, leka inze nzirili tsa kulima. Ma mukere oyo natsirila kulima nalima nalima lwa yaduka himbe saa nane ndi natula mmulimi niyilana yengo. Lwa yilana yengo anyola muliango gusengeki mundfu avula; mukana weve atuli atsiyi. Lwu mukana oyo yali natsiyi ngani vali valagana nu muyayi; myyayi yali ya mukola inda na amama weve siyali yamanya dave. Ma galoleka mukana oyo aveye ni inda na atiara kwivula na mama weve amanyi ku kali hadi dave. Lwa mukana oyo madiku gege gu kwivula gaduka ma niyatsa hango. Mama weve niyamutevanga "kindiki?" Mukana ahera dave. Lelo liali ho lidiku lilala mama weve namuteva "aye, kalunu walage ndi? kalunu ndola uveye vulahi da." Navola, "mama, kweli manyi inze ndagosa lakini nindagosa ombere." mama weve namuteva ngovere ku gariha?" Mama umanyi lwa mbeye yaha ndi kali idakika ya mbeye mu yiyi inze numwanga. Ma mama weve nagwa mu ligina navola ulumwangwa kwani uveye ni inda? Inda tsana iveye hayi?" Mama weve akivola tsa ndio mukana oyo yivuyi kale mwana; mwana atonyi hasi. Mama weve atanga kogenya ngani mwana uyu lwa ndamugayanji ndamugaya naveye na mang'ana gege. Ma mwana oyo ni yivula mwana muyayi mama weve namushugulikila nalomba mwana weve oyo, nalomba mukana ma navugula kana natsia kwalikitsa. Na mukana namuvola "utsie kwisinga, nguyu wakanyola mwana, ma utsie wu mwana aveye." Mukana mwene oyo ngani si yala mundu wu mwana mba. Lwa yivula tsa mwana oyo nagona lidiku liu kutanga na lia kavili mukana natula. Akili mwivo lakini atuli nalekela mama weve kadana. Mama weve vudiku vwosi mwana yalila tsa atevana nu manya mukana yivula mwana uyu atsiyi hayi? Mukana atsiyi agoteye ichova. Lelo mama weve lidiku lilonda ku vudiku mwana yalila tsa vudiku vwosi. Lelo mama weve yavola "aye, yaga niganyala dave. Ngoni ku mashiga juu yu mwana uyu?" Lidiku lialonda ku navola nyi kumanya mba, lelo ndamwalitsa tsa inze nzie kogona. Na ngani gunani guveye ichova guhulitsa tsa govola kana kalila yako kuduka lelo ma ngavuguli nzie nako nzie kunyanya. Mukana oyo wa atsiyi kali yenyi kumanya mba. Ma mukere natsia murumu mwimwe na mwana amulechi murumu yeyo ndio gunani gutsa guyava havundu. Gwamanya tsa ha kana kalilila. Kana kalila na mukere yavola tsa "yivi kali ulili inze manyi wa mama wovo atsiyi mba, ulili vutsa wu mwene wenya kuduka ma ni ho." Ma kana yako kalila nu gunani guhulitsa tsa guveye ku lusimbo, gwamanya guvugula mudarimbo gutanga kuyava na mukere oyo tsingoro tsishiri agoni. Mukere yahulila ku lwu mwana yalila mba . Gunani guvugula mwana galaha ni gutsia naye ma lwa gwatsia nu mwana mmulitu gutsia gunyanya. Mugamba vuchie asubui ku mukere avuchi yeya mmba kwa avola leka nzie kolola mwana alilanji oyo aveye ho anoho akutsi. Mukere anyola kidari kitigaye chere; U mwana tsana akatsiyi hayi. Ahenza mwidiji vaya ku kindiki kiyavanji, ngani gunani guginji mwana na mukere amanyi dave ma mukere oyo natanga kushugulika tsa ni igasi yeye navola uh, anoho mukana mwene yatsi nayava navugula mwana weve ma nashugulika tsa ni igasi yeye. Niduka ku kindu saa sita ndi alola mukana atuliyi yatsa. Ni yingila mmba ma ateva mukere "mwana aveye hayi?" Mukere ateva "undeva gu mwana inze mbola uvuguyi mwana wovo" Ma mukana avola "aye, inze mbuguyi ku mwana da." Ma atanga kulila kandi ateva mama weve "mwana atsiyi hayi?" Mukere avola "mwana inze mulechi ku kidari chiche inze ninzia murumu mwange ku asubui lwa vuchie inze nzitsi kuhenza mwana monyoye mba." Na ngani gunani gutsiyi gutavulanyi mwana gunyanyi gumali. Ma mwana mukana oyo yihanda tsa mama weve natanga kukuba tsikwili nalila nagaya tsa mama weve "nutamba mwana wange inze nive komenya vulahi hano dave." Mukere avola mukana "aye, inze mwana mulechi mmba mula ndio murumu inze ninzia murumu mwange manyi wa atsiyi mba." Na mukana agaya tsa nutamba kana kange kalunu kubeye ni mba." Ma mukana akuba tsa tsikwiri nalila ma naduka havundu natanga kwimba

Mbe katoyi


Katoyi kange


Katoyi kali muno


Kaveye mmba nene


Mwana oyo atsia mmba nene ahenza mu mwana avula yilana muchikoni

Mbe katoyi


Katoyi kange


Katoyi kali muno


Kaveye mmba nene


Mwana oyo atsiyi muchikoni yenya mu mwana kandi yilana; akuba tsa tsikwili navodong'ana mutsirumu avola mama weve amuhe katoyi keke. Mukana oyo yilana kandi ahenza anyola katoyi kavula muchikoni; nutsia mutsirumu katoyi kavula. Ma navola tsa mama weve nutamba mwana wange inze ndiyita. Mama weve lwa yahula navola lyiyita navola "aye, ku nu wiyita namanyai wu mwana aveye dave, nengolendi." Ma nigaloleka virenge vyi linani vialange havundu nivitsomanji ho. Ma mukana oyo nahenza wi virenge viene yivyo vistiyange nalonda ku naduka havundu hi tsinzila tsiavukana vuti vumulia. Navola ninzila yimu anoho guveye mwene yimwo. Mukana tsindenga tsimulia kandi yilana yengo navola mama weve, "ndoli kindu kihili mwana wange, ndoli virenge viene kuli vistiyange. Nduchi havundu wi tsinzila tsiavukana ma inzila ndala iveye ho paga ive yu gunani gutsili mu nu mwana. Mukere navola "niva ni yeneyo, cha kokola kohenze vandu kolonde tsa virenge viene yivyo kutsie navyo. Vahenza vasakulu, vijana ma nivavola vatsie valonde vatsie kuhenza mwana wu gunani gwashila. Ma nivatsia vaduka havundu vanyola linani likaye ku lwanda; liyanzi livuguyi kerenge kilala livichi ku kindi na livola tsa "hahahaha, mindu misiru, jialeka mwana weng'ine mmba. leleo ndakonyola inyama." Lwa vahula gundu goseka guvuli nigwo guliyi mwana. Ma vatsia vaduka ho vanyola gunani guyanzi gunyanyi inyama gwiguti gwikaye kali guvula tsinguru goyembeye kijira gwiguti. Lwa vatsia vagimila gunani gwene yigwo vatimika gunani gura munda isafari indala ni gwadika tsa tsinyama tsitsia yila. Galoleka mwana wa gwali gunyanyi ula uveye mu vatulitsi tsa tubande tubande ku nivatevana mbo kali mwana uyu yakukutsa kali lufweye tsa ndio kuveye ku na gandi dave gosi korekere nyasaye." Ma mukana mwene oyo vatura tsa weneyo ni vibande viene yivyo vavichi mwi katasi ni valeka gunani gukutsiyi hene yaho manani gandi gatsia kuyavila navo vavugula mwana wavo mukutsu vatsia naye yengo vatsia ni vata. Lugano loheli hene yaho.


A woman with her cattles

We had a woman who had her children. She had many boys and the girl was only one. That woman had her cattle. Her elder children used to go for grazing. They used to go to the place of grazing and they stay there. This woman liked cooking beans, she used to prepare her beans everyday. She used to cook her beans from the pot. She used to prepare the beans well. Now when her children who were taking the cattle to the grazing place wanted to leave, they used to find that she has kept the beans on something and they go with it where they were going because they were not coming back after a short while. They used to stay there until sunsets. And the girl whom she was remaining with at home she didn't give her the beans, and when the girl asked she used to tell her to wait, while the time was moving. The girl could stay like that and the beans are there but the mother has refused to give her. One day that girl began to cry, and the neighbor came and asked the mother "why is your child crying always?" the woman ignored and she went ahead and said that the child is disturbing her and when she is asked to move aside she doesn't want. While the girl was crying a wild dog was somewhere listening the way she was crying. That woman resumed her duties while the child was crying, she used to cry then she stops and goes to the house to see if she will be given beans, the mother didn't give her. She used to take the remaining beans then she puts it on top of the roof so that the girl could not reach it. That child used to sit outside and pathos, the neighbor could come and then goes with her to her home. When she went with her, it appeared that she had prepared food in her home and she used to give her. When she was giving her the wild dog was still monitoring and saying that she has to go with her. That girl went to this woman (neighbor) who gave her food, she ate the food and was contended. After finishing she went home and sat outside, she didn't want to enter inside their house, the mother was inside the house busy doing her work. When the brothers came from where they do grazing, they took the cow inside that is when the woman looked asked "where is the child who was here? It seems like the wild dog has come slowly and stolen her because she was outside" and the mother were not bothering about her and she didn't want anything to do with her. That wild dog took that girl slowly and went with her to the forest where it was staying. When it went with her, in the morning the woman asked her brothers "you are going to graze and your sister is not here, will you find where she has gone, will you know that she has gone to the neighbor or something has taken her?" they went to the neighbor and the neighbor told them "your child came here yesterday and I took food, gave her and she ate well and I asked her to go home while it's time before dark, you get there and enter the house then the child left and went home, about the child I finished with her yesterday, the child is not here" the wild dog was somewhere listening to what they were saying. And the child went like that and got lost.

When the child got lost the woman came and she (the neighbor) told her "I asked you to give the child food, and you refused to give her, you take care of her according to the law and you didn't want, now you see the wild dog has taken her" when the wild dog heard that it came to the house of the woman at the door:

A woman cooked a pot full of beans

She denied her last born

The wild dog came and told her

You have done big, wrong mistake

The woman listened to what the wild dog was saying, and then it went. She started wondering "it seems like this wild dog that has been sing is the one that took my child or?" the woman asked and she told her children while they are grazing they should watch. They take arrows and go with them to the forest where they are grazing, because it seems like the wild dog had taken their child. The children listened then they went to graze their cows with the arrows. When they went to graze the cattle with the arrows the wild dog came and spied them. Then it went back to where it had hid the girl and transferred her to another place. Then it went back to that woman and heard her crying saying that one of her child who is the last born is not there, the wild dog has carried the child and they do not know where she is. While she was crying the neighbors came and told her "you should not cry because you are the one who has the mistake" the woman said that she didn't know when the wild dog was taking her child, if she knew she would have been giving her child food, "my only child that I love, this girl I do not know where the wild dog took my child" she said. Those boys while they were still grazing the cows they told themselves that they will leave the cows with one person and they walk all over the forest until they find that wild dog.

Those boys began to walk while the other one was looking after the cows. They walked all over the forest, and they didn't find where the wild dog was. That wild dog was clever; it had dug a hole and hid the girl inside. Know its work was to spy and listen what they were saying, will they come to snatch me this girl or what. That wild dog used to that as it moved, the following day the wild dog realized that the boys were almost getting to where it was and it jumped into the hole and the soil covered the place, and they were inside. The boys walked and moved around but they didn't see anything. They said, "today we have just walked in vain and it is six o'clock" they took their cows back home.

Their child had slept out one day, the second day while they were still looking for her, but they didn't see her. When they returned home they told their mother, that they have walked in the whole forest but they have not seen any child, even where the wild dog stays and they have not seen her. What they were seeing are other things that they do not know, the children returned and their mother told them, "now what you will do my children, the following day even if it is cattle do not go with them to the forest you go and look for my own child whom I loved the wild dog came and carried her and I didn't know" the children told their mother that they have heard that and they promised to look for her. Those children left but they didn't go with their cows. They left with arrows and swords, they said that they will go with the shovel and whenever they see any risen place, they will dig that place. The children left on that day armed and they went and walked. They began with the fast forest, they moved around that forest and the day ended and they didn't see anything. They left that and went to the second forest because the forest were three.

They searched that forest and the wild dog had left and gone to the third forest. Now they went to the third forest and they searched there and they saw a place that was raised and they went to see what had been planted there. When they got there they saw some leaves on top. They said that it seems that was the place where the wild dog had hid their child, they go and dig that place. They had their tools; they went and began digging that soil. When they dig the place it happened that the wild dog was inside with that child and she was safe that wild dog didn't mess with that child, and it didn't hurt her. They then returned home. And told their mother "we have found the child but we have not come with her, the wild dog has dug a deep hole and has hidden the child inside, we need to look for some men that we know they can dig that soil we go and dig that soil and then we rescue that child" it was dawn the fourth day and they left with those men together with the tools. They went and dug the place and when they knew that they were almost getting close to it, and they wanted to kill it, it left that hole and told the girl "I wont take you anywhere, you remain here and when other people will come, you go with them" know when the men and those boys came while singing their songs slowly they moved close and one of them looked inside the whole and said "we that are going there, what is moving inside there" and those boys had known their child they looked inside and said, "she looks like our child and she has slept outside for three days, look at how she is" they moved near and found that it was their child. The face was she but hunger had finished her while inside there and she had emaciated and could not speak well.

Their children and the men hugged that child and told her "now our child that we have found you and we are going back home" they returned home happily while on the road they were saying "even if the wild dog had chased after our child and she is safe it is very good, let us get back home for mother to see you. Mother is not even sleeping, she spent the whole night crying and she has been screaming the whole day" they went home and found their mother singing and crying saying:

My child

My only one child


One last born

She was singing like that and she saw people coming and she began to sing:

My child

My only one child


One last born

She saw her sons and men coming to her home. When she looked at them she saw her last-born child who had spent four days outside being carried, she went and hugged her child and she was jubilant. She called friends and neighbors to come and see her child who had come home. The neighbors told her that she was the one who had the mistake and since her child is back, she should prepare a party for her because she was almost dying and she had God who took care of her child while she was in a difficult place. The wild dog could have killed the child and she could have not had her again. The woman said "that is not a bi deal to me, we take one cow and slaughter it and we make a party for our child and celebrate, because she had lost and we have found her" one of the boy suggested that they look for one cow, slaughter it and call people from the whole village, they come together and celebrate.

They slaughtered that cow and they prepared it well and cooked then they called neighbors they celebrated and ate well with happiness the woman took that child and bathed her after bathing her she took good cloths and dressed her she gave her shoes. She took that child and gave her a golden seat to sit on. And when the people came they were looking at the child as the photos are taken. The woman was very happy. That child grew up and it happened that she was denying a child who could help her in future life. That child when she grew up and became a big person she got authority, she went to America and got a white man and he treated her well and told her, that he had seen their home, life was full of struggle. Her father had died long time ago, and she wants to assist her family, her mother together with her brothers. That child left that house luckily. The woman began to say, "I wish I had known, if I could have thrown this child of mine, look at the way she has brought sunshine in this home, the child has made things home, she has left and gone to America and got married to a white man. Look at how she has brought development in this home." They lived a good life in that home as the child stayed in America with her husband in happiness and also welcoming people. Since that day that woman confessed that she will never repeat the same mistake in her life; isolating a child and yet it is the child that god has ordained his blessings in. That child continued to stay there until her days of coming back to visit her parent. When she visited her parent it happened that she wanted the parent to migrate to America. And their life was now based in America; they left their place and went to a new good country. They stayed good life there, in peace and blessings.

There was one girl who was staying with her mother. That girl liked moving up and down. Whenever the mother told her "my child walk well, you should know that the world is full of problems" that girl used to tell the mother, "there is nothing that you are telling me, you cannot limit my life or my future" the mother insisted, "my child this world is difficult, go slowly" one day that woman was doing her house chores and that girl loved sitting idle, while the woman is busy working at home. She took her tool for digging and she left the girl at home preparing to leave. The woman went to the farm and began digging. When it was twelve o'clock she called her but there was no response from the house. She assumed and said, "she has a lot of issue, and maybe she has left. Let me continue digging" that woman continued farming and in at around 2 pm she left the farm and went home. When she got there, she found that the house was closed and nobody was there the girl had left. And the girl was on a date with the boy and the boy impregnated her but the mother didn't know. It happened that the girl was pregnant and the mother didn't know anything. When the girl was near to give birth she came home, and when the mother asked her "what is it?" the girl was not speaking. One day the mother asked her, "What is wrong with you today? I can see you are not okay" she said, "mother I know I have wronged nut I am asking for forgiveness" the mother asked her, "I forgive you for what reason?" she told her at that moment that she was in pain. And the mother was serious (*Nagwa ligina - having a stony face, or being serious) she asked her, "you are in pain, are you pregnant? And where is the belly" while she was speaking like that, at that point the girl delivered and the baby was down on the ground. The mother wondered, it seems like this child when I was warning her she had her own issues. That girl gave birth to a baby boy, the mother offered assistance, she took the child and went to put him on the bed, and she asked the girl to go and shower. She has found a child and she should go where the child is. That girl was not patient with the child. When she gave birth to the child she spent the first day and the second day she was out.

She hasn't healed but she leaves her mother with the baby, at night the child was crying and the mother was wondering where the girl had gone. The girl had gone and lost outside. The following night the baby cried and the mother said that she won't manage that, and the other day she didn't care about anything. "I will close my eyes and go to sleep" she said. And the ogre was outside listening to what she was saying, and the ogre was saying, "Today I have to take that child who is crying and go to eat him" where the girl had gone she didn't care. The woman went to her room, and the child remained in another room and the ogre came and dug a place inside the house, the ogre was digging as the baby cries. The baby was crying and the woman was saying, "even if you cry I do not know where your mother has gone, you just cry until you get to the point of keeping quiet." The child continued to cry and the ogre was listening from outside. The ogre dug the house while the woman was sleeping. The woman didn't hear when the child was crying. The ogre took the baby and went with him to the forest, and ate him. In the morning when the woman wanted to clean the house she said; let me go and see the baby, maybe he has died. The woman found the bed empty, where has the child gone. She looked at the wall and wondered what had dug the hole. The ogre had carried the baby away and the woman didn't know, the woman continued with her work and she assumed maybe the girl came and dug the wall then she took her baby, and she continued with her work. At around 12 o'clock she saw the girl coming. She entered the house and asked the mother where the child was. The woman replied, "you are asking me about the child, I thought you took your child" and the child said, "what! I haven't taken the child" then she began to cry and asked her mother where the child was. The woman said, "I left the baby on his bed, and I went to my room when I came in the morning I didn't find him" the ogre had come and eaten the child and finished him. That girl didn't leave her mother and she kept on asking her about the baby and she told her, "if you are not giving me my child we won't stay well here"

The woman said, "I left the baby in the house in his room, and I went to my room I do not know where he has gone" and the girl was saying if she doesn't give her the baby they wont have peace on that day. The girl screamed as she cried, then she got to a point and she began to sing:

Give me the small kid


My own kid


The small kid who was here


He was in the big house


The child went to the house and looked for the child and found that the child was not there, and then she returned to the kitchen

Give me the small kid


My own kid


The small kid who was here


He was in the big house


The girl used to go to the kitchen to look for the child, and then she comes back, crying and moving around the rooms, asking the mother to give her the small baby. The girl used to look around and then she finds that the baby is not there. She told the mother that if she doesn't give her the baby she would kill herself. When the mother heard about killing she said, "If you kill yourself how will I know where the baby is. Now what will I do?" the ogres feet were seen, and the girl observed keenly the direction of the feet. She followed keenly and she found two routes and was frightened. She wondered if she takes one route maybe the ogre is in that route. The girl was afraid and she returned home and told her mother "I have seen something has taken my child, I have seen the way the feet were, I have reached a place where the road is dividing and the ogre must have used one of the routes to escape with the baby"

The woman said, "If it is that, what we need to do is to look for people and follow those feet and go with them." They looked for men, and youth and they said they go and look for the ogre. They went and found the ogre sitting on a rock, it was happy and had kept one foot on top of the other and it was saying "hahahaha, a foolish person. They have left the baby in the house, I have found meat" when they heard something laughing they guessed it was the one that had swallowed the baby. They went there and found the ogre was very happy; it had swallowed the meat and was contended and didn't even have energy because it was full. They went and speared the stomach and the flesh busted. They removed the baby who was inside and it happened that the baby had died and they said "we leave all to God" they left that place with those pieces in a paper bag, and they left the ogre dead there, the other ogres buried it and they went with the baby and buried him. The story has ended there.