Play time: 09:30 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, April 3, 2014.

Limenya Lyange

Trufena Aluse

Trufena Mung'ore na ndivulwa mu lidala lie evologoli, Ichandumba na ndamenya mu vologoli kuli mukana na ndaviruka ni ngola keselelo cha vakana na ndakwevwa tsing'ombe munane ni tsisirinji tsimia munane ma ninzia mu lukali. Ndamenya yo mu limenya lilahi na kwayanzana nu musatsa wange ma ndamenya yo. Inze mbe mukere; mundu wiculwa muhiga gwa salasini na sita (1936). Kwaselellwa na muliselela vatsa koteva mukana na yive uvugilili ma utsia nu muyayi ma utsia ,kovolela vivuli ma valeta ibarua mu ganisa ma yive vakuteva mu livugana, "ibarua yitsi mukana na yive uvugilii?" Na yive ovola yee. "Wamanya?" Na yive "yee." Ma valeta tsing'ombe ma umenya mu lukali. Na lwa kwatsitsanga kwahilwanga na vakana vandi na utsiyi ni tsinguvu tsitsio ma vimba ni vakuleta. Vandeta ni vimba lwimbu. Vaveye mu litula yo wakayanza musatsa wovo wu utsiyi vimba ni vatsia:

Mama na andeve

Ulechi hayi umwana

Baba nandeve

Ulechi hayi mwana

Mulina wange


Mulina wange


Avene vayanzile na vagende nu mwiha.

Vimba ndio ma vakoleka yo ma omenya yo.

Lugano lwa mbola ni yilu

Kale vakere vakovolela tsingano. Ku mukere ula yakovolanga lugano lwa manani (vayayi). Lugano lwimbanga vakatsia kotenya vagerelanga ma mukana mulala nya navola ndalonga tsinyingu munane na vakana vali munane. Ma vavolela vosi "mundu uliatanya inyingu ndala ndakamuhe manani galamulie." Ma mukana mulala yamanya niyatanyia inyingu. Vamanya vamuhiila manani gatsia kulia. Ku mukana ula lwa yatsia kuviswa mu manani, yamanya niyivisa kwilungu. Mukana ula manani gatsa mmba mula na aveye ni tsinzagayaga. Yamanya nasiuva mmahiga ni gaveye ha mahiga. Ma vindu vila vitulikana mamnani gala giluka natigaramu. Kijira yimbanga

Mama yaleta tsinyingu munane

Na avana munane

Navola uliatanyia kalala

Ndimuhila kanani alimulie

Ma mukana ula yamanya nahilwa manani. Ku manani gala gatsanga mmba mula mukana ula yaivisa kwilungu ma gasiuva tsinzagayaga mu mahiga ma giluka. Mukana ula yamenya namenya mu naluha natula mu niyika ma natsia yengo. Vatsia kotenya tsingu na kandi mulala vatsia vahanira. Yivisa mu lilina li liaga kijira manani galamulia. Ku mukana oyo yimbilanga mu ahula ijirichi yanira echova yeyo.

Ijirichi yana yeyo yananga kuli yali yitu,

Vakana vatsia kotenya

Inyanza yavigalila vu tserererere

Mukana ula yimbanga ni vamuhanila mwilina mula vatiavila magaga. Mukana ula yimbilanga mwilina mula vandi vamuleka vatsia kotenya. Ku yimbanga ndio, vamanya vavugula mukana ula namenyanga mu ku vatsia kutulitsa mu, lisu liayumba ku nivamuvega ku ni valeta hango; na gatsa kovola vandu vaveye ni imbodoka vatenya vandi; gatsanga kuli gene yago ndio.

Gu vukristayo

Mu livugana kwalange vakristayo avana vakana kwatsitsanga kwimba tsinyimbu tsi tsikwaya, kutsia kwimba kutanga kusindana. Ku kwimbanga mu vandu vana vaviti yivo vahevwa kihanwa. Ku kwakolanga ndio kuva vakristayo vasuvilifu. Ku kwimbanga ndio kwakaduka vakere kwakimbanga kali kalunu; kwimbanga mu lidiku li livulwa lia yesu, kuduka kolondekane na mang'ana gi livulwa lia yesu; gakovola lidiku liene yilio. Ku kwimbanga ku lala ku kwenya kutsie kwimba ku kedeji . Kuratanga kwimba; vakere, vakana kwakwibanga kutsitsa kustage. Na lwa kutsitsa lula kwenya kuve avaluvilili. Ku kwimbanga lwimbu lulala lwe vaprofeti ni tsingerosi tsivola.

Avayi vali ni valindanga chayo chavo mu vudiku *2

Valola uvulavu, vulavu vunene muno

Vamanya nivatia ligali

Engelosi yaloleka kovo

Valola mwana na mama weve ni vamuha vihanwa

Valola uvulavu, vulavu vunene muno

Vamanya nivatia ligali

Engelosi yaloleka kovo

Valola mwana na mama weve ni vamuha vihanwa

Valola uvulavu, vulavu vunene muno

Vamanya nivatia ligali

Engelosi yaloleka kovo.


My stay

I am Trufena Mung'ore and I was born from a village I maragooli called Chandumba and I have stayed at maragooli as a girl and I grew and did a wedding as a girl and I was given 8 cows and eight hundred shillings as dowry and I got married. I stayed a good life and I loved my husband whom I stayed with. I am a woman who was born in the year 1936. Before wedding people come and ask for the girl then you accept and you go with the boy. The parents bring letter to the church and they ask you before the church "the letter has come, girl have you accepted?" and you say yes. "you know" and you say yes. They then bring the cows for dowry and you get married. When we were getting married we were taken by some girls and you have gone with your clothes they sing as they take you. They brought me while they were singing a song. During their return back home if they like the husband that you had gotten married to they started singing this song as they go:

Mother will ask

Where have you left the child

Father will ask

Where have you left the child

My friend


My friend


They have liked it and they walk with the bride

They sang like that then they leave you to stay there

The story that I am saying is this:

Old women of the past used to tell us stories. That woman used to tell us the story of ogres. They said the story after looking for firewood. She said that she was going to make eight pots and the girls were eight. She told them that whoever will break a pot she will give her to the ogres to eat her. One of the girls broke the pot. They took her and the ogres ate her. When the girl was taken to the ogres she hide herself on the sealing in the kitchen. When the ogres came into the house, the girl had some herbs that she threw in the fire and the fire exploded causing the ogres to run away. She sang like this:

Mother brought eight pots

And eight children

She said whoever breaks one

I will take her to the ogre to be eaten

The girl was taken to the ogre, when the ogres came into the house she used to throw the herbs in the fire and when the fire exploded the ogres used to run away. The girl jumped down from the sealing and she went home. They went to look for firewood and one was locked in she hide herself in the ditch because she was afraid that the ogres will eat her. The girl used to hear the cow mowing and then she sings like this:

The bull that is mowing is mowing like the one that was ours

Girls went to look for firewood. The flood prevented them from crossing.The girl used to sing while in the pit and others left her and went to look for firewood. She used to sing like that, they went and removed that girl from the pit, the hair was long and they cut it short and brought her home; it is saying that people who are jealousy they betray others. Like these ones.


At church we were christians and girls we used to go and sing in the choir. We competed to sing. Whenever we sang, the people who won are the ones who were given the present. We did that to be faithful christians. We used to sing like that even when we became women. We sing on the day when Jesus was born, we follow the word according to the birth of Jesus. That we say on that day. We sing once on the stage. We get prepared both women and girls as we get to the stage to sing. And when we want to sing we have to be people who are confident. We sing a song of the prophets and the angels.

Shepherds were looking after their cattle at night *2

They saw light, great light

They became afraid

An angel appeared to them

They visited the child and the mother and they gave their presents

They saw light, great light

They became afraid

An angel appeared to them

They visited the child and the mother and they gave their presents

They saw light, great light

They became afraid

An angel appeared to them

Thank you.