Play time: 12:29 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, March 27, 2014.

Kulomba Malwaa Ga Ibusaa

Esther Mmbone

Esther Mmbone na nzitsa kumuvolela avasakulu vali va kale kuli valomba malwa gi ibusa

Vasakulu vali va kale valomba malwa vatanga kwogitsa inyingu ilava. Yakalava vasikha vusie vwavo vogona kavaga. Vwakagona kavaga na vavuguli libadi vogitse ma vakarange. Vakakaranga tsimbare tsiene tsila ma vatsuki mu nyingu mwene mula. Vakazuka mu na mamela vainika gamera vasie ku lugina lwene lwu kusia ni isio. Vakavika mu vavika mu mamela gene gala ma vavugula musala vajukanyilamu. Vakajukanyia vavugula makola vavoha kunyingu kwene kula ku munwa gavuli kohelana dave. vkavoha ndio ma gagone kaviri ma vatsie vakunuri ku ingata yavavoha ku ila vakombekju valole gaduchi ga kutanga linwa. Vahenzangu vanyola gaduchi vulahi na vasakulu vene yava vali valomba tsindeve tsiavaranga viteve na varange ni tsiseke tsia vanwelamu malwa gene gara. Gakalula ma vadahili yaho ku visanda muli mundu agege gege ni vadahilwa na nivanwa na nivamoloma mang'ana gavo gara ka kale ga vasakulu. Na vanwetsa malwa gavo garaha na sivarange ni vutindi kuli vwa madiku ga kalunu dave. Vanwetsa garaha paga lwana vamale ma vaturaho ni vatsia yengo. Ma vaduka havundu vamanya vamara gene yago kandi vatanga ililomba gavalanga ichang'aa. Lwa vaduka ku ichang'aa. Valombela mu madebe vavika ku mashiga. Vavugula kivya vafudula mwidebe mwene mula ma vavoha hagati yaha. Vavugulanga amatsi gahiyi gavavika ku lukalaya vasundula kivya chakashia pa kandi vadaha matsilu vavika ku. Na vavika ho ijuba mwika gwene gwatonya mu na nivatsuka mu kivuyi ni amatsi vagilung'anyia. vagona dave mpaga subui kali vanyala kogona kavili vakedeka. Vanwetsa malwa gavo na vutindi vwala ku ho dave. Va kalunu yava valomba malwa gavo, vavikamu tsinasoli, vavika mu vindu vinge. Malwa gene gu mulu yago vakamanga vatulitsa mu maseke ma navirane kutamu isukari mu nyingo mwene mura itavagili mu ilwo lwavatnga lideka. Lwavadekanga ma vatanga iliha vandu vanwa. Vanwetsanga malwa gavo mu milembe milahi, va kalunu yava vakola vulahi dave; vanwetsa tsa ma vatanga likubana ni liyoga liele mo ogotwa vavola ki ni vasemana vindu vitadukana.

Avakana vali va kale vaguku vavolanga ni molola ivembe ni ivina mtavini ku dave. yani vavavolnga ni mulola vayayi vamoloma hamuveye mutikivuki dave, mutsie tsa hamwali mutsitsaa. Vahulanga vatsitsaa ma vaduka vulahi na vamolomanga havaveye vagigangwa ku mavega vashilwa ligali wanga vayiyai yavo na sivatula yo dave. Vamanya vavetsayo paga valuha vavahila ligali. Yengo vateva vana vitu vatsia hayi? Na mundu avoola kuvavloli havavuyu. ma vatsia vaduka ho ma vanyola yee kweli . Musakulu nu mukele wa hene yaho vavola: mwana ku aveye hango, munyi cha mutsa tsa mutsi kuteva tsing'ombe. Vandu va kale vahulitsananga navutsa va kalunu kali nutsia tsing'ombe yitsio mundu akohetsa dave. Nakoheye ku tsa ndala luva lufweye. Ku madiku ga kale gari malahi na kale viukulia viala ku dave. Vakere vatsitsanga Igivaswa vatsie kugula tovere twe ling'ondo ku vatse na vadeke ku valie; tula nivamenenela kunzila, inzala ivavushi. Lwa vaduka yengo vanyola tsinguru tsiakufwa ma vadeka tovere yitwo ma valia ma vanwa amatsi; varange ni inzala. Yilwo lwa viukulia viamanya vitanga ilitsa na vandu vatanga kolomba videhela. Vavuguli voro vwavo na mbere vaviika mbidehela, esere yaritsa ku dave. Kalunu kuvika mu magunia na lisitsa likili kufwa dave tsisere tsingiyi mu tsilitsa. Ma galomba viukulia kali ogese vimenya dave. Vandu valomba videra valagila tsa paga vaduka ku viukulia vindi.

Mukali yaliho nu musakulu. Vali vasingila mihiga komi na tano vatanyola mwana. Nyasaye yamanya navaha umwana kuduka muhiga gwa komi na sita, mwana muyayi. Mwana yakaviluka aduchi mihiga likomi, vamuleka hango vamuvolela wikale yaha vamuha chiukulia vatsia mwivugana. Lwa vamuleka hango vamanya vatse vanyola mwana aveye hango dave. Vahenza ku vahenza ku valola mwana mba. na vali vayava gulina na magonyia gonene. Gulina gwebne yigu gwatsia kuli ichoroni. Vanyola mwana oyo yakuvugula mudo yakwala mwilina mwene mula. Vatsa vavola "Isaac oveye hayi?" Ni vahula akola mwilina, "mbe hano mama" Nivatsia vavola paya vwaha akuvichi yimu na yakwala mwilina mwene mula. Nivahilanga mukono vagimiri mwana yilana agwa ku mudo gwene gula, akola "ywi ywi ywi ywi." Kandi vahila mukono paga valuha. Vavola ku nakumanye yiki. Valanga ku vandu vavola aki mutsa kokonya kutuliste mwana uyu mwilina mwaveye mula. Avandu yava vatsaa ma mwana uyu agwila ligali. Vandu yava valuha vavola umanye inzala ya kutuli nayo mwivugana inda nombe ku kwanza chukulia kulie ku kwanza ku kwilane kutsie kutilitsa mwana oyo mwilina. Vitsa vanyola mwana oyo akolela tsa ku mudo kula agoni. Akolela tsa ku mudo kula "ywi ywi ywi ywi." Vamanya valuha vavola ku nakokole ndi. Hadididi tsa vatsitsanga vafwana virana yengo vilana vanyola mwana oyo aveye mwilina mula dave. Enzoka yali yakumumila mwana aveye ku mwilina mula dave. Umwana ya kukutsa, enzoka yakumira mwana uyu.

Nyenya muvolele ulundi.

Avayi vali ho vatsia mu mulitu kwaitsa ma vatanga kwimba.

Avayi si vakamba vutsa ndavaha tsisala tsiange*2

Na tsisala sitsiakali tsiange tsiali tsia avayi vamba

Na vayi si vakamba vutsa ndavaha ndavaha tsing'ombe tsiange,

Na tsing'ombe si tsiali tsia vutsa tsiali tsia avayi vamba,

Na vayi si vakamba vutsa ndavaha mamela gange,

Na mamela si gakari gange gali ga vahuli,

Na vahuli si vakamba vutsa ndavaha tsisala tsiange,

Na tsisala sitsiakali tsiange tsiali tsia avayi vamba.

Nyenya mwimbili ku lwimbu kandi lwa vimba kale.

Kidaho chu mwigulu kili na amatsi malahi valitsia kunwaku si valinyola vuluhu*2

Muhaga hamba



Hamba wingili Jerusalem imbya

Mumonyi hamba



Hamba wingili Jerusalem imbya

Muchayi hamba



Hamba wingili Jerusalem imbya

Vakana va kale valange ho mundu vahulitsanga hu mundu akutsi. Lelo ibunda ilasi luvasi ma vatuli kuvilenge vahuylitsanga hu mundu yali na kutsanji. Ma vavugulana na vavotso vagende vagende. Vaduka ihale valoonda tsa yani kutsie yo kustie kusieva isugudi yali ya kale. kali mkutsu oyo agone madiku gavaga valama yo madiku gavaga. Vagona yo kandi nolole valatsaga. Kandi vahulitse handi hu mundu akutsi kandi vatsie vamenye yo vasieva vutsa. Valange ku na mang'ana gandi kuli va kalunu.Kivala cha kalunu chayoneka. Isa yindi vavuguli vavotso, anoho vasenge kali vababa vavugula avaana vavo. Ku mang'ana ga kalunu si gaveye ku gale ga kale dave. Vakana vali va kale valange na heshima sana na madiku ga kalunu heshima iveye ho mba.

How to prepare beer

My name is Esther Mmbone and I am going to give you the recipe for making a beer called "Ibusaa"

Long time ago old men used to prepare beer and they used to clean the pot. They fermented their flour for three days. Then they take a pan and they fry the fermented flour. After frying the fermented maize flour they poured it inside a pot. They used to grind it and then they mix it with millet then they plant a stick inside then they covered it with banana leaves. The banana leaves were covering the mouth of the pot. Then they allowed it to stay for two days after which they went and tasted it to see if it was ready to be taken.

They could check and find if it was ready to be taken. And they had tables for placing it on together with traditional straws that they used for drinking the beer. If the beer was ready to be taken they could serve it to the elders as they discussed their words. They used take their beer peacefully and they were not disturbing anyone like these days where people who are drank disturb people. After taking the beer they could leave the place and go home. After drinking that beer they started preparing another different beer called "Chang'aa" they prepared it in drums then they put it on fire.

They used to take a metal then they make a hole inside the bucket. Then they take hot water and put the metal inside. After it has become hot they used to take cold water too and they used to put there a bottle and then they collected the steam and put it inside another bucket. They didn't sleep until morning. They could even do it for two days without sleeping. They used to take there beer and they didn't disturb anyone. The present generation adds weed and other things to the beer. They used to add in sugar when they were cooking it then they gave people to drink. They were drinking their beer in peace. Nowadays the young people drink the beer and then they start fighting and saying bad things that are not supposed to be spoken.

Long time ago the girls were told by their grandmothers not to hear anything that was being spoken by boys. They were to move ahead even if they heard boys speaking. The ones who took heed of the instructions got home safety but the ones who didn't hear they were carried on the shoulders and taken to the home of the boys. They stayed there until they got married. Then someone could tell them that we have seen them somewhere and they could go and find them there.

The owner of the house could say, since the girl is at home, they parents should come for cows. They could agree but nowadays if you go to take the cows no one gives them to you. If he has given you one then that's all. Those days were good and there was no food, women used to go and buy milk then they come to cook so that they can eat. They could eat some on the road since they were hungry. They could arrive home then they prepare the food and eat then they take water. It is until recently when food came. They used to keep their food in traditional granaries, these days they put it in sucks but before a week ends the rodents are already in. This has caused the food not to last for long.

There was a woman and a man. They had stayed for 15 years without getting a child. God gave them a child on the 16th year the child was a boy. They child grew and they left him food at home and they asked him to stay at home as they went to church. When they came they didn't find the child at home. They searched everywhere but they didn't see the child. They had dug a deep pit, they found the child had taken the mattress and laid it inside.

They came and asked "where are you Isaac?" they heard him speaking from the pit, "I am here mother" they went and wondered who had put him inside, whenever they put in a hand he could fall back. And he could say "ywi ywi ywi ywi." They continued until they started wondering what was happening. They called people to come and help them to remove the child from the pit. They tried but the child was still falling inside and they said that they were hungry and they needed to go and prepare meals. They came and found the child on the matress. He was still on the matress. There was a snake that was holding this child and it got hold of this child.

I want to tell you another story.

There were boys who used to go the forest. Then they start to sing:

Cowboys could have given me then I give them my sticks*2

The sticks were not mine they belonged to the cowboys who gave me

Cowboys could have given me then I give them my cows*2

The cows were not mine they belonged to the cowboys who gave me,

Cowboys could have given me then I give them my millet*2

The millets were not mine they belonged to the people who hit them

Cowboys could have given me then I give them my sticks*2

The sticks were not mine they belonged to the cowboys who gave me

I want to sing for you a song that was sang long time ago.

The well in heaven has good water, those who will go to drink it will never have thirst again*2

Dare and come



Come and enter the new Jerusaleum

Gossiper come



Come and enter the new Jerusaleum

Criticiser come



Come and enter the new Jerusaleum

Long time ago girls used to find out whenever someone had died, they could say the donkey has kicked something, then they go out on foot to find out where someone had died. They used to go along with their cousins. They used to go and dance the traditional dance. Even if the dead stayed for three days they used to stay there for three days. They could look for another place where someone has died and they go there and dance. They didn't have other issues the way they do nowadays. This world of today is spoiled, sometimes they take their cousins, the father take even there children. These days things are not the same as of the past days. Girls had respect but these days they do not have respect.