Play time: 17:49 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, March 27, 2014.

Vindu Vya Vandu Varitsa Kale

Carolyne Chesi

Ku mita vanaanga Carolyne Chesi na nya kovoola ku makeekeke korondekana ku Vindu vya vandu vaaritsa kare.

Vandu va kare ni vaalange ni inzara vasambanga magomia nende tsisige. Si vaarange nende chukulia vurahi dave. Vuchima vwavo vwaarange vwo voro. Na sivasietsanga murugina dave. Vasietsaanga kuligina na vasieeranga isio. Kali mundu niyakusamulitsanga siyakutunganga tsisendi dave. Kijira tsisendi sitsiarange madiku gene yago dave. Na vuchima vwavo vwarange nende magaraba na magaraba genago vahanga kivara ni kisaguruchi. ma vhira mu tsimboga, ma vakong'onda magaraba geneyago, ma vagangira nende ijumbi na amatsi. Ma vasololitsa ku ijumbi, ma vakunika nende liitu, na vadekelanga mu inyingo anoho luvindi. Tsingutsa tsindi tsiavadekanga guarange muduya nende kitiezo. Maguta sigarange ho gokodekera dave, vadekeranga munyu mukereka nende maveere avaragilila vuchima vwavo. Vandu vene yavo si varange nende rinyola vulahi dave. Na lwa vali vakatanga konyoola kali nivasamulitsanga mundu mitungu jiarange vamuyooyelanga vuswage, magomia, mabwoni; nivyo vindu vya vavatungaanga kijira tsisendi tsiarange ku dave. Na lwavatanga konyoola tsisendi vatangila ku keheera, vatsia ku ling'ondo, ma lelo ni vatsia ku isimoni. Vamanya vatsitsagilila ndio. Na vandu vene yavo si vaarange nindi tsinguvu dave. Vevohanga vindu vyavaranga visengeka. Na nowenyanga umanye mundu oyo yakatanga linyoola ku kidogo, tsinguvu tsiamanya tsitse tsiavaranga marikaano. Nuwaloolanga mundu niyivichi inguvu yeneyo umanya mundu nyasaye yakatanga kumwitsuliza kijira si varange nende itsinguvu dave. Tsinguvu tsieene yitsio ni vaanyoolanga avaana mundu mweene oyo yavugulanga inguvu yeneyo alelelaku mwana. Yavugulaza mwaana alela ma afunika ku inguvu yene yeyo. kali mwaana wene oyo ni yamuniera yavuguraza kindu abangusa ma atsitsagila kuvaa nende mwaana weve. Vandu vene yavo vamanya ni vayanza muno kijira lwavanyoola tsinguvu tsiene yitso yitsio tsiavakoonyanga kulelelamu vaana kijira si vaarange nende tsitaolo dave.

Yago geng'ine ga nyanji ku kumboola ku chukulia cha vandu valitsaanga kale.

Mbeye nindi ulugano.

Lugano lweene yilwo nu lwi kisungura nende inyambu

Kare muno kisungura chagana ni inyambu ne kegeteva; "yive ogenda garaha muno, umanya uduka wa utsitsanga?" Inyambu yamovoolela, "ondegelitsaa kijira ki? Wenya kusindane?" Kisungura chaseka ni kevoola, "nikusindana niive nyara kokorela ihare muno." Kwavukanyia mahangari vyosi viahugiritsana kusindana. Inyambu yavugilila kutangitsa masindano. Lwa vasingira kutanga inyambu yanina ku mukila gwi kisungura ma nevoola vatange tsimbiru. Kisungura cha mitsuka tsimbiru tsinene ni Inyambu kumugongo. Lwa chaduka havari nivaragani kumalilitsa masindano kisungura chikivuka kolola inyambu yiitsanga inyuma. Inyambu yiika ku mukira garaha neevola; "inze nduchi." Kisungura chalola tsisoni muno. Lugano lwu kutanga lwene yilwo.

Lwa kavili ni Evelia na kanyonyi keke

Evelia yali muyayi mugeri ligali muno. Yatura hango natsia kuruta mulimi gwavo gwa maduma. Lwa yaduka mu yalola rinyonyi ni lilizanga riduma. Yageritsa kuligumila navutsa liaburuka nilitsia kumusala gwari shimbe. Evelia yirana yengo naganagana cha anyara kokola. Yamanya nalola nu vulahi kutumikira uvulimbu. Yalomba vulimbu vwivwe vulahi navika mumukono. Lwa vwachia mugamba Evelia yilana mu mulimi gwavo yigwo. Yavugula vulimbu navoha ku liduma lya yanyoola linyonyi ni liveye ku nilitsia ma natsia hamusala. Lwa kanyonyi kenako kaatsa katsie kulia liduma, vulimbu vwahanda mu vulimu. Lwakatsoma mu liduma munwa kandi gwahanda mu. Evelia yatura hayari niyibama nanyagura nagumira kanyonyi yako. yayaanza naseka natumatuma. Ulugano lwene ylwo lufweele yaho.

Kisungura ni Isimba

Kare muno yaliho isimba yatsia kwenya chukulia mu mulitu navutsa siyanyoola inyama yosi yukwita dave. Lwa vwaduka hamugorova yaganagana kwirana yengo. Lwa yali natsitsaanga yalola luhangaywa. Yaganagana ndi ni vulahi yivise mu niiva inyama yosi yakatsi kwigama mu. Hakeekeke kisungura chza nikiduka hakiliango. Chalola tsinduvatiru tsia Isimba. Chafunyilitsa malusu ni kimanya isimba ifuana yingiyi mu luhangaywa. Kisungura chaganagana ni cheteva; "na manye ndi uvulungi?" Chasingila hambeta humuliango ni keteva, "mirembe munyumba yange." Lwa isimba yahulila, yahanzuka "mirembe." Lwa kisungura chahulila chatiguka tsimbiru. Isimba yaloondaku navutsa siyagenyoola mba. Lugano lwene yilwo luheri yaho.

Muhonja ni Linani

Kare muno valiho avaana vaviri vavisandu. Muyayi yalangwa Agurakiraka nu mukana yalangwa Muhonja. Baba wavo yavalekela tsing'ombe sita mu lidara lya vamenya mu. Manani gali manyinge muno. Lwa Agurakiraka yatsitsaanga kwaya tsing'ombe, Muhonja yihaniranga mu nyumba ma alinda kuduka lwa muyayi wavo yatsaanga ma yimba lwimbu ku Muhonja yiguri muliango. Ulwimbu lwene yilwo lwimba ndi:

Muhonja *2

Muhonja witu Muhonja

Ndura kwaya Muhonja,

Ivyayo vyosi Muhonja,

Ni vya magondi Muhonja,

Kutura matimu Muhonja,

Kwitira vasigu Muhonja.

Ugunani gwahulilitsanga Agurakiraka kuli yimbanga. Gwatsia Agurakiraka ni yakatsia kwaya tsing'ombe ni gutanga kwimba.

Muhonja *2

Muhonja witu Muhonja

Ndura kwaya Muhonja,

Ivyayo vyosi Muhonja,

Ni vya magondi Muhonja,

Kutura matimu Muhonja,

Kwitira vasigu Muhonja.

Muhonja yigura muliango naganagana ni muyayi wavo na gwali gunani gweene yigwo. Muhonja yigura muliango na gunani gwamulia. Agurakiraka lwayatsa yanyoola gunani yigwo nagotema munda Muhonja yatura munda naveye mwoyo.

Vali nu vuyanzi muno.

Tsingano tsiange tsifweere heenaho.

Food that was eaten long time ago

My name is carolyne Chesi and I want to tell something on the food that people used to eat long time ago.

Long time ago when people were hungry they used to roast bananas. They didn't have enough nice. They had baked wheat flour. And they didn't mill it with machine but they were using a stone to grind it. And people were not paid money after work, because money was not there during those days. And people were eating bean leaves and they used to pluck the leaves in the evening. Then they used to add salt and water to the bean leaves. They used to cover it with banana leaves and it was cooked from a pot. Another meal was bean stew.

There was no cooking oil, they used to cook using soda ash then they eat it with baked maize flour. People did not have good salary. And after someone had worked for another one, he could be given banana and sweet potatoes, these are the things that they were given as payment because there was no money. They advanced to a coin, and then a fifty cent and they moved on like that. These people didn't have clothes they were putting on a small skin for covering the private part alone.

And if you wanted to know that this person is earning something, you could check it from the cloth, there were clothes that came and they were called "marikaano" if you saw someone putting on that cloth you could know that this person has been remembered by God because people didn't have clothes. When someone delivered a child she used to cover the child with that cloth.

She used to take the child and cover her with that cloth. Even if the child went for a long call on her she could wipe the faeces and carry her in that cloth. These people were very happy since thy got those cloths that is what they used to cover their children with, because they didn't have towels.

That is what I wanted to tell you about the meals that people used to take long time ago.

I have a story.


Long time ago hare met chameleon and asked him "You are walking very slow, will you reach where you are going?" the chameleon told him "why are you looking down upon me? Do you want us to compete?" the hare laughed and said, "If I compete with you I can leave you a long range of distance." They stopped arguing and they agreed to compete running. The chameleon agreed to start the completion. The chameleon climbed on the tail of the hare and when the whistle was blown, the hare ran very fast and the chameleon was on his back, when the hare reached where they had agreed to meet with the chameleon he looked behind and didn't see the chameleon. The chameleon climbed down from the tail and while the hare was looking behind to see if the chameleon will arrive, the chameleon was already down and he told hare "I am here" the hare was shameful, that is the first story.


Evelia was a very clever boy. He used to go and weed their farm of maize. When he arrived there he saw the bird eating maize. He tried to catch it but it flew to the tree that was near. Evelia went home and thought of what he could do. He thought it was wise for him to use a trap; he made his trap and kept it in his hand. When dawn came he returned to their farm, he tied the trap on the maize that the bird was eating and then he went to sit under a tree. When the bird went to eat the maize, the beak stuck on the trap that was made of glue. Evelia went and took the bird, he was jubilant and he jumped up and down. That story has ended there.


Long time ago there was a lion that went to the forest to look for food but he didn't find any animal to kill. In evening he thought of returning back home. When he was returning home he saw a place to hide and he went to hide in so that when an animal comes he can catch it. Hare came and reached at the door. He saw the footsteps of the lion; he sensed that the lion seems to have entered into the hiding place. The hare though and asked himself how will he know the truth. He stood outside and said "Hello my house." When the lion heard he said "hello" when the hare heard he ran very fast. The lion followed him but he didn't catch him. That story has ended there.


Long time ago there were two children who were orphans. The boy was called Agurakiraka and the girl was called Muhonja. Their father left for them six cows in the village that they were staying in there were many ogres. When Agurakiraka went to look after the cows, Muhonja could close herself inside the house and wait until his brother comes. The brother used to sing this song in order for the sister to open the door. This song was used to go like this:

Muhonja *2

Our Muhonja, Muhonja

I am from grazing the cows, Muhonja,

All the fields for grazing, Muhonja,

Are for sheep, Muhonja,

Coming out with spears, Muhonja,

To protect ourselves against our enemies, Muhonja.

The ogre used to hear and try to imitate the way he was singing, the ogre used to go at the door after Agurakiraka has gone to graze the cows then it starts to sing:

Muhonja *2

Our Muhonja, Muhonja

I am from grazing the cows, Muhonja,

All the fields for grazing, Muhonja,

Are for sheep, Muhonja,

Coming out with spears, Muhonja,

To protect ourselves against our enemies, Muhonja.

Muhonja opened the door thinking that it was his brother and yet it was the ogre, Muhonja opened the door and the ogre swallowed her. When Agurakiraka came he found the ogre and cut it stomach and Muhonja came out alive.

It was joy.

My stories have ended there.