Play time: 39:01 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, March 27, 2014.

Engoma Yo Mulogooli

Henry Nyareso

Mimi ni Henry Nyaleso Munangwe na ndayanza kumolomela ku liiva lia vandu vitu vatula liveye kumolomela kolondekana ku nyinga ya kavili na suviri ndamalitsa ku lyenya liene lia ndenya.

Kutura hambale kutsa hadiriji hano valogoli vahama vuli inyinga ku ndaduka mu ngoma ya valogoli lwa ndamoloma lwali. Na kalunu ndamolomela engoma ya valogoli kuli mulogoli yamenya mu na avaana veve, ni tsihiri sa tsiaranda, ni liva, ni limenya lya mulogoli ha valogoli vaveye inyinga yinu valogoli kuli varanda mu. Engoma ya valogoli ni ligono lyavo ndamala ku limoloma liene yili ni ndulaho ni nonda kuli vamenya. Engoma ya valogoli yalombwa nu kuvikwa mu kiguru keveye mmagina manyinge galomba tsimbinga ni tsimbangaywa tsinyinge. Misara jiamera hakiguru tsana jilombanga kucho mulitu gwa evologoli maragoli hills Inabwongo yila. Mu i nyinga ndala vwalombwa mu vogono mu vikkaa vivaga. Mwi miruka jiakolelangwa. Engoma ni indumba enene yalombwa ku muluka gwa kukola uvusalisi vwa valogoli gwe engoma ya kubangwa yalangilitsanga nu muhumu gwa yo munene. Vudinyilitsa liegomba anoho ilienya lia mulogoli. Na kuvaletera vindu via vadakilwa anoho kuvagutira vasigu vari nu vuhimwa ku vo. Engoma yavatsangwa ku musala mudinyu kandi umutovore. Lisero lie engoma yalombelangwa yalange yi inyama yu mbulimu yi ligondo liakanyu anoho lidaarinya. Mbitira lialange lisero lie embogo anoho inzagiliku lie engoma na lisarisa lia kafwa ma ehenzitswa lovega lwe imadioli. Lihigita anoho lihumukwa lie engoma si liahulilika vulahi ligali ku vandu vali shimbe nayo dave. Vandu vali ihale nayo yivo vahulilanga vulahi umuhumu gwa yo mulahi. Valogooli vahulilanga engoma yavo nihumukanga nu muhumu munene vayanza ligali ma valala vavaa ni lisuvila valogoli valanyola tsingavi tsindahi kuli tsiukuvaa nu lwalo lwu vwivulu, kuvaa nu muhiga mulahi gwi ligesa viukulia vinyinge, kuguta mahe ga vasigu vavo. Tsinyinga tsindaya musalisi wi engoma yahananga malago gi engoma ku vakulundu vu luyali ululahi ma navo vahana ku vandu. Musalisi we engoma iye yalnga vandu tsinyinga tsiukuvalukila litaga, tsie likelemana ni tsie lihonga. Lwu musalisi yatsitsanga kokola miluka jie engoma yahelekangwa na vakulundu vavaga. Ni yakaduka hangoma avhelechi veve vatigalanga ichova we imbinga naye wengine yingila mu imbinga. Yavita mu vogono vwu kutanga nu vwakavili ma aduka mu mwakavaga mwa yanyoolanga amanda nigavikwa mu tsinziga. Musalisi yivakaanga amanda tsana ku tsiaya tsiombi ma nu mbweni ku nagwa atanga lisalisa. Valogoli vatsitsanga mungoma ku misango jiu vusalisi hali kavaga ku muhiga. Vatsitsanga mu tsinyinga tsie kimiu, limera ni tsie tsingora ma kandi ni venya kuvuna anoho kogesa vatsitsa kandi kusalisa milimi vamanya ligesa lwa vatumikila viukulia vivuli kutsia vinyinge. Mu ngoma musalisi yafwananga mulilu gu vwali ma asambila ku vilala ku vitagwa. Lwu vwali vasambangwa nu mwochi nu guvuya kutsia mbelefu vulungi, valogoli vayanzanga ligali kijira vali ni lisuvila ndi miluka jiavo anoho misango jiavo jirava na mativuli malahi. Vudinyi ni vwalolekanga mukivala kuli vwi imbula kukuba na magina anoho vandu ni mitugu kukutsa musalisi yavugulanga engoko indavu asambila ku vwali tsana ku nangwa misambwa jinyole kenolu jiyanze. Likutsa lituli ku vandu ni mitugo vwoneku vutali ku vitagwa ni kivi chu lugano lwosi kituli ku valogoli mundu walohololangwa kuva musalisi yalange utali ku ni imbala anoho keseyo mba. Yalange mundu wu makono gege gavula kuluminda ku dave, utali mwivi, umuheyi, muloji, umbehi anoho wanyora ku imbala yosi anoho keseyo chu lugano lwosi dave. Siyatovolangwa kuvaa umusalisi anoho umbidi mba. Valogoli vaosi valondanga malago gu musalisi anoho mbidi niye yalange ni tsingulu ku livaa lia valogoli. Na vahenzanga k u ye kuli mundu wa vatevanga tsingavi tsindahi. Mu mahe valange na vimilili valange vutswa vandu valulu kandi valuvilili mu vulwani.

Ndamoloma ku kindu kijira mulogoli na avaana veve anoho na visukulu veve mu livulana lilye. Valogoli na valusha na vabantu. Lwo vomenyo vwavo vatangila ni tsisoma tsie imadioli mu kivala cha kenya. Mu lusoma lwa valogoli halala nu mutsisoma tsia valusha vandi valusha valange ni chotero mu lidala ha vakulundu vikalanga kolombelaho amang'ana gi lidala na ga vandu valio. Ulisha mu tsinzira tsindara tsiarange kuli ibunge anoho kiyayilu. Tsihiri ahimbe tsiosi tsia valusha tsialange nu lushia mu vuli lidala kuli ndi lusha kuli yilu ni lwo lwa valusha vatulitsa ku lyita lia valanga valusha. Tsihiri tsinene kumi na sita tsia valusha no vomenyo vwavo vwatangila mu tsisoma tsie imadioli mu kenya ni avanyala, avasamia, avakayo, avamarachi, avavugusu, avawanga, avamarama, avakisa, avatsotso, avakabarasi, avtachoni, avidako, avisuka, avitiriki, avanyole na avalogoli. Ni tsihiri tsinde tsiamenya halala na valusha ni vateso na vakalenjin va kenya. Valala valomba itsinyumba anoho tsihiri tsia mulogoli vali ni vivulwa lwa mulogoli yaduka mukenya ya imadioli. Navutsa kolondekana ni livula anoho vuhindira mu tsinyumba tsiavo siliamanyikana vulahi mba. Mulimenya lia valogoli vali mu kandi vandu vali kuli viko anoho valina vavo. Komeda ku, avaana vavo vatsaa komenya navo mu kenya ya inadioli valogoli vamanya ni vagwa kuli vivuli anoho vivimilili vi miganda jia vandu va vali navo. Lwa valombwa valomba vomemnyi vwavo evologoli. Vandu ayava vosi vamanya ni vavarika kuli vavaana va mulogoli. Mu livalitsa amita gi tsinyumba anoho tsihiri tsianyoleka nitsivolekanga kuva avaana va mulogoli gadukanga istihiri anoho istunyumba sarasini na tisa. Komeda ku yitsi, tsinyumba tsia visukulu va mulogoli tsindala vutswa tsiatalwa kuva halala na avaana va mulogoli. Ku mwana muhindira wa mulogoli yalangwa Sali. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba anoho ihiri ya vasali. Avaana vasali anoho avisukulu va mulogoli ni Magetsa walomba inyumba ya vamagetsa, Mukoyani walomba inyumba ya vakoyani. Mbaya walomba inyumba ya vammbaya, Vutsutsu walomba inyumba ya vavutsutsu. Ilyita linde lya Vutsutsu liali Kehege. Mwana wa mbaya anoho mwisukulu wa Sali ni Sweta olomba inyumba ya Vasweta. Umwana wa kavili wa mulogoli yalangwa Kitsungu. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vakitsungu. Avaana va Kitsungu anoho visukulu va Mulogoli ni Saina walomba inyumba ya vasaina, Mulitu walomba inyumba ya vamulitu, Kevembe walomba inyumba ya vakevembe, Gisemba walomba ya vagisemba, Igina walomba inyumba ya vigina , Didi walomba inyumba ya vadidi, Kayere walomba inyumba ya vakayere na Alielo walomba inyumba ya vaaliero. Mwana wa kavaga wa mulogoli walangwa Kirima. Niye wivula anoho kolomba inyumba ya vakirima. Avaana va Kirima anoho visukulu va mulogoli ni Gamuguywa na Kungu. Avaana va Gamuguywa ni Lugiri na Gisirimi. Avana va Giisirimi ni Lungusia na Musumba na avaana va Musumba ni Ludanya, Ngomba na Lwangala. Avaana va Kungu anoho visukulu va Kirima ni Masingira walomba inyumba ya vamasingira, Masero walomba inyumba ya vamasero, Nasachi walomba inyumba ya Vasachi. Mwana wa kanne wa mulogoli yalangwa Mmave mwene oyo iye yatigara Imadioli nalinda engoma yu kutula kwa Mbale kutsia Imatsigulu yalangangwa South Maragoli. Uyu niye yivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamave. Avaana vamave anoho visukulu va mulogoli ni Gonda walomba inyumba ya vagonda, Mutembe walomba inyumba ya vamutembe, Nondi walomba inyumba ya vanondi na Logovo walomba inyumba ya valogovo. Tisihiri tsinde tsia mulogoli kuli konyolanga niva nivanyoleka ni vakali vandi va mulogoli anoho visukulu ni kuli ndi: yonga niye walomba inyumba ya vayonga. Avaana va Yonga anoho visukulu va Mulogoli ni Yose na Gimohia. Yose naye yivula Givaji. Mwana undi arangwa Tembori. Niye yivula walomba inyumba ya vatemburi, undi arangwa Saniaga niye yivula no kolomba inyumba ya vasaniaga. Lyita linde lia vasaniaga valanga Kamunara. Undi alangwa Funami walomba inyumba ya vafunami. Rita linde lia Funami ni Kanayi. Undi ni Migango yivula no kolomba ihiri ya vamigango. Mulugu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamuluga. Gihayo niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagihayo. Undi yalangwa Muku niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamuku. Kutura kale vayonga va vamuku sivahirananga mu vwiko vwu musatsa nu mukali mba. Inyuma wa valogoli vatula Yonga na Muku vavakana ululongo mu chaluku ma nivagohana avirongo. Undi yalangwa Vurugi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vavurugi. Undi yalangwa Ng'ang'a. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vanga'ang'a. Undi yalangwa Guga. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vaguga. Undi yalangwa Damayi, uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vadamayi. Vaveye ku mu vutsotso ave inyumba langangwa avadamanyi. Na yava vaganaganwa kuva vi inyumba ndala na vadamayi vaveye ivulogoli. Undi yalangwa Suva. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vasuva. Vinyumba anoho ihiri ya vasuva vaaveye mu kandi mu nyanza yi Isavalu na Kisii. Ililangika lia mang'ana malala ninde liva lia go iliavasuva vemenyi mu kisuru cha Rusinga vaveye mu nyanza victoria liveye kuli lia valogoli. Vamolomanga itsinimi tsivili; ululimi lwavo avene nindi ulujaluo. Mwana undi yalangwa Kiguta. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vakiguta. Mwana undi yalangwa Sagala. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vasagala. Undi yalangwa Gevere. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagatsere. Undi yalangwa Mugitsi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamugitsi. Undi yalangwa Sanga. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vasanga. Undi yalangwa Andega. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vandega. Undi yalangwa Kuvera. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya kuvera. Undi yalangwa Amenge. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamenge. Undi yalangwa Gisindi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagisindi. Undi yalangwa Salia. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vasalia. Undi yalangwa tsalala. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vatsalala. Undi yalangwa Amoyi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamoyi. Undi yalangwa Mufwa. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamufwa. Undi yalangwa Dindi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vadindi. Ihiri yene yiyi kandi itulila ku ivonyore. Undi yalangwa Gisunda. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagisunda. Undi yalangwa Gusihi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagusihi. Ilita vagusihi ni lia vagusihi vaveye kisii gafwanananga mu lilangika. Undi yalangwa Kitsutsa. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vakitsitsa. Vakitsutsa vatalika kuva ku nu vwiko na vasaniaga. Undi yalangwa Mahero. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamahero. Undi yalangwa Muhevi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamuhevi. Undi yalanagwa Maholia. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vamaholia. Undi yalangwa Gisisi. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vagisisi. Undi yalangwa Itavati. Uyu niye wivula no kolomba inyumba ya vitavati. Ku tsinyumba yitsio salasini na tisa tsiali tsia avaana na visukulu, niva vali va vahalikwa anoho ku tsinyumba tsia avaana vikula. Hali kanyinge mwana mukana avalitsilangwa no kumanyikana wa yatsia kolomba mugitsi. Yiki ni kijira amita ga avaana vakana va mulogoli gavula kumanyikana nu kutalwa ku anoho kwitsulitswa. Ilita lilala liamanyikana liu mukana watalwa kuva mwana wa mulogoli ni Kavogoi. Ni ligohangwa umwana mukana. Mita gi kikana malala gatumikanga kugulikwa avakana valogoli ni Kadesa, Anzemo, Minayo, Afandi, Lumadi, Aseyo, Lumayo, Minyoso, Andeso, Mmbone, Musimbi, Kamonya, Muhonja, na gandi amanyinge. Mita gi tsinyumba salasini na tisa tsiatalwa kuli avaana va mulogoli halala ni tsinyumba tsiveye kuli liganaganyia ndi vuli inyumba anoho ihiri yatulanga ku lita liu mundu wagitangitsa. Mu tsinyunga tsindala mita gi tsinyumba yitsi gali gi miganda jia vandu vatula mu tsisoma tsinde ni vadikila ivulogoli. Na tsinyinga tsinde mita gi tsinyumba yitsi gatumikanga gwavukanyia migitsi jiu mundu wahalika. Mundu wahalika yatumikilanga ihiri yo mukali mwene mugitsi kwavukanyia mwana vu mukali mulala nu undi. Kohenza ku mihiga jia limenya lia valogoli mu kenya kuhayahayaitsanga mihiga jiene yiji. Muhiga gwa valogoli vaduka nu kutabnga limenya mu klenya yi imadioli si gwamanyikana mba. Musomi mulala walangwa Erick Barker yali ku officer wo vogeli mu kenya inyinga ya vakoloni va British vamenya mu kenya yahandika mu kutabu chiche cha Short History of Nyanza ndi valogoli vaveye ho kalunu na vi likula shirini na ine anoho shirini na tano. Ku ligela mihiga jie livulana ise (baba mwana) avetsanga shimbe mihiga salasini muhindira kuvita mwana weve wu kutanga. Ku vaguga na valogoli vaveye ho kalunu vaduka mu kenya ya imadioli himbe mihiga jiavita shirini na tano hali salasini anoho kuvita. Yiji jidukanga kuvita imihiga mia saba na amisni jiavita. Mu livalitsa lia Erick Becker gamanyia ndi valogoli vaduka mu nu kutanga klimenya mu kenya yi imadioli mu muhiga jiali hagati na elfu moja miambili salasini na tano na elfu moja mia mbili shirini na tano. Na umuhandichi undi Gideon Were yali mwigitsi wa history mu University ya Nairobi ku mihiga minyinge kandi wi limanya lidukilu mu masomo ga mang'ana ga kale yahandika mu kitabu chiche cha History of the Abaluhya of Western Kenya ndi mu mihiga jiali hagati ha elfu moja mia tano tisaini na nane na elfu moja mia saba salasini na tatu; valogoli, vanyore, vatiriki, visukha na vidako vali nivamenyi mu vivala via vaveye mu kalunu mu kenya yi imadioli. Kuvalitsila ku mihiga jie vikevo vya valogoli shirini na mbili viatanga kulubuni kwilana inyuma ku vikevo vihindila kuduka ku kwekoya galolekanga ndi mu mihiga jiali hagati na elfu moja mia mbili na arubaini na elfu moja mia inne sitini valogoli vali vamenyi ivulogoli wa vaveye kuduka lelo. Vakulundu valogoli vadinyilitsa ndi: vikevo vihindila shirini na mbili yivi viali ho muhiga gwa elfu moja mia tisa vutswa ni gukikiri kuduka (1900). Mu vikevo yivi avandu vakevangwa ni vaveye vahindila. Mu vikevo vilala vandu valala vakevangwa ni vamara kwivula umwana mulala, vavili anoho vavaga. Na mu vikevo vindi umwana yakevangwa ekekevo kilala na ise. Mu liva kuli yili livalitsa lyi mihiga yiji livikanga liavukana lie mihiga hagati ha shirini na salasini; hagati he kekevo kilala ni kindi. Vikevo vyamanyikana ni vyanyoleka vutswa kijira ilitsulitsa lia vakulundu vali nivavimanyilitsa vutsa mu mitwi na kandi vilala ku vyo vialivilika. Niva ivivilika vinyala kwitsulika vinyala kwilanyia mihiga yiji inyuma kali kuduka shimbe ku muhiga gwa elfu moja gwa valogoli vali ni vamenyi mu kenya ya imadioli. Yaga nigo kumanyililitsa vulahi: valogoli na vandu vivulana mu vunyinge na vasalanila mu vivala vie lilova liosi. Madiku gano valogoli valala vahamila ma kandi vamenyi mu America na vandi Uvungeresa (Europe). Mu mihiga jia elfu moja mia tisa na sitini na elfu moja mia tisa na sabibi valogoli vanyinge vahamila kigumba mu vuyuganda na vamenyi yo kuduka kalunu na vandi vahamila Zambia kandi vamenyi yo mu vunyinge. Tanzania ni vaveye vatende va kenya valogoli vatsia yo mu vunyinge na vavitila mu inyanza ya Victoria vubande vwa Kisumu na vandi vavitira imbalabala ya Migori, Sirare, Tarime kijira valogoli vanyinge vaveye Bware na Migori mu South Nyanza. Valogoli vandi vanyinge vahamila mu Trans Nzoia Kitale ninde Uasin Gishu mu Rift Valley kijira kutsia kwenya yo vomenyo vagula yo milimi kijira inzala. Kandi mu tsitauni tsinyinge tsia kenya valogoli vamenyi mu. Ku muvinyinge kolondekana ni isabu ni livalitsa lia vandu mu kivala cha kenya kolondekana mihiga jiviti sia vatulitsa, kalunu vandu valusha valogoli vaveye mu nivo vakavaga mu vunyinge vwa vandu vaveye mu kenya. Ku vandu valusha ni vava halala vanyola kokola kindu mu kivala kali ukwamihitsa umwami kijira avageli vavola ni kuva halala, kulasingil. Ni kwavukana, kulagwa. Ku nindio kumanyinge anoho ku makeekeke ku gambeye nago ku valogoli.

Drum of maragoli

I am Henry Nyareso Munangwe and I will like to speak to speak about the lifestyle of people where they came from am speaking the second part and I believe that I will finish.

We came from Mbale and arrived here in Tiriki. Maragooli keep on shifting from one place to another. Today I will speak on how the maragooli used to stay with his children. And the way the sub-tribes spreaded. His lifestyle and the way he is living at the presnt time.

His drum was made and kept at the top of the hill, that has many stones. Trees grew on the top of that hill and it made a forest that is the maragoli forest. Sometimes they made their place in three stages. This is where the rituals were done. It is a large drum that was made for the purpose of prayer. Whenever a drum was played it had a significant meaning that was so important. It emphasizes on the demands of the maragoli. It also brings things that they lack or to defeat their enemies in war.

The drum was made from a hard and a selected type of a tree. The skin that the drum was made from was from a wild animal. It was from an antelope, and after the prayer the drum was put back and also facing the western side. When it was played, the sound was not pleasing to the people who were near. People who were far are the ones who were hearing it well. The maragoli were very happy whenever they heard their drum playing and they knew that they will have blessing, to have a prosperous year of harvesting a lot and also to defeat their enemies. Sometimes the one who was leading in prayer gave instructions of the drum to the elders of great respect then they pass it to people.

The leader of the prayer used to call people in times of planting. When he was going to do the rituals he was escorted by three elder men. When they got there the elders used to remain outside and he entered inside. He passed the first and the second place and when he got to the third place he found coals that were kept in the horns.

He could then apply the coals on the forehead and then he begins to do the rituals. The maragoli who used to go to the hill for the purpose of praying, they did it three times in a year. During the dry season, the planting season and also when they wanted to harvest, they went to pray. During the rituals the leader used to light fire at the altar, then he burns some of the items to be planted then they do the planting. When they burned the items and the smoke goes up the maragoli were very happy, because they knew their sacrifice will have a good feed back.

Whenever there was a problem, of rain falling down, with hailstorm, or people loosing their cattles because of death, the leader used to take a white hen and burns it at the altar so that the watchdogs can have a sweet diet and feel happy. So that death and destruction should not be there, it was to leave the maragooli. A person who was appointed as the leader of the prayer didn't have any scar or issues. He was pure without any blamish, one who had not killed, one was not a thief, adultery, witch, a person who cheats or the one who has a scar.

This type of a person was not appointed. All the maragooli were following the instructions of the leader for prayer, he is the one wh had powers over the maragooli. They looked at him, with the aim of receiving blessings. In wars they had leaders who were harsh and and confident in the war.

I am talking about the maragooli and his children. The maragooli are luhya and also bantu. They started their life from the western side of Kenya. In maragooli and other luhya tribes the maragooli had a bonefire in the village, where the elders were sitting and making there plans for the village and the people who were there. I was like a small parliament. All the luhya tribes had a place where cases were solved in the village, and the term lusha is where they got the name Luhya.

The twenty six tribes of Luhya and there lifestyle began from western side and they were Banyala, Basamia, Kabarasi, Batachoni, Idakho, Isukha, Tiriki, Banyore and Maragooli. The other tribes that stayed together with the Luhya are the Teso and the Kalejin of kenya. The people who made the maragooli sub-tribes are the ones who were born when the maragooli got arrived in the western side of Kenya. But their growth and maturity have not been well determined. They also had relatives and friends. In addition to that, their children whom they came to stay with in western side, they were like the parents of the groups of people that they were staying with.

They made there stay in maragoli. These people were counted as the maragooli children. In the counting of the houses or the sub-tribes they found out that they were 39 houses. In addition to that the grandchildren of maragooli are also counted together with the maragooli children. The elder child of maragooli was known as Sali. This is the one who made up the house of Vasali. The grandchildren of maragooli are magetsa who made the house of Vamagetsa, Mukoyani made the house Vakoyani. Mbaya made the house of Vammbaya, Vutsutsu made the house of Vavutsutsu, the other name of Vutsutsu was Kehege. The child of Mbaya or the grandchild of Sweta made the house of the Vasweta. The second name of maragoli was called Kitsungu. This is the one who who made the house of Vakitsungu. The children of Kitsungu or the grandchild of maragoli was Saina who made the house of Vasaina, Mulitu made the house of the Vamulitu, Kevembe made the house of the Vakevembe, Gisemba made the house of Vagisemba, Igina made the house of Vigina, Didi made the house of Vadidi, Kayere made the house of Vakayere and Ariero made the house of Vaaliero.

The third child of Mulogoli was called Kirima. He is the one who made the house of Vakirima. The children of Kirima or the grandchild of Mulogoli is Gamuguywa and Kungu. The children of Gamuguywa are Lugiri and Gisirimi. The children of Giisirimi are Lungusia and Musumba and the children of Musumba ni Ludanya, Ngomba and Lwangala. The children of Kungu or the grandchildren of Kirima are Masigira who made the house of Vamasingira, Masero made the house of Vamasero, Nasachi made the house of Vasachi.

The fourth child of Mulogooli was called Mmave this is the one who remained in western side as he took care of the drum. From Mbale to Imatsigulu this was called the south Maragoli. This is the one who gave birth and formed the house of Vamave. The children of Vamave or the grandchildren of mulogoli is Gonda who made the house of Vagonda, Mtambe made the house of Vamutambe, Nondi made the house of Vanondi and Logovo made the house of Valogovo.

The other houses of maragoli are like Yonga who made the house of Vayonga. The children of Yonga or the grandchildren of mulogoli are Yose and Gimohia. Yose is the one who gave birth to Givaji. The other child is called Tembori. This is the one who made the house of Vatemburi, the other one is called Saniaga who is the one who made the house of Vasaniaga. The other name of the Vasaniaga was Kamunara. The other one is called Funami, who made the house of Vafunami, the other name of Funami is Kanayi. The other one is Migango who made the house of Vamigango. Mulugu is the one who made the house of Vamuluga. Gihayo is the one who made the house of Vagihayo. The other one was called Muku who made the house of Vamuku. Since long time ago the Vayonga and Vamuku were not intermarrying in the relationship between a husband and a wife.

The other one was called Vurugi, this is the one wh made the house of Vavurugi. The other one was called Ng'ang'a this is the one who gave birth and formed the house of Vang'ang'a. The other one was called Guka. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vaguga. The other one was called Damayi, this is the one who made the house of Vamadayi. They are also in Butsotso and they belong to the house of Avadamanyi. They were believed to belong to the same house with the Vadamayi who are in maraoli. The other one was called Suva.

This is the one who gave birth and made the house of Vasuva. These people are also found in the sourthern part of Kisii. When you campare some words and pronounciation from the Vasuva who stay in Rusinga at lake victoria is the same as the one for the maragoli. They speak two languages, they speak their own language and also the one for the Luo. The other child was called Kiguta. This is the one who gave birth to the house of the Vakiguta. The other child was called Sagala. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vasagala.

The other one was called Gevere. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vagatsere. The other one was called Mugitsi. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vamugitsi. The other one was called Sanga. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vasanga. The other one was called Andega. This is the one who gave birth to the house of the Vandega. The other one was called Kuvera, this is the one who gave birth to the house of Kuvera. The other one was called Amege. This is the one who gave birth and formed the house of Vamege. The other one was called Gisindi, this is the one who gave birth to the house of Vagisindi. The other one was called Salia. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vasalia. The other one was called Tsalalathis is the one who gave birth to the house of Vatsalala. The other one was called Amoyi. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vamoyi. The other one was called Mufwa. This is the one who gave birth to the house of Vamufwa. The other one was called Dindi. This is the one who made the house of Vadindi, this house is also found in Bunyore. The other one was called Gisunda. This is the one who made the house of Vagisunda.

The other one was called Gusihi. This is the one who made the house of Vagusihi. This name belong to the Vagusihi who are in Kisii, they are similar in pronounciation. The other one was called Kitsutsa, this is the one who gave birth to the house of Vakitsitsa. These people had a relation with the Vasaniaga. And the other one was called Mahero. This is the one who gave birth and formed the house of Vamahero. The other one was called Muhevi who made the house of Vamuhevi. Maholia who formed the house of Vamaholia. Gisisi who formed the house of Vagisisi.

The other one was called Itavati who formed the house of Vitavati. The thirty nine houses were of the children and the grandchildren. In most cases a girl is recognized and counted from the house where she got married. This is the reason to why the names of the girls in maragoli are not mentioned or recognized. One of the names that were recognized among girls is Kavogoi. It is praising the girl. The other names for girls in maragoli are Kadesa, Anzemo, Minayo, Afandi, Lumadi, Aseyo, Lumayo, Minyoso, Andeso, Mmbone, Musimbi, Kamonya, Muhonja and more. All the names for the houses were named after the person who formed it.

Sometimes these names were from people who belonged to other sub-tribes and they got married in maragoli. Sometimes these names were used to separate the villages of the people who named them. This person used the sub-tribe of the woman in the village, to separate the child of one woman from the other. We are looking at the age of the maragoli. The age of maragoli since he started staying in western part of Kenya is not recognized.

One of the student called Erick Barker was the officer during the colonial period who were staying in Kenya, wrote in his short stories of History of Nyanza that the maragoli of the present time are between the age of 24 and 25 years. In most cases the father is at the age of 30 years older than the son. From Erick Beckers estimation, it seems like the maragoli arrived and started staying in western part of Kenya between the age of 1235 and 1225. Another writter by the name Gideon Were was a teacher at the Unversity of Nairobi for many years also wrote his book about the history of the Abaluhya of western Kenya also wrote the age of 1598 and 1733; the maragoli, Nyore, Tiriki, Isukha and Idakho stayed in the places where they are staying now the western part of Kenya.

We are counting from the 22 circumcision ceremonies of the maragoli, it seems like between the year of 1240 and 1460 they were staying in maragoli where they are. The elders strengthened this: the older circumcision period was in 1900. During this circumcision people were circumcised while they are mature. In some circumcisions people were circumcised after giving birth to one child, two or three children. In some circumcision a child was circumcised by the father. This is between the age of 20 and 30 and that is between one circumcision period and the other one. The circumcision was known because the elders remembered it, and knew it offhead. If they were forgotten they could take the years behind, even up to the year of 1000, when the maragoli were staying in western part of Kenya. This shows well that Maragoli are people who give birth to many children. And they pray for each other all over the places in Kenya. These days some of the maragoli have migrated to America and Europe.

In 1960 and 1970 most of the maragoli migrated to Uganda and they stay there up to now and others are staying in Zambia, and there are many maragoli who are staying there. There are many maragoli in Tanzania and they pass through Lake Victoria, and they use the Migori, Sirare, Tarime because they are many in Bware, Migori and South Nyanza. There are many maragoli who have migrated to Trans Nzoia Kitale and Uasin Gishu in Rift valley, because they want to look for a shelter because of hunger. Maragoli are also staying in most of the towns in Kenya.

In most cases we follow the number of people in the land of Kenya. The maragoli at the current moment they are the third people in population of Kenya. When the Luhya people unite they can appoint a strong leader, as they say in unity we stand, in disunity we fall. It is like that for the much or the few that I have for the maragoli.