Play time: 01:43 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 26, 2014.

Lwimbo Lwa Mulogooli

Stanley Mugalo

Yilu ni lwimbu lwa vandu vimbanga ni vatsitsa kutaga viukulia mu milimi. Na lwimbwa na avana halala na vakere.

Mama mbe tsimbindi nzie kumitsa*2



Kilavula kitietso ngani inzala yakwita nololi kanyama usietsanga nogonga





Yilu ni lwimbu lwa avana vimba mu madiku ge inzala

Ndiegu atsia kusuma akima mwana

Mwana atsia kusuma akima Ndiegu

Ndiegu vava

Ukalilanga gu

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu

Ndiegu atsia kusuma akima mwana

Mwana atsia kusuma akima Ndiegu

Ndiegu vava

Ukalilanga gu

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu

A maragoli song

This is a song that people were singing when they were going to plant food on the farm. And children together with women sang it.

Mother give me seeds I go to sow*2

I go*3

To sow

Were it not for sowing hunger could have killed us when you see a meat you grind the maize as you dance

I go*3

To sow

I go*3

To sow

This is a song that children sang in the days of hunger.

Ndiegu went to look for food and denied the child

The child went to look for food and denied Ndiegu

Ndiegu now

You are crying

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu

Ndiegu went to look for food and denied the child

The child went to look for food and denied Ndiegu

Ndiegu now

You are crying

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu