Play time: 03:53 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Musakulu Na Mukana

Alice Mugasia

Kale muno kwali ho nu musakulu nu mukere weve vamenya halala. Vamanya nivajaliwa nivanyola mwana mukana. Ni vasominya mwana wavo oyo ndio nasoma namala isukulu. Nanyola musakulu navaila ku. Lwa yatsia namenya wanga musatsa weve madiku manyinge navola "sasa lelo nyenya nzie ku kuvaya yengo." Musakulu weve namuvolela "aye, tatsia dave, ndahulila baba wovo na mama wovo vagwa manani." Mukana oyo nagaya tsa paga nzie kolola vivuli vange. Yamanya avuguli vana niyiluka natsia sasa wavo. Yali na avana vavili; mulala indanya. Lwa yaduka yo sasa nagona yo navaku yo yamanya navugula endoho natsia amatsi. Lwa yatsia amatsi niyatsa nanyola mwaneve akuba tsa tsikwili alrira tsa vudinyu. Nateva "aye mama, mwanange yali ndi alila tsa ndio?" Namuvolela "awa, alila tsa mwene." Mukana oyo achiling'ana kandi yatsia yagaruka mu kidaho yatsia yaleta amatsia yanyola tsa mwana bado alila. Yamuteva "aye, mama kindiki chekileka ku mwana wange?" Mukana oyo yamanya natula amatsia natsia navugula mwana weve. Lwa yavugula mwana weve nagora ku nanyola mam weve aguguni mwana arumi videte yivi, anyanyi arumarumi videte. Mukana oyo yamanya naganagana navola "wa, kumbe musakulu wange yavola giligali." Ma sasa natanga lihenda mwoyo. Yamanya navugula avana veve yavoha mulala ku mugongo na undi yavika hambili ma yanina ku musala. Lwa yanina ku musala vamuhenza vahenza vagotwa atsiri hayi. Naye yatanga kwimba:

Olomi yangaya ku*2

Mama wovo yagwa gunani

Baba wovo yagwa gunani

Tsimbwa tsialumi tsindulu

Olomi weeeee egengele

Yahulitsa yahulitsa na vivuli veve ku vamuhenza. Sasa lwa vamanya vahenza vahula anini ku musala yimbila ku musala ihale, mukere yamanya navugula imbatsi niyatsa natanga kotemaga musala yigwo ndio. Natema na mukana yimba tsa

Olomi yangaya ku*2

Mama wovo yagwa gunani

Baba wovo yagwa gunani

Tsimbwa tsialumi tsindulu

Olomi weeee egengele

Olomi na hurila kwa umbali navola "ah, ula sa aveye mukere wange, si ndamugaya ku. Nahulitsa yimbila hayi na yavo ku vatema musala. Natanga lyimba tsa kandi.

Olomi yangaya ku*2

Mama wovo yagwa gunani

Baba wovo yagwa gunani

Tsimbwa tsialumi tsindulu

Olomi weeeee egengele

Olomi navungitsa tsimbwa tsitsie tsinyinge ma niyatsa nanyola musala goveye shimbe kugaduka. Lwi tsimbwa tsiamanya tsilola musakulu oyo nu mukere oyo tsiamanya tsironde ku tsimbilu na mukana oyo ni yika vwangu vwangu musakuru weve namuvugula ni vatsia naye yengo. Ha luhela yaho ndio.

A man and a girl

Long time ago we had a man who had his wife and they stayed together. They were lucky to get a girl. They educated their child and she finished school and got married to a man. When she stayed at her husband's place for a while, there came a time and she said that she wanted to go and visit her parents back home. The husband told her "do not go, I have heard that your father and mother are ogres" the girl refused and said that she has to go and visit her parents. She took children and ran away with them to her parent's home. She had two children one was still very young. When she arrived there she spent one night and the following day in the morning she took a bucket and went to the river to fetch water. When she came back from the river she found her child screaming. She asked her mother why her child was crying like that. The mother said that the child was just crying.

The girl kept quiet then she went to the river and when she returned home she found the child still crying. She asked her mother "what is happening to my child?" the girl kept the bucket of water down and she went and took her child. When she looked keenly on her child she realized that the mother had bitten the fingers of her child. The girl thought for a while and she said to her self "it true my husband was telling me the truth" she started getting worried. She took her children and carried one on her back and the other one she carried her in her arms then she climbed on a tree. People didn't know where she was, and they wondered where she had gone and she started singing:

Olomi warned me*2

Your mother has turned into an ogre

Your father has turned into an ogre

The dogs have bitten harshly

Olomi weeeee bell

She listened keenly, then her parents looked for her. When the looked they saw her on a tree, the mother took an axe and she started to cut the tree. She continued to cut as the girl sang:

Olomi warned me*2

Your mother has turned into an ogre

Your father has turned into an ogre

The dogs have bitten harshly

Olomi weeeee bell

Olomi heard from far and said "ah! She is my wife, I warned her" he listened keenly where she was singing from and the mother continued to cut the tree, and she sang:

Olomi warned me*2

Your mother has turned into an ogre

Your father has turned into an ogre

The dogs have bitten harshly

Olomi weeeee bell

Olomi gathered his dogs, and came with them; he found that the tree was near to fall. When the dog saw the old man and the woman, they started chasing them. And the girl came down very fast and the husband accepted her and they went home. Then it ends there.