Play time: 07:01 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Mukeele Yayanza Manyonyi

Sarah Nyamera

Kwali ho nu mukere mulala yali yayanza manyonyi. Lidiku lilala yatula mmba natsia ichova nanyola manyonyi gitsuyi ichova manyinge ma natanga ku gimbila ndi:

Kanyonyi ki inzala*2

Vugula livaha

Wiluki utsie ihale

Kase ulitwa*2

Kandi lidiku lialonda ku lwa yatula ichova lwa yatula ichova nanyola tonyonyi twene yitwo bado tutsi ho vutsa. Kandi natwimbila:

Kanyonyi ki inzala*2

Vugula livaha

Wiluki utsie ihale

Kase ulitwa*2

MUkere mwene oyo yamanya naduka havundu navola "ndamenya nindimbila tonyonyi yitu, lelo lidiku linu lilala paga likutsi ku." Yamanya nahenza natsia natega kanyonyi kala na kanyonyi kingila nagimila. Lwa yagimila kanyonyi kene yako nashila mmba navola kalunu amanya asinzi kanyonyi yako ndio. Ku lwayali niyetegeka kukasinza, kanyonyi kene yako lwa kalola mukere yenya kukasinza, nako nikatanga kwimbila mukere mwene ula. Kanyonyi kene yako kimba:

Sinza vulahi*2

Mukere sinza vulahi

Sinza vulahi mukere

Kasikili ka ndu*2

Kahevwa kandi kakola dumbe kasikili*2

Mukere mwene oyo yamanya nachiling'ana nahulitsa nakola "eh, kanyonyi tsana kakanzimbila." Namala kukasinza na lwayamala natanga kolomba inyingu yeye navola akate ku mahiga. Lwa yali natetsa ku mahiga kandi kanyonyi katanga kwimba

Ndeka vulahi*2

Mukere ndeka vulahi

Ndeka vulahi mukere

Kasikili ka ndu*2

Kahevwa kandi kakola dumbe kasikili*2

Mukere yagenya ni lwimbu lwene yilwo navola "kali kimbi lidiku lia kalunu paga ngadeke nyanye." Mukere yadeka kanyonyi kene yako nalunga vulahi nakadugila nalomba na lwa yali yihulanga ku yelombe aluge vuchima kandi kanyonyi kene yako kamwimbila.

Nzihula vulahi*2

Mukere nzihula vulahi

Nzihula vulahi mukere

Kasikili ka ndu*2

Kahevwa kandi kakola dumbe kasikili*2

Mukere yamanya niyihula natengeka kanyonyi keke yako ma neyelomba natanga kolomba vuchima vwivwe, naluga vuchima niyihula na lwa yihula vuchima vwivwe navika yaho ndio; navugula kibiraoni natanga kwinura kanyonyi keke munyingo. Lwa yali yinuranga kandi katanga ku mwimbila:

Nzinula vulahi*2

Mukere nzinula vulahi

Nzinula vulahi mukere

Kasikili ka ndu*2

Kahevwa kandi kakola dumbe kasikili*2

Mukere yamanya niyinula natanga kukalia. Lwa yali nakalitsanga nalagila vuchima vwivwe na kanyonyi kene yaka kandi katanga ku mwimbila:

Nyanya vulahi*2

Mukere nyanya vulahi

Nyanya vulahi mukere

Kasikili ka ndu*2

Kahevwa kandi kakola dumbe kasikili*2

Mukere yamanya natanga kulagila vuchima vwivwe na lwa yaduka havundu nayola inda kuli iviti ku muvili. Ma natanga kweteva "aye, kanyonyi kanditsanji kalange kanyonyi kafwana ndi?" Ma mukere natanga kukuba kivi, nakuba kivi naduka havundu na aveye mmba weng'ine. Natanaga kovola "aye, nyanyi kanyonyi kandi navutsa kafwana ka vandu valitsa kweli?" Yevola tsa mwene kijira si yali ku nu mundu shimbe wa anyala kumuhulitsila ku dave. Ma mukere mwene oyo yava mmba yimwo nakubila mu kivi vudiku vwosi, niyoya tsa mmba na lwa vwachia asubuyi mutende lwa yatsa mu niyigulitsa ku muliango. Nalanga "paya, ukere avetsa mmba yimu kindiki chekoleka?" Mukere avetsa hasi. MUkere navolela tsa hasi "mbeye mu navutsa inda yangi iveye vulahi dave." Ma mukere undi oyo niyingila mu namuvola ka iguli koye muliango. Lwa yigula tsa muliango niyingila nanyola mukere oyo aveye tsa mmba, yilukiyi yinyalaliyi na natevana "aye, kindiki kidamanu?" Na mukere oyo namuvolela "mugolova kanyonyi katsi yaha ma inze ndatega kanyonyi kene yako. Ku lwandeji nendeka na lio kogenyia kanyonyi kene yako kanzimbilanji; nendeka kimba, ninzihula kimba, ninzinura kimba, ninzia kulia kalimba. Lelo ku lwa maliyi kulia inda ilavita ku muvili. Lwa inda iviti ku muvili ma vulagwa vulwaye." Ma mukere oyo namuvola "yive ufwananji ulitsanji linyonyi lia vandu vatalitsa." Ma mukere oyo namuvola "gafwana ga giligale anoho gu." Na oyo namuvolela "hii, ni ga giligale." Ma kutula lwene lula mukere ula yamanya navola "kutula kalunu kali manyonyi gimbi, kali ganzimbili lwimbu nyala kulia ku dave, afadhali mbuguli inyonyi livetsa lia kawaida ni liveye likulu; ndumikili likulu kuvititsa manyonyi gandi gandamanyi. Lugano lwange luheli hene yaho.

A woman who liked birds

We had one woman who liked birds. One day she left and went outside and found that many birds were there. And she began singing to them like this:

A hungry bird*2

Take a feather

You run away very far

In most cases you will be killed*2

The following day when she went out, she found those birds had come and they were there. She sang to them:

A hungry bird*2

Take a feather

You run away very far

In most cases you will be killed*2

That woman reached to a point and said, "will I live to sing for these birds, this day one of them has to die" she went and trapped that bird and the bird got into the trap and she caught it. When she caught it she went with it to her house and she said that she was going to kill it on that day. Now when she was preparing to kill it when the bird saw that she was preparing to kill it the bird began singing for that woman and it was singing like this:

Slaughter well*2

Woman slaughter me well

Woman slaughter me well

It is still small*2

It was given then it did it is still*2

That woman was silent then she listened and said, "eh, the bird has sung for me" I will finish slaughtering it. After that she prepared her pot, and she said that she wants to keep it on the fire. When she was keeping it on fire, the bird began to sing:

Cook me well*2

Woman cook me well

Cook me well woman

It is still small*2

It was given then it did it is still*2

The woman wondered with the song and she said, even if it sings on that day, she has to cook and eat it. The woman cooked that bird, she prepared it well, and when she was removing it from the fire, so that she can prepare baked maize flour, the bird sang for her:

Remove me well*2

Woman Remove me well

Remove me well woman

It is still small*2

It was given then it did it is still*2

The woman removed it from fire then she kept it aside then she prepared baked maize flour. She prepared it and removed it from the fire then she kept it aside. She took a plate and began to serve her bird from the pot, while she was serving it, it began to sing to her:

Serve me well*2

Woman serves me well

Serve me well woman

It is still small*2

It was given then it did it is still*2

The woman served and she began eating it. When she had started to eat it the bird began to sing to her:

Eat me well*2

Woman eat me well

Eat me well woman

It is still small*2

It was given then it did it is still*2

The woman began eating her baked maize flour, and she got to a point where she realized that she had overfed. Then she began asking herself "is it the bird that I ate, how does it look like?" the woman was in trouble and she was in the house alone. She began saying, "I have eaten a certain bird, but does it look like the one that people normally eat?" she talked to herself because she didn't have someone who could listen to her. That woman was in that house, having trouble the whole night. In the morning the neighbor came and knocked the door. She asked, "What has happened to the woman who stays in this house?" the woman was still on the floor. The woman was just saying "I am inside but my stomach is not good" she asked her to open the door and when she opened the door, she found her down on the floor, she had peed to herself and she asked her "what is wrong?" and the woman told her "yesterday a bird came here and I trapped it now when I was cooking it the most surprising thing is that the bird was singing to me, when I cook it sang, when I removed it from the fire it sang, when I served it sang now when I finished eating it the stomach was full, then I became sick " the woman told her that it seems like she had eaten a bird that people do not eat. Then she said "it seems like its true" and the neighbor replied "yes it is true" from that time the woman said that even if the birds sing to her a song she will never eat them, it is better to take a normal bird if it is old. She use it when it is old than other birds that she knows. My story has ended there.