Play time: 04:15 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Mukeele Yadeka Inyama

Difena Aseyo

Kwali nu mukere. Mukere mwene oyo yava udechi inyama ma navolela mwana weve, "tsia wariki." Mukana natsia niyarika nivaruga vuchima. Vuchima vwene yivwo mukere lwa yatsia atsie kutulitsa inyama ya hirungu alete vana valagili yamanya naduka ho nanyola inyama yiyi ivemu dave. Mundu unyanyi. Mukere oyo nakola tsa "eeh, inze nzarikanji vuchima muragiri inyama iveye mu nyoye muliyi." Lwa yatevanga "vwaha unyanyi inyama munyingu?" "Inze da" Vosi vagaya "inze da" Mukere oyo chayamanya nakola yavugula mugoye nahila hamatsi gaveye na amatsi gene yago gali gatsia musi sana; valanga havundu hene yaho mu lliva. Mukana wu kutanga yatsia ku mugoye natsia kwinuya ku. Yimba lwimbu navola:

Mama sung'usa mugoye nine woi nine*2

Mugoye si gwinuya mba, ,

Oh oh na kanani yangada*2

Kandi mukana undi natsia yikala ku mugoye yigwo. kandi natanga kwimba:

Mama sung'usa mugoye nine woi nine*2

Mugoye si gwinuya mba, ,

Oh oh na kanani yangada*2

Vakana vene yavo lwa vimba ndio vamanya vaduka ku mukana wu kumalitsa ma mukana oyo natanga kung'ung'una; mang'ana gatula munwa dave. Vamuvolela "aye, wimba vulahi mba. Yimba vulahi kuli vandi vakimbanga." Ma mukana oyo natanga kulila. Lwa yalila navola:

Mama sung'usa mugoye nine woi nine*2

Mugoye si gwinuya mba, ,

Oh oh na kanani yangada*2

Vamiuvolela "aye, yive wimbi kuli vandi mba." Lwa mugoye yigwo gwatsia ni gwinuya mukana oyo yamanya nagwa mmatsi. lwa yagwa mmatsi vamuleka mu vavola "mundu unyanyi inyama ni oyo, kuduchi ku mundu wa kwiva. Lwa kwambakani vosi kololekanji kwivi inyama dave." Vamanya vamuleka mmatsi mula kijira mundu mwivi niyivi genyekananga oheye vandi inzala vandi vavuli kulia dave ye unyanyi weng'ine. Ku gakumanyia mwana na aveye mwivi mmba mwana mwene oyo mulola kindu cha mumubimila ku kijira avetsanga naheye vandi inzala. kaduchi hene yaho ndio.

When a woman cooked meat

We had a woman and this woman had cooked meat. Then she asked her child to go and prepare baked maize flour. The girl went and prepared baked maize flour. When the woman went to check on the meat, and bring it on the table for the children to eat. She found that it wasn't there. Someone had eaten it. The woman said "eeh, I prepared baked maize flour, for you to eat with meat and I have found you have eaten" when she asked who ate it, all of them denied. What the woman did is that she took a rope near water. The water was so deep, they call that place "lliva" the first girl went to the rope to swing, as she sang saying:

Mother shake the rope I climb woi! I climb*2

The rope didn't shake,

Oh oh! ogre cheated me*2

Another girl went and sat on that rope, and she began to sing:

Mother shake the rope I climb woi! I climb*2

The rope didn't shake,

Oh oh! ogre cheated me*2

The girls sang like that until it was the turn for the last girl, and she began to mumble, words were not coming out of her mouth. They told her "you are not singing well. Sing well the way others have been singing" and the girl began to cry. She cried as she said:

Mother shake the rope I climb woi! I climb*2

The rope didn't shake,

Oh oh! ogre cheated me*2

They told her that she didn't sing like the others, the rope shake and the girl fell inside the water. When she fell inside the water they left her and said, that someone who has eaten the meat is that one. "We have met the thief, when we denied we seemed that we had not stolen the meat" they left her drown in water because she had stolen the meat causing others not eat and stay hungry, while he ate it alone. It teaches us that if a child is a thief you find something to for tracking him/her because he/she has caused others to stay hungry. They have reached there.