Play time: 35:07 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Litula lya mulogooli

Henry Nyareso

Inze lyita ni Henry Nyaleso Munangwe na nyenya kuvoola makuva anoho tsingano tsimanyianga wa vandu vitu va kale (Mulogoli) vatura.

Valoogoli lwa vatsa mu Kenya ni valuha ni valomba vomenyo vwavo mu kenya ye Imadioli; kavolekana vatulila lovega lwi Ivuganda. Lwa valogoli yava vatulila ni valuha ni vaduka mu vuganda si yamanyikana vulahi mba. Navutsa kavooleka ndi valogoli vali ku anoho vavitira ku mu Zaire, Rwanda na Burundi. Mu tsingendo tsiavo valoonda ku mugera gwa Nile. Kandi vavita ku mu changalangwe kenene.

Lilonda ku mugera gwa Nile ni livita mu changalangwe.

Galoleka vatulila lovega lwa Ivale wa Afrika. Lyita lya ise anoho guga wa valogoli va kale virahilanga ni lyita Andimi. Na mwima gwu mulogoli kwirahila anoho kwisuha ni lyita lya ise anoho guga, nya anoho guku weve wakutsa nu mwima gwa mulogoli. Kijira ilyirahila ni lyita Andimi yali mundu kuli ise anoho guga wa valogoli anoho mundu wali nu vwiko vwa shimbe ku valogoli. Vanyinge vadinyilitsa Andimi kuva ise anoho guga wa valogoli. Mu manga'na ga kale valogoli vamanya itsingano tsia mang'ana tsiafanana na mang'ana malala gahandikwa mu kitabu kitakatifu ku vahebraina anoho ku Vaisiraheli migitsu gi tsidini tsimbya tsyi ki kikristayo ni gakikiri kuduka ku vo. Mu vikevo vya mulogoli vihindila shirini na ine vyatanga ku kijedi kikee kwilana inyuma kuduka ku kwekoya valogoli va kale viimbanga mu vyo lwimbu lwi idumi yavo nivatara "Adamu ni dada wanzivula. Yambida vwuki vulugu." Kuvida vwuki vulugu ni kuhana vugasu ni ingavi ndahi. Valogoli vali nu lugano lwa kale lwu mundu yatsia kutimula mulimi gwigwe ma niyunuka kutsia yengo. Lwayilana hamulimi nivwakachia kutsitsagilila ni litimula yanyoola vutimuli vwayaleka ni vwilani kwililitsa (vutimuli ni vumeli mu). Ngani kanyonyi kaatsa havutimuli tsana naye niyakiinuka ma nikavoola mundu utimulanga mulimi gwa dada uyu ni vwaha gu? Mulimi gwa dada yililitsa. Mulimi tsana gwamanya ni gwililitsa. Umundu uyu yatega kanyonyi tsana ma nakagumira. kanyonyi yako kamwanira nikavoola; "utanzita mba, ndeka ndakuha ku vwuki uvulugu vwa dada. Kanyonyi yako kamanya nikateera vwuki vulugu ku mukono jyu mundu oyo ma nakomba nanyoola vwali vulahi ligali. Mundu oyo yavika kanyonyi tsana hango hehe ni kavetsaanga nikavahetsanga vwuki vulugu. Lidiku lilala lwu mwana wu mundu uyu yavugula kanyonyi yaka kaheku avaana vachie vwuki kamanya ni kaburuka. Mwana oyo yalonda ku kanyonyi tsana mbula akagumira ni kivula. Ma naluha nagota naloondanga ku kanyonyi kania vwuki. Mwana uyu yaluha naduka mu kivara kenene nanyoola nanyoola mukere atenya tsingu. Mukere oyo yavugula mwana wali nagoti nambisa mu tsingu namuvohera mu namuhira yengo weve kutsia kwahira avaana veve mitugu. Mwana muyayi uyu yavisangwa iringu kijira avaana va mukeere vayatsia kwahira vali manani. Lugano lwu mwana mwai uyu lufwananywa na mang'ana gaveye mu lilaga likulu li kitabu kitakatifu ga yosefwa wa Yakobo yagulitsilwa kutura mu kivala chavo nu kuhilwa mu kivala cha egebeti. Mwana uyu yasamulitsanga mitugu, atsia kwaya ihale ma kandi yilanyia hango. Yakola ndio tsinyinga tsinyinge na nalia vandu va yahilanga lwayaye kuduka naluha nalanyia mitugo jia yasamulitsa kutsia kwaya ni yivisa nu kwiluka kuhira yengo wavo wa yatura. Na aveye kologendo ni mitugo jiayalanya tsana vasigu vamutulila kumunyaga ku mitugu tsana. Yamanya yimbi ulwimbu.

Igirichi yange kumula, igiriki yange vamanyie waduka*2

Ma igirichi yakumula ma maharambe gatulila vasigu yava kuvalasa ma niviluka. Mukere undi walola mwana mwayi niyilukanga ni mitugu jiayalanya yimba ndi:

Umwayi winyu wu mwaleta asendanga mbuli na ng'ombe vusi*2

Lwa manani gahulila ulwimbu yilu gamanya mwana mwayi wiluchi ni mitugo. Galondelela ma nigaduka ku nyanza ya yali niyambuchi. Lwu mwana mwayi yavalola naveye ku lwangereka lundi yavolela amatsi gi inyanza, "amatsi ga dada gavukana malala gatsie Ivumagu na gandi gatsie ivudada." Amatsi gavukana hagati. Na lwa manani gali nigambuka ni gaduchi hagati; "mwana yavoola, amatsi ga dada, yililitsa." Lwa amatsi gililitsa gamara manani tsana. Mwana mwayi uyu yatsia na luha naduka yengo wavo wa yali niyatula kale. Lugano yilu lufwananywa na mang'ana ga Musa yatulitsa avahebrania egebeti kuvilanyia kanani. Valogoli vamanya amang'ana gu lugano yilu kale. Amigitsu gi tsidini tsyi kikristayo ni gakikiri kujduka ku vo. Lugano lwadinyilitsa ilovoola lya valogoli ndi: guga wa kale wa valogoli yali nu vwiyangu vwu kuvuganaku na vandu vamanya amang'ana ga vahebraina vatulila egebeti anoho yamenyanga ku muvivala kuli egebeti anoho ethopia wa yahulilila amang'ana yaga ganga yosefwa na Musa. Mu tsingano tsia valogli tsia kale, amanani ni lyita lyatumika ku vandu vi vivala vindi vigeni. Valogoli vavula kumanya kijira amanani tsana gamolomanga kandi gavugulanga vakana va vandu kuva vakali vavo. Lwa valogoli vali ni vakili ivuganda, vamenyaa yo halala na vaganda, vasoga, vanyoro, vagusi, vanyole. Mu livola lya vaologoli va kale, vwiko vwavo na vagusi vwali vwa shimbe kuli vumwavo anoho vusuiala. Lwa valogoli vaduka mu kenya yi imadili vanyola kivala ni kiveye chere. Chali iligenda nyama vutsa. Itsinyama tsindala tsia valogoli valola lwa vaatsa tsiali tsinzogu, tsinyamanyama, tsimbongo, iving'ang'a, tsimbogo ni tsinde tsinyinge. Valogoli vandi valola mukenya yi imadiolu vandu vimbigidi kuvita vwimbi vwu mundu wa kase. Vandu yava valangwa ngwe na vandi vavalanga vandolovo. Vandu vimbe yava si vayanza kwisunda shimbe wa valogoli vali dave, vayanza kumenya vengine mu mulitu. Lwa valogoli vadika kutura bonyolo vatsia komenya halala na vagusi na vasoga havalanganga kale Imujinga. Yaha niho halangangwa kalunu Jinja. Valogoli na vagusi vamanya ni vadika kandi kutura Jinja ni valeka avasoga ni vatsitsagila komenya hajinja. Lwa vali mu mato gavo mu nyanza yi Kisumiru yene yavalanga Victoria ashimbe ha kisuru cha Rusinga, imbutsa yavahutsilanyia kuvahila yila ni yiyi ma niivavukanyia kutsia mu tsimbega lugano lugano. Avagusi vatsia ingereka wa vagusi vamenyi kuduka lelo. Vatangila vomenyo vwavo shimbe ku kiguru chi ikarachonyo yiki. Yiki nicho chavolwa kuva ichanyi chu kutanga cha vagusi lovega lwi inyanza yi sivaru. Nivakambuka kutula mu nyanza ya Victoria avalogoli vatsia ni valomba vomenyo vwavo vwu kutanga Iseme (eveye mbujaluo). Valogoli ku lwangereka lulala na vagusi ku lwangeleka lundi.

Vafwananga mililu ku viguru vyali ku shimbe na lwi miochi jiavuyanga ni jitsia mbwerefu vamanyilaku avi tsimbega tsiosi vaveye mwoyo. Valogoli vadika kandi kutura mu vianyi vya vali ni vumbaka Iseme ni vatsia kutanga vomenyo vushia harangwa kalunu Maseno. Lwatsana musala gwali ho munene nu mugumaru gwalangwa Umuseno. Lyita maseno lyatula ku lyita Umuseno lya valogoli vagulika hatsana. Maseno havalika kuli chanyi cha kavili ku valogoli mu kenya yi Imadioli. Valogoli visunda kandi imbili ni vatsia koromba vomenyo mu chanyi kishia havamanya nivagulika lyita hakitsava. Yiki ni chanyi cha kavaga shimbe harangwa kalunu Kima. Gavooleka yaha niho ha Kaliesa mkele wa mulogoli yakutsira. kaliesa yatarika kuva mukali munene wa mulogoli anoho mundu wali mwimili mu muganda gwa valogoli. Vadikanga kutura havalange ni vamenyi kutsia kwenya vomenyo vushia vatsitsaanga lovega lwi ivugwi anoho Ivale. Havigulu viveye shimbe haliamagale niho ha valogoli vadikila lwu kumalilika. Yiki chali chanyi chavo kekola kanne mu kenya yi Imadioli. Yaha niho valogoli vidikanyia vumenyo vwavo. Kandi niho havamanya ni valomba engoma yavo (iligono) ma niharangwa mungoma. Valogoli vahenza ivugwi ni imadioli ni valola kivala ni cho vomenyo vulahi. Chali ni imbula indahi kandi muvasu mulahi. Valola mu cho uvulimu vwa mavombola, visala vya masaze, tsimbinu, viloka, tsinzuvu ni vindi ma nivamanyiraku malova kandi na malahi. Mulogoli anoho mundu yali mundu mwimili wu muganda gwa valogoli yigu yaduka mu chanyi cha kanne yiki ni yamala kugwa musakulu. Mu chanyi yiki nimwo mwa yakutsira. Yaha niho hamanya harangwa Mwigono lya mulogoli. Yaha niho hovomenyo vwa valogoli vosi vwatura ni vulanda kuduka Ivologoli ni Ivale ni Isavaru, ivugwe, imadioli na handi hosi. Mu liganaganyia Andimi waganaganangwa kuva ise anoho guga wa valogoli yakutsira mbuganda mu losoma lwa Bunyoro. Mu liva kuli yili, gamanyianga ndi vandu anoho avaana valala valomba tsihiri anoho tsinyumba tsia mulogoli vivulwa Bunyoro, Busoga, Seme, Maseno, na vand Ikitsava. Na vandi kutanga mwigono kuduka ivulogoli wosi. Kaliesa yatalika kuva mulala ku vamama va avaana va mulogoli. Si gamanyikana kijira amita ga vakali vandi ni gavula kumanyikana mba. Handi mu inyinga yeye Kaliesa yali kuli mukali munene anoho mukali mukaye. Kuli valusha vandi nu mwima gwa valogoli kuhalika. Mundu niyalange na vakali vanyinge waletwa kutanga ku vo yalange munene anoho muhindila ku vakali vandi. Munzira yindi mulala ku vakali vanyinge yava yagohangwa mukali mukaye. Mukali mukaye yalange mwangu kumanya lienya lyu musatsa weve. Mwami mwene mugitsi anoho lidara niyalange ni inzara mukali mukaye niye wanguhanga kumanya ma alomba vyukulia amuha. Umwami niyaalange mulwaye, mukali mukaye niye yanguhanga kumanya ma atsia kwenya avahi vi tsinyasi. Umwami niyaalange na vageni, mukali mukaye niye yanguhanga kuvalombela vyukulia. Mulkali mukaye siyakolanga tsisiga kuli vakali vandi dave. Mukali wu lugano yilu yamanya ayanzwa kuvita vakali vandi. Mwami wu mugitsi yagavulanga vindu yahanangwa vinene mu nyumba yu mukali mukaye kuvita mu tsinyumba tsinde. Vakali vandi navo vamanyanga vakendekela nu kusinyikila mukali mukaye. Mugeni ni yatsanga hango hu muharichi uyu ma ateve wu mwami mwene lidara aveye, mulala ku mukali vasinyika yamanyanga ativura, "hosi, si ukatsia uteve umukaye weve reve." Mu litanga ling'ana mukaye liatumika kuli ekesero kovola mukali wakaya musatsa wavo. Kivuni chu vukaye anoho kuva mukali munene chajira lyita lya Kaliesa ni limanyikana na mita ga vakali vandi ni gavula kumanyikana. Mu lvivala vindi mita ga vakali sigamanyikana ligali ku vandu mba. Mukali amanyikana kuli mka reve. Gamanyika gaveye ndi vakali vivula vandu anoho avaana vosi valomba tsihiri anoho tsinyumba tsia valogoli vali vanyinge. Mulingila lya valogoli ni litanga lyavo kumenya mu kenya yi imadioli valondekananga virenge na vanyole. Vakulundu valogoli vadinyilitsa ndi valogoli na vanyole vali nu vwiko va shimbe kuli uvusiala. lwa valogoli vang'anyanga kutula mu vyanyi Iseme, Imuseno ni Ikitsava, avatsaa kuingila mu vyo vali vanyore. Vanyore vatangila vumenyo vwavo mu kenya yi Imadioli harangwa kalunu Kisumu. Inyima wanigira kutsia Iseme, Maseno, Kima nu kuduka ivunyore wosi wa vaveye na kalunu. Lilondekana yili liakola valogoli na vanyore vagwa vatende mu limenya liavo. Amang'ana malala go lologoli na go lugusi gafwanana mu lilanga lya go. Ma kandi mu liivala lyi vivune lya go. Kali mima milala jya vagusi na valogoli va kale jiafanana. Vakulundu valogoli vavoola kandi ndi mu vosolo vwa kale noho mahe ga kale valogoli na visuka ni vamanyananga si vitana dave. Tsiveye ho tsinyumba tsindala tsiali tsia valogoli kuli vayonga na vatemburi tsiveye ku kandi isukha tsirangwa vayokha na varimburi. Tsihiri tsinde tsiveye ku ivulogoli tsiveye ku kandi ivunyore. Vandu vahananga tsinganagani tsiavo lugano lugano tsiu kwivara kuli lyita mulogoli anoho avalogoli lyatanga. Valala vavoola lyita lyu mundu wivula avalogoli yalangwa mulogoli navutswa tsinganagani yizi si tsiadinyilitswa mba. Tsinganagani tsiadinyilitswa ni tsivoola lyita mulogoli liarangikila kutanga Bunyoro. Valogoli ni vamenyi Bunyoro vamanyikana kijira iliyanza lya mima jiavo ni liyanzila lyavo jyi mima jyi idini anoho vunyasaye. Mu liiva yili vandu va Bunyoro vavagulika lyita kuli lyu kwagika vutsa anoho lye keseyo: abalokole. Ling'ana abalokole mu lunyoro livoolanga valogoli avahonywa. Lwa valogoli vatura bunyoro ni vavita uganda kutsia busoga vali ni vaveyey vandu vanyinge. Ligina lyi luanda lyi chinika cha amatsi gateremanga ku liveye havundu mu Bunyoro havavoleka abalokole visaava ni vatsitsaanga ko logendo. Livoola lya bunyoro kuduka na kalunu liveye ndi: kutura avandu vavo abalokole ni visava ku luanda tsana ma nivatsia ko logendo lwavo vakikiri kwilana Bunyoro. Lyita abalokole ni lyo lia lyita avalogoli liatula ku. Liva kuli uyili lidinyilitsanga livoola ndi valogoli vadika kutura Bunyoto kustia busoga, kutsia mu kenya yi imadioli vali vanyunge. Ilisalisa lyu mulogoli kutura kale lialange ndi: vandu vivulane valombe lwalo mu kivala. Nuhiga guve mulahi, imbula yu lulweelela ikubi, vitagwa mu milimi vimere, viviruki nu kwama vulahi kandi iligesa live lilahi. Ivyukulia vive vinyinge mu kivala ma kandi mitugo jya valogoli jiivulane jiare kandi kuduka na kalunu lyegomba lya valogoli livetsanga ndi ni vulahi kuva nu lwalo nu kudaka vulimu anoho mulimi kijira valoombanga lwalo nivo vamanyanga vatsia kotema ugwi vwo vomenyo.

Nindio valogoli vagenda mu mbwimbe kuduka havaranga mu ngoma na litsitsagila lyu mulogoli kogenda anoho kuranda likikiri ho. Yago nago mimbe gandali nenombi ku lidiku lya kalunu.

The origin of Maragooli

My name is Henry Nyareso Munangwe and I want to give stories that shows where our people originated from.

When maragooli came to Kenya they made their living from a place called Imadioli; it is said that that they entered Kenya from Uganda. When these maragooli came through Uganda they were not well recognized. It is said that the maragooli passed through Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi. On their way they passed through River Nile. And they went through a huge desert.

They passed through River Nile and went through the desert.

It seems like they came from western part of Africa. The name of the father for the maragooli was called Andimi. They had a culture of swearing in the name of their father(Andimi) their grandparents died with this culture. Andimi was like the father or the grandfather or even someone who was at close relation with the Maragooli. Most of the people made him their father or grandfather in maragooli. Long time ago the maragooli used to know the proverbs according to the word that was written in the book of Hebrews, or Israelites and the teachings on tongues of christ, before it reached to them.

On the maragooli circumcision the twenty four that are old they used to sing saying that Adam was the one who gave birth to them, and gave them honey. To give honey and give blessing is a good luck. They had a story about someone who went to dig his farm when he finished he went home. When he returned to the farm the following morning he found the land had turned to the way it was. A bird came to where he was and asked who is this person digging the land of the father? The land that the father made it get to it's original state. The land got into the shape that it was initially. This person hunted the bird. The bird pleaded with him not kill her, instead she will give her some honey from the father. The bird poured some honey on the hands of this person and he tasted and found that it was sweet. This person kept the bird in his home as it gave honey to his family.

One day when the child of this person took the bird to share the honey with others, she flew away. The child followed the bird inorder to catch her but she didn't manage. She got lost while she was following the bird, and she gave out the honey. This child got into a beatiful land, and found a woman looking for firewood. This woman took the child that was lost and she wrapped her in the firewood and took her to her home, to look after her cows. This boy was hidden in because there were ogres. This story is related to the story of Joseph the son of Jacob in the bible. Who was sold from their land to the land of Egypt.

This child used to work on the cows, he used to take them far, for grazing then he returns them back home. He used to do that most of the time, and he ate the people that he met there, he ate the woman who was the owner of the cows and he ran away and took the cows to the home where he came from. While on the way, the enemies attacked him to take away the cows, he sang this song:

My bull is mowing, they have shown me where my bull reached*2

When the bull mowed, wasps came and chased away the enemies, who ran away. Another woman who saw the boy running away with the cows sang like this:

The cowboy that you brought is moving away with the cow*2

When the ogres heard the song they knew that the boy had ran away with the cows. They followed him and reached near the lake that he had crossed. When the boy saw them from the other side of the lake he said, "the water of father separate into two ways, one to move to the mother and the other one to the father" the water divided in the middle. When the ogres were crossing at the middle, the boy said "the water of father join together" when the water came together it drowned the ogres. The boy went and arrived at the home where he was coming from.

This story is similar to the story of Moses when he saved the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan.the maragooli knew the meaning of this story long time ago. Before the christian teachings came in to them. This story was emphasizing on the maragooli saying that the grandfather of maragooli had the opportunity to meet with the hebrews, who came from Egypt or Ethiopia, where he heard the stories of Joseph and Moses. In maragooli stories the ogres is term that was used to refer to people from other world. The maragooli were not able to understand the reason to why the ogres were speaking, and taking the girls to be their wives.

When the maragooli were still in Uganda, they stayed with Baganda, Basoga, Banyoro, Bagusi and the Banyore. In the maragoli saying their relation with the Bagusi was so close, like a brother. When the maragoli arrived in kenya they found the place was dry. There were animals that were walking, one of the animals that they saw was elephant, antelopes, wild dogs and other animals. Some of the maragooli saw very dwarf people than the normal one on one side of Kenya. These people were called Ngwe and people were calling them Ndorobo. These dwarf people didn't like to move close to the Maragooli people. They liked staying alone in the forest. When the maragooli left Bunyoro to go and stay with the Bagusi and Basoga at a place called Imujinga, this is the place that is known as Jinja in the present time. The maragooli migrated from Jinja and left the Basoga and continued to stay in Jinja.

When they were on the boat at lake Victoria near Rusinga, a wind blew them away into different directions and they seperated ways. The Bagusi went to the side where they are staying up to now. They began staying on the hill of Ikarachonyo. This was the first land for the Gusi, the other side of the lake. After Lake Victoria the Maragooli went and started there life at a place called Iseme that is in the Luo land. The maragooli were on one shore and the Gusi were on the other shore.

They used to light fire on the hills and when the smoke went up, from both sides they knew that they were alive. Both the Gusi and the Maragooli. The maragooli left the place that they were staying and migrated to a place called Maseno. The name maseno came from the word "Umuseno" that the maragooli named after. Maseno is like the second land for the maragooli in Kenya. The maragooli to move ahead to another land that they call "Hakitsava"

This is the third place called Kima. That is where Kaliesa the wife of Maragooli died. She was known as a great person in maragooli or the one who led the maragooli. The ones who remained they left the place where they were staying to look for another place to stay, to the east near the hills. That is the place where the maragooli seperated lastly. This was their fourth land in Kenya. This is where the maragooli migrated.

This is where they made their stay, and they called this place mungoma. They looked west and east and they saw a good place. The place had a good rain and sun. they saw other things and recognized the soil and knew it was good. A maragooli who was leading them, in this group reached the fourth place of their stay when he was old. This is where he grew old. This place is known as the place where maragooli was sleeping. This is where the life of maragooli originated and migrated to north, south, west, east and other places. Andimi was the father or the grandfather of the maragooli and he died in Buganda the tribe of Bunyoro. In this lifestyle it shows that people or children together made the sub tribes of maragooli who were born in Bunyoro, Busoga, Seme, Maseno and others in Kisava. Kaliesa was one of the mothers, for the children of maragooli.

It was known because the names of other women were not recognized, Kaliesa was like the elder wife. Like other luhya tribes it is the culture of maragooli to recognize the presence of the elder wife with respect. If someone had many wives, the first wife was the one who was recognized as the elder wife or the first lady. She was the leading wife. She was able to know the demands of her husband. If the chief or the elder of the village had an issue, she was the first one to know it, and she prepared food for him.

When he was sick the first wife was the one who knew and organized how he will get the medicine. Whenever he had visitors the first wife is the one who prepared meals for them. The first wife was not working like the other wives, this kind of a wife is the one who was most appreciated than others. The elder used to give more food to the first wife than the rest. The other women used to feel jelousy about the first wife.

Whenever a visitor came to this homestead he/she could inquire from the first wife where the chief was. The other wives could feel bad, and one of them could ask the visitor to go and aske the first wife where the chief is. At first the term mukaye, was like a skin that the woman covered her husband with. The respect given to the first lady made Kaliesa to be recognized and the other women were not recognized.

In other countries the names of women are not highly recognized, a woman is recognized as mrs. The women who gave birth to children, are the ones who made the sub tribes of the maragooli.

When the Maragooli entered Kenya, they came along with the Banyole. The elders emphasized on the relationship between the Maragooli and the Nyore and they had a close connection like a brother. The Nyole came in through the maragoli. The Nyore started staying in Kenya at a place called Kisumu. They spread to Iseme, Maseno, Kima and the entire Nyore land where they are staying currently. This connection made the Nyore and Maragooli to stay as neighbors. There are some words in Maragooli and Gusii that are similar. Even in their meaning.

They even have some cultural practices that they share in common. The elders used to say that in times of disareement or war the maragooli and the isukha were not fighting. There are some houses that belonged to the sub-maragooli tribes that were found in Isukha and they include the Vayokha and Varimburi. There are some sub-tribes that are in Maragooli and also in Nyore. People have different thoughts on how the maragooli originated. Others said that the name of the person who gave birth to Maragooli was called Mulogooli but these thoughts have not been emphasized.

There were some thoughts that were not emphasized that the term Mulogooli came from Bunyoro. While in Bunyoro the maragooli were known because of their behaviour and the love of the word of God. In that condition the Bunyoro people gave them a nickname "Abalokole" this term means the maragooli who are saved. When the maragooli passed through Uganda to Busoga they were many people. The rock that water flows through is located in Bunyoro, where the maragooli used to bath as they go visit other places.

The saying of Bunyoro up to today is like this: since their people who are Abalokole washed their bodies on the rock and went ahead they have never fought, and the name Abalokole came from there. It shows that the maragooli migrated from Bunyoro to Busoga.

Maragoli had a prayer that people should give birth to children so that they fill the world. The rain should rain, what is planted on the farm should grow and the harvest should be good. Food should be enough in the world and the cows should reproduce. The desires of maragooli today is that it is better to have a place to live than large land because those who make their future they make it a place for living. That is how the maragooli walked since their origin and they are still moving on, that is the least that I had prepared for today.