Play time: 17:56 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Kukera ing'ombe

Carolyne Chesi

Ku mita vanangaanga Carolyne Chesi na tsitsanga kokera eng'ombe.

Eng'ombe ni yivuyi genyekana ugirindi vurahi muno. Kuri kugirinda nu kwaitsa, nende kugiha ivyukulia vyenyekana. Eng'ombe genyekana wahitse vurahi muno. Ogehe amatsi mutsisaa tsidukana. Amatsi genye yago otemu ijumbi ma kandi ivyukuria viveye hoi vyavagulanga eng;ombe no keranga ili amavere gaduki komedeka. Wakagiha amatsi ogehetsanga ulusie, wakagiha ulusie ugivikanga havundu esosa mpaka rwi tsisaa tsio kokera tsidukaanga. Wakagiha amatsi tsisaa tsio kokera tsiakaduka ugivuguranga ugishira havundu hagenyekana okele. Na rwutsitsaa kokera uhakikishanga eng'ombe yoyo yakwiguta vurahi muno. Amaveere nagageji iyene imanyaanga tsa nu kutanga iriaana. Ugiviguranga ugishira mu liboma havundu hokelanga anoho ugishira mu kego. Na havundu henaho henyekananga havee hasafi. Nuwakahira havundu hagenyekana okele; mu riboma anogo mu kekgo, ushuhitsanga amatsi gogo. Ma lero uvika kemoli. shimbe. Tsing'ombe tsindara tsiveye ho ushuhitsanga amatsi ma wogitsa mo kevere ma utanga kokera. Ni tsinde tsiveyeho uvikamu kemoli kwanza. Rwa wogitsanga mu kivere icho, niva ne eng'ombe itakerwanga ne kemoli wogitsanga mo kevere ma ubangusa makono gogo, ubangusa mo kevere ni kitamnbaya kisafi. Na vindu vya wenya okele mu kando navyo vivee vinifu. Wakogitsa mo kevere cheneyicho, wakasava makono ni gakarava, wakwetegekitsa vindu vyo kokela mu, muutanga rikera eng'ombe yoyo. Na niva ni eng'ombe ya vakelanga kemoli, wogizanga mo kevere na amatsi mshuu ma uvugura kemoli uvika mu. Waklavika mu kinuuna mu tsidakika shimbe tsiviri ma uturitsa mu. Wakaturitsa mu wusava makono gogo gave masafi ma ubangusa ni kitambaya kiveye kisafi ma utanga rikera eng'ombe yyo. Wakamara kokera eng'ombe yoyo ugituritsanga ichova. Lusie no roveye ho kandi ogehe ili nokeremu kandi mugamba asubui. Nu wakamara kugiha lkusie, utsitsanga kubima amaveere gogo, umanya gaturi itsilita tsianga hamugorova. Niiva vandu vaveye ho vavuguraku hamugorova uvaha. Rwa idukanga asubui kandi ushuhitse matsi, wogiste mu kivere mu ubangusew mu. Niiveye eng'ombe yavakelanga maguta, uvake mu maguta ma utange kokera. Na niiva ne eng'ombe ya vakelanga kemoli wogitsanga uvika mu kemnoli, uturitsamu ma utanga kokera eng'ombe yoyo. Amaveere gene yago ugabimanga umanya hamugorova nduritsamu itsilita tsianga na asubui nduritsamu itsilita tsianga. Umanya uvika itsilita itsio tsiosi halala. Wakatsivika halala ma uvalitsa umanya nguritsaa hamugorova tsisirinji ndi na asubui nguritsamu tsisirinji ndi. Tsisirinji tsiene yitsio utsivikanga halala. Wakatsivika halala uduka mwisho wu mweli ma uvalitsa ysisirinji tsiotsio tsiuguritsanga mu maveere gogo. Tsisendi tsiene yizo tsikokonyanga kuri kusominya avaana, kurihitsa avaana, kandi tsikokonyanilanga kuvika avaana. Noveye nindi eng'ome yoyo su uradamba ligali kusominya, kuvika nende kurihitsitsa avaana dave. na eng'ombe yenyo uhakikishanga ugirihitsanga, uguranga tsinyasi tsienekananga nu girinda vulahi kuri genyekana. na niiva umanye ugivika vutsa yaho utegemeangamu tsa vindu viene yivo su manye unyare dave. Vandu vamanya vahenzange a vakora uyu aveye ne eng'ombe navutsa sa amanyi kugirihitsa dave.

Ni yago gamubangiriku karunu kuturana no kokera eng'ombe.

Mbeye nindi amang'ana korondekana na inze mwene.

Inze mwene mu riviluka liange si ndamanya kuli ndaviluka dave. Ndatanga kumanya ni ndakaduka munasari. Rwa mama yambira munasari ndasoma munasari muhiga mulala. Ndamanya ni nzia mu kilasi chu kutanga. Lwa ndatanga kusoma mu kilasi chu kutanga ndasoma ninzinzagila na masomo gange vurahi. Na lwa ndaduka mu kilasi cha gavaga. Ndamanya ni mba mwana wi kirage muno. Ndatsitsaanga musukulu ndaduka kunzira manyole avaana vakwingira mukilasi ndakengeleranga kurugaga; si ndingiranga mukulasi dave. Ndatsitsaanga mukisaka a nzia kwivisa mu. Wandivisa mu manya nindi avaana ni vaturaa ma mbe wu kutanga kuduka yengo. mama ni yandevanga mwakatura naskulu, na yinze ndamujibanga yee mama, kwakaza kulia chukulia cha mbasu. Na ndanyoolanga niyakukitayarisha ne keveye tayari. Ndalitsanga chukulia yicho mandula nziranaanga musukulu. Lwandadukaanga hanzivisanji subui ndivisaanga tsa kandi hene yaho. Lwa manya nindi avaana nivaturaanga hamugorova manya nyage mwaana mula kitabu ma mbuguri vindu vyu mwaana wene ura ahandikanji ma ngope mu kitabu change ma mbuguri ikalamu nzimakiri. Na ni ndatsitsaanga yengo mama niyandeevanbga ivitabu ndamboolanga kwakuvungiza. Lwandakola ndio karibu risiza lilala yamanya nandeva munyi mwamenya tsa mwavungiza vitabu na muvungitsa tsa vitabu vyosi. Ndamuvoleela gaveye ndio. Lwa liaduka ilidiku yamanya namboola lelo uusti ni vitabu; ugaye mwigitsi uvungitsaa dave, utsi navyo. Ndavugula vitabu ni nzia navyo yengo. Lwayahenza mu yamboolela yiyi ni ikalamu yu mwigitsi dave; kijira inze ndamuvugulaanga nu musiru si yasooma ku dave, lakini yamanya nagundura uvugeli vwange. Ya,manya nadoora kevogo nanguba. Namboola mugamba ngushira nasukulu ku mwigitsi na nyenya nzie kumuteva ohonga hayi. Yamanya vuchia subui nambugula nambira inasukulu. Lwayambila navugula ni vitabu vila nahila mwigitsi; mwigitsi yamanya ,nadoora kevogo nanguba; namboola "kutura kalunu sulatsitsaanga mulanchi dave. Na subui amavetsaange yive wu kutanga kuduka yaha." Ni kitabu charange ho yamba namboola na witsaange kusaina riita lilyo kunanga utsia wingira mukilasi. ndahenza nendola mwigitsi uyu agayamboleela yaga sigadukana dave. Ndamanya nindaanga za kirage chene yiki. Lwandaduuka havundu, tsinyende tsiamanya tsindia virenge. Lwatsiandia virenge ilwo lwandatiira ligali kutsia musukulu. Kijira nindatsiitsaanga avaana vaasekanga. Kali mubreki ya avaana vatsitsaanga mu sindatsiitsaanga mu dave. Ndavoola ninzia ichova avaana varaaseka. vamanya nivangulila lunyasi nivambaka ku virenge viange. Virenge viange viamanya nivihona. Ndamanya nindanga lisoma vulahi kijira kevogo. Lwavanguba nindaanga lisoma liange, ndatsitsaagilana masomo gange kandi ndamanya nimba umwaana mugeri. Ndamanya ninduuka mu kilasi cha munane, nengora magera gange ga munane nimbaula vurahi. Na korondekana kijira baba yali niyamenya hango, siyali ni linyora ligali vurahi dave. Ndfamanya ni nzikara hango, na kuri vandu vamanya umwaana natatsiitsa musukulu dave noho niyakola kilasi cha munane ni yamenya hango valala vaatsanga kumuteva atsie ,lukali; na vandi vantsa kumboola kumnyoleye igasi. Ndamanya nimbenza nindoola inze ngikil umwaana mukeekeke utanyara kutsia lukali dave; ndamanaya ninzia kuyinzira. Kijira ndahenza avaana vanoonda vli avaana vakeekeke saana. na baba siyali nende ilinyoola vulahi dave. Ndamanya nindangila igasi yange Kisumu. Lwandatura Kisumu ndamanya ninzia kuyinzira Nairobi. Na chandanyoola ku kekeekeke ndatumanga yengo ku vivuli ili vatumikiziri avaana viitu. Na inze tsiandatigara nangazio tsingeekeke nindanyoolanga lidali mbagula. Ni ndaloolanga umundu niyaza yengo, ndamuhezaanga muvoola shila avaana viitu vatigara yengo. Lwandamanya nindula Nairobi baba yamanya nafanikiwa konyola ikibarua. Lwayafanikiwa kunyoola ikibarua, inze ndamanya nindekana nende igasi yukuyinzira mmba. Ndamanya nenzenyoola inyumba yange. Lwandamanya nenzenyoola inyumba yange, nyasaye yamanya niyambarikia nende avaana. Kindu chamanya munzinganagani tsiange chari ndi: ndakubutsa vivuli vange ikivi. na nyasaye ulindi avaana vange yava vatava ni kirage kuri chene yicho dave. ma nindaanga ilisominya avaana. Chandamanya nemboola "nyasaye ohe avaana yava ovogeri navavuli kuvaa kuli yinze dave. ma avaana vene yavo vatsitsaagilaanga nende ilisoma lyavo vulahi kijira niiva ulatsia ulukali nutaveye nindi amasomo dave yivi soveye ikindu dave. Anoho niva suwavura kosoma dave umundu anyara kukutuma havundu na akovoole utsie osome ku kibaho fulani ni sayindi su waamanya ilisoma dave; umanye ugote. na nuwakagota karunu ikindu kitumikanga nu rusungu. Lwa vamanye vakushire mupolisis vamanye vateve kuteve mateva umanye utamwe kuri unyara kujiba.

Ni yago gamubangiyi kulondekana ku maisha gari agange.

Mbeye nende ulwimbu lwu lugano:

Tsingano tsiarange tsiukuyanzitsa avaana vakeekeke nende kuhana migitsu nivakalia chukulia cha hamugoroova.Vakaana vatsitsaanga wa guku wavo na vayayi vatsiitsanga wa guga wavo. Nivakavoola tsingano tsia manani vali vanyara kumaalitsa nende tsinyimbu tsiu kugona. na tsinyimbu tsio kogona lulala lwalange ndi:

Kuba amaguru,

Kuba amaguru nu musang'use,

Nu musang'use mwoyo gwidoola,

Gwidoola singira amatsi,

Singira amatsi yasata inda ya kwama,

Yakwama yahanda kumugongo,

Kumugongo mama kirigisa,

Kirigisa kikubanga cha garaha,

Cha garaha chu musumba tahulila,

Musumba natulila indangu yitsili ye,

Mama yitsili ye, varuganga,

Varuganga vuchima vwa mugamba na mang'ure utsiire,

Tsi muteve umukaana asietsanga,

Tsiriririri kali mkeere ahu!

Lundi ni lwa Ndiegu Yatsia Kusuma:

Ndiegu atsia kusuma,

Akima umwaana,

Nu umwaana atsia kusuma,

Akima Ndiegu,

Ndiegu vaava, Ukariraanga ki,

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu.

Mberi henaho.

How to milk a cow

My name is Carolyne Chesi and I am going to milk a cow.

When a cow gives birth you should take good care of it. The way we graze it and giving it required food. You should treat the cow well. You give it water at the right time. You add salt to the water and there are some meals that you give a cow that you are milking to increase the quality and the quantity of milk. After giving it water you give it nappier grass. After giving it grass you take it to a place where it rests until the time of milking. After that you take it to a place where you milk it from and you ensure before you milk the cow it is well fed. When it has milk and needs to be milked you will hear it mowing.

You take the cow to a cow shade or a place where you normally milk it from. And that place should be clean. Then you warm your water and you keep the calf near. There are some that you warm the water then you wash the udder and you start to milk while others you allow the calf to start sucking the milk before you milk it. When you wash the udder if it a cow that you do not have to give it the calf first, you just wash the udder and you dry it with a dry clean cloth and the tools for milking should be clean.

You clean the udder then you start to milk your cow, and if you are using the calf to suck the milk then you clean the udder and then you allow the calf to suck the milk for some two minutes, then you clean your hands and you start to milk the cow. After finishing milking the cow, you take it out. You give it nappier grass so that when you will be able to milk it on the following day I the morning.

Once you have finished you go and get the number of cups from the milk that you have milked. If there are people who normally take in the evening you will give them. When morning comes you warm the water. You clean the udder then you apply milking oil and you start to milk. And if you use the calf then you wash and allow the calf to suck the milk first before you start to milk. After a few minutes you take the calf away and you start to milk your cow. You weigh your milk and you know the amount of litres that you get in the evening and also in the morning. Then you put all your litres together.

After you have put them together, you now know the amount of cash that you receive in the evening and in the morning from the milk sells. You put the money together then at the end of the month you count the entire amount and it helps you to educate and feed children. If you have your cow you cannot have problems to educate your children. To save and also feed you children. And you ensure that you are feeding your cow well and also treating it. If you just keep the cow there without taking care of it and you expect these things you won't be able to manage it. People will be looking at it and say that you have a cow but you do not know how to take care of it.

That is what I had prepared for you today on how to milk a cow.


I personally did not know how I grew up. I started to know when I joined nursery. When my mother took me to a nursery school I studied there for one year. Then I joined class one. Then I continued with my studies well. When I reached class three, I was stubborn.I could reach at school and find that children have already entered the classroom, I could not get in. I could go to hide. I could wait when children are going back home then I could be the first one to arrive home. Whenever my mother could ask me that we have come from school I could say yes. I could find that she has prepared lunch and it was ready.

I could eat the food then I get out with the aim of going back to school. And when I arrive where I was hiding in the morning I could hide there. I could wait when the children are going back home and snatch one of the students his book together with what he has, then I copy it on my book and mark for myself. And when I arrived home, my mother could want to check on my books but I could tell her that we had collected the books. After a week she asked me, that why are we always collecting all the books? I could say it is like that. One day she asked me to come with books; I took the books and went with them back home.

When she checked them she told me that the one that had ticked the books was not a teacher. I took her as a fool since she had not gone to school but she realized my trick. She took a stick and punished me. And promised to take me to school the following day in order to find out where I hide. The following morning she took me to school. She took the books and gave the teacher. The teacher took stick and punished me. She told me that from that I will not be going for lunch and I should be the first one to arrive home. And she asked me to be signing a certain book before I get inside the classroom. I saw that this teacher was telling me nothing and I continued to be stubborn.

It reached a point and got a disease called foot athlete. That is when I avoided going to school because I was afraid that my fellow students will laugh at me. Whenever students could go for break I could not attend it. I used to fear that when I go outside the students will laugh at me. They bought for me medicine and I applied it on my feet, I got healed and I started schooling well because of the punishment, when they punished me that is when I started to my education. I resumed my education and became a clever child. I went on up to class eight.

I did my final examination at class eight, and since my father was staying at home, he was financially unstable, I stayed at home. And as usual whenever a girl had finished class eight she used to stay at home and some people could ask her to get married. And others could ask her to find a job. I realized that I was a small girl who was not able to handle marriage. I went to work. I saw my siblings were still small and my father was financially unstable. I started working from Kisumu then I moved to Nairobi.

And the little that I got I used to send it home to my parents so that they assist my siblings. And the little that I got I used to buy clothes. And when I saw someone who was going home, I could give him and ask him to take it to my siblings. When I left Nairobi, my father got a job, and I left the work that I was doing, as a house help. I got married. When I got my house, God blessed me with children. What thing that I remember is that I disturbed my parents and I normally pray God to take care of my children so that they receive good education.

I prayed God to give my children wisdom so that they should not be like me. And my children are receiving their education because if you get married without education then you are nothing. Or if you have no education someone can send you somewhere and ask you to read something on the board and you get lost, these day English is the language that is commonly used. And when you are taken to a police station you may fail to answer the questions.

That is what I had prepared for you on personal story.


Stories were meant to entertain young children and also give them teachings after eating supper. The girls used to gather around their grandmother and the boys used to gather around their grandfather. After telling ogre stories they could sing lullaby songs. And one of the lullabies was like this:

I am tapping my laps,

I am tapping the laps with sack

It's a sack of heart that is picking itself

It is picking itself on water

I am stopping water like a stomach that has matured

It matured and stuck on the back

On the back mother its heartburn

We are hitting it slowly

The one that is slow is for a spinster that doesn't hear

If the spinster does not hear things have moved down

Mother what has gone there they pay for it

They pay with the baked maize flour for tomorrow

Go and ask the girl who is grinding the maize

Tsiriririri even a woman ahu!

Another one is for Ndiegu who went to look for food:

Ndiegu went to look for food

And denied the child

And the child went to look for food

And denied Ndiegu

Ndiegu vaava, why are you crying

Tsunu tsunu tsunu tsunu.

I have ended there.