Play time: 01:55 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 19, 2014.

Kisungula Chekola Kigeli Sana

Sarah Nyamera

Kwali ho ni kisungura. Kisungura yicho nicho chali chekola kegeri sana. Lidiku lilala liali ho viavolana ni enzogu; lelo nyenya yive utsie ulie mama wovo na inze nzie kulia wange. Ma enzogu nilola tsa kisungura mbo ku kembole. Ma kisungura nikigada enzogu nitsia nilia mama weve nimala na kisungura nacho nikitsa nekevola "he, inze mbo ngadanji enzogu. Enzogu nembenza inze mandie mama wange? inze mbe mugeli sana. Kali enzogu lwi itsiyange kulia mama weve itanga kwehenza ku kwanza ku itsia kulia nyina." Ma kisungura yicho chavetsa tsa kekora, nichalola enzogu niyitsa kibama, kitsia kiivisa havundu. Enzogu yenyanga eketeve, "yive wakambola nzie kulia mamange na yive ulie wovo, yive wamela ndi kulia wovo?" Ni kisungula chali kegeli sana, chatsitsa tsa kitsia chivisa, enzogu niyisunda wi keveye, kitsia; chiyina. Enzogu niyatsitsanga, kitsia chiyina. Lelo kisungura chamanya ni kevola enzogu "nuwakasinza mama wovo wenye otonyiange munyu gwi isubu inze manya nzitsange tsa ni siena mu." Ma enzogu nekola ndio. Kisungura lwa chatsanga, chasiena ho ma kevola tsa "siena vutsa we enzogu wi isunduyi isubu, siena vutsa ma ndongera ho" Na nikitsia nekevola tsa ku ndakonyola mundu, ndakonyola mundu wa ngada, ndakonyola mundu musiro wa ngada; gutamanyi kindu, inze mbeye kisungura, yamanya ku kisungura kuli kevetsa keveshi. Ma kisungura kutura lwene yilwo ndio kali ni idakika yiyi chakila vubala sana; chalangwa sungura mujanja.


Tricky hare

We had a hare that hare thought that it was very clever. One day he agreed with the elephant that they go and eat their mothers. The elephant believed in what the hare had told him. The hare cheated the elephant and he went and ate the mother. Then the hare came and said "he I was just cheating the elephant, if the elephant looks at me do I look like eating my mother? I am very clever even when the elephant went to eat the mother he should first look then he goes to eat the mother" that hare was just tricky. When he saw the elephant coming, he hid himself. The elephant wanted to tell him that he had tricked him to eat his mother while he had not eaten his own. And why didn't he eat his. The hare was very clever he used to go and hide himself, when the elephant comes where he is. The hare told the elephant, that when he kills the mother he should drop down the soup as he steps on it. The elephant did that and when the hare came he used to say "I am just stepping where the elephant has dropped the soup, I am just stepping then I eat" the hare went on saying that he had met someone to cheat, a foolish person whom I can cheat. Someone who does not know anything "I am hare" the elephant didn't know that hare is a liar. Since then the hare is tricky and that is why he is called tricky hare.

Thank you.