Play time: 07:53 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 19, 2014.


Alice Mugasia

Kale muno kwaliho nu mukere undi valetana nu musakulu undi. Vamanya vamenya vanyola mwana mukana vamulanga Sindurela. Vakamenya limenya litambi, nya mwana oyo yamanya nakutsa. Lwa yakutsa naleka mwana oyo akikili mudidi. Musakulu oyo yamanya nava, nahenzela navola "eh, sasa namenye nu mwana ndakola ndi?"Yamanya niyamuha naleta mukali undi. Lwa yaleta mukali oyo ndio vamanya nicvamenya vamenya nivafanikiwa nivanyola avana vavili vakana. Vakana yavo nivaviluka nivasominywa na Sindurela uyu siyasoma ligali mba. Avana yavo vasoma ni vava na kiburi. Sasa nivatsarava mwana wavo Sindurela uyu ndi. Vamanya vamurekera tsigasi tsiosi; kindu chosi kutsia mu kidaho, atenye tsingu, yatse adeke navo vaikara ho tsa igasi yavo yalange tsa verembeshe, valombe tsa masu na mwana wavo oyo ndio nakola tsa tsigasi. Ma yakola tsa tsigasi niyikutsila lelo niduka ho inyinga muyayi wu mwami niyenya mukana ma navola sasa nyala konyola ndi mukana. Vamanya nivalomba ishere, nivavola genyekana vakana vosi mu lidala vafwere havundu fulani; muyai wu mwami yenyi vakana vosi vatsie. Sasa vamwavo Sindurela vavili yava ndi vamanya yavo ni velomba tsa samu masu samu ni vasuka, ni vavaka masanda velomba ligali visiaha na Sindurela na vola mama weve, "mama, kali inze ma nzie ku yo." Vandi yava vamusekelitsa vamuhenyahenya tsa. Navola ndi "sasa genyeka okole tsigasi; osombe amatsi vindu viosi vitsuli." SIndurela oyo yamanya nasomba amatsi gamanya gitsuli namuvolela amatsi gatsula ndakenya nzie. Namuvolela "utsitsa ku dave, utenyi tsingu?" Natsia natenya. Yakatenya namuteva munwa namugaya navugula muyeke na tsuka mu mavere ma namuvolela adole gosi namara ku nangwa atsie. Sindurela uyu niyikala ha yali natanga kulila natanga lidola. Lwa yali nadola manyonyi gatula yila gatsa gatanga kodora. Nigadola, nigadola gamukonyanila natsia vamuteva "umaliyi?" Ma nateva, "yive uveye ni inguvu ya utsila havundu?" Ma mukana oyo natula natsia. Lwa yatsia na mama weve yakutsa oyo ndio nakola go kogenyia sasa namuletela tsa kadoga tsa lwene ilwo ndio jiari midoga kuli yiji ndi dave; gwali tsa gwi tsimbaho virenge ku ni ibarasi. Ma natsia tsa nanyoleka tsa na aveye ni tsinguvu tsindahi ni vireto virahi ypambi samu natsia nahulila tsa isauti nimuvolela "ngovola, utsie niduka tsa saa komi genyeka uve nutuli yeyo ndio; saa komi nivita sasa umanya onyoleke noveye tsa kuli sa ma uvetsa; utachereva ku dave. Yamnya natsia naduka yo naduka mmuliango na vandu ku vaveye tsa ku lisieva nivasieva kinanda ni chimba ni vasieva. Lwa vahenza ichova valola Sindurela yatsa aye murembo asupichi samu. Vamanya vamuhsangilia, muyayi wu mwami navola sasa oyo iye wa yenya. Yamanya yatse ifuraha ni va yimwo ndio vandu tsinyimbu tsyimba nivasieva ni valeta tsisoda, malwa ni vanwa tsa mwene yimwo vandu ni vasherekea vuyanzi ni vuva mu. Ku lwa vwali vwakaduka tsa mukana oyo ndio kindu nikitsa tsa "wa, vambola ndi." Mukana oyo yamanya atuli spidi niyiluka natsia ichova valondaku yamanya yiluki kilato chiche kilala mu kerenbge chamnya nikitula ni ketonya. Lwa chatonya, mudoga gwigwe yigwo gutsi tsa kandi na anina ku kandi kindu yicho nikimushira naveye shimbe kuduka yengo kandi kegota tsa sasa nava tsa SIndurela wa kawaida yifwaye tsinguvu tsia amanya avetsa natsio na atsia tsa yengo. Sasa avana vavo vavo ni vatanga komoloma vavola tsa "aye, kali kovoyenge tsa kunyi kumanya kovetsa kwerembeshi koveye tsa vandu varahi supa, ku sasa mukana undi amanyi ni yatsa, mukana mulahi kali amanyi aliluka." Kali vamanyi ni Sindurela dave naye aveye tsa muchikoni akola tsa tsigasi tsitsie tsia kawaida. Ma vivala ku mama wavo kuli gali. Sasa yamanya liduka muyayi wu mwami nagaya tsa "mukana wa ndoli oyo ndio kirato yiki nyenya tsa mugende tsa ku madara mu vakana vosi ni mubima mu mulole tsa mundu amanya adukane tsa mu kilato chene yiki ndi mwenye mutsi naye. Ma vami magutu ni gatanga tsa kogenda tsa ni kirato yicho. Nigagenda mtsingo na vakana ni vifwala mu. Lwa vaduka hango hanga SIndurela vateva mama weve "oveye na vakana vanga." Navola aveye na vakana vavili. Vakana yavo ndio ni vatsa nivibima ku mukirato yicho ndio, vibima mu sasa galoleka vosi vaduchi dave; mama weve navugula ligina naduya ku ili mbula vigehe ku vingili mu kirato, nivahagagitsa sasa vingila mba. Ma nivavola "mukana undi aveye ku yaha dave wa kumanya kolola?" Ni vavola "aye, oyo ni mundu muchafu kali aveye ku ni ha anyala kutsia dave anyala kutula hano dave." Ligutu yilio ndio ligaya sasa paga yatse yibimi ku mu. Mukana oyo yamanya niyatsa kandi miujitsa neyekoleka tsa vindu vivye yivyo tsa nivitsa tsa lwa vamugela mu naduka mu. Lwa yaduka mu ni vatsia sasa muyayi wu mwami navola tsa "yee, ni wene oyo ndio." Sasa vamanya ni vatsia ni valomba ipati nivayanza sasa nivavola venya vafungi sasa valombe indoa sasa nu mukana wene oyo ndio; vakole keselo. Sasa lwa vivuli veve vamanya valangwa; lwa valangwa avana vakana vandi nivasinyika tsa vakasirika na mama na baba weve ni vatsia. Sasa mama weve undi nayanza tsa navutsa navera tsa mu mwoyo. Vamanya vakola harusi, keselo chavo yicho ndio; Sindurela yamanya namenya nu muyayi oyo vulahi natsitsagila tsa kokonya vandu veve vulahi.

Lugano yilwo ma luhela yaho ndio


Long time ago we had a woman who got married to a man. They stayed together and they got a girl by the name Cinderella. They stayed for long time and the mother to this girl died. She left the girl while she was still very young. The man stayed like that, he watched after the child and wondered what he could do with the child in that situation. He married another wife. As they stayed together they were blessed with two children who were girls. The girls were brought up and they were educated but Cinderella was not educated. The other girls learned with a lot of resentfulness.

They used to look down upon this girl Cinderella. They left all the work for her to do. Even going to the river, fetching firewood. She could come and cook while they are seated. There work was to beautify them, they make their hair while their sibling is working. She continued to work as she persevered. It came a time when the son of a king wanted to marry a wife. He wondered how he could find a girl. They made a party, and they asked all the girls in the village to gather themselves somewhere. The son of the king wanted all the girls to go there.

Now the two sisters to Cinderella made their hair, they prepared themselves, they did pedicure. Cinderella asked her mother if she could go there and the others laughed at her. The mother said that she should do work, fetch water in all the buckets. Cinderella fetched the water and asked her to go to the party since she had finished filling all the buckets with water. The mother said "you are not going, have you looked for firewood?" she went and looked for firewood. She asked her again for permission but her mother refused and poured sand into millet, then she asked her to pick the chaff from the millet first then she will be free to go to the party. Cinderella sat down then she started to cry as she removed the chaff. While she was doing that, the birds came and started removing the chaff too. They assisted her, then she went and they asked her if she had finished. The mother told her that she didn't have a cloth to use for the party. The girl left. When she left, her mother who had died brought her a small car, miraculously. They were not vehicles like the current ones, they were vehicles made of wood and a horse pulled them. She went and she now had good clothes and shoes. She went and she heard a voice telling her that she go and when it reaches four o'clock she should leave the place. At four o'clock she will get back to her normal status. She should not delay.

She went and found people dancing as the keyboard was being played. When they looked through the window they said, "Cinderella is coming and she is so beautiful." They marveled at her and the son of the king said that she was the one that he needed. People continued to sing and dance. They brought soda, they took beer while inside, they celebrated and there was joy inside. After a while, something came and talked to the girl and she left the place very fast, she went outside. One of her shoe got off. The vehicle came and she jumped inside, and she was taken home. While she was near home, the vehicle disappeared and she remained in her normal status. She was dressed in her normal clothes. The girls started to say that they had beautify themselves and they thought that they were the best, now another girl came and she ran away. They didn't even realize that the girl who ran away was Cinderella. She continued to do her work in the kitchen. They explained to their mother the way things were. There came a day and the son of the king said that the girl that he had seen, the shoe belong to her and they should move around the village, allowing all the girls to put on the shoe and the one whose feet will fit in they should come with her.

The village elders began to move around with the shoe. They moved around homes as the girls tried to fit their feet inside the shoe. They tried to put it on but it seems like their feet didn't fit inside. Their mother took a stone and tried to reduce the shoe by hitting it. They struggled but it didn't fit. And she said that there was no other girl that they could see. They said that she was dirty and she couldn't even leave the homestead. The village elder refused and said that they allow her to come. The girl came and there was miracles and her feet fitted inside the shoe. When they came with her the son of the king said that she was the one. They went and prepared a party. They said that they want to do a wedding. Now when the parents were called and the other girls were jealous, the father and the mother went. Her stepmother pretended to be happy but she was jealous in her heart. They did the wedding. Cinderella stayed with the boy and she continued to assist her people.

The story ends there.