Play time: 03:34 minutes. Recorded in Mago, Kenya, March 12, 2014.

Inzi Nganagana Vutsa

Sarah Nyamera

Sarah Nyamela na mbeye nu lwimbu nyenya nzimbi:

Awoi inze ngenyanga vutsa mama

Kilambola ndahulila ga wanzigitsa mama


Kali kulima si ndamanya

Nganagananga vutsa

Inze ngenyanga vutsa

Vosi vasuyi nanzi hena

Mama wange kilambola ndahulila ga wanzigitsa mama

Kalunu mbula inyumba ngonanga ku tsisimbu tsia avandu

Yeee, aaa, yeee

Ni vuchia nanzie hena, aa nandie hena, aa nangone hena, aa kevera kimbushi

Inze ngenyanga vutsa

Vosi vasuyi nanzi hena

Mama wange kilambola ndahulila ga wanzigitsa mama

Nimbita kunzila nendeva amatsi vahugananga vutsa

Akavetsa nugu umwivi utamuha dave

Inze ngenyanga vutsa

Vosi vasuyi nanzi hena

Mama wange kilambola ndahulila ga wanzigitsa mama

Lundi lwa kavili


kanyonyi katsi hano*2

Nohenza ko tovoni, nohenza ku turenge

Kafwananga katsuni, kafwananga kayundi

Wooi kanyonyi

Ndatsia kotenya mmulitu

Kakere ka kanani kamboola

Nziriri nziriri



Ndatsia kusamba uvuhi

kakere ka kanani kambola usambanga ki


Usambanga ki

Hambi mulole*2

Munene wa manani

Ku luanda

Hambi mulole*2

Munene wa manani

Ku luanda





Muhonja wa mama, Muhonja

Muhonja wa mama wa mama

Lufwera hene yaho.

I am just wondering

I am Sarah Nyamera and I have a song that I want to sing:

Awoi! I am just wondering

I could have listened to what you taught me mother


I do not know even how to dig

I am just thinking

I am wondering

All have denied me, where will I go

Mother I should have listened to what you told me mother

Today I do not have a house; I am sleeping in small house of people

Yeee, aaa, yeee

In the morning where will I go, aa! Where will I eat, aa! Where will I sleep, aa! The world has defeated me

I am wondering

All have denied me, where will I go

Mother I should have listened to what you told me mother

When I walk on the road, and ask for water people just assume

They say that he is a thief, do not give him

I am just wondering

All have denied me where will I go

Mother I should have listened to what you told me mother

The second one:


A bird has come here*2

When you look at the eyes, when you look at the leg

The eyes are not seeing, the legs are still

Wooi bird

I went to gather firewood from the forest

An ogre's wife told me

Nziriri nziriri



I went to burn the forest

The ogre's wife asked me what are you burning


What are you burning?

Come and see*2

The head of the ogres

On a rock

Come and see*2

The head of the ogres

On a rock

He is eating*2


He is eating*2


Muhonja the daughter of mother, Muhonja

Muhonja the daughter of mother, Muhonja

It has ended there.