Play time: 05:54 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.

Vakana Venya Ingavi

Grace Otieno

Vanganga Grace Vugutsa Otieno na mbe na lugano lwa ndenya mbole. Mu lulogoori na lulangwaa vakana venya ingavi itaveye yavo ne tsingulu. Mihiga javita kare valiho avakana vatano na mulala. Vakana yavo vavirukira halala kuduka lidiku lia vatsia lukali. Vakana yavo vali na makondo amalahi muno, nitali mulala kuvo yali ne ligondo lilahi mbitirira. Lidiku lilala liaduka avakana vivika vulahi nivatanga kugenda kunzira. Vateva avandu vari mu mulimi nivalimanga. Mulimi yogwo gwali kunzira. Vateva avandu vali mu mulimi, kugasi kuvitani? Vandu vali mu mulimi vavjiba mugasi, muvitani nitali mulala kumunye ugasi kuvita vosi.

Lwa vakana vandi vahulira ndiyo vamanya vagirunganyia mukana uyo nagwa ikihinda. Nivatanga kugomagominyia nivatsia wavali nivatsitsanga. Vavugana na vandu nivavteva kugaasi? Vandu vene yavo vavavorera mugasi kuvita navutswa kihinda kigasi kuvita avandi vosi.

Lwa vakana yavo vahulira ndiyo vavihirirwa nivagirunganyia kihinda kugwa likudu. Nivagenda kunzira nivagana na vandu kandi nivavateva kugasi kuvitani? Vavgiba mugasi nitali Likudu ligase kovita vandi vosi. Lwa vakana yavo vahulira ndiyo vamanya nivagirung'anyia likudu kugwa imbwa.

Vatanga kugenda kutsia wavatsitsanga kuduka lwavaduka nivanyoola avayai vavalindi. Vayai yavo manya nivihambira. Avakana vosi nivahira wavo.

Muyayi wa sita siyali ho dave. Imbwa yatigala yengine netanga kuloka. Nnyia muyai utali ho uyo yatsia ho nanyoola imbwaelokanga navola inze ndavugula imbwa. Yavugula imbwa nagihira yengo kulinda hango.

Lwo muyai wa kakeere yako yirana ha mugolova yanyoola imbwa hango. Yamanya navugula imbwa yeyo natanga kumenya nayo.

Muyai uyu yali muhinziri. Yasamulanga mugamba zuli nayirana ha mugolova. Lwa yatula hango yalekanga tsinguvu tsimwamu kandi yaleka inyumba neveye imwamu. Lidiku lilarra yatsia kugasi lwayirana ha mugolova nanyoola tsinguvu tsiosi tsifuyiywe na munyumba mwosi mwakewa. Siyanyoola ho mundu nitali imbwa. Yadaka mundu wateva.

Lidiku liakaviri kandi naleka inyumba neveye imwamu kandi naleka tsinguvu nitsiveye tsimwamu. Lwayirana ha mugolova yanyoola tsinguvu nitsiveye tsimwamu. Lwayirana ha mugolova yanyoola tsinguvu nitsifuyiywi nitsibasiywi ne nyumba niyeyeywi vulahi neloleka kuli inyumba yo mundu ahongimu. Lidiku liakavaga muyai uyo kandi yatula ho natsia kugasi navutswa naveye neligenya linyingi kekolekanga munyumba yeye.

Yatula ho navoola atsitsa kugasi. Yaduka kunzira niyirana yengo. Lwayirana yanyoola lisero lye imbwa niliveye ha chova. Yavugula lisero yilyo nasamba. Lwayingira munyumba nanyoola mukana mulahi ne ligondo lirahi kuvita vandi vosi. Lwa mukana uyo yamanya inguvu yeye yakusambwa yatanga kulira kutula aheno yahoo muyai oyo namanya mukana uyu niye wivikanga lisero lie imbwa nafana imbwa. Muyayi naatsie kugasi yatulitsa lisero atanga kukola igasi yo munyumba. Lwa vayai vandi valola muyai uyu niye uhiri mukana mulahi vatanga kuva nembodoka.

Muyai no mukana vamanya valomba kesero nivamenya halala vulahi huduka likutsa.

Chosi cholola nikeng'ereng'ana sikeveye nicho kilahi kuvita vindi vyosi dave.

Girls who wanted luck that was not theirs

My name is Grace Vugutsa Otieno I have a story that I want to give. In maragoli and it is about girls who wanted luck that was not theirs by force. Long time ago there were five girls and one. They grew together until the day they got married. They were beautiful, but one of them was more beautiful. One day they groomed well and went to walk on the road. They asked people who were digging the farm to comment about their beauty. They replied that they are all beautiful but one of them is more beautiful than the others.

When those girls heard that they took the girl and wrapped her in something, as they were walking and asked people to give a compliment and the people said that they were beautiful, but the one who was wrapped was more beautiful. When they heard that they changed her to become a dog.

They continued with their journey and found the boys waiting for them. And they started to pick their choice.

The sixth boy was not there, the dog remained alone and began to bark. On boy's mother was there and said that he will take the dog. He took the dog to go and guard the home.

When the son came in the evening he found the dog at home, he took the dog and began to stay with it.

This boy was a worker. He could worker during the day and return home in the evening. When he left home, he could leave dirty clothes and disorganized house. One day when he came home he found the clothes washed and the house was swept. He could not get anyone there but a dog, he lacked someone to consult.

The second day he left the house dirty together with dirty clothes. When he returned in the evening he found clean clothes, the clothes were ironed and the house was clean. It looked like someone was staying in that house. The third day the boy left for work but he was wondering what was happening in his house.

He left and said that he was going out for work. He arrived at the road and returned home. When he arrived home he found the skin of the dog outside. He took the skin and burnt it. When he entered the house and found a beautiful girl than others, when the girl realized that her skin had been burnt she began to cry from that point the boy knew that the girl had been putting on the dog skin to look like a dog.

Whenever the boy could go for work, the girl could remove the dog skin and start working in the house. When other boys started to say that the boy had married the beautiful girl, the other girls were jealousy.

The boy and the girl did a wedding and stayed well until death.

Anything that glitters is not better than all the others.