Play time: 03:48 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.

Lugano Lwe Linani Liali Na Vana Sita

Grace Otieno

Linani liali na vana vatano na mulala, linani yilio liatanga kudoola amaganda. Liadoola lituritsamu amavululi na magina. Ni liakamala liavika kumahiga ni Katanga kuhya. Liavorera vakana veve vatsie kusembera amaduma. Vakana vosi vavugilila nitali mulala yavola asaliranga sanyala lisembera dave. Ise yamanya namuvorera atigale hango nadeka amaganda. Vakana vandi avamwawo veve vatsia kusembera amaduma halala na ise wavo.

Mukana oyo yadeka amaganda lwagali nigagahya mukana uyo yihula amaganda natanga liria gosi namala. Ni yakamala kulia yatsuka amatsi munyingu navika kumahiga. Lwa yalola vandi virana yengo kulia amaganda vanyoola munyingu maganda gali niytsuye amatsi ameere. Vateva amwavo wavo chakukoleka ku maganda yiki? Mukana oyo yagiba navola samanyi ligali chakukoleka ku maganda dave, nitali fana linani lindi liakutsa kwanzara muliru liakulia amaganda.

Ise vakana nivatsia yamanya navorera vana veve vamulonde. Vamanya ni vatsia ahimbi ku mugera. Navorera vakana veve kulatuma mugera yigu, na mundu wosi ugwa mu mugera yigu kulamanya niye uliye amaganda. Vosi vatanga kutuma mulala sia mulala nivimba lwimbu yilu:

Siyali ni inze uliye amaganda kutsitsanga kulola mukwasi uveye kulijinga. Inze mukwasi nduhi. Matuma-gibi engeleka

Mukana wa sita yatsa natanga kwimba na lwayali niyakamala kwimba yatanga lituma. Lwayatuma yamanya nagwa mu matsi. Yamanya navola utumi vulahi dave kigira lisaswa liakumunala. Lwayirana kutuma yamanya nagwa mu mugera nakutsa hene yahoo.

The ogre with six children

There was an ogre with five children and one child. That ogre began removing chaff from the beans. It removed stones from the beans. After finishing it kept the beans on the fire to cook. It asked his girls to go and weed the maize on the farm. All the girls agreed but one said she was sick and could not manage. The ogre asked her to remain at home and cook the beans. The girls went to weed the farm together with their father.

The girl cooked the beans when it had cooked, she removed it from the fire and began to eat and finished it. After eating she poured water in the pot and kept it on fire. When the others came home, to eat the beans, they found the pot was full of water. They asked their sister what had happened t the beans. The girl said that she is not sure of what had happened. But it seems like another ogre has come and eaten the beans.

The father asked the girls to follow him. They went near a river. He told her girls that they will cross the river and whoever falls inside will be known that she is the one who ate the beans. They started to cross the river one after the other as they sang this song:

I was not the one who ate the beans, we are going to see my sister in law who is at the river, I your sister in law has arrived the maize is on the other side

The sixth girl came and began to sing and when she had finished singing she crossed the river, when she was crossing she fell inside the river. She said that she had not crossed well and when she tried it again she fell inside the river and died on the spot