Play time: 03:10 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.

Riva Lya Mulogooli

Stanley Mugalo

Lita lyange ni Stanley Mugalo, karunu mweli kanne, mweli wa kavaga, muhiga wa elfu mbili na kumi na inne. Mbe na lugano kulondekana nende, riva lya mulogooli. Mulogooli yatula imadioli, yatula mu kivala cha vavo, mu nyanza ya vavo. Inyanza iyi vari mu vaviri. Na musyala wewe yalangwa mugusi. Lwa vaduka munyanza vukindu vwahutsa, ma ni vavukana ni vave mu matsi.

Mulogooli yamanya na agenda ku virenge, na aduka havundu ha kivala kive chumu. Yagenda ku virenge kutula ku luvega lwa inyanza, na aduka luvega lulangwa mungoma. Mungoma iveye mu lidala lya ivihiga. Lwa mulogooli yaduka mu lidala lyene yelo, yamanya nanyola mukana wa yavugula vamenye naye kuri mukeere wewe. Mukana wene uyu yalangwa kalyesa. Mulogooli vamenya naye kuli mundu amenya na mukari wewe. Vamanya ni vanyola vana vanne. Vana vene vanne yava navo valomba tsihiri, tsya valogooli. Ihiri yo kutanga ni musali, ihiri ya kaviri ni mkitsungu, ihiri ya kavaga ni mmavi. Ihiri ya kanne ni mukirima. Vandu vene yava vosi navo valombanga tsihiri, tsya valogooli.

Ni wenya kunyola manyingi kulondekana na tsihiri tsyene yitsi, ulanyola kuli vatanga, kutula mwitanga mpaka wa vavele karunu. Amegitso amimbi kulondekana nende mulogooli. Karunu ndi inyumba yo mulogooli ya yamenya mu munoma ikoro ho. Nu utsya mu lidala lya ivihiga ulanyola. Ha mulogooli yamenyanga.

Maragoli lifestyle

My name is Stanley Mugalo, today is March 4, 2014 I have a story about the lifestyle of a Maragooli. A maragooli came from a place called "Imadioli" he came from the Luo land. There were two maragooli from the lake and their cousin was called mugusi. When they arrived at the lake the wind blew and they met on water.

The maragooli walked on feet and arrived at a dry place. He walked on feet from the lake side. And he reached at a side called "Mungoma" which is in vihiga village. When the maragooli arrived at that village he found a girl that he took to stay with as husband and wife. This girl was called Kalyesa. Mulogooli stayed with her the way someone stays with the wife. They got four children, these four children made the sub-tribes of maragooli. The first sub-tribe is called Musali, the second one is Mkitsungu, and the third one is Mmavi and the fourth one Mukirima. The four people are the ones who make the sub-tribe of Maragooli.

If you want to find more about these sub-tribes, you will find how they began up to where they are presently. Those are few teachings about the Maragooli. Presently if you go to Vihiga village you will find the house that Maragooli stayed in.