Play time: 06:37 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.

Omundu Musiru

Stanley Mugalo

Mundu musiro uyu yalangwa Yohana. Kwari ho na mwana musoleri yalangwa Yohana. Yohana yari mundu mugata. Liduku llala inzala yamuluma sana na alola atsi kwenya igasi. Kivune mpaka uhinzire ku urie. Yohana yamanya natura natsya kuhinzira havundu. Lwa yari yakamara igasi yeye vamanya vamutunga tsisendi. Tsisendi tsyene yitsi Yohana yagumila tsa mukono nagenda atsi natsyo ingo ahile vivuri veve vagule cha varya.

Lwa yaduka kunzira nalola live riginga viminyori vya vene. Yohana yahanzuka na avugula tsisendi tsya avere natsyo mukono, na alasa alasira kindu ki, live. Badaye yamanya naaduka havundu nalola yakusyuva tsisendi, tsya yari natsyo mu makono chigira akungangi rive. Lwa yaduka engo vamuteva Yohana uhongi ku igasi. Tsisendi tsya vakutungi tsive hai? Navola tsisendi tsya vandungi ningire mukono, lwa ngingire mu mukono lwa nduki ku nzira ni ndola live, ligingi viminyoli vya vene. Ni ndesa na tsisendi yetso ni tsigota. Baba wewe yamanya namuvola Yohana nu utsire ku gasi, vakutungi tsisendi uvika mu muya. Utagingira mukono dave.

Yohana yamanya na avola mbulile. Lidiku lilonda ku natsya nasamula, hamugolova vamutunga mmbeere mu kikombe, Yohana yamanya na avugula mmbeere gene yago, yakaduka ku inzira, ni yizuritsa baba wewe yammbola vakuhe kindu, vakutunga uvika muya. Yamanya navugula mmbeere yago nazuka muya. Lwa yaduka engo vamuteva Yohana vakuhe kindu wa usamule dave? Yohana yamanya na avola "vambere mmbeere" na chigira wambola cha vakuhere uvika muya, ndakuzuka mmbere muya. Baba wewe nahenza na avola, Yohana ndenya nuzi havundu, nuzi kusamula havundu vakutungi, ammbeere ugingira ku mutwi. Yohana yamanya natsya lidiku llonda ku kandi vamutunga. Lidiu yili vamutunga amaguta. Maguta gene yaga Yohana natula nago, naduka ku inzira, navika ku mutwi.

Na chigira yajenda lujendo lutambi, mmbasu gwari guvara, maguta gene yaga, gamanya gakubwa na mmbasu ni giduruka gosi. Lwa yaduka engo vamuteva Yohana, vakutungi kindu ki. Yohana na avola "vandungi amaguta, wambola ni vambee kindu, ngingira ku mutwi. Lwa nduki ku inzira mmbasu gunguba gosi, gidoroka." Baba wewe na amuvola nuva vakutungi kindu kuri amaguta, ugingira mu makono. Yohana natsya lidiku llonda ku kandi vamutunga, yakamara kukola igasi vamuha egibaga. Yohana chigira vammbola vakuhe kindu kuri chene yecho ugingira mu makono, gibaga chaduka havundu ni kimugwatura ku makono, ni chiruka. Yohana na aduka engo ave mwere. Yohana rero vakutungi ku dave? Aa! Vandungi rigari vambe egibaga. Ku kive hai? Si wambola ni vakuhe kindu igingira mu makono. Ngingi egibaga mu makono ni kiduka kunzira ni kingwatura na masande, ni kiruka. Yohana vakuheye, kindu kuri egibaga uvoha ku mugoye, ma ugendanga imberi na yecho kikuronda inyuma.

Lidiku lilonda ku Yohana kandi na atsya, rero vamuha inyama. Yohana kandi mu vusiro vwevwe. Navugura inyama eyo navoha ku mugoye. Natanga kukurula hasi naye nangenda imberi. Lwa yakulula inyama hasi na tsimbwa tsimulonda, ni tsirya. Yaduka engo na kigumba chonyene. Baba wewe naluha naye nammbola Yohana, ndamenya ni moloma ku iwe vuri lidiku. Genyekana vakuhe kindu kuri inyama. Ugingira ku rivega. Lidiku lya kumaritsa Yohana yaduka na asamula, liduku lya kumaliza vamutunga ibunda. Vamutunga isokeli, galoreka mpaka adukitse isokeli engo, rero vamuhe mitungu minene. Yohana yamanya na avugula isokeli na avika ku rivega. Vamanya valwana na isokeli chigila oyo ave na tsingulu tsya kuginga isokeli dave. Yohana na atula irya agingi isokeli, vandu vosi vatula mu ridala vatsa kuhenza kindu ki kikoleka. Kumbe Yohana nu mundu utahula dave. Lugano yulu lukwegiza mu rimenya lyetu genyekana kuve vandu va kuhula. Uhulize umanyirize ga vakwegitsa. Gavola ndi, lakini nutaveye mundu wa kuhuliza, ulamenya nu ugoyana vuli lidiku. Si genyekana kuve kuli Yohana musiro dave.

A foolish person

This foolish person was called John. We had a dormant child called John. John was a lazy person. One day he was hungry and he thought of going to do work. The reason being that you have to work in order to eat. John went out to work somewhere. When he finished working they paid him money. John took the money and kept it on his palm, with the aim of taking it to his parents so that they could buy food.

When he reached at the road he saw the eagle taking chicks that belonged to someone else. John shouted and threw the eagle with the money that he was holding in his palm. He later realized that he had thrown away the money that he had because he was chasing the eagle away. When he arrived at home they asked him where the money that he was given was, since he had spent the whole day at work. He said that the money that he was paid he carried it in his palm and when he arrived at the road, he saw the eagle carrying away the chicks that belonged t someone else and I threw it with the money and the money got lost. The father warned him from carrying the money in the palm whenever he was paid at work.

John agreed and the following day, he went to work. In the evening he was paid milk in a cup. When he was on the road he recalled that the father told him to keep whatever he was paid in the pocket, he poured the milk in the pocket and when he arrived at home, they asked him, if he was paid and he said that he was given milk and since his father had asked him to keep whatever he was paid in the pocket. He poured the milk in the pocket. The father then told him that whenever he is given milk he should carry it on his head. John went to work and he was given cooking oil. He took the milk and when he reached at the road he kept it on his head.

Since he was traveling for a long distance, it was very hot and the cooking oil melted. When he arrived at home he was asked to show what he was paid. John replied that he was given cooking oil and since they told him to carry whatever he was given on his head, when he was on the road the sun was hot and the cooking oil melted. The father asked him to be carrying things like cooking oil in the hands whenever he was paid. John went to work the following day and he was paid a cat. And since he was told to be carrying such items in the hand, the cat reached at a point and scratched his hands and ran away. John arrived home without anything. "John you were not paid" they asked. He said that he was paid a cat and since they had told him to be carrying such items in his hands, I reached at the road and the cat scratched me with its nails and ran away. "If you are given a cat, you tie it with a rope and you walk as it follows you" the father told him.

The following day John went and he was given meat. Because of his foolishness he took the meat and tied it with a rope. He started to pull it as he walk in the front. While he was pulling it, the dogs began to follow him as they ate the meat. John arrived at home with a bone alone. The father was upset with him and he told him that he has advised him several time. "Whenever you are given meat you should carry it on your shoulder." The father told him. The last day John worked and he was given a donkey, he was supposed to take the donkey home. This time the payment was huge. John took the donkey and kept it on his shoulder. He fought with the donkey since he did not have enough energy to carry the donkey, as he was walking people from the village came to see what was happening. And they realized that John is a person who does not hear. This story is teaching us that we should be people who listen to instructions. You should listen and understand what you are taught. But if you do not listen you will be confused always. We should not be like the foolish John.