Play time: 04:26 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.


Stanley Mugalo

Mbe na lugano lwa valogoli, kulondekana nende inyama ilangwa kisungura. Kisungura chamanyikana kuva inyama ive na vubala vunyingi. Noho luvega lundi chamanyikana kuva kigeri kuvita tsinyama tsindi. Ryali ho liduku llala kisungula ni kiva kive na inzala inyiki sana. Na chenya kuli kinyala kunyola cha kurya. Ni kigenda ni kiduka havundu, ni kinyola musala guve ku na matunda. Lwa chahenza ku musala yugu ni kinyola kinyala kunina ku musala gwene yuku chene dave. Kihenza mu tsinganakani ni inyola, matunda yaga gakuluke hasi, mpaka mbenze inyama yindi, inyala kusungusula musala gwene yugu, noho inyala kunina ku nyole matunda gene yaga. Chamanya ni kitsya ni kinyola ing'ombe yaya. Kivola ing'ombe uve ndi, ing'ombe ni ivola mbe mulamu, ku mbenza cha ndya. Kisungula kimmbola ndakuvita havundu, ndoli chukulya kiveho kilahi. Cha kunyala kulya kandi kwigute. Ku ndenya ungonye kutsi na ive, ongonye kunyole chukulya chene yiki. Ing'ombe ni imuteva kive hai? Sungula na avola na matunda gave ku musala. Rigali malahi, sungula ni vahulizana na ing'ombe ni vatsya ku musala ing'ombe ni immbola inze ndali ni mbe ku musala yugu.

Sungula ni immbola unina ku dave. Cha ndenya ukole ndenya wisunde inyuma, ma uduye ku musala gwene yugu na tsingulu. Matunda gave khu igulu yaga galagwa hasi ma kuri. Ne ing'ombe yavula kuganagana hatambi. Yamanya sungula imbola mang'ana ga girigari. Yamanya ni yisunda inyuma ni yitsa na tsingulu tsyosi, na muriviti ni yitsa niduya na mutwi. Musala, lwa yaduya musala gwene yugu, ingawa matunda gamanya ni gagwa hasi navutsa sungula yali na ihaja na matunda sana dave. Yari na ihaja na mmbere ga ing'ombe. Ku lwa ing'ombe yaduya ku musala gwene yugu, luhiga lwamanya nu lwingira musala luhanda mu. Ing'ombe chigira yasuvira sungula nu murina wewe. Yamanya ni itanga kukuba tsikuyiri. Ni yogomba singular murina wewe ajigonye kutula musala gwene yugu.

Navutsa sungula yamanya natula tsimbiru chigira amanyi ga yakwenya utsi yengo. Ulangi vana veve, ulangi mukere wewe, ni vatsa na tsindoho. Venya kunyola cha vakwenya kutula ku ing'ombe. Na cha venya kutula ku ing'ombe chari mmbele gege. Sungula yamanya natanga kukera. Chigira rive ho riduku rya anyola ing'ombe akere ndyonio dave. Yakera navika mmbele mu tsindoho navola vana veve vitse vanune, ni vaginga ni vahira ingo. Sungula yatumikila ing'ombe mu inzira ikenyekana dave. Lugano lwene yulu lukwegiza ndina kali nu uve nu mulina, umanyirize uve na murina wa luganu yulu. Kuve na varina valala vanyala kwenya vavugule, vindu kutula kwa ive ma vahenza inzira ya vukora. Vatsa kuvugula kindu kutula ku ive. Kenyeka kwege kari nu ukili kunyola mulina, umanye nu mulina wa luganu ndi.


I have a maragooli story; it is about an animal called hare. Hare is known because of its tricky ways. On the other side it's known to be clever than other animals. One day the hare was so hungry. And it figured ways of getting meals. He walked and reached somewhere, and saw a tree that had many fruits. When he looked at the tree he realized that he could not climb on it. He thought for a while and realized that if he wanted the fruits to come down he needed to look another animal to shake the tree or the one that climb on it in order for me to get the fruit. He went and found a cow that was grazing. He greeted the cow and asked her how she was, and the co told him that she was looking for meals. The hare told her that he had passed a place and seen some food. Food that we can eat and get fed. So I want you to follow me, and assist me to get the food. The cow asked him where the food was, the hare told her that they were fruits on the tree. The cow told him that she was on that tree.

The hare told her that she could not manage to climb the tree and what she needed to do is to move back and hit the tree with a lot of force. The fruits that are on the top will fall down then we eat. The cow did not think about, she believed that the hare was telling her the truth. She moved back and came with a lot of momentum, and hit the tree with the head. Though the fruits fell down, the hare was not interested in the fruits; he wanted the milk from the cow. When the cow hit the tree the horn stuck inside. Since the cow knew that hare was her friend she began screaming, she expected the hare to assist her to get off from the tree.

The hare ran away very fast since he knew what he wanted, he went home and called his children and wife, and they came with buckets. They wanted to get what they needed from the cow. And they wanted the milk from the cow. The hare began to milk the cow. Because he knew that there was no other day of finding the cow and milking her. He milked the cow and poured the milk in the bucket and asked his children to come and suck the milk. They carried the milk home. Hare used the cow in a wrong way. This story is teaching us that even if you have a friend, you should know that you have a friend of this type. There are some friends who may want to take things from you, and they look for a way of doing it. Then they come and take it away from you. We need to learn that before you get a friend you need to know the kind of friendship.