Play time: 03:18 minutes. Recorded in Mudete, Kenya, March 4, 2014.

Inyama Ya Varanganga Imbiti

Stanley Mugalo

Lugano lulonda ku ni lwa inyama yavalanganga imbiti. Imbiti ni inyama yu mulitu. Imbiti ni inyama yayanza rirya. Yayanza rirya ligali. He chukurya kive imbiti isekera ho vutsa. Liduku llala imbiti, yagenda gari maduku ga mmbasu. Mmbasu gwavita chukurya kunyoleka ni vudinyu. Imbiti yamanya ni izya kuvaya. Wa kisungula, namuteva unyala kunyolela ku chukulya, kisungula kimmbola chukurya kive ho kinyingi sana. Cha kwenya kukole, kuhenze mundu unyala kuginga. Akuhile wa chukula kive, navola kuhenze rinyonyi, rinyonyi linyala kuginga kutsi mwigulu, kutsi kulya yo chukulya. Nammbola henza ku igulu iyi ulole. Shi ulola chukurya kive mu rigulu yiki.

Yahenza ku malesi nasuvira malesi ni chukurya cha maguta. Cha kivana cha ing'ombe. Yamanya na avola, kuvole rive rikushire, ryamanya ni rivugila kuvaginga. Ni vatsya vaduka mwigulu. Lwa vatsya mwigulu, chigira imbiti ive na rirya rinyiki, ryenya kurya kuvita tsinyama sindi, ni irora kuvita ku chukurya, hai na inze inzala inumanga. Yamanya ni ihenza kumalesi ni ilola malesi galavi sana. Badala ya kutsya ihale itangire ku malesi gave himbi yaha. Yamanya ni isira ni itula ku mugongo gwa rive. Ni itsya kugwa ku malesi ni ivola isire. Lwa yasira si yamanya, na wavere hara ni vudinyu, kusena hasi dave. Yamanya nasira ku malesi lakini yamanya natula mwigulu, nagomagoma naduka hasi. Vugira kuvugula chukurya cha yakwenya, yamanya nagwa hasi, na asalila mmbiri sana.

Lugano yulu lukuvola ndi kutava vandu, va ryenya rinyingi kuvita rya kunyaritsa dave. Nu uva na ryenya rinyingi rya uranyitsa, gamanyanga unyala kukuza inyinga yoyo ni ikiri kuduka dave.

An animal called hyena

The following story is about an animal called, hyena. It is a wild animal. It likes eating. It eats a lot. Where there is food the hyena moves around happily. There came a dry season, it was difficult to find food. The hyena went to play. The hyena asked hare if he could find food for him. The hare told him that there is a lot of food. What we need to do is to look for someone to carry us. To take us where there is food. He said we look for a bird. The bird can carry us to heaven. So that we can go there and eat. The hare asked the hyena t look up in the sky and see the food.

He looked at the clouds and thought that it was food with a lot of oil. He asked the hare if they could allow the eagle to take them there. The eagle agreed to take them there. They went and reached the sky. When they arrived since hyena is greedy he wanted to eat more than other animals. When he saw the cloud he asked the hare why are they leaving the food and yet he was hungry. He looked at the sky and saw that they were shining. Instead of waiting to arrive at their expected destination, he decided to jump from the back of the eagle. When it jumped it did not know where they were it difficult to step down, he jumped and fell down from the sky. Without taking the food that he wanted. He fell down and hurt himself. This story is teaching us that we should not be greedy. If you are greedy you may die before time.