Play time: 05:01 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, February 27, 2014.

Mukere Na Manane

Maiden Kasambai

Rita lyange vananganga Maiden, ndenya kuvola lugano lwa mukere na manani. Kwali ho na mukere na vana. Mu kivala chila manani gali mu manyingi sana. Sasa nu wenya kutsya havundu ku lugendo, nu wavita ku nzila manani yago gali ganyala kulya mu nzira. Gabida ukave inzira yosi yo unyala kutumikila ku utsi uvite mu manani yago. Kwali ho na mukele yenya atsi mu safari. Mu lugendo, lwa yafikilia nalola inzira ilya manani gaizula ku manyingi sana. Ngotwa nyala kuvita ndina mu manani gala. Ku nangwa nzi nduke vulahi, wa nyenyanga kandi, nzilane vulahi.

Yamanya na aganagana, nateva vatende munye lwa muma mudzidza ku lugendo mumanya mutumikila inzila ki. Vatende yavo galoleka vadza ku mu lugendo dave. Vo vaikala hango. Mukere uyu yatumikila vwongo vwevwe, yavola hapana inze cha kola manya kave ku inzira yosi, mpaka ndakudzya mu lugendo lwange ndirane na mirembe. Yamanya na aganagana vudiku vwosi, lidiku lya kudzya mu lugendo lyali mugamba gwene. Na aganagana lwa vwachela asuvuhi na avaola hapana. Mpaka lazima nzi mu lugendo lwenolo. Yasinza kasungula yatuliza ku lisero. Yavugula kakebe yalomba chava kindu kuli kadindi. Yasuvila nakuba kadindi kala manani gamanya giluke, gadzi mu visaka. Na inze mbite vulahi ku inzira nduke wa nziza. Yamanya nafwana mulo ni yuminya kadindi ni kuma viulahi. Nakong'onda katindi kene yako nahula kahulika vulahi.

Nakong'onda kandi nahula kahulika vulahi. Yamanya ni yisava vwangu, ni yivika tsinguvu, natanga lugendo. Naamua ma ngendange ni nguba kadindi yaka ni nzimba lwimbo. Yamanya nasimuka isafari. Naduka ku inzira ha manani gatangira, akong'onda katindi kene yako yimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Avita ku linani lya kutanga, yisunda hamberi na anyola rinani lindi liluka mba. Lisingira limuteva mukere utsitsa hai, mukere nammbola nziza mu lugendo. Na kindu ki cha ugingi, kidindi namuteva kuba kun dole. Ni yimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Rinani limuteva, kandi kuba ku. Khandi nakuba ni yimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Navita ku linani yili, naduka ku lindi kandi limuteva mang'ana gene gala. Kandi nakola ndyonio. Yaduka ku lindi lya mwisho kandi limuteva ndyo, kandi nakong'onda ku kidindi ni yimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Ni yisunda ku linani lindi lyali hatari kabisa. Sasa ave shimbi kuduka ha atsitsa. Kindu chosi chaligosa ku dave. Naduka ku linani lyene yelo, limuteva mukere ujingi ki, mukere oyo natanga kwimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Linani livola kubaku ndole. Nakuba ni yimba:

Yiki ni kidindi change, yiki ni kidindi change

Cha ngubila manani gosi ku gandole

Linani yelo lwa ryalola ni rihula indumba eyo ni indahi, ni ritanga kusyeva, risyeva ni rivila mukere navita tsimbiru natsya vulahi, lukanu lwange lufwere hawene yahoo.

A woman with ogres

My name is Maiden and I want to give a story about woman with ogres. We had a woman with children. In that place, there were many ogres. Whenever you wanted to travel and pass via their route the ogres could eat you. You had to figure out how you can pass through those ogres. We had a woman who wanted to go for a journey. She remembered that there were many ogres on the route that she wanted to go through. She wondered how she could pass through all those ogres. And reach safely.

She thought and asked her neighbors how they normally pass through the ogres. It came out clearly that they do not go for journeys. They stay at home. The woman said no and thought of ways to enable her make her journey successfully. She thought the night before the trip and in the morning she said no. I must go to where I want. She slaughtered a rabbit and made a small drum. She knew when she plays the small drum; the ogres will run away and hide into the bush. Then I pass and arrive safely where I am heading. She lit fire and dried the small drum, she played it and the sound was clear.

She played again and it was clear. She bathed and dressed herself, and began the journey. She planned how she will be walking as she plays the small drum and sing. When she arrived where the ogres were, she began to play it as she sing:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

She passed the first ogre and went ahead and found another ogre. That was not running away, it stood and asked her where she was going. She answered that she was going for a journey, and what are you carrying, a small drum. She asked her to play it as she sang:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

The ogre asked her to play it again she played as she sang:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

She passed the ogre and found another one that asked her the same question. Again she did the same, she met the last one that asked her the same question. Again she played the small drum as she sang:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

She met the dangerous ogre, while she was near where she was going. There was nothing that was scaring it. She met that ogre, the ogre asked her what she was carrying this woman began to sing:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

The ogre asked her to continue. She sang:

This is my small drum x2

That I play for all the ogres, so that they can see me

The ogre began dancing to the music, it danced until it forgot and the woman passed very fast and arrived safely where she was going. My story ends there