Play time: 02:45 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, February 27, 2014.

Kurombo Omotere

Carolyne Chesi

Ku mita vananga Carolyne Chesi na nyenya nzaye omutere gwange, gwa manya ndukile saa saba. Manya nzi murimi nzi kwaya likuvi, anzaye nende omutere, anyole. Ndakanyola mbagale, ndakavagala aguniale, gwakhaniala imanya iduke himbi saa tano, saa sita ambike ku mahiga. Ndakavika ku mahiga, ngeleka munyu. Manya mbukule ndokitse, mbukule munyu nde mu nyungu. Mbike mu tudzi tudidi, ambike ku mashiga. Kushi njukane mu. Kandi gutavakile kandi njukanye mu.

Mbukule ijumbi kidogo mbike mu, ngunike lwa gumanya gushi kabisa, anzihule. Anzalike ma nduke. Ndakaluga, nimbe na vana noho vageni vange, mbugule vuchima vula nde kumesa, ndinule mutere gwange, mbilile vageni vange kutange kulagila navo. Nende omutere gwange.

Mbugula mazi mbika ku kifulya, ambika mu tsikuyi. Sunde mu tsikuyi mpaka lwa kifulya kivira. Mambukule vusi vwange mbike mu matsi kidogo. Ndukange galaha na vuchima vutavagilla. Mpaka lwa vumanya vuhambane, ndange kumalidza. Mbukule mulo kidogo sunde inyuma, mbike mu mahiga mwenomo mullo kidogo, vuchima vwenovo vushi. Vwakasha manya nzihule, ndete tsisahani mbike ku. Mbire ku mesa vuchina vwa vageni vange na vana vange.

Preparing vegetable

My name is Carolyne Chesi and I want to look for my green vegetable called Omutere which I will prepare at lunch time. I will go to the farm to look for vegetable called Rikuvi. Then I prepare it together with Omutere. Then I dry them, then at around 11 a.m. towards 12 a.m. I will put it on fire. Then I prepare the soda ash. Then I will take and wash it. Then I put the soda ash in the pot, and then add in little water then I put it on fire. Then I stir it, again it bubble as I stir in.

Then I add in little salt. I cover it until it is cooked. Then I will take it off. Then I prepare baked maize flour. Then I put it on the table and serve the vegetable to the visitors, and we start eating.

Then I add water on the cooking pan. Then I add firewood. I add the fire until the water boils. Then I take a pinch of the maize flour and add into the water. I cook it, until it sticks together. As I finish cooking I will reduce the fire. Until the baked maize flour is cooked. Then I put it on plate and take it to the table. For my visitors and children.