Play time: 02:05 minutes. Recorded in Shiru, Kenya, February 27, 2014.

Henza Ku Yesu

Carolyne Chesi

Henza ku yesu ha Kalvary,

Ha ya tsuka masahi gege

Tsimbavasi tsitsye tsinene,

Tsivita vwoni vwetu vwosi


Tsimbavasi tsya Nyasaye,

Tsi la lavidza myoyo gyetu,

Tsimbavasi tsya Nyasaye,

Tsivita vwoni vwetu vwosi


Vwoni vwaguta vandu vosi,

Vwaha anyala kuvutulidza

Henza masahi go muhonyi

Ganyala kwogidza vwosidza


Ku genya ku tsimbavasi yidzi,

Tsi hevwa vutswa ku va suuviri

Vwaha wenyanga kuvohololwa

Saala ku yesu, mutungiri


Look at Jesus

Look at Jesus at Calvary,

Where he shed his blood

His great mercies

They have defeated all our sin


God's mercies,

Will purify all our soul

God's mercies

They have defeated all our sin

Sin that defeated everyone,

Who can wash away?

Look at the blood of the savior

It can wash away all of it


We are wondering about these mercies,

They are given to the believers

Who wants to be released?

I am prayer to God my savior